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Nathan Evans

Teaching Philosophy Update

EDUC 330
Bluefield State College
When I envision a teacher, I do not just see a person who is there to pass on their
knowledge in a direct and orderly fashion. I see a person who genuinely cares for their students.
They are not only engaged in their students comprehension of knowledge or academic skill, but
are engaged in their students lives. Teachers are not just educators. They are mentors, role
models, confidants, and friends. The teachers who made the most impact on my life and
academics were compassionate people who were engaged in their students and made learning
fun and interesting, not a monotonous routine. I believe teachers who exhibit these friendly
qualities and pass on their knowledge in a fun, constructive manner are the ones who positively
and successfully impact their students.
Personal contact and genuine interest in my students will be essential to my approach.
The teachers who have made the biggest impact on my educational journey were always highly
engaged and active with their students. When I think of the word teacher I do not just envision a
person who is interested in their subject and sharing their knowledge, but someone who is also
interested in their students academics and wellbeing. I will know my students not just on a last
name basis. I will always be interested in my students, for I believe you have to know and
understand a person before you can teach and direct them.
I will always make myself available to my students. They may ask me any question and
I will answer to the best of my ability. Some students will be open and engaging, but many
students need encouragement to talk to their teachers. I can recall as a student I was always
afraid to ask a question in front of the class thinking it reflected poorly on my comprehension

skills. Yet, asking questions is pivotal in ensuring comprehension and retention of said
knowledge. I will make it known that I am always available for discussions and welcome to help
them with any problem that they may present.
The learning environment plays a pivotal role in a students education. I will always have
a positive atmosphere in my classroom. Any question they may have will be gladly welcomed
and I will encourage them to share their question. I will also let it be known that they may not be
the only one who is curious, and that by asking their question they may be helping a fellow
student. Regarding mistakes or misconceptions, I believe them to be a constructive tool. As a
student, I always felt my mistakes or misunderstandings reflected upon my ability. Yet, I believe
I learned the most from my mistakes. Therefore, in my classroom, mistakes or incorrect answers
will be treated as opportunities to explore and understand misconceptions. They will never be
treated as a reflection of a students ability. We make mistakes so we can learn from them.
Positive reinforcement and constructivism will have a critical role in my classroom.
As a teacher, my ultimate goal is to give my students the knowledge they need to be
successful in whatever they chose to do in life. Knowledge is power. I want to emphasize that
knowledge gives them the power to direct their own lives. Knowledge is the ultimate tool; they
should use this tool to tailor their lives as they see fit. I aim to encourage a sense of wonderment.
I want them to question and have curiosity about the world in which we reside; to teach them to
constantly ask how and why, for these questions will advance them on their journey. Being
inquisitive is a strong source of motivation for a student to search for the answers they seek.
In conclusion, I plan to be more than just someone who passes down information. I plan
to be open to my students and engaged in who they are as people. I will teach them in a positive
manner, where curiosity is king and finding answers is a fun and rewarding journey. Mistakes or

misunderstandings will be made, but they will be treated as an opportunity to think how did I
arrive at this conclusion; what can I learn from my mistake. I will teach them knowledge is a
tool used to create and tailor their own lives, that it empowers them. I aim to create a thirst and
hunger for knowledge, to teach them to be inquisitive. I believe planting this seed of curiosity,
reinforced with a positive and friendly atmosphere, will help them to grow and motivate them to
be whatever it is they desire.

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