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#include <stdio.

#include <unistd.h>


* global vars, defined in each app
* Don't forget to declare them in each ".c" file
uint64 proc_id = 0;
/* this process id */
link_info_t * nodes = NULL;
/* peer matrix */
bool_t exit_request = FALSE;
static char * fname = NULL;
* Event handler functions.
* These functions must properly free the cookie revieved.
int testfunc1(void * cookie)
uint8 *buff = NULL;
int len = 0;
* Test by using this at terminal;
* $ netcat -u localhost 9001
dbg_msg("A message arrived from the depths of internet! cookie='%s'", (char
dbg_msg("Go check the socket! :p");
/* This is just a test now */
dme_recv_msg(&buff, &len);
dbg_msg("Oh goodie! recieved message[%d]: %s", len, buff);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *fh;
int res = 0;
if (0 != (res = parse_params(argc, argv, &proc_id, &fname))) {
dbg_err("parse_args() returned nonzero status:%d", res);
goto end;
* Parse the file in fname
if (0 != (res = parse_file(fname, proc_id, &nodes))) {
dbg_err("parse_file() returned nonzero status:%d", res);
goto end;

dbg_msg("nodes has %d elements", sizeof(nodes));

* Init connections (open listenning socket)
if (0 != (res = open_listen_socket(proc_id, nodes))) {
dbg_err("open_listen_socket() returned nonzero status:%d", res);
goto end;
* Register signals (for I/O, alarms, etc.)
if (0 != (res = init_handlers(nodes[proc_id].sock_fd))) {
dbg_err("init_handlers() returned nonzero status");
goto end;
register_event_handler(DME_EV_MSG_IN, testfunc1);
register_event_handler(20, testfunc1); /* This should cause an error */

dbg_msg("Sleeping 2 secs before delivering event DME_EV_MSG_IN");

deliver_event(DME_EV_MSG_IN, "GREAT SUCCESS");
deliver_event(DME_EV_MSG_IN, "O'rly ?");
deliver_event(20, "This should generate 'how we got here???' msg");
dbg_msg("Sleeping 5 secs before engaging in network communication."\
"Wait for other nodes to init");
dbg_msg("Sending a tex to another process id");
char * buff[256];
sprintf(buff, "\n\n\n\t\t *** This is a message from peer process %d ****\n\
n\n\n", proc_id);
dme_send_msg((proc_id +1) % 2, buff, strlen(buff)); /* send to other node (1
or 0) */
* Main loop: just sit here and wait for interrups.
* All work is done in interrupt handlers mapped to registered functions.
while(!exit_request) {
* Do cleanup (dealocating dynamic strucutres)

/* Close our listening socket */

if (nodes[proc_id].sock_fd > 0) {
safe_free(nodes); /* test safe_free() on NULL pouinter */
return res;

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