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"And the medicine ( bringeth ?

) joy and healing to the

drinker and riches to him who administereth it. Thou (O)
sprig, givest salvation and not perdition, for thou make
them strong (and art) a healer, thou workest healing and
yieldest not (344.1).
"Cure, my cure! Victorious Medicine, my victorious healer!
"Protection, son of Protection art thou, lofty is thy throne.
" Protection son of Protection" they call me ( 335.15).
"I am Sambra, the good neighbour, king of all drugs"
(335.17). From other Zoroastrian texts:
"I carry on me the... victorious Haoma. I carry on me the
Protector (as) the good thing. I carry on me the Protector
of the body (Yasht 14.57).
"(Haoma) is the chief of medicinal herbs ( Bundahisn
17.20). Mandaean Safta d Sambra:
"Thou hold back.. those evil spirits... like lightning that is
sent and loosed against that evil serpent, driving it out
and turning it aside by its force from that house ( 334.22).
"Turn away that evil serpent that makes for him: scare it
off, thou Medicine, frighten it away by thy potency. And
receive from me these spells and conjurarations... harass,
drive away and make impotent those who hate him and
all his enemies, and sids, demons (daiwia), incubi,
hobglobins, malign spirits, amulet spirits, evil
apparations, spectres and fearsome shades of darkness,
evil enchantments, wicked machinations (343.15).
"Healing Medicine that cureth spirits and souls, before
whom sids tremble and evil spirits quaking are driven

(337.5)."Even the smallest Haoma-preparation, the

smallest Haoma-laudation, the smallest Haoma- potation,
serves to smite a thousand demons.
"Let the contamination vanish from that house as soon as
it is created, as soon as, indeed, one brings it forth... and
praises the excellent healing of him who confers healing,
Haoma ( Yasna 10.6-7)
( Yasna 9.1) "At the morta time ( the first period of the
day), Haoma came upon Zarathushtra, purifying the fire
and intoning the Gathas. Zarathushtra asked him: " Who,
man, art thou whom i see as the most beautiful in all the
material world, luminous with thine own life?" Then the
righteous duraosa Haoma answered: I am, O
Zarathushtra, the righteous duraosa Haoma. Take me,
Spitama, extract me that i may be drunk, praise me with
might, as the other saosyants ( saviors) have praised
me.""Thus spake Zarathshtra: " Praise be to Haoma!
Which mortal in the material world firdt extracted thee?
What reward was granted him ? What benefit came to
Haoma responds to Zarathushtra, in the house of
Pourushaspa, opposed to the daevas, following the law of
the ahuras.The Mandaean texts also recommend
ingestion of the plant for wholly apotropaic ends, as in
the following passage where the plant is called by its
Persian name, isfand/ispand:
Solomon then asks, " O demon, what is the charm that
exorcises thee? ... The demon peplies giving a recipe and
a magical formula, the latter

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