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Formalin Test

Disusun Oleh :
Defi Maulida
Qriyasa E.J
Melinda Ranny D.
Dzanil Januar
Hilda Immamatul
Vindy Julian
Dewi Lestari
Iklila Muawanah




The development of food today is increasingly diverse forms, either of its
kind as well as taste and processing method. But along with the rapid growth of
food processing techniques, the addition of additive materials for food products is
difficult to avoid, one that was more outstanding is the syntactical preservatives
use to extend the shelf life of food.
Formalin including one of syntactical preservative which is widely used to
preserve food today. Formalin is an additional efficient material, but is forbidden
because it is dangerous to health. Although the use of formaldehyde is banned, but
their use is still found in the surrounding communities.
At this study, formaldehyde testing performed on foodstuffs such as cilok,
sausage, crackers, chicken pieces, and seaweed. Therefore, the formalin test lab is
extremely important in order to know how to identify a food that contained
formaldehyde compound.


2.1 Tool and Materials
2.1.1 Tool :

The glass beaker

The test tube

Mortar and alu



Measuring cup


2.1.2 Materials :



Chicken pieces


Hot water

Reagents A and B


2.2 Work scheme and Function Treatment

In the formalin test lab, the first step is to prepare the tools and materials that will
be used for lab work. Material or sample used in this lab is sausage, cilok,
crackers, chicken pieces, and seaweed. The sample is weighed in advance of each
of 10 grams using analytical balance. Then, the sample is weighed, put in a mortar
for pounding. Pulverization of samples are useful to reduce the size and increase
the surface area of the samples so easily detectable formaldehyde in the samples.
The sample was pulverized put in 100 ml glass beaker. Then, add 20 ml of hot
water, to expedite the process of formaldehyde in water solubility. Once added to
the boiling water, let stand until the sample temperature drops and precipitation.

Then, move the filtrate or water course into a test tube. Add 4 drops of reagent A
and reagent B. Addition of reagent A function to detect the addition of formalin,
while reagent B as a reagent that can change color in the solution. Then the test
tube was shaken using a vortex that reagent and sample solution becomes
homogeneous and the reaction is optimal. After that, put in the test tube rack test
tube, wait for 10 minutes. Observe the changes that occur in the solution in a test
tube. If the solution changes color to purple, then the positive samples containing
formalin and unsafe for consumption.

3.1 Chicken Meat
Based on lab results, chicken meat was positive containing formalin.
Formalin chicken highest abortion. It stretcher evidenced by a color change
produced after hatching reagents A and B, and then shaking with vortex and wait a
few minutes. Then compared with the color intensity of all the ingredients.
Chicken meat has a purple color is most concentrated among others. Formalin
chicken meat is usually colored whiter and cleaner than chickens without
formaldehyde which is has fresh white red and more durable compared with a
chicken without formaldehyde. based on the previous theory known that a chicken
without formaldehyde smelled fishy, while the sample that containing
formaldehyde does not smell fishy. The other theories shown that the sample
which containing formaldehyde has a tend to be mushy texture, while the chicken
pieces containing formaldehyde has bit stiff texture.
The presence of formaldehyde in broilers caused by the reaction of
formaldehyde and proteins, where the circuits of protein

adjacent so that it

becomes hardened and insoluble protein.

3.2 Kerupuks ( Crackers )
Kerupuk (crackers) is a snack which is made by mixing tapioca with other
material like shrimp or fish. Kerupuk is made by steam the dough, and then
continued with slice the dough and dried with sunlight. The last process is fry
kerupuk with cooking oil.
In food production we know there are many food additives that can use to
make better the quality of food. The kind of food additive is like coloring,
preservative, flavor, emulsifier, and anymore.
Based on the practice. We know that kerupuk which is tested contain
formaldehyde or formalin on it. It cause the result show that color intensity of
formaldehyde test is change become red or purple.
There are any producer add formalin to kerupuk because formalin can
make the texture of kerupuk is good. The texture of kerupuk which is added
formalin on it better crack than others. But, formalin isn't good for healthy. And

government don't permit that use for food. Oke (2008) says that formalin is use as
preservative agent.
To cope the crackers not sluggish in the packaging. According Syarief
(1989) explains that there is a relationship between the packaging to the quality of
the packaged product. The packaging will keep the product of changes in aroma,
color, texture is influenced by the movement of water vapor and oxygen.
3.3 Seaweeds
Seaweeds are sea plant that belong to the low level plants, does not have
true leave, root and stem. Seaweed like a stem called thallus, seaweed in the sea
attach themselves to the coral reef in the ocean (aslan, 1999). In the area industry
seaweed used as material for industry, for example for the manufacture of raw
materials and other ice cream. Consumption of seaweed is hight, the addition of
preservatives sample of seaweed have a formalin. Based on observational data in
the can, seaweed samples positive for formaldehyde, the intensity of the color to
dark brown. That can be evidenced by the color change produced after the
addition of reagent A and B of the color green become blackish brown. that can
occur where manufacturers use formalin to preserve seaweed. In the literature
which states that formaldehyde can be used as a preservative. The use of
formaline in seaweed can occur due to formaldehyde reaction with protein to form
a series circuit between adjacent protein, as a result of the reaction hardened
protein and insoluble (Hardiantini, 2003).
3.4 Sausage
The sausage is one of the processed meat product. According to the
Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-3820-1995), a good sausage should contain
a minimum of 13% protein, fat and carbohydrate maximum of 25% up to 8%. If
these standards are met, it can be said that the sausage is a food source of protein.
Based on the intensity of the color chart, the sausage is ranked fourth. So
that proving a sausage samples containing formaldehyde. According to the
literature, cooking sausages aims to combine the components of sausages batter,
stabilizing the color and activate the microbes. So, the use of formaldehyde in
sausage as a preservative. This is done to make the sausage is more durable,

because after the sausages cooked, microbes become active and can accelerate
spoilage on the sausage so that there formaldehyde content in the sausage.
3.5 Ciloks
Cilok is a kind of snack food made from starch (cassava starch) with or
without added minced meat shaped round and boiled until cooked. Reviewed
cilok processing, there are food additives, including the elastic and preservative.
The characteristic cilok is containing formaldehyde that is more durable and long
lasting they are stored for up to several days, pale white color and a pungent odor
when compared to Cilok in general.
Be based on the laboratory that already made, there is the content of
formaldehyde in cilok which has the lowest level of the other samples. This is
evident from the color of the sample turns into purple. In general, manufacturers
add formalin at cilok to maintain these conditions make it more durable for
several days, so if it does not run out, it could be sold the next day

From the diagram it is known that of the total samples tested, all positive
samples containing formaldehyde but with different levels. From all the sample
that has been tested, sample that contain the highest formaldehyde is chicken
meat. Formaldehyde is characterized by existence of change a color in the sample
which has been added with reagent a and reagent b. The aims addition of
formaldehyde in chicken's meat is to extend the age of storage. All the sample,
cilok is one sample which has a protein content of at least. It is characterized by
color changes that occur in the sample cilok after adding reagent a and reagent b

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