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1 was putting on the industry at the time.

2 So a gentleman that worked underneath me, Mike

3 Landry, came to me and said, I need to give him an increase,

4 are you okay with that? I said I need to approve it through

5 Chris, which is the CEO majority shareholder, and he approved

6 me to do it. So I turned around and gave Michael Landry the

7 authority to give Dr. Smith and a few other physicians the

8 necessary increase to keep the company moving forward.

9 Q. Let me show you what's been marked as Government

10 Exhibit --

11 MR. CHARTASH: May I approach, Your Honor?

12 THE COURT: You may.

13 Q. (By Mr. Chartash) -- 3-A and ask you to identify it. I'll

14 show you 3-A, 3-B, 3-C and ask if you can identify those? Take

15 a look through them.

16 A. Right. This is the, I refer to it as the MSO.

17 Q. What's the MSO?

18 A. Management Service Organization and this is the

19 Comprehensive Practice Management Agreement that --

20 Q. Agreement between who and who?

21 A. It's between -- the first one is between the company and

22 Dr. Smith.

23 Q. What date is that?

24 A. This is January 1st of 2002.

25 Q. And are you familiar with that?

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