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Agate Purple Sage
Nebula Stone
Petrified Wood
Clear Quartz
Agate Moss
Iolite-Sunstone (or Iolite and Sunstone)
Jasper Mook
Lithium Quartz
Gem Silica
Gel Lithium Silica
Angel wing Blue Anhydrite
Green Taper 12 inch
Medicine Bag:
Figure 25- Greater Keys of Solomon, First Mars
Figure 26 - Greater Keys of Solomon, Second Mars
Hours and Days to be prepare bag:
Sunday: 5AM, NOON, 7PM
Monday: 2AM, 9AM, 4PM, 11PM
Tuesday: 6AM, 1PM, 8PM
Wednesday: 3AM, 10AM, 5PM, MIDNIGHT
Thursday: 7AM, 2PM, 9PM

Friday: 4AM, 11AM, 6PM

Saturday: 1AM, 8AM, 3PM, 10PM
This is serious work and should be done in a protective circle. I use salt to make my circle and then
call in The 4 Arch Angels from North, South, East, and West. Face South and call Michael to join and
protect you. I call his name three times and then wait until you feel his presence. Michael is the
greatest of all angles. He is the angle Who is God. Face West and call on Uriel to join and protect
you. Call his name three times and wait until you feel his presence. Uriel is the fire of God he
stands watch over the garden of Eden. Face North and call on Raphael to join and protect you. Call
his name three times and wait until you feel his presence. Raphael is God has healed. Face East
and call on Gabriel to join and protect you. Call his name three times and wait to feel his presence.
Gabriel God is my strength is gods messenger angle. He is second only to Michael. You are now
protected in your work.
Consecrate your Green Taper Candle with Rose Oil. Rose can be used to clear thinking, promote
telepathic powers, and is a very strong protection oil. Light the Green Candle with the intention of
promoting healing for the person you are working for. Rose is a great healing oil for matters of the
Clear the stones with Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. I use the flame of the candle to represent Fire,
Rose incense to represent Air, Salt to represent Earth, and sprinkle Water to represent Water.
Consecrate all stones with rose oil. I know we are doing a healing spell but much of addiction has to
do with misunderstanding and fierce resentment so I chose Rose for this purpose.
Your medicine bag should be Green. We are going to use two seals from the Greater Keys of
Solomon to mark the bag for great healing. The Seals will be done in Red because we are using the
Seals of Mars. First draw the First Pentacle of Mars on the bag invoking the spirits of Mars. On the
other side of the bag draw the Second Pentacle of Mars witch is used for great success over illness.
Place the stones in the bag and close bag.
Thank the Angles for protecting you wile doing your work and release them by biding them farewell.
Your work is complete. You may give the bag to the intended person that suffers from addiction. I will
list the purpose of each stone on the following pages.
1. Agate Purple Sage - Gentile Auric Cleansing, Healing, and Strengthening, Connection with
Element: Wind
Chakras: All

Spiritual: Gentile opening to spirit and over come fear of spiritual awakening. Gentile connection to
Higher Guides and Angelic influence.
Emotional: Uplifting, helps let go of anger, resentment and judgment. (Resentment gets more people
in trouble than any other emotion.) Helps one become gentile and loving towards self and others.
Physical: Tension head aches, Addiction, Symptoms of aggressive psychic awakening.
Affirmation: I (or name of person) am purified, protected, and loved by my inner guides, and angles,
and my opening to the light is occurring in perfect timing and complete harmony. (This can be said
as you are consecrating the stone.)
2. Nebula Stone - Bringing Spiritual Light into matters, attuning to probable futures, fulfilling ones
highest aspirations, feeling at home in the body and on the Earth.
Element: Storm
Chakras: All, especially Root, and Crown
Activates the psychic senses, and facilitates growth in spiritual pursuits, right lively hood. Clears
negativity from Aura, and stimulates Kundalini, and Psyche. Gives one energy, and courage to do
what is necessary for fulfillment of highest path. Powerful transformation. It is a comforting stone.
3. Hematite - grounding, manifestation, making the spiritual physical
Element: Earth
Chakras: Root
MOST EFFECTIVE stone in grounding ones self in the body and physical world. It counteracts
spaciness and confusion. It helps one see practical concerns and move forward with useful action. It
pulls stray energies down through the meridian system to root chakra. It brings energies of etheric
realms into manifestation on the physical plane. It assists with bringing dreams into reality on
physical plane and learning the difference between true vision and fantasy. It is a stone of integration
bringing all experiences to a cohesive whole.
SPIRITUAL: teaches resolution of polarities, balancing opposites, manifestation of light, grounding
EMOTIONAL: see silver lining in bad situations and light at end of tunnel. It lends strength, courage,
and fortitude for moving through adversity. It aids in the integration of the shadow self.
PHYSICAL: recovery from ailment of blood and blood production with in bone marrow, strengthen
liver, and DETOX.
AFFIRMATION: Through my body, I ground the energies of the light realms in this world. (I strongly
recommend using the affirmations wile consecrating the stones.)

4. Petrified Wood - steady growth, strong body, past-life recall, patience, inner peace
Element: Earth
Chakras: Root, Third Eye
This is a stone of patience, of slow and steady growth towards the goal of spiritual transformation. It
is also good for strengthening the body. It instills strength of character and helps one live by ones
own ideals.
It gives a sense of peace during times of change. It assists in past life recall. It is especially useful for
grounding insights one gains from experiencing memories of past lives and making connections
between the issues and themes of previous incarnations and concerns of ones current life. ( I chose
this stone because addiction is hereditary.) It turns past weaknesses into new strengths. It assists
one in connecting with and gaining knowledge from ones ancient roots. It allows one to access
genetic records. This process can be used to heal genetic imbalances and prevent the passing on of
out moded ancestral patterns.
SPIRITUAL: teaches beauty and power of physical realm, helps one receive and learn lessons, helps
one recognize that the Earth provides everything we need and over come scarcity and greed.
EMOTIONAL: helps one recognize and over come limiting emotional patterns handed down through
ones ancestors
PHYSICAL: balance liver and gall bladder, assist in cleansing liver and blood.
AFFIRMATION: I grow and evolve slowly, steadily, and with strength, and patience, drawing lessons
from the lessons of my souls history.
5. Clear Quartz - programmability, amplification of ones intention, magnification of ambient energies,
clearing, cleansing, healing, memory enhancement.
This is the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral realm. Three key properties are
energy amplification, programmability, and memory. It can be programmed by ones focused
intention. In this case we intend to over come addiction and amplify the powers of the other stones. It
is a stone of Light bringing heightened spiritual awareness. IT COLLECTS PSYCHIC DEBRIS AND
NEEDS TO BE CLEARED PERIODICALLY. To clear the stone you can soak it in salt water over
night, cover with dry salt for a few days, burry it in the ground over night, place it in the sun, or cleans
with sage smoke. When clearing the stone focus on clearing and cleansing the center of the stone.
BONUS: It will also serve to clear and cleanse ones own personal energies. This stone will establish
a strong, clear connection to Higher Guidance and accelerate fulfillment of ones prayers. It
encourages clarity on all levels.
SPIRITUALLY: clarity on all levels, enhance communication of Guides, and psychic abilities.

EMOTIONAL: Neutral but will amplify other stones or intention

PHYSICAL: stimulates nervous system, regrowth of finger nails, and hair, assists in removing
adhesions in connective tissue.
6. Moss Agate - stability, persistence, grounding
CHAKRAS: Root, Heart
This stone promotes balance and stability in the physical domain. IT IS AN EXCELLENT STONE
assists those who feel ungrounded or unstable. It enhances mental concentration, persistence,
endurance, and bringing ones goals to completion. It assists one in connecting with Earth energy
and devic realm. It assists one in connecting to the Earth at the same time stimulating psychic
contact with elementals and Nature spirits. It assists one in bringing ideas and concepts into being. It
promotes the sense of all things being provided for us with in creation. It supports physical health,
wealth, and spiritual understanding of all aspects of the natural world.
SPIRITUAL: It encourages the spiritualization of ones life in all its aspects. It transmutes
unwholesome tendencies in ones self. It finds and replaces unwholesome tendencies with the
Devine Blue Print of the Higher Self. It brings dreams into reality by helping one hold clearly ones
inner vision manifestation can take place.
EMOTIONAL: It brings peace, and stability to the emotional body, helps develop determination, and
persistence in dealing with the daily challenges of life.
PHYSICAL: It is a stabilizing influence on all systems of the body.
AFFIRMATION: I am balanced and stable, healthy and whole, and at home on Earth.
7. Iolite-Sunstone- (a combination of Iolite and Sunstone, if you can not access this stone get the
Iolite and Sunstone individually. It will impart the same properties) productive action, physical vitality,
enhanced intuitive abilities
ELEMENT: Wind, Fire
CHAKRAS: sexual/creative (2ed), Solar Plexus (3ed), Third Eye (6th)
This stone combines the strengths of both Iolite and Sunstone. It promotes inner vision, stimulates
the Third Eye, enhances psychic abilities, prophecy, and sensitivity to energies. It will allow you to
intuitively know on a deep level what must be done. It encourages proper action over time and instills
courage and leadership. It encourages one to take responsibility for stepping forward in difficult
situations. It instills enthusiasm for new projects. It unites he visions of the Third Eye with the will to
take action of the Solar Plexus. It inspires communion with the Higher Plains, and clears the
channels for communication with wiser beings and guides.

8. Jasper Mook - slowing the aging process, intergenerational genetic healing, perception of Earth
CHAKRAS: Third eye, Solar Plexus, Root
This stone encourages one to know what direction to take in life. It encourages one to find the
threads of own instinctual capacities. It establishes rapport with spirits of ancestors. It clears and
activates the Third Eye and Solar Plexus Chakras. It aligns them with the Root Chakra. It allows one
to have intuitive perception of Earth energies and Life Force. It reminds one of the ageless spirit. It
helps one identify beliefs about the aging process so that thoughts about aging can be changed. You
will remain Young at heart It activates the deeper aspects of mind and genetic memory, perceiving
ancestral lessons and clearing those lessons. It frees future generations from having to repeat those
SPIRITUAL: maintain an ageless mind and body
EMOTIONAL: aids in perceiving and understanding emotional and behavioral patterns handed down
from ancestry and supports one releasing those patterns.
PHYSICAL: assists in the process of pregnancy, reproduction and regeneration of the body, and
counters the effects of aging.
AFFIRMATION: I awaken my genetic inheritance and my capacities to feel and flow with the
knowing that comes directly from Nature.
9. Gem Silica - enhanced communication, connection with goddess energies, clairvoyance, joy,
ELEMENT: Water, Wind
CHAKRAS: Throat (5th), Heart (4th), Third Eye (6th)
This is one of the FINNEST stones in the mineral kingdom for energizing the Throat Chakra and
bringing forth ones inner truth with impeccability, clarity, and eloquence. It evokes Goddess
energies, and opens the inner doorways to untapped imaginative and creative capacities. It assists in
letting go of insignificant concerns. It increases emotional discrimination so one can focus on what
truly matters. It strips away petty judgments and feelings of depression that mask underlying grief. It
helps release old, repressed grief in a flood of tears that will give way to forgiveness and renewal. It
lends clarity to communication and enhances the powers of inner vision. It stimulates clairvoyance,
balance, and peace to emotional body. It heals energetic holes especially around the heart. It lends
the energy of peace to all stones. It amplifies the effects of prayer, spells, and mantras. It brings
ones words into reality, enhances the power of affirmations. It stimulates and clears the Third Eye,
facilitates communication with Higher Guides, and Angles. It improves understanding in all

SPIRITUAL: stimulates, and clears the Third Eye, facilitates communication with higher guides, and
EMOTIONAL: facilitates expression of inner most truth and improves understanding in all
PHYSICAL: respiratory system, soothing vocal cords
AFFIRMATION: I open my heart and voice as one, offering my inner visions and highest truth
through my words.
10. Angel wing Blue Anhydrite - communication with Angels, and Spirit Guides, enhanced psychic
perception, self acceptance, and forgiveness
CHAKRAS: Throat, Third Eye, Crown
This stone cleanses the Aura of any amount of negative energy. It clears blocks, erases implants,
sooths all sorts of disharmony and provides conduct of strength through witch one can reconnect
with the Source. It opens ones connection to the Spiritual Realms. It soothes busy thoughts and
quiets internal dialog. It stimulates the Third Eye, enhancing inner vision, particularly visions of
Angelic Beings, Devas, and Guides. It is purifying to the emotional body, helping one move stuck
emotional patterns and establishing a refreshing flow of energy through the Aura. It heals ones self
worth and releases resentment.
SPIRITUAL: opens to the spirit in meditation and prayer, connects to Angelic Entities, establishes
communication with those Beings. Receive support, help, and information from Spiritual Realm.
EMOTIONAL: dislodges crystallized emotional patterns, dispels old habits of vengeance, anger, and
attack or resentment. Facilitates compassionate communication with those in need of understanding
or forgiveness, including ones self.
PHYSICAL: energy healing, clearing, cleansing aura and emotional body, strengthen skeletal system
and joints.
AFFIRMATION: I am loved, accepted, helped, and protected by my Angelic Guides, and I call upon
them for daily assistance in my spiritual journey here on Earth.
11. Gel Lithium Silica - calming, soothing, emotional serenity, and stability, antidote to stress and
CHAKRAS: All, especially Heart
This stone carries the vibrations of pure tranquility and receptivity. It brings deep peace. It will bring
one to the still place with in wear one may speak and listen to the Devine. It eliminates stress and

promotes peaceful sleep. It provides an escape from disharmonies and stresses of daily life. It
keeps one serene in the work place, maintains calm and composure in difficult social situations, and
aids one in maintaining equanimity in the face of great difficulty. It is a stone of peace, spreading
peace to the world. It is a treasured antidote to negativities and imbalances of life. It is deeply
soothing and calming to the emotional body. It facilitates finding balance between extreme emotional
states. It grounds the energy field through the Heart Center, allowing for emotional insights and
understanding of ones life experiences. It brings hyperactivity, depression, excessive fear, and worry
into balance. It purifies, and clears the Heart Center of past trauma and grief. It facilitates conscious
understanding of underlying experiences that have created emotional imbalance. It opens the Heart
in compassion so emotional healing can occur. It allows and releases attachments to stray thoughts
and worries. It facilitates understanding of ones emotional patterns and experiences. It quiets the
SPIRITUAL: helps one understand emotional patterns and quiets the mind
EMOTIONAL: PREMIER ALLY for moving through grief, releasing attachment to past emotional
experiences, healing emotional trauma
PHYSICAL: energetic assistance if one is taking medication for any emotional imbalance, supports
body in finding balance and recovering emotional well being
AFFIRMATION: I am centered and calm, regardless of the appearance of outer circumstances.
12. Benitoite - channeling, enhanced psychic abilities, increase in synchronicity the miracle stone
CHAKRAS: Third Eye
This stone is for an inward journey, paranormal abilities, awareness of meaningful synchronicities. It
gives clues to the Devine Intention. It confirms ones direction or suggests a new path. You can use
this stone to request synchronistic messages from the Devine. It helps one overcome the fear of
perceiving and understanding the truth. It facilitates discernment and the right use of ones judgment.
It connects one to the inherent understanding of the laws of the universe. It is the stone of
SPIRITUAL: psychic awakening, miracle making, recovery of knowledge from ancient civilizations
EMOTIONAL: a feeling of euphoria and limitlessness
PHYSICAL: brain and nervous system, releasing stored information from connective tissue
AFFIRMATION: I open myself to inner sight and Higher perception, for the greater good of all.
My hope is that this medicine bag will give hope to all that suffer from the disease of addiction. It
does not replace therapy, treatment, 12 step program ect. But it will support you in your recovery in a
HUGE way.

I got the angles from A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson, The rose oil and incense was from
Magickal Formulary Spellbook by Herman Slater, the seals and hours came from The Keys of Solomon
the King by S Liddell Macgregor Mathers, the stones came from The Book of Stones Who They Are and
What They Teach by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
I listed my sources above. I created this spell for people just like your husband. It looks a lot harder
than it is. There is a lot of writing because I feel you need to get farmiliar with the energies of the
stones. The seals I recommended can me looked up on line. You don't nessissarily have to have the
book on hand although it would help. Most of the ingredients can be found at your local Mediphysical
shop but some of the stones are hard to come by. I look for them on other sights like ebay. Let me
know if you need help with this.

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