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Brian Botelli
Professor J. Rulon Parker
Eng 101 31220
30 August 2016
How to Write a Successful Essay
There are many people throughout America who dread writing essays. Some just struggle
with certain parts of an essay, while others despise every step through the drafting process.
Writing an essay, however, has processes that make the drafting process much easier and lead to
more successful essay writing. Steps like brainstorming and time management can help the
writer stay focused and gather their thoughts coherently. Proper time management and
brainstorming are two vital parts to creating a successful essay.
One critical part of creating an essay is time management. A writer who can successfully
manage their time can develop the main points of their essay more effectively. For example, if a
writer spends too little time developing their argument, the essay could lack enough evidence to
make a compelling case for the writers viewpoint. The point of an essay is for the writer to
convince the reader that their viewpoint is correct. If the writers argument lacks substance, then
the essay becomes less effective, and therefore less successful. A writer who manages their time
properly can also edit and review their essay, to help fine-tune their argument. An essay that has
not been edited and reviewed has a higher likelihood of containing grammatical errors or
contradictory arguments, and a writer who manages their time properly has many opportunities
to analyze their essay, while a writer who does not manage their time properly will not have
many opportunities to edit their essay and fix any issues in the essay. Time management is an

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important part of creating an essay as it allows the writer time to develop their argument and
revise their essay.
Another important aspect of creating a successful essay is brainstorming. Brainstorming
is the stage before the 1st draft. Brainstorming is meant to help the reader get started writing the
essay, and it can help the reader gather their thoughts. A writer who brainstorms their thoughts
before writing is more likely to draft a successful essay because they can organize their thoughts
even before they start writing the essay. For example, a writer who writes down and knows the
order they will present their argument in will most likely have a more persuasive essay than one
who just writes whatever they think of. The writer who brainstorms their ideas before writing
will also have more than enough ideas to replace one that they deem unsatisfactory. For example,
someone who has brainstormed all possible arguments for a particular topic will be able to
replace one argument for another at will. A writer who does not brainstorm will not have the
ability to substitute arguments should something happen while writing the essay. Brainstorming
is a critical part of creating an essay as it allows the writer to prepare their arguments ahead of
time and create extra arguments for use if necessary.
When composing an essay, time management and brainstorming are two key components
to the process that help with the writing process. Time management allows the writer to develop
their arguments while brainstorming allows them to compose their thoughts before starting the

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