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Kaitlyn Ellsworth

Primary Source Documents

Science and Health
1. The painting below is called Heavy Weather, and I found it using the Library of
Congress. I believe that this is a good picture to show a class because you can clearly see
the dark clouds in the sky and the heavy rain coming down. The road and grass is wet,
and the two men appear to be wearing some sort of ran jacket and hat. I also find it
interesting how they are riding a horse and carriage. This can be used to talk about the
rain, precipitation, clouds, weather safety, and how to dress for weather conditions. I
could also tie in transportation to the lesson. This picture clearly relates to the weather
since it shows a weather condition.

2. Another picture I found was titled [Stream in snow] on the Library of Congress
website. This photograph pictures a stream and trees on a snowy winter day. I thought it
was interesting how the photo was taken in 1934 and was in black and white and not
color. I chose this photograph out of the others I found because the concept of water in
the winter is something kids would be interested. I could explain to them how freezing
temperatures cause bodies of water to freeze into ice, and when it gets warm again, the
ice unfreezes and turns into water. I could tie this into an outdoor ice skating rink. This
photograph also ties into different seasons, types of weather, and severe weather lessons.
I could also have students take pictures of nature and explain the weather in the specific
photograph they took.

3. In addition, I found a picture of a thermometer on the Library of Congress website. I

thought this would be a good tool because I could project the picture onto the board, and
students could draw different temperatures onto the thermometer with a red marker, since
the picture is in black and white. In this lesson, we can talk about how we measure the
weather in degrees of Fahrenheit, but other countries use Celsius. This thermometer has
both Fahrenheit and Celsius, so we could discuss how the two are different. I could tie
this into a lesson about different instruments used to measure the weather and different
weather conditions. There may be a restriction on the picture, but is allowed to be
photocopied if it is for fair use. This source, along with all of the others, is cited at the
bottom of this document.

4. Finally, I found a newspaper articled titled How The Weather Is Forecasted by United
States Government on the Library of Congress website. The article is from the
newspaper The Ronan Pioneer. It talks about how the weather is forecasted and how
different weather conditions occur. It states how one does not just look at the window to
predict the weather, and that there are specific tools that need to be used. Low and high
pressure mean different things, and low pressure can lead to wind and clouds, while high
pressure would have more clear weather conditions. This clearly ties into the unit because
it talks about ways to predict the weather and weather conditions. They use a map to track
the progression of the weather. This is not a source that I could just hand to 1st grade
students; it is something that I would have to read to them in bits and pieces. There are
other articles included in this newspaper, but this would be the only one I show the class.
The link to view the article is http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075298/191405-08/ed-1/seq-1/.

(ca. 1882) Heavy Weather. Jan. 20. [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
Harris & Ewing, photographer. (1934) [Stream in snow]. [Image] Retrieved from the
Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/hec2013007462/.
Horydczak, T., photographer. Electric Institute of Washington. Cooking and planning I.
ca. 1920-ca. 1950. [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
How The Weather Is Forecasted By United States Government. (n.d.).
http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075298/1914-05-08/ed-1/seq-1/. Retrieved
October 8, 2016.

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