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Image Prompt

Writing Assignment
Term 1
Look at the picture and use your imagination to write a story that the picture has
helped you think about.

November 10, 2016

Out of Thin Air

September 1,1939
Father of Daniel Smith , had joined the army and Daniel was destroyed. He came
home and his father told him the news , Daniel didnt know what to feel his father
could be dead in 72 hours and he couldnt do anything about. The next morning
Daniel got up out of bed to say goodbye to his dad , who knew how long he would be
gone for. His dad was crying but he had no other choice. When Daniel saw his mom
she was balling her eyes out because she might never see her husband again. When
he left the house Daniel knew that was it he would never see his father again , but
he couldnt lose faith. Now 8 year old Daniel became 10 Year old Daniel and he
wrote his first letter to his father , he was waiting and waiting for him to write
back. After two months Daniel received a letter from his dad. The next day
Daniel had a story to write about what was a hero. Daniel decided that he would
write about his father. This is his story
What is a hero a hero is somebody with strength and somebody with heart , they
fight for our country so that we can have freedom and to be a soldier doesnt
automatically make you a hero you have to fight to be hero.
When Daniel got home he was so proud of his work that he decided to read it to
his mother. His mother cried thinking of her husband. That of course made Daniel
Six years later..
The war was finally over and some people came up to our house. My mom started
crying thinking that they were going tell her that her husband passed away.When
they got to the house my mom answered the door to my dad. Mom and I both

cried when we saw him.I was so thankful that he was a survivor. After basically
lived a normal life , until world 3.

Rubric rating submitted on: 11/21/2016, 1:41:26 PM by mark.kinzel@wrsd.ca

Your score: 4

Details of the

Details of story

The story is

There are few

story are

are clear and


details or


make sense. The

Some details may


specific and

story is generally

be irrelevant or

Does not flow

consistent. The



from beginning to

story flows and

from beginning to

Tends to follow

end, illogical

makes sense.

end. Writing

familiar patterns

sequence. Does


generally holds

or ideas. May

not get reader's

details are

the readers

keep the


consistent and



help to develop


story. Writing
holds the
Your score: 2

The story has a

The story follows

The story has a

The story has no

beginning, middle

a logical sequence

beginning, middle

clear beginning,

and end. There is

with a beginning,

and end but can

middle and end.

a connection

middle and end.

be difficult to

There are some

between events,

There is a

follow. There is

actions or events

setting, and


some connection

but are illogical


between events,

between events,

or hard to follow.

Characters are

setting, and

setting, and

Lacks connection

well described

characters. Story

characters. Story

between events,

and developed.


beginning briefly

setting, and

There is a well



characters. Does


characters and

characters and

not describe

setting. There is

setting. There is

setting. There is

characters or

a clear and well

a clear and well

a story

setting, may just

defined story

defined story

problemthat is

give character

problem or plot

problem or plot.

connected to the

names. There is a

that flows

The story



logically. The

problem or plot is

an abrupt ending.


story problem or

connected to the

is no character

plot is connected

character. Story


to the character.

has a logical

Story ending

Events, actions,

ending that

does not makes

details, and/or

resolves the

sense or is

characters are

story problem.


maintained. The
ending resolves
the problem and
satisfies the

Sentences are


Simple sentences,

Basic and poorly


well formed and

include one

which do not


flow smoothly



sentences, that

and vary in

thought. They


often don't make

length. They

begin with

language. They

sense and are

begin differently

capitals and use

generally begin

repetitive in

with the correct

appropriate end

with capitals and


use of capitals

marks. They are

use appropriate

and have

logical, and make

end marks

appropriate end


Your score: 3

Your score: 3

Words are well-

General words

General words

Words chosen

chosen. Phrases

are chosen and

are chosen and

are often wrong

are purposeful.

used correctly.

are used

and/or misused.

Avoids overusing

Words and

incorrectly at

Phrases are

words. Words and

phrases help

times. Words and

misused or

phrases are used

explain and

phrases are


to create imagery


simple and/or do

(mind images)


not describe well.

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