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Miguel Alfonso Moretn Schulz
Caracas 15 de noviembre de 2016
Grupo N3

Presenter: Miguel Moretn
Chicken 1:
Chicken 2:
Chicken 3:
Chicken 4:

Starting the show

Hello and good morning, welcome to ABCD news.
The massive DDoS attack against Dyn, a company that provides DNS
services (internet) in the United States has put into the public eye an issue
that concerns many of us: Hacking.
Today millions of electronic devices are connected to Internet which leaves
them partially vulnerable to malicious software that can damage our devices
and access to sensitive personal information.
To understand more about it we are going to talk with Chicken 1 that is a
specialist in Computer Security graduate of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Chicken 1, who will explain a little more about it. What is
hacking, why people do it and how can we defend ourselves.

Chicken 1:
Hello Michael thanks for inviting me to your program.
Well Hacking or Hack, under the context in which we speak, is the act of
gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer; Today the
easiest and fastest way, sometimes even anonymous, to do this is through
the internet.
And if we consider that more and more devices such as surveillance
cameras, refrigerators and nuclear power systems are connected to the
network, leaves a possible gap for people to access and modify information
that can cause serious damage.
Usually the people who do this, the hackers, access to financial information
for profit, but terrorist groups like Isis can and use these tools to perform
cyber attacks.
Of course, the companies and people that control systems, sensitive
information and processes have good security tools and cyber walls that
prevent hackers from accessing systems. However, they are not 100% safe
and someday may be violated.
Incredible what flexible and dangerous is the hacking. Thanks, Chicken 1.
Now comercial cut, we'll be back shortly.

Chicken 2:
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Welcome back, now our correspondent in Barinas is going to tells us a
history that is in progress. Chicken 3.

Chicken 3:
Hi Michael, this morning one of the most wanted hackers of Latin America
was arrested. He calls himself "The Chiguire" but, his real name is Carlos
Perez. Venezuelan with colombian parents he's accused of commeting more
than 50 attacks, among them, manipulation of votes in different elections in
Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico.
Currently he's in the custody of the National Guard and his trial is expected
to be next week.
For ABCD news Chicken 3.
Thankfully this person was captured.
We are receiving reports of a cyber attack happening right now in the
facilities of the Caracas's communication and security organization. Our team is
already in place to inform us about it. We'll talk about it after the cut.
****Commercial cut about magic mop.****
Chicken 4:

Lets go to the next interview.
Chicken 4:

I think it depends on why you hack. For example, I known of people who
have hacked companies in revenge for scams or frauds and show to light
giant fraud. A good example is the Panama Papers.
If it is done done with good intentions I say that hacking is a way to show the
truth to society that is in the hands of companies and organizations that hide
us many things.
Two opposing positions that reflect a vision of what is and could be the
The important thing is that we always be protect as much we can of these
attacks and we are aware what we store in our devices.
For ABCD news Michael Moreton.

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