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Man Prime Creation / Man, Gods Greatest Creation

Man is Gods greatest possession and greatest creation. He created man with
special care.He gave man dominion over the whole earth.Mans greatest possession
is his soul, which is his mind, will, and intellect.After creating earth, sun, water, air,
non; God has created "Manu and Satyarupga" and"Adam and Eve" to use these,
according to Hindu and Christian mythology, respectively.God has gifted certain
limited powers to men. It would be impossible for the men tocontinue living in this
world if each man knows exactly what fate and in store for him.God has created
man in such a way that all human actions have one or more of theseseven causes :
chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion and desire. Thesecauses are
key factors in the success as virtue of man is perhaps curiosity. many are
thetroubles of mankind.Thus, man is the best creation of God and God has
incarnated on the earth in the form of man. Man should accolade God for his
creation on the earth. We should commemorateGod in any form of religion for His
mercy on all human beings. Man has reached up tomoon today and has achieved
mind-boggling success in the field of computerization andinformation technology.
Man has developed himself in this era except control over thedeath. Hitherto man
has made manifold incredible metamorphoses since his arrival on theearth. There in
so ambiguity in this that one day this species of man will reach up to thehighest
developed standard, overcoming all knotty setbacks.In the end, the epitome is that
MAN is the best creation of God and he should alwaysmake good efforts to save its
existence on the earth. Paradoxically, we can say that problems are only
opportunities in work clothes and the man should not afraid of this tofight against
the setbacks of the life.

Creationism and Evolution

Did modern life on Earth evolve over millions of years, or was it created in
the blink of an eye by God?
That's the gist of the debate between scientists and creationists, which has
been ongoing ever since Charles Darwin published his theory in 1859. The
scientific evidence is clear: The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and all life
evolved from primitive, single-celled organisms.
Nevertheless, Biblical literalists reject this evidence and operate from the
viewpoint that the Bible's Book of Genesis is a historical account of creation.
Here's how the battle has played out.
Creationism and Evolution

Did modern life on Earth evolve over millions of years, or was it created in
the blink of an eye by God?
That's the gist of the debate between scientists and creationists, which has
been ongoing ever since Charles Darwin published his theory in 1859. The
scientific evidence is clear: The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and all life
evolved from primitive, single-celled organisms.
Nevertheless, Biblical literalists reject this evidence and operate from the
viewpoint that the Bible's Book of Genesis is a historical account of creation.
Here's how the battle has played out.

The Scopes Monkey Trial

p> Perhaps no battle in the creationism versus evolution war is more famous than the
Scopes Monkey Trial. In 1925, Tennessee schoolteacher John Scopes incriminated
himself for teaching evolution in a classroom, purposefully challenging a state law
prohibiting evolution from being taught.
The trial was intended to generate publicity, and it worked like a charm. The
cast was star-studded: Famous attorney Clarence Darrow defended Scopes,
while the three-time populist Presidential candidate Williams Jennings Bryan
prosecuted. Americans listened to the court proceedings over the radio.
In the end, Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. The Tennessee Supreme
Court later overturned the verdict on a technicality, but upheld the law
preventing evolution from being taught. [7 Theories on the Origin of Life]
After the trial, other states enacted their own anti-evolution laws. But
gradually, the anti-evolution movement lost steam, and evolution snuck back
into textbooks.
U.S. Gets Serious About Science

The teaching of evolution versus creationism was spotty until 1958. The
Soviet Union had just launched the Sputnik satellite, and the United States
was facing a shortage of mathematicians. Fearing that the Soviet Union was
beating the United States in science literacy, President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Congress passed the National Defense Education Act, a funding bill
designed to improve science education. The teaching of evolution got a shot

in the arm from new textbooks, authored by scientists, made possible by the
Court Battles Continue

For all its drama, the Scopes Trial did not settle the issue of whether
prohibiting evolution education in schools was unconstitutional. In 1968, the
Supreme Court finally weighed in. In 1968, the Court, in the case Epperson v.
Arkansas, determined that such bans violate the Establishment Clause of the
First Amendment, which prohibits the government from establishing religion.
In 1987, the Supreme Court made another strike against creationism, using
the same argument in Edwards v. Aguillard, which centered around a
Louisiana law requiring that if evolution were taught, "creation science" must
be taught alongside it.
All Eyes on Dover

As creationism lost in court, opponents of evolution turned toward arguing

for "intelligent design," the idea that a creator guides the process of
evolution. In 2005, a local school board in Dover, Penn., required teachers to
kick off their biology classes by reading a statement about intelligent design.
Parents took the district to court. In the case of Kitzmiller v. Dover, the judge
ruled that the school board's rule was, in fact, unconstitutional. Intelligent
design, the decision argued, is a religious theory, not a science.

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