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Jurados I Concurso Internacional de Coros Universitarios


Directora de Coros, cantante y pedagoga. Mara Felicia Prez Arroyo, destacada msica cubana
concluy sus estudios de Direccin Coral en la Escuela Superior "Franz Liszt" de Weimar, Alemania,
en el ao 1980, despus de haber realizado sus estudios en Cuba, en los principales centros
musicales de La Habana.
Desarrolla una intensa labor en el campo de la msica coral en su pas como asesora y jurado de
Festivales y Concursos Corales. Desde 1980 colabora como profesora de Direccin Coral en la
presidencia de la Asociacin Cubana de Coros y del Festival de Coros de Santiago de Cuba.
Con su Coro EXAUDI, ha recorrido numerosos pases del mundo, no solo dirigiendo a su Agrupacin
sino dictando Talleres sobre Msica Coral Cubana, de la que es reconocida como gran autoridad. Su
Lnea musical es definida mundialmente como "de calidad excepcional, increble sensibilidad coral,
musicalidad a toda prueba y una simpata que todos han admirado" (Diario La Comuna de
Maracaibo). Con el Coro EXAUDI, ha grabado numerosos CD de Msica Coral y ha ganado numerosos
premios Internacionales en Hungra, Espaa, Bulgaria, Alemania, Mxico, Venezuela, Canad, y
Primer Premio en el Certamen Internacional de Coros de Debrecen (Hungra, 1990).
Primer Premio en Folklore, Tercer Premio en Polifona, el Grand Prix y el Premio del Pblico en
Tolosa (Espaa, 1992).
Gran Prix Europen de Canto Coral en Varna (Bulgaria, 1993).
Primer Premio del Festival Harmony en Lindennolzhausen (Alemania, 1993).
Tercer Premio en la categora "Excelencia Internacional" en Marktoberdorf (Alemania, 1993).

Primer Premio en Folklore y el Premio a la mejor interpretacin de una obra vasca en Tolosa (Espaa,
Primer Premio en Polifona en Torrevieja (Espaa, 1994).
Distinciones "Por la Educacin Cubana y por la Cultura Nacional".
Discografa con el coro Exaudi:
Tres discos compactos con msica de Esteban Salas, primer compositor cubano del siglo XVIII.
Tres compactos con msica del barroco del Per y Bolivia, participaron en el elenco de artistas de
los CD Misa cubana y Salmo de las Amricas del compositor cubano Jos Mara Vitier. Esta ltima
grabacin fue nominada para el Grammy Latino del ao 2000 en la categora de Msica Clsica, un
compacto con obras sacras a capella de autores hispanoamericanos del siglo XX.
Un disco con obras del compositor barroco espaol Carlos Patio (1600-1675). Dos grabaciones con
arreglos de msica popular y canciones de concierto de Cuba y otros pases latinoamericanos.
CD Cantos y ritmos americanos. Unicornio UN-CD 8015.


La directora titular de la Orquesta Sinfnica EAFIT adelant estudios en el Longy School of Music de
Estados Unidos y en Kings College de Londres. Ha obtenido becas del Consejo Britnico, del Instituto
de Cooperacin Iberoamericana y de la Fundacin Mazda para el Arte y la Ciencia, mediante las que
pudo realizar estudios de profundizacin en el campo de la direccin.

Ha dirigido la Orquesta Sinfnica EAFIT durante 12 temporadas continuas, lo que le ha permitido

desarrollar una intensa labor de difusin del repertorio sinfnico universal, as como de msica
contempornea y de obras colombianas.
Su entrega a las artes le vali el reconocimiento como Antioquea de Oro, galardn otorgado por la
Gobernacin de Antioquia, en 2009, por su aporte a la educacin en el Departamento, as como el
premio Vida y Obra del Municipio de Medelln por su entrega constante a la msica y a la
cultura. Adems, recibi el Mundo de oro del peridico El Mundo, la Orden al Mrito Filarmnico
de la Orquesta Filarmnica de Bogot, el premio a la mejor direccin en el Concurso Coral Bela
Brtok en Hungra y la distincin a la mejor Direccin en el Concurso Internacional Guido d Arezzo
en Italia.
Es fundadora y directora de los coros Tonos Humanos y Arcadia, que han representado a Colombia
en el exterior, y donde han recibido medallas de oro, plata y bronce en concursos de gran relevancia.
Durante su trayectoria profesional ha dirigido la mayor parte de las orquestas nacionales. De igual
manera, en el exterior tuvo la oportunidad de dirigir la Sinfnica Nacional de la Habana, la Orquesta
Municipal de Caracas, la Orquesta Latina Philharmonia de Sabaudia- Italia y la Orquesta Sinfnica
de Antalya-Turqua.


Artistic Director and Conductor of the Salt Lake Choral Artists in Salt Lake City, Utah, Dr. Brady R.
Allred has developed "an international reputation for excellence." Under his direction the Salt Lake
Choral Artists, a community choir of 200 singers, has achieved critical acclaim for their innovative
concerts and Summer Choral Institute program. Formerly Professor of Music and Director of Choral
Studies at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and the first recipient of the Ellen Neilson Barnes

Presidential Endowed Chair for Choral Studies at the University of Utah, Dr. Allred was recently
selected by The Salt Lake Tribune as one of Utah's Top 25 Cultural Power Brokers.
Known around the world for "exquisite choral singing," Dr. Allred's ensembles have been invited to
participate in major festivals and have received honors including the Grand Prize at the Florilge
Vocal de Tours International Choir Competition, Grand Prize at the European Grand Prix
International Choir Competition, and First Prize at the Marktoberdorf International Chamber Choir
Competition. His choirs have also earned awards for performances of their commissioned pieces,
and Dr. Allred has been awarded for Best Interpretation of 20th Century Music and the Conductor's
Under his energetic leadership, Dr. Allred's choirs have completed ten international tours of Europe
and concert tours of Canada and Israel. In 2011, he will appear at the World Choral Symposium in
Argentina with the newly formed Salt Lake Vocal Artists, who recently participated in the 42nd
Abesbatza Lehiaketa International Choral Competition in Tolosa, Spain, returning with 4 First Place
prizes. In the United States, his choirs have toured extensively, including performances in Avery
Fisher Hall and the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts for conventions of the Music Educators
National Conference, Chorus America, and the American Choral Directors Association.
Prior to his work in Utah, Dr. Allred was the Music Director and Conductor for the Butler Symphony
Orchestra, Director of Choral Activities at Duquesne University, and Artistic Director and Conductor
of the Bach Choir of Pittsburgh. He has been a guest conductor for the Schumann Chamber
Orchestra in Italy, the Wroclaw Philharmonic in Poland, the Symphonic Orchestra of the Russian
Ministry of Defense, and the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He has also performed with the
Robert Shaw Festival Singers and the Oregon Bach Festival Chorus. In May 2007 he was the American
judge on the international jury for the Marktoberdorf competition in Germany. He joined juries in
Slovenia and Spain in 2008, and adjudicated in Bandung, Indonesia in 2010.
Dr. Allred is also known for his innovative programming, and regularly commissions new works for
his ensembles. In 2009, the University of Utah Singers won a prize in Marktoberdorf for the premiere
of Nancy Wertsch's "Hail Holy Light." The group won a similar prize in Tours in 2005 for William
Hawley's "Flos ut rosa Floruit." Additionally, Dr. Allred has worked with cutting-edge artists and
composers such as the Kronos Quartet and Mark Grey, with whom he plans to collaborate further
in the future.
Honored in Pittsburgh Magazine for "Excellence in the Arts," Dr. Allred was nominated for a Creative
Achievement Award as an "Established Artist" by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, and in 2007 was
honored by the Utah Music Educators Association with a Superior Achievement award and selected
for recognition in the International Who's Who in Choral Music.
Dr. Allred earned his Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts in Conducting degrees from the
Eastman School of Music, and his Bachelor of Music degree in Theory/Composition and Flute
Performance from Brigham Young University. He and his wife, soprano Carol Ann Allred, have
traveled and performed extensively as Artistic Ambassadors for the United States Information
Agency. They have four daughters and make their home in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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