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2 Oo Oo LAST PROPERTIES OF SOK » Be Properties of soils are necessary on the construction site; Sometimes fp teve investigations cannot be carried out. Therefore it often happens | that designers of. machinery foundations assume tentative values of the yeficients of elastic uniform compression selected on the basis of dav Brcued from tests performed on similar soils at other construction sites. ! : Tanz 1-7. Suumany oF Av peace Vaues or ran Conrrictens oF Biasric Usirons Comenzssion ey or Dirrensar Sots Ostatnio vnpen Vanvive Conorrr0ns Tentative value Sarena foundation bases, Description of soit ermiasble | niform types of tests Tegfem® "| pression | (D = dynam ex kg/om! | w static) ray plastic silty elay with Bh rood and organic sit 10 pS stturated silty clay Ec with sond...,, 1.8, 1.0, 0.5(8; D) 18 8.0, 4.0, 2.0 (S; D) pi Dense silty clay with some Hp ted (above ground-water Be level). : Uptos 8.9 (D) Medium moist sand. . 2 1.5(D) ‘Dry sand with gravel 2 0.25 (D) i saturated sand. 28 11.6 (D) fedium sand 25 8.75 (D) Gray fine dense saturated a en a 25 3.4 upto 15 (Ss; D) with natural moisture botent, 3 4.9 (0.81, 1.4, 2.0, 4.0 (S;D) Ht Toessinl soit 3 4.7 [90 (e foundation for . compreaor) (D) Table 1-7 gives a number of values of the coefficient of elastic uniform pression cy established by special tests carried out under the super> on of the author. ‘These tests dealt with foundations having several ise areas built on various soils, . The values of the coefficient of elastic uniform compression, obtained pia tssting foundations with base areas smaller than 10 mi ulated by means of Ea. (2-15) for an area of 10m ge From the data of Table I-7, the author compiled Table mative values of c for four types of sol This table is included in the official Instructions jor the Design and struction of Machinery Foundations, r Ve BUEUOUVOKFKUGUESEL' VUELUYDUDEUU! BLU 2 2 2 PUUDULBLBL GwoBbUUUbYs t { essed) VBUEUVUVOVOUBEVEYLUE SV 30 DYNAMICS OF BASES AND FOUNDATIONS ‘Taos F8, Recomuxoxo Desion Vavues op zmz Coerriciesr or Easrie ‘Unwonu Cowrasstion a Sg OAs? AREA= TONE ae Pennie : "Se fadone_| oes em soi group sey ear | Sitio so i ud ony | mpratn gfe? kei Weak soils (clays and sity clays with sand, in a plastic atate; clayey and silty sands; also soils of eategories IT and TIE with laminae of organic silt and of peat) u plastic Limit; sand). : Tt | Strong sols (clays and gity clays with ‘and, of hard conssteacy; gravels tnd gravelly sends; loess and Joessial soils). sf 3.55, 5-10 Iv [Rocks ‘greater than 5 | greater than 10 1-3. Coefficient of Elastic Nonuniform Compression of Soil cy Let us consider the bending of a flexible rectangular plate with sides of length 2a and 2b acted upon by the moment if, which bends the plate with respect to the yaxis (Fig. I-18). Using the equations for settlement at any point produced by stresses in an element of plate area situated at a certain distance from the point, and apply- ing the method of superposition of settlements induced by several loads, D. B. Polshin’® derived an equation for the slope angle g of the deflected plate at any point of its surface and at points along the straight line x = 0. Since the plate is assumed to be absolutely flexible, the slope angle of the deflected plate at points along] this straight line depends on the y coordinate. Polshin gives the following expression for the angle ¢ depending on the! value of y: Fig. E18, Induced tilting of & loaded plate causes VETER +) Verirtet a — yn V@=WTE 4) gy +- yn Vea rt] oon oe eo) = K[le+9) 10 where K erat yas ma box tepbe veyed oq ute pur vo: SEY gh AN 40) eunteece u 52-49 pwonp0s 6g 02 wey 4a} S24 43H senve.s 42 voyas09 sofen arn on “eae =" Sei = ™e Wy 10g 12 4 (Pu OG an gues 44g + On % Aud s =" ’ a tnueso soa (83 W309} 6usHoites Jo uojaonsiwues spur eu, seuepurag vejpur uo peseg pouren “s4°c worTg 78 arse sees oe ‘STORY COTES T ETERT, seyo> Uy e114 30 O48 eAyeouoo aya snoysnosin uo} segs freer #u 40 Z2ueae;Au09 vo Bu; pueden 4033") vosaonpey = 30 MODULUS OF DEFORMATION Es (kg! cin?) —e Fig 500 400 300 200 100 2 3 45 7 10 No VALUE —e B.°RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPT (N) COMPRESSIBILITY MODULUS FoR COHESIVE SOIL AND re Were en uyrase> ‘ison oud UAO UF ‘eae vo eaea PROL JO seamnu of Teujaewos anny few porney ma ueepeque Jo widuey sop, woven co esta) saecie non “aUeNegane 2 auyed aus five pa}ewe woe puy eased om 14 waduesie avr vodn A{es 01 9 ezeRUIoue nos Ditticutt to beesk agdinat solid object ith hemmee Broken against solid object with hammer Broken in hand by hitting with bammer Broken by leaning No penetration Scratch Connot be scratched with kote Con just be scratched ‘with kai seratehed with knite.Con Just be seratehed with thumb-neil Scratched with Sheor Approx. Strengihy Flrengih: nN consistency Grade kus? value 40000 /- Strong A 20000 | Moderately 600 strong 8 re000 | 000 | 5000 = 400 © 000 Moderately week 2000 paul ° Weak vo00 |- Ee 800 | J, , 100 soi! * Herd of F 80 very weak son ey Very slit 200 “0 sunt wool a9 80 sol Fiem 10 wl ee coll cole woh very coil Geol. Sec. Working Party Report (1970) and CP 2004 (1972) except that the Sesignation hard tor soil matecia's hag been given a separate leentity which is. gnategous to very W vitor materials clossitiasie as rock fon sainple with with nite thumb- neil heminer Broken by hand ‘Penetration to ‘bout 2mm with nile Ecsily broken by hand Penetration to bout Sam with knite Penetrated by thumb= nail ced to about 1Smm koite Indented by thumb Penetrated by thumb with effort Easily penetrated by thump NB. Grades ond shear strengths tor rock refer to intect specimens: The tt yolue however, is on Insily test end inckides some cHect of discontinuities. For Cohesive soils the correlation tween Hvclues and in situ Sirength agsured fe that given ty siioud (1974) lor cleys of low plasticity Fig.5.2.SCALE OF STRENGTHS & N VALUES FOR WEAK ROCKS (after Cole and Stroud, 1977) : 2 lb ke SNXOU ¥V3M UOI SHIA NF SHISNIULS “JO i es mt ae “ 1S wu da wai E me (omumrog on) Sas . a nei a AC any # Namaaay amswomvary | cog 4{$334930) $'NOILIIY3 TWNYZINI 30 319NV 7 97.77 27 07 OC 196 YE. ZE Of at “ 1, | | . as He 7 z - Zo 2B. ° 2s ad 22 - 2 22 af ga Fe op wo 4. Gases 3a ; i 285 : gs R= ke - -| j Bs } % of 5 z v ’ = z a a a 2 9 & ele nm R an) . 2 z fe IS} g & § fale a 7 = |a\8 ie fh sb tS ss Ty Ly pg oils © 7 WBGT- Sor9t ST NOUVaLaNSe GUVONWLS wisgg xo BNIVA-N, | 0S: Ov POE: : 02. ‘ ol 002 o 3° oa F - {009 OOL oos : CBRE HE FH np ps0g res OA xePuTadg atiini pus ezantyos Aq. (ataze9 ut) fmeanqonsjg BupreouyIuG ro} UOTIMPTZGeAUT Tog teosn0g” @ (ALIMIGISS3YdNOD 40 SNINGOW) u9/ 8453 + RX

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