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Mount Vernon <mountvernonexposed@gmail.com>

Loyal Democrat <loyaldemnr@gmail.com> Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:43 PM

To: mountvernonexposed@gmail.com

Dear Mount Vernon Exposed,

I have been following your site for sometime now and I admire your courage for exposing these corrupt politicians
throughout Westchester County. Can you make a New Rochelle Exposed? There is very bad corruption here. I am
a district leader from New Rochelle who is reluctant to give my name because I know how viscous and wicked
these politicians are.

The chairman of my party Arnie Klugman is a bad racist man. Arnie works at the board of elections in White Plains.
I overheard Arnie telling another party leader here in New Rochelle about how he took some petitions away from
candidate. As a result the candidate did not get on the ballot. Arnie specifically said that these were Independence
Party petitions. Arnies job at the board of elections is voting machine technician. Arnie is known here in New
Rochelle as the fixer. He jams the voting machines is some districts so you are unable to vote for the candidate
you like. Also Arnie and Reggie sneak petitions into the board of elections after the filing deadline so that no one
can object to their petitions.

There is also another site that I have been reading about judges that were endorsed by the Westchester Dems.
Judge Nilda Horowitz came to our meeting and was very rude and cold. I personally do not like her and I would not
have voted for her. I wanted to vote for the black man (cant remember his name) that is already a family court
judge but Arnie told a few of us privately that we cant support him because he did pay his dues to the party. I went
through a divorce two years ago and I had a nasty custody fight with my husband. I had to appear in front of this
Judge Nilda person. She was horrible. Her court never started on time and it appeared she didnt know what she
was doing. I heard she sleeps around a lot and has been involved with Reggie Lafayette. I heard she is addicted to
cocaine. You can verify this with drug test. Another bad Judge is Kathy Davidson. She has also slept with Reggie
and a lot of other people. My girlfriend lives across the street from her and she told me that the Mayor of Mount
Vernon comes over to her house at all hours in the night. She told me that he often spends the night and he gets
picked up in the morning by bodyguard. Also please check Reggie account Chairman Circle he got $20,000 from
Capelli for setting up the meeting with Tim Idoni to build Trump and the other buildings. But there is much more
money. The city council members got money to for voting on this. Tim Idoni got a lot of money and so did Andy
Spano all delivered by Reggie and some Italian man. Reggie got paid a lot of cash by capelli for the buildings in
white plains too. Look into this. That is how Reggie makes his money by introducing developers by setting up
meetings with Mayor and city council members in Westchester.

Arnie said Reggie has a house in the south that is very, very big. Arnie doesnt like Reggie. He said Reggie is a
pimp and should be in jail. Arnie told us that he wrote a letter to the F.B.I. years ago asking them to investigate
Reggie. Arnie said that Reggie wont be county leader after this year because he is going to jail. Arnie also talks
about Reggies girlfriend and said she is sleazy and also alcoholic. I have heard arnie call her a coke head. Arnie
said Reggie is on cocaine too. Arnie is mad that she has a high paying job and was promoted really really fast
because she slept with Judge Hubert. Thats why Reggie supported him. Arnie also said that there are too many
black judges on the bench. I am irish and I though Hubert and the other black man Judge Bill I think his name is are
really nice people. I hope you understand why I cant reveal myself to you. Arnie also doesnt like Ken Jenkins. He
said Ken Jenkins thinks he has power because he is yonkers leader. Arnie said Ken Jenkins took money from ridge
hill project and he should be in jail to with the rest of them. Thank You. I will be in touch and give you more info.
Please look into this. Keep doing good job.


1 of 1 6/18/2010 2:55 PM

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