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Annotated bibliography: Human Resources Abroad

Karen Aguilar
University of Texas at El Paso

Companies are going global in todays society and a very big issue is
the adaptation it goes. Human Resources departments are affected by US
labor laws when companies are going abroad. The Society of Human
Resource Management (SHRM), mentions that companies have what is
known as HR global strategies and practices. The rapid rise of companies
into the global economy has led to a greater interest and demands in the
developing of strategies for companies human resources. The main issues of
Human Resources abroad are: adapting to a rapidly changing worker profile,
understanding the subtleties of workers qualifications and retaining and
engaging a changing workforce. According to a couple of articles, only a
small percentage of companies can be successful abroad, it is important for
a company to understand the culture, values and regulation differences in
other countries. An example of this is how labor rates vary from country to
country and how this affects the company. Some questions that going global
may cause are, Can you over work employees? How is overtime treated in
specific countries? What are other countries custom to (lunch breaks, work
The problem is the challenges companies face in regards to the different
policies in human resources when the company goes abroad. This is a
problem that is being faced more in todays society because of the amount
of companies going global and challenges must be established in order to
address them.
Knowing the main issue this are some questions research will answer:
1. What should a company do to avoid conflict on human resources issues
2. Should companies invest in International adaptation programs for their
3. Which labor laws are considered when a company is making business
4. What are the laws for expatriates?
5. What are the positive and negative impact does consumer privacy
have on U.S. businesses and government globally?


Reference A:
Wilkie, D. (2015). Globalization Presents Complex Challenges for HR
Managers. Retrieved September, 2016, from https://www.shrm.org/hrtoday/news/hr-news/pages/globalization-presents-complex-challenges-for-hrmanagers.aspx
Summary: This article discusses the many issue that human resources faces
when a company goes global. It describes the impact of demographics and
Citation: #
Evaluation: This website provides information on how globalization is
changing the human resources.
Direct Quote #1: The paper determined that a dwindling youth population
in developed economies is causing skills shortages. Some of these shortages
are being filled by older workers, more women in the workforce and crossborder migration, the paper said, which means demographic as well as
cultural diversity will continue to define the global workforce.
Paraphrase Direct Quote 1: The article discussed that the younger
population is not filling all the positions, therefore companies are looking
abroad to find the scarcity of employees, having them face expatriation.
Reference B:
Challenges for human resource management and global business strategy Future HR Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://futurehrtrends.eiu.com/report2014/challenges-human-resource-management/
Summary: The article explains how some of the main issues of Human
Resources abroad are: adapting to a rapidly changing worker profile,
understanding the subtleties of workers qualifications and retaining and
engaging a changing workforce.
Citation: #
Evaluation: This article shows how Human Resources departments are
affected by US labor laws when companies are going abroad.
Direct Quote 1: companies must navigate the choppy waters of a complex
global economy, and position themselves to attract and retain the workers
they will need on this journey.
Paraphrase Direct Quote 1:
The quote talks about the introduction to an article with an idea of all the
complexities of a global economy and can be used to prove my research.
Reference C:
Stadler, C., Mayer, M., & Hautz, J. (2015). Few Companies Actually Succeed
at Going Global. Retrieved September 04, 2016, from

Summary: The article compares companies percentage of success from
going global to staying local. The article talks about what companies have
done in order to positively move abroad, but it also mentions how sometimes
it is better, financially, for the company to stay local in order to be more
Citation: #
Evaluation: This article mentions how sometimes it is better to stay local
than go global because of the difficulty of adaptation in different countries.
An example of how Brazil has dealt with globalization and the difficulties they
faced once they arrive there.
Direct Quote #1: Global expansion is also more complicated to manage.
In the 1990s Boise Cascade, a large, vertically integrated wood-products
manufacturer in the U.S., decided to expand to Brazil, where it acquired
timberlands and built a new mill. Operating in Brazil, however, turned out to
be much more difficult than expected because of regulatory, political, and
cultural differences. Management attention, including frequent trips to Brazil,
took far more time than for similar plants at home.
Paraphrase Direct Quote #1:
A company in Brazil decided on global expansion and the company faced a
lot of challenges regarding regulatory, political and cultural differences.
Reference D:
E. (n.d.). How to Take Your Company Global. Retrieved from
Summary: The article discusses come important bullet points needed to be
understood when taking a company abroad. The article explains what other
companies have done in order to be successful. It gives advice on what to do
before going abroad, how to handle import, export and what to do once you
have gone abroad.
Citation: #
Evaluation: The article discusses what companies should follow before
going abroad, how to handle import, export and what to do once you have
gone abroad, using other successful companies. Another example of a
companys experience of an international move. The aricle and this quote
Direct Quote #1:
One big difference between doing business domestically and internationally
is culture. According to Hilka Klinkenberg, founder of Etiquette International
in New York City, less than 25 percent of U.S. business ventures abroad are
Paraphrase Direct Quote #1:
The company Etiquette International investigated the percentage of
companies that are successful doing business domestically and
internationally to find the percentage to be 25%


Reference E:
Bakova, L. & Chipekova, A. (2015). THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION FOR
The State, 12(1), 42-47.
Summary: The article is focused on the impact of globalization in the Slovak
industry. It explains the economics, social and political changes and
innovations to the country. This article focus on analyzing the impact
Globalization has on the country.
Citation: #
Evaluation: The article describes that globalization is a commonly used
term to describe the spread of production, communication and technologies
across the world. This article focuses on the Slovak industry but will serve as
a great example on what it is the country faced from the company going
Direct Quotes #1:
Training of managers for the multicultural environment. Slovakia is not yet a
typically multicultural country in spite of the fact that since the revolution
has passed 25 years and nearly 10 years Slovakia has been a Member State
of the EU According to their analysis, before 1989 the migrants had been
influenced by the society so greatly that they had to adapt to majority and
this way the cultural differences were removed.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:
The article mentions that in Slovakia, training managers in a multicultural
even after 10 years are still trying to adapt but that cultural differences are
being removed.
Direct Quotes #2:
Globalization encompasses many political, social and economic changes
and innovations, it has become one of the themes in the theoretical circles,
Government circles but also in society as a whole.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #2:
Globalization faces many challenges like political, social and economic
changes and it has been the challenges that are faced today.
Direct Quotes #3:
Globalization has also negative face for e.g. the great financial crisis of
2008-2009 has revealed the danger of an unstable global economy.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #3:
Globalization can also have a negative effect, as the article mentions,
thanks to the 2008 crisis has revealed the danger of an unstable global
Reference F:

Gharagoz, S. A., Entezar, E. &Mahmooei, B. H. (2015). The Quality of
Governance in the Age of Globalization. Proceedings Of The Multidisciplinary
Academic Conference, 1-34.
Summary: This article talks about the importance of globalization and the
effects that quality of institutions have on the economic, political and social
perspectives. This article provides data that will help me in my paper, in
order to show important statistics.
Citation: #
Evaluation: The article mentions the effects of the variables on the between
four groups of developed countries, developing countries, countries with a
high average of globalization and ones with a low average of globalization.
Direct Quotes #1:
The results indicate that the quality of institutions in developing countries
and countries with a low average of globalization has improved more,
compared to the developed countries and countries with a high average of
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:
The article talks about the developing countries that have a lower
globalization than those developed countries.
Reference G:
GLOBALIZATION. Bulletin Stiinfic, 19(2), 120-125.
Summary: The article discusses the reason why globalization includes a
multitude of complex processes, reaching different areas of society. How is
this term defined in any different country, but as the article mentions one
thing that the article states is that globalization raises an endless polemic,
progressing continuously and irreversibly generate major effects, with both
sides of the party, in other words both countries.
Citation: #
Evaluation: This article discusses the different interpretation of some
keywords like globalization, national economic, branches of economic, global
culture and others. This article will help me understand the different
perspectives and will give my paper all points of view.
Direct Quotes #1:
The theme of globalization is quite widely debated, drawing both supporters
and opponents, each trying to support their own argument.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:
This article mentions that globalization has views on both sides with both
trying to prove their side.
Direct Quotes #3:
Whether globalization is an advantage or a drawback for an organization,
depending on the political and economic situation of the society in which it
operates, the process itself cannot be ignored.

Paraphrase Direct Quotes #3:
The article mentions how globalization, good or bad has to be taken seriously
and the way to get to it cannot be changed but acknowledge.
GlobalizationReference H:
Rashid, A., & Watoo, M.A. (2015). Challenges and Opportunities of
Globalization for Development of Human Rights in Pakistan 2010-2014. South
Asian Studies (1026-678X), 30(2), 215-229.
Summary: This article talks about This reality of preservation of human
rights has brought the issue into legislation to make it law as a written part
of the constitution at national, regional and global level in almost all spheres.
Consequently, assurance of human fundamental rights is ground reality and
written part of all the constitutions of the world.
Citation: #
Evaluation: The article mentions the positive and negative of globalization,
but it focuses on the different labor issues in the country of Pakistan
Direct Quote #1:
Globalization has transformed the world into a global village where there
are commonalities of the cultures, exchange of ideas and free economic
approaches are struggling to bring consensus among the world society to
protect and preserve the human rights against any violation.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:
The article discusses the commonalities that cultures have and how
globalization has transformed the world today. It is easy to exchange ideas
and free economic approaches struggling to bring consensus among the
world society to protect.
Direct Quote #2:
This reality of preservation of human rights has brought the issue into
legislation to make it law as a written part of the constitution at national,
regional and global level in almost all spheres
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #2:
The idea of preserving human rights have gone all the way to legislation that
way it can be a written law for all the world not only national.
Direct Quote #3:
Human rights violation scale is growing in Pakistan where there is
nationalistic economy that is anti-thesis of the globalization and free market
economy of north.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #3:
Pakistan is an example of the anti-thesis of globalization and this article
explains it.


Reference I:
Collier, B. J. (2014). Looking to the Future: Training a New Generation for
Balinese Arja. Asian Theater Journal, 31(2) 457-480.
Summary: This article talks the steady changes in Balis social, cultural and
political landscapes and how this impacted the status of the traditional arts
of the culture.
Citation: #
Evaluation: The culture of Balinese was affected by globalization targeting
mainly their performing arts. The article examines how todays culture differs
from the old traditional and how globalization is the reason for this change.
Direct Quote #1:
Mass media is viewed as perhaps the most potent source of global influence
on the general Balinese population.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:
The most important and most researched global influence, specially in the
Balinese population is mass media, this article by Collier discusses the main
Reference J:
ECONOMY? Journal of Developing Areas, 50191-207.
This article focuses on the positive and negative impact that globalization
has on employment opportunities and the different reactions in developed
and developing countries. The article mentions how rapid globalization has
expanded economic reform in developing countries, and unprecedented
productivity growth this causing a lower need of labor making labor cost
Citation: #
Evaluation: The advancement of technology and Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) revolution has made a challenge for
maintaining an economic growth worldwide and the effect of international
movement of labor has also affected the economic growth.
Direct Quotes #1:
Productivity growth has been considered as a major driver of unprecedented
economic growth in the 1990s and 2000s.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:

The article provides some information that can help understand the decrease
of economic growth and how a major reason between the 1900s and 200s
was productivity growth.
Reference K:
Gaur, A. (2015). Impact of Globalization on Trade and Employment.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies, 110-113.
The article mentions that the growing rate is 2.5 percent, and that
globalization has definitely made an impact. The article discusses that
globalization and employment have a growing important and that policy is
very important for globalization.
Citation: #
Evaluation: Although the final impact of outsourcing is debatable, it is very
likely that companies will intensify such activities in future due to strong
evidences in support of significant cost savings.
Direct Quote #1:
Globalization and employment relationship of growing importance to policy
makers in developing countries, but is difficult analyze both theoretically and
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:
The article by Gaur, proves that globalization and employment have a
relationship and that policy makers should consider and analyze this when
creating policy for developing countries.
Direct Quote #2:
The world has seen two waves of Globalization. The first wave began around
the mid-19th century and ended with the beginning of the first world war at
around year 1914.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #2:
The article also discusses two times when globalization has been seen the
most, in the mid-19th and at the end of world war in tear 1914.
Rapid globalizationReference L:
PAASSCHEN, F. V. (2015). Globalization from a Business Leaders Point of
View. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 22(1), 175-189.
Summary: Some examples that the article discusses on the effects of
globalization in the economy are the benefits of globalization including
poverty reduction, employment opportunities, and the development of digital
technology in improving how businesses operate in search for new market

opportunities and cheaper labor costs. As well as the destruction of the
environment, cybercrimes and inequalities.
Citation: #
Evaluation: These article helps us understand all sides of the impact that
globalization has on developed and underdeveloped countries.
Direct Quote #1:
The operating procedures and techniques that employees learn at these
hotels are the result of cumulative experience in hotel management from
around the world.
Paraphrase Direct Quotes #1:
The articles give an example of a hotel and the techniques they have in
order to serve the customers from around the world.

Wilkie, D. (2015). Globalization Presents Complex Challenges for HR
Managers. Retrieved September, 2016, from https://www.shrm.org/hrtoday/news/hr-news/pages/globalization-presents-complex-challenges-for-hrmanagers.aspx
Challenges for human resource management and global business strategy Future HR Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://futurehrtrends.eiu.com/report2014/challenges-human-resource-management/
Stadler, C., Mayer, M., & Hautz, J. (2015). Few Companies Actually Succeed
at Going Global. Retrieved September 04, 2016, from
E. (n.d.). How to Take Your Company Global. Retrieved from
Bakova, L. & Chipekova, A. (2015). THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION FOR
The State, 12(1), 42-47.
Gharagoz, S. A., Entezar, E.,&Mahmooei, B. H. (2015). The Quality of
Governance in the Age of Globalization. Proceedings Of The Multidisciplinary
Academic Conference, 1-34.
GLOBALIZATION. Bulletin Stiinfic, 19(2), 120-125.
Rashid, A., & Watoo, M.A. (2015). Challenges and Opportunities of
Globalization for Development of Human Rights in Pakistan 2010-2014. South
Asian Studies (1026-678X), 30(2), 215-229.
Collier, B. J. (2014). Looking to the Future: Training a New Generation for
Balinese Arja. Asian Theater Journal, 31(2) 457-480.
ECONOMY?. Journal of Developing Areas, 50191-207.
Gaur, A. (2015). Impact of Globalization on Trade and Employment.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies, 110-113.
PAASSCHEN, F. V. (2015). Globalization from a Business Leaders Point of
View. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 22(1), 175-189.


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