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If you could see an aerial view of your life, an aerial view, where we are seeing you,
electrically, it's like you are standing here, and over there is a doorway, and on the
other side of the door is lined up all of these things that you've been wanting. They're
just leaning on the door, just waiting for you to open it. They've been there from the
first moment you asked for them: Your lovers, your perfect mates, your perfect bodies,
your perfect bodily conditions, all of the money that you could ever imagine ... all
things that you've ever wanted. Things little and big. Things that you would call
extraordinary and significant, and things that you would call not very significant.
Everything that you have ever identified that you wanted is lined up right outside that
door. And in the moment that you open the door, all things wanted flow to you.
Abraham-Hicks recording G-5-16-00
Vibrational escrow meaning it is THERE, it is ENCODED for you, by you, it is being held by
you, no one can take it away from you, it is that which you have created. It is being tended
for - NO! It is even more being Be'd by that which you really are.
Detroit, September 22, 2007

I love this Abraham quote and as you listen to them more and more you
will get a better and better flavor of what vibrational escrow means. I'd
like to throw out how I look at the vibrational escrow to add some flavor
I love the stream analogy and I like to envision the vibrational escrow as a
part of this stream. I'll mix my metaphors and add that our vibrational
escrow is created as we shoot off rockets of desire. We do this over and
over again - almost in every moment -- without ever realizing it. So, the
way I like to look at it is that as I shoot off the rockets they land
downstream. If I shoot off a desire that I'm pretty well aligned with, then
it shows up in the stream fairly quickly. If it's something that I have to
work at to get aligned with, then it shows up further down the stream. If
it's something that I continually say I want but then say I can't have it,
then I kind of end up pushing it further downstream while I paddle for a
while upstream -- thus meaning it might get (or feel) further away.

Once we drop the oars and allow ourselves to go with the flow --- the
stream carries us to our desires (I imagine them as little packets of
goodies in the water to snatch up). The longer we are able to go with the
flow, the faster we move and the more we get to snatch up. And all the
while we continue to shoot out rockets of desire in front of us.
The reason I like this analogy and wanted to expound upon the Abraham
quote is that I've sometimes felt a little overwhelmed by the idea
expressed in this quote that just behind a door everything waits. I think
"OMG, can I handle that?" then, in order to soothe myself,I realized that I
don't think it's all going to come at once -- it's going to come as we line up
with it -- as we are floating down the stream.
My two cents.
Take care Kendall
Here is another quote that puts the package together...so to speak.....

By paying attention to the way you feel, and then choosing thoughts
that feel the very best, you are managing your own vibration, which
means you are controlling your own point of attraction -- which
means you are creating your own reality. It's such a wonderful thing
to realize that you can create your own reality without sticking your
nose in everybody else's, and that the less attention you give to
everybody else's reality, the purer your vibration is going to be -and the more you are going to be pleased with what comes to you.
Excerpted from a workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday,
December 8th, 2001
All Is Well
I had a dream in which I saw my vibrational escrow. It was a huge, sparkling city--kinda like the Emerald City
seen from a distance in The Wizard of Oz. It was on the other side of a river from me, and all I had to do to
get there was put my boat in the stream and go with the flow!

I loved the image of my VE as a city--dynamic and vibrant and alive and a place that I could enter any time I
chose to go there.
Hi Greg,
Good question! Especially since that's what the thread is about.
As I understand it, Vibrational Escrow is a sort of storage place for the things you create. When you launch a
desire, Source immediately grants it--together, your desire and the response of Source create what you want.
(As Abe says, when you ask, it is given, every single time.)
But because of the buffer of time in our current time-space reality, your desire does not manifest in your
physical experience right away. That's where step 3, allowing, comes in. What you want is created; it exists
vibrationally. To bring it into your physical experience, you have to line up with it and close the gap between
where you are now and your own Vibrational Escrow. (See Douglas's other thread on closing the gap.)
Because we can't help wanting, Abraham always says that our Vibrational Escrow is packed full of all our
marvelous creations--enough fortunes and cars and relationships and trips and experiences for several
lifetimes--and when we get good at allowing, they'll have to offer a new workshop about how to deal with all
the good stuff streaming in.
I hope others will jump in and expand on this definition. But here's a starting point for you.
Nancy C.
PS One of my favorite images of Vibrational Escrow was the time I heard someone describe it like a garden,
always changing and growing and blossoming in different ways.


When you slumber and your consciousness re-emerges back into the non-physical perspective, we don't mean that you
take your earth-bound perspective and you go be an angel during the night. We mean that you withdraw your focus
which means you stop your resistance which means you become your Inner Being who likes to think about what you
are living here in this life. When you slumber and you become one with your Inner Being, what you and your Inner
Being do is plan your future experience and revel in what's out there in your vibrational escrow.
San Antonio TX, 4/23/05
You've got to start using a different criteria as what you use in your powerful now to make your decision to turn to.
You have got to make a new decision! We would encourage the new decision to be *How does it feel?*Better stated:
What does my Inner Being think about it?Better stated: What thought I could think now would bring me into
vibrational alignment with my Inner Being? Better stated: What thought could I think right now that would cause me
to go with the flow instead of against the flow? Better stated: what thought could I think right now that would be a
to all the wonderful things that are waiting for me in Vibrational Escrow? Hmmm, I think I'll go this way...
North Las Angeles 8/5/06B
You have in your vibrational escrow all those things you want, and you could pick any one thing on the planet that's
going wrong or in your life and give it your undivided attention, and you could keep all of those things that you want
from happening because you've activated such a vibration of lack over this one thing. Isn't that interesting? Because
whatever it is that you use as your excuse to offer your vibration, sets the tone for your point of attraction. Haven't you

noticed that the the worse it gets, the worse it gets for awhile, until you come to your senses? And the better it gets, the
better it gets, until you fall back into your old habits?
In other words, haven't you noticed that you can get on a run where you're feeling really good and things just get
better and better and better and then some old person shows up in your life or something happens and you get refocused or you watch CNN or you go to the movie on Global Warming and you have sort of a Resistance Relapse?
[Audience laughter.]
San Rafael, CA, 7-22-07
The economy is expanding because of the ideas you have. Everything you have lived every day of your life has put a
fortune into vibrational escrow and there is no shortage of money there. There is as much money as you can teach
yourself to expect that is there!The Source has given it's undivided attention to the expanded version of life for ALL for
you, and when you don't, you don't feel good. Don't blame it on them being jealous of you. You're not lining up with
who you have become and you've GOT to if you're ever to feel good again.
San Antonio 11/11/06
You have put a magnificent vibrational escrow together that you MUST satisfy, or you can't feel good. In other words,
there's no denying it. You have NO CHOICE but to move in the direction of who you are. It's NOT POSSIBLE for you
to stay put and keep doing what you're doing and continue to feel good. You just can't do that.
And people who do stay, who subvert the way they feel, who deny the way they feel, who don't allow themselves to go
in the direction of who they have become, they don't live very joyful lives.
Alaska, 7-08-07A

So What Exactly Is A Vibrational Escrow

As most of you know I am a big fan of Abraham-Hicks. I have studied many different
teachers over the years, but I have never found one that speaks as clearly or
resonates so strongly to me at my current spiritual level.
One of the concepts they mention often is the concept of each of us having a
Vibrational Escrow Account.
Basically a Vibrational Escrow Account is the place where all of our dreams and desires
go the minute we birth them in our minds, waiting for us to access them when we
meet up with those desires on the same vibrational level.
In other words, say your desire is for a new car. The minute you have and state that
desire Universe goes to work setting up the circumstances that can bring you that new
car. However then let's say your next statement is "but I can't afford a new car." This
is telling Universe that while you do want that car you are just not at the correct
vibrational level to bring it into your experience at this moment.
So the Universe in effect puts the new car in a "Vibrational Escrow Account" while it
waits for you to vibrate high enough to be a match for it.
So the "car" doesn't go away when you have the negative thought - it basically sits

there waiting for you to be at a matching level to claim it.

You see, the Universe never says no to any of your desires. It does not care what you
are asking for or who is doing the asking. It is totally neutral and unbiased. Only our
"ego selves" convince us that we are not worthy. We are all worthy in Universe's eyes.
It is our ego selves that convince us that we have to jump through hoops to deserve
So let's get back to the car. You have asked for it and now it sits in your Account.
So how do you gain access to it in your physical world? You need to become a
vibrational match to it.
The first thing you need to do is believe that you are entitled to it. After all why
wouldn't you be entitled to something as simple as a car? When the negative thoughts
try to pop up about it being too expensive etc. remind yourself that that is
not your problem. Universe is taking care of that part.
Then you start to visualize owning it. You imagine sitting in it and appreciating it. You
imagine its color, the smell when you get inside, the smooth way it runs. You imagine
hand washing it, putting gas in it, driving others around in it and simply loving every
inch of it.
You see this NOW puts you at the same vibrational level to be able to attract it easily
and gives Universe a vibrational level it can deliver on.
If you have any negative thoughts that seem to "push it away" simply take out those
thoughts and examine them.
Write them down and then seriously question what your doubts are and where they
came from. For instance:
1. Well I can't just attract a new car Ask yourself why not? It's only a car
2. Well "everyone" knows it can take years to save up for one Who says?
People manifest them everyday. They are given to them as gifts, they win them as
prizes. Of coarse I can receive one just as easily.
3. I dont even know how to begin to manifest one. Again, not your problem.
Universe will take care of that, you simply need to control your vibration around it.
4. My parents went their whole lives without actually owning a brand new
car. And this has what to do with me exactly?
5. Well how can a car just simply show up in my life? Again, not your problem.
Universe is the most powerful force in the universe. You think it can't handle
something as simple as delivering a car?

Go through your doubts. Get them out in the open. Analyze them, change your mind
about them. Then if the negatives try to come through replace them with your new
common sense answers - not the old tired ones that were buried under old emotions
and doubts.
Do you want to have some fun? Every once in awhile go take a "peek" into your
Escrow Account and see what is waiting for you to match up with this month.
I used to love the story of Aladdin when I was a kid. The idea of the genie in the lamp,
So it is no surprise to me that mentally my Vibarational Escrow Account looks like a
huge cave filled with tons and tons of riches. I imagine that it is covered by this thick
velvet purple curtain that I pull aside every once in awhile to take a peek and inside
that cave I see stacks and stacks of money piled on top of pallets. I see my new
champagne colored Escalade, I see my best selling books and super successful
internet business.
I visually see all of it just sitting there waiting for me - nice, shiny and sparkling - just
waiting for me to be a match for them. And they will never go away. As more desires
come about, more items simply get put in the cave waiting for me to claim them.
Maybe you picture yours as a bank vault that only you have the combination to. So go
take a "peek".
Decide which "thing" you would like to claim today. The new job, the new house, the
new car, the new relationship, stacks of money. Get all of your doubts out of the way
regarding them and start vibrating on the level you need to be to attract them to you.
Then take a step back and watch Universe do its thing and deliver it in ways you never
even expected.
Happy Creating!

Vibrational Escrow
I've been spending the past 6 weeks or so studying the co-creative work of AbrahamHicks and have really aligned with the message of vibrational escrow -- namely, that with
each new experience in life, we send out rockets of desire for things/people/experiences
we would like to have in our lives; however, until we align with the frequencies of those

desires, we will be unable to receive all that sits in vibrational escrow waiting for us.

Think of it in this way -- if you set your car radio dial to AM, you can only receive AM stations. It is
absolutely impossible to receive FM stations while tuned into AM frequencies.

So, too, is it in life. We may want certain things/people/experiences to manifest in our

lives but they will not happen until we attune ourselves to the frequencies of those
particular desires.

What I find absolutely liberating about this idea is this: I am creator of my life and its resulting
experiences. I create my reality but I can also choose to change it at any moment. What a
liberating thought! There is nothing to limit me but myself, and I've decided not to do that anymore. The
secondary benefit of this realization is that it encourages one to re-empower oneself. So
often in the past, I carelessly allowed others access to my power (a.k.a. my essential nature) and even
gave it away to still others; however, not anymore. I've recalled it all and am already reaping the
benefits of that action.

One lesson I've learned through this active creating is that the best results occur when you
relinquish control over how these desires will arrive into your life. Simply put, manifest them
but let go of attachment as to how they will show up. You can't imagine the delightful surprises
which will find you with this practice.

So, I challenge you. What is it that's been eluding you in life? Meditate on that desire.
Examine what conflicting thoughts you may have around that desire. Do what you can to
remove them, as they are interfering with your chosen desire. Release expectation as to
what the arrival of the desire will look like -- may come differently than you think and in a

different package. Sit back with the knowledge that this desire is already on its way to you.
Imagine the joy you will feel upon receiving it. Feel the joy in your current experience
because it is already yours. Relax. Smile. Give thanks. When interfering thoughts surface,
do what you can to release them. Continue this practice as often as you need to until the
desire appears. And then...give thanks, give Thanks, give THANKS.

Into the Vortex with Esther Hicks and Abraham

Reprinted from Successful Self Employment (SSE) News subscribe

Getting into the Vortex is the latest book by Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham.
They refer to it as a User Guide with a Guided Meditations CD.
In my 22 years of studying the Law of Attraction primarily through Abraham, Ive been
mostly drawn to the CDs of live workshops and to the workshops themselves. Not to
the books.
To me the workshop tapes, CDs and DVDs seem fresher because of the real-time
interaction between us and Abraham, as translated by Esther Hicks.
So I wasnt planning to rush out and buy Getting in the Vortex. But the universe had
other ideas:
my friend Mark was inspired to send me a copy as a gift.
And I discovered the first Abraham Hicks book that drew me into a new perspective:
the perspective of the Vortex.
The Vortex, as explained by Abraham, is a vibrational place where our human minds
are in alignment with our inner beings and Source energy. In this vibrational place,
Source has assembled all cooperative components of everything weve been asking

Though the vortex is vibrational, its still real. One message of the book is: everything
is vibrational.
When we get into the Vortex, we become a cooperative component too and our
dreams manifest.
Abraham has taught us about alignment with Source and our vibrational escrow for
years. Whats different now is: we are invited to extend our concept of ourselves.
From this point forward, our now includes the version of the self thats in the vortex.
If you allow these meditations into your mind, reading the book or listening to the CD
takes you easily into the vortex. You begin to live from this expanded now, now.
Example: Instead of who I am now being me-who-never-quite-has-enough-money,
who I am now includes the me-with-abundant-money thats in the Vortex.
Im calling this vibrational (but still real) version of me the Vortexian me. The
Vortexian me is no longer somewhere in my future. Through the opening Abraham
has extended, the Vortexian me is included in my now.
What a relief! I no longer have to long for things because the Vortexian me already
has them. As a result I feel much less stress: it is done!
My now is no longer defined only by 5-sense physical plane reality. It extends into
the spiritual planes of higher truth.
Its kind of like when we discovered that atoms werent the ultimate smallest unique
thing: instead, each atom has worlds upon worlds within it: what grandeur!
Getting into the Vortex is an evolutionary leap. It shifts how humans define and
experience reality.
One could argue that I still dont have the stuff here on the physical plane. I would
respond that I no longer define myself solely as a physical-plane being.
Plus: because of my expanded Vortexian viewpoint and reduced stress, I am, of
course, allowing in more of everything Ive been asking for, faster and in greater
abundance. Bliss!

For years Abraham taught that we are non-physical. They reminded us that even
though we live in these very flesh-bone-blood bodies, we arent essentially physical.
These words made sense intellectually but in spite of my best efforts, I remained
identified with being physical.
Now I have a way to experientially integrate my physical (temporary) and spiritual
(eternal) selves: by getting into The Vortex.


November 29, 2013 at 9:42am

Someone who speaks English as a second language asked for help in understanding some of the
terms that Abraham uses to explain their teachings. These are the explanations I gave her based
on my own understanding.
GRID is another word (analogy) for your point of attraction. It is your emotional foundation, like the
wood frame of a house. Abraham says that our job is to focus on our GRID (i.e. how we feel, and
do our best to feel good) and then let out GRID fill in naturally -- don't try to make things happen,
allow them to happen. Much like you did with your inspiration to investigate the Study Abroad Fair.
Your point of attraction (GRID) will bring all co-operative components to you.
VORTEX is another word for VIBRATIONAL ESCROW. It is the place where all of your desires are
already in VIBRATIONAL existence. Abraham started using this analogy to help us realized that it is
NOW, not something off in the future somewhere (which the term ESCROW implies). It is a
FEELING PLACE. If you are feeling good, you are in your VORTEX.
HIGH-FLYING DISC is just being in a positive emotional place, it is where you want to be to create
the GRID (point of attraction) that you want. When you are on a HIGH-FLYING DISC you are
allowing your GRID to fill in with what you want. It is the experience of being in your VORTEX.
ALLOWING is just being in a relaxed, good-feeling place. You are not concerned with HOW things
will come to you, WHO will bring them, or WHEN they will happen. You know WHAT you want and
WHY you want them, and you know that they are already done, and that there is nothing you need
to do to make them happen. When you are ALLOWING you are on a HIGH-FLYING DISC, you are
in your VORTEX, you are establishing the GRID that will bring everything you want to you.

I think PUSH THE LAUNCH BUTTON refers to us proactively making the effort to get on a HIGHFLYING DISC. This is done by basking in our beds at night, appreciating everything that is easy to
appreciate in the most GENERAL way. Then, when we wake up, to do the same thing again before
hopping put of bed to start our day. This is the ONLY place that Abraham really asks us to make an
effort. If we do this on a consistent basis, we will gradually raise out emotional set point to a more
positive place (HIGH-FLYING DISC), establish the GRID that we want, and ALLOW all of the things
in our VORTEX to reveal themselves to us in a natural, effortless way.
RAMPAGE is often used negatively in English. "He went on a RAMPAGE" means "He went around
attacking everyone" either verbally or physically. But Abraham, in their unique way have given this
word a positive twist. When they use the word, they mean "He went around expressing his
appreciation for everything and everyone." The word RAMPAGE has a very STRONG feel in
English, with lots of ENERGY behind it. There is a FORCEFULNESS to the word. So, to go on a
RAMPAGE OF APPRECIATION means to really get going with some significant power in a positive
direction -- to almost be unstoppable. RAMPAGES have lots of MOMENTUM behind them.
MOMENTUM refers to how much ENERGY you have behind something. I have heard Abraham say
that ALL MOMENTUM is taking you in the direction you want to go, but if you are not in
ALIGNMENT it can feel like the opposite. So, MOMENTUM can FEEL either POSITIVE or
NEGATIVE depending on where YOU are at VIBRATIONALLY. But basically it refers to "How much
attention (focus) are you giving to a particular subject.?" If you are giving a lot of attention to
something, then you have a lot of MOMENTUM going on that subject. Which means you are going
FAST. Abraham has used other analogies in the past to describe this same idea, most notably the
They have said there is ONLY a STREAM OF WELL-BEING, but if you are faced up-stream, the
stream can beat you up pretty bad. They have also used the analogy of going 5 miles and hour and
hitting a tree verses going 100 miles an hour and hitting a tree. It is a much more unpleasant
experience when you are going 100 miles and hour. The tree represents your resistance. The tree
does not necessarily change, but how fast you are moving does.
Thus, many people can manifest unpleasant physical symptoms after starting to do Abraham work
because they are increasing the MOMENTUM of their STREAM. They have begun to realize that
they can BE, DO, or HAVE anything that they want and they are letting themselves dream is bigger
way than ever before, but they are not able to keep up with the new MOMENTUM because their

BELIEFS are not keeping up with their DESIRES -- which creates a GAP between where they are
in the moment and WHO-THEY-HAVE-BECOME in Vibrational reality. T
his GAP is another word for how much resistance a person has. The more resistance you have in
combination with lots of MOMENTUM equals a wider GAP.

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