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Yesika Sorto Andino

Hello, my name is Yesika Sorto Andino. A lot of people have a hard time pronouncing my
name, but as Maritza Ramos from Orange is the New Black said it best: My name is Yesika. It
is like Jessica, but ethnic. I am a freshman and I am a Charlotte native, so it is exciting being
able to stay close to home, but still feel as if I am away from home, and I am 100 percent sure
my parents appreciate that. I am hoping to major in political science, but I am thinking about
picking up a double major in public health or international studies, but I am still not sure.
My family is from San Miguel in El Salvador. I have only visited once, which was three
years ago, but it was honestly such a beautiful country. Before I visited, I had a lot of
misconceptions about what El Salvador would be like, especially due to the media coverage, but
my favorite village was La Alegria and it was the place that allowed my perspective to change on
what El Salvador was to me. I was always afraid to tell people that I was Salvadoran/Latina
because I did not think I would fit in, but that trip honestly changed my entire view of my
parents home and I learned to value my culture and heritage.
Why political science? Well, it has actually never been this way, but if you would have
asked me what I wanted to major in about two years ago, I would have said biology and I would
have probably told you about my dream to become a pediatrician, but now, my desire has shifted
towards political science, and I am honestly happier with my decision (even though it is not
solidified). I decided to change because I realized that I wanted to work in the immigration field,
specifically becoming an immigration attorney. Knowing that I could help someone receive their
path to citizenship makes me really excited for the future and for this path as well.
What do I like to do in my free time? Well, before college my friends and I would go to
Barnes & Noble and we would just lay on the floor and try to do homework or read books, but
we ended up just drinking Starbucks and laughing about obscure things. I love going on Target
adventures and this is when my friends and I run around the store and play with the childrens
toys, even though we are eighteen years old, and we play the video games. We havent been
kicked out yet, so I that is good, but it is nice having that point in the day when you can just text
your friend and say, Target adventure? and we get to the nearest Target in less than ten
minutes. I also love going to Noodles & Company and when I found out that there was one
across campus, I got really excited. I recommend the penne rosa with feta cheese and a side
tossed green salad with balsamic dressing! I also love watching movies with my friends. I
usually have a Harry Potter marathon with my friends and we bake cookies.
I guess I should tell you about my eventful summer. Well, the highlight of my summer
was a backpacking trip I did in the Wind River Range of Wyoming for twenty-three days. The
first week was really difficult, not physically but emotionally. I have never been away from my
family without communication, so there were many times that I felt discouraged and I dreaded
the fact that I had to stay in the backcountry for so long, but I can now say that I am extremely
grateful for the opportunity. After the first week, the instructors bent the rules and they let me
speak to my parents over satellite phone, so that allowed me to be more at ease with my
situation. And after the phone call, I became a different person according to my friends that were
on the backpacking trip with me, and I was able to be more present. It was one of the hardest
things I have ever done and I was also the smallest person, so I had a good support system and
everyone was helpful when someone was not feeling too good. I ended with about 94 miles and

Yesika Sorto Andino

an average of 40 pounds on my back, but it allowed me to grow as a person and it showed me
that I was stronger than I ever thought I was. The day I will always remember was the dreaded
Day 10, and we laugh when we think about it, but it was so difficult and I still cannot fathom the
fact that I was able to get through that day. We spent about seven hours jumping across boulders
and then we had to climb up loose rocks, and I thought I was going to fall, but I didnt! Then, we
had to climb up a steep pass that was covered in snow and ice and it took us about two hours, but
we did it or si se pudo, which means we were able to. I also miss looking at the stars and
seeing the Milky Way and the constellations. It was the most beautiful sight and it makes me
want to go back.
When I was in high school, I loved being a Spanish literacy tutor and also being a
formation of faith teacher at my church. I taught people who had never learned to write or read in
their native language, which was Spanish, at my church. It was the most rewarding experience
ever and it allowed me to learn more about the issues that they faced in their native countries and
how the education system is very flawed. I also loved teaching 4-6 year olds about Christianity
and they were just amazing kids and they made waking up at 8 on a Saturday morning worth it.
I play piano. I have been playing for about five years and it was the first time I ever tried
anything in the musical spectrum, so it was interesting at first and I did mess up a lot, but I had
an amazing teacher, Mrs. Gigi. She taught me to be more confident in my abilities and it was
with her help that I was able to receive superior ratings in the festivals I performed in.
Well, those are some things about me. I hope I didnt ramble too much; I tend to do that! I
cannot wait to be in your class and to just go through my first semester of college!

Yesika Sorto Andino

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