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December 2016

It s already happening. It s been happening for weeks now. On television, in print, in stores we are
bombarded by the idea that we need the coolest new toy, the best recipe, or the most beautiful table
settings to pull off the upcoming holiday season. Magazine, commercials, and everything else make
promises that with their item, their idea, their food, Christmas will be the happiest, the best, the most
unforgettable yet. And that, friends, is a mighty big promise. It s the Christmas message we hear
again and again in the media and culture around us.
but it's also a promise I don't believe for a
Because that is not reality for many of us. I d go as far to guess that it s not reality for any of us!
What happens when that irresistible cookie is burned in the oven? When those easy holiday
decorations just end up looking terrible? When the Pinterest craft is a complete Pinterest fail? The
new traditions can't begin because it's the first year not everyone is coming home for Christmas.
When it's the first holiday without a loved one next to you. When you have no where to spend the
festive day. Sometimes, for some of us, the holidays are not joyful, jolly, or happy. The reality is that,
for most of us, this will not be our happiest holiday season ever.
This Advent, we will light candles and sing verses of O Come, O Come Emmanuel each week in
worship. This is a hymn that cries out for Emmanuel, God with us, to come and be near. It speaks of
exile, of hell, of gloomy clouds and shadows. Come, Emmanuel, and free us from exile. Come
Emmanuel, and deliver us from hell. Come, Emmanuel and disperse these gloomy clouds that seem
to shadow each day.
I think sometimes we feel pressure to put on our best face. To not show our emotions if they are
anything but cheerful. To wrap our gifts with the prettiest bows and send out our Christmas cards with
happy, smiling families. But that's not why Jesus is born.
Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, is born because we are broken. Because we lead lives that are far
from perfect. Because sometimes it feels like we are in exile, or going through hell, or that those dark
clouds follow us around wherever we go. Into that world, for us as those people, Jesus is born.
Maybe, for whatever reason, this will be your happiest holiday season ever. But, if it's not, it's okay.
We sing together, "O come, thou day spring, come and cheer our spirits by thine advent here.
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night and death's dark shadows put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice,
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel." Rejoice. Jesus comes. For you. For me.
Pastor Lindsay

November 13, 2016

Red Oak Grove Lutheran Church
Council Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President, Gary Ulland.
Highs and lows were shared.
Jacob Ulland led devotions with words from a favorite song.
Pastors report was printed, highlights were; two youth were confirmed, five Communion visits, one hospital
and four other visits were completed. Christmas devotionals will be ordered, we will make lefse on December
4th and the Christmas Program will be on December 11th.
The Secretarys Report was given, a motion was made, seconded and passed to accept as presented.
The Treasurers Report was given, a motion was made, seconded and passed to accept as presented. Total
income for October was $6,119.50, expenses were $9,332.96. Ending balance is $15,295.99. Youth Fund
balance is $3,304.73 and the Improvement Fund balance is $19,160.64.
WELCA Report was given by Marilyn, they have been busy quilting.
Deacons Report was given by Anne, they are working on planning and noted the GIFT is going very well.
Trustees Report was given by Dean, they put up a new motion light on the garage.
Old Business: The Anyuak ministry support was discussed. A motion was made, seconded and passed to
use the Noisy Coin offerings in 2017 to support the ministry.
There is still an opening for an additional Trustee.
There was discussion regarding repairing or replacing the current sign in front of the church.
New Business: Cowboy Sunday will be set up as it was this past year. Christmas worship was discussed, the
idea was shared that at Family Service be held at 3:00 p.m. and the traditional Candlelight Service be at
5:00 p.m. Christmas Day will be at 9:00 a.m. Pastor shared some ideas about using a different format for
bulletins and some ideas for our regular Sunday worship service.
The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lords Prayer.
Attending: Gary Ulland, Jacob Ulland, Jenny Ingvalson, Tom Harber, Marilyn Helleck, Anne Rudlong,
Pete Kleinschmidt, Jamie Hanson, Dean Peterson, Pastor Lindsay and Laura Tjomsland.
Next meeting will be a Christmas potluck meal at Pastor Lindsays house on Sunday, December 11th at
6:00 p.m.
Eucharist Assistant for December is Jacob Ulland.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Tjomsland, Council Secretary.

WELCA Minutes
On Sunday, November 6, 2016, Joyce Peterson, Co-President, called the monthly WELCA meeting
to order at 10:30 a.m. She opened the meeting in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The
group recited the WELCA purpose together. Devotions were given by Linda Christianson with the
reading of three verses of Now Thank We All Our God.
Secretarys Report from the Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Guest Day was read. No other secretary
report was given. Correspondence was read. A thank you note from Jean Krause with Tri-M-W who
was our Guest Day program. Thanked our ladies for our hospitality. Also a Christmas greeting from
Madelon Colette for the 2015 holiday season (just found in basket of cards). Both reports will be
placed on file. Treasurers Report was given by Lavonne Smith.
Committee Reports: Prairie Manor-Working on making a new area for residents to purchase and use
greeting cards. Some residents had an opportunity to have an outing to the Steele County Fair. The
Homecoming Royalty visited Prairie Manor. There is talk of a popcorn machine. The auxiliary voted
to give $200 to help with the purchase of bookshelves or a cabinet for greeting cards. Next meeting
will be Monday, November 28, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome. Prairie Manor had some guests
from New Richland Care Center due to flooding of their facility.
WIT will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. They enjoyed a visit to the Hormel
Nature Center and dining at Perkins. Discussion regarding flowers on the altar. Cannot use artificial.
Can use real and dry them. Had to be a living plant.
Judy Wambeam reported from quilting. Seventeen have been completed in four weeks of work. She
bought fat quarters for placemats for dining area for fall. Nancy Wesely was given two quilts for
Relay for Life. One was given to the Cancer Auction. We will make 1 boy and 3 girl quilts for our
graduates. We gave Rachels Hope five adult, five children and eight small. Judy wished Dorothy
Phipps the best as she prepares to move to her retirement home. She said a quilt was given to her at
quilting. Dorothy has helped the quilting ladies for many years. Joyce had many thanks to share. To
Linda for making Confirmation cards for our gift of money. To WIT for outside and inside
Thanksgiving decorations. Thanks to officers for cleaning all the plastic table cloths in the basement
before Guest Day. Thanks to all who helped with Guest Day furnishing muffins and working. WELCA
served Pastors Conference on Tuesday, October 25, 2016.
Our officers for 2017 will remain the same. Please consider a place you can serve and let the officers
know if you are willing to serve as Vice President. Fall leaves and plants need to be cleaned at flower
beds. A reminder given to send a greeting to Pastor Bagne on 60 years of ordination. Please
recognize him by sending to address in LOG.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at 12:30. It will be a potluck and two from
each circle are asked to help in the kitchen. The officers will take care of the program. Ushers today
were Judy and Virginia. Closed with November birthday wishes and the Lords Prayer.
Linda L. Christianson

Thank you for the cards of appreciation and gratitude that you showered me with in
November. I am thankful for each of you and the ministry we do together! Thank you!
Pastor Lindsay
The WIT group will meet for a noon potluck at the church on December 13th.
Thank you to everyone who worked on the quilts or furnished materials for them. We made 27 quilts
in the 6 weeks weve quilted. Judy Wambeam and Pat Hanson
Parking help will be available in these snowy, icy months! We will have our own valet service
once again this month! All you need to do is ask; there are many willing people! Pull into the circle
drive and come into church. Connect with a greeter and they will happily help find someone to park
your car. When you are ready to leave, well find someone to bring your car to the door for you. We
are here to help, please ask!
In the event of icky winter weather, we do our best to post cancellations on the following
venues: Red Oak Grove Facebook page (This is the best way to check since we have complete
control over the publication. Dont have Facebook and wonder if church is cancelled? Call someone
who could check for you!); the Red Oak Grove prayer chain; KAAL tv; KTTC tv; KOWZ radio; and
KRFO radio.

If you would like to purchase a Poinsettia for Christmas the cost is $10. The sign-up
sheet is on the table in the narthex. Make checks payable to WELCA and they can be
given to Lavonne Smith, Marilyn Ulland or Holly Ille. The last day for ordering is
December 11th.
Church Council reminder: The December Church Council meeting will be held on Sunday,
December 11th at 6 p.m. with a 6:30 p.m. potluck to follow. Spouses are invited. We will meet at the
parsonage this year. For space accommodation reasons, please RSVP to Pastor Lindsay. We will
not have a gift exchange this year; instead, come prepared for Christmas trivia!
The Mitten Trees are up and waiting to be filled with caps, mittens, scarves and gloves. The items
will be given to the schools in Austin and Blooming Prairie.

Christmas at Red Oak Grove

December 11th Christmas Program at 9 a.m.
December 24th Family Service/Holy Communion at 3 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship/Holy Communion at 5 p.m.
December 25 Christmas Day Worship/Holy Communion at 9 a.m.

The 2017 offering envelopes will be in the

narthex soon and ready to be picked up.
Pease do not use them until January 1, 2017.
End of Year Giving Deadline Donations for
the 2016 tax year must be in to the church
office by December 31, 2016.

If you would like a copy of your Contribution

Statement for 2016, let the church office know.
All reports to be included in the Annual Report
should be in the office by January 15, 2017.

Sunday, December 4: FIRST, come to worship to learn about Saint Nicholas. Well hear a bit
about him, part of which will include taking off our shoes and leaving them in the narthex for a
surprise! THEN, after worship, during coffee hour, were rolling and frying lefse! Well make
lefse to sample as we go and to send out to a lot of our church friends who cant make it to worship.
Join the fun!
Wednesday, December 7: Its our Christmas addition of GIFT! As always, pizza will be served at
5:30 with playing and praying to follow. Join us! Well practice a couple songs to sing on Sunday the
11th during our Christmas program!
Sunday, December 11: During worship, the whole congregation will present a Christmas program.
The confirmation students will take the reading parts but we need all of you to come and be a part of
the story! You can choose to be an animal in the manger, a shepherd, a wise person, Mary, or
Joseph. We will also be singing a couple songs we learn at GIFT just a few days earlier. As in
years past, we ask that families bring goodies to share during coffee hour this day and that
you help serve as you are able.
Wednesday, December 14: The Confirmation students will be ringing bells for the Salvation Army
at both doors of HyVee on Wednesday the 14 from 6 to 8 pm. We will need another adult or two
to accompany us; please let Pastor Lindsay know if you are willing. After our shift is over at 8, we will
go out for ice cream.
Wednesday, December 21: Confirmation Christmas Party at the parsonage from 6:30 to 8 pm.
New this year: Christmas Eve Family Service at 3pm. This service welcomes absolutely everyone
but it will be a bit different than our traditional candlelight service at 5 pm. At 3pm, well explore the
Christmas story in a more active way, hearing the story from the Spark Story Bible, using glow
sticks, and likely coloring a bit too! If an earlier time works better for your family on Christmas
Eve, if youre up to try something new and geared towards our younger friends, please join us at 3!

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