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Don Croft Daily Reports

Powerwand Succor Punch (SP) Holy Handgrenade (HHG) Tower Buster (TB) Chembuster (CB) Earth Pipe (EP)
Harmonic Protector (HP) Terminator II U.S. Cell Phone Tower Locator Croft Daily Reports Index Zap Checker

Two Warrior Exemplars, and Cliff Notes for the

Grassroots Orgonite Effort
By Don Croft <terminator3@turbonet.com>
November 9, 2004
The following pages mainly concern Cesco Soggiu and Dennis Griffin but a short review in
trends seems to be in order to create a context for the discussion:

In our continuing effort to decentralize this fledgling grassroots movement we lately invited a
few of the more prodigious gifters to post on ethericwarriors.com so that anyone can witness the
diversity and effectiveness that characterizes this now-global un-organized effort without having
to plow through a lot of inane posted fluff. This sampling isn't exclusive, please understand.
They're only the prodigious gifters whom we personally have worked with in 3D and/or we
know well enough to at least feel confident that they won't undermine the collective effort by
giving free rein to their egos and I think it's paying off handsomely now in terms of relevance
and servicability.
Ken Adachi graciously consented to post my first journal reports in May, 2001, when I told him
that Carol and I needed a little higher profile for our own physical safety on account of our
successful orgonite cloudbuster research and within a few months a loose, informal network of
fellow orgonite cloudbuster experimentors sprang up in the US and Canada from the
correspondence that the reports' exposure generated from Ken's internationally popular educateyourself.org .
Within a year, there were a couple thousand or so cloudbusters in North America, Europe,
Africa and elsewhere and the chemtrails, just about everywhere, either were seen to disappear or
failed to spread out to obliterate the sky from horizon to horizon as had been the case, daily,
since early 1999 and intermittently for a decade before that. I was first sickened by chemtrails in
November, 95, right after I watched an old military transport plane lay the thick stuff in big lazy
circles at a low altitude above me in San Bernardino, California and I stayed sick with those
respiratory and 'tiredness' symptoms until the day after I tried my first zapper, five months later.
After I made that connection I immediately understood why literally everyone in that city was
sick all the time.
We feel sure that the first grassroot wave of cloudbusters successfully prevented Phase Two of
the chemtrail program from being implemented, which we believe was to have been anthrax,
smallpox, plague, etc., after enough of the populace had been sufficiently weakened by
mycoplasma and other immune response suppressants during Phase One.
Since the defeat of the chemtrail program the new forest of death towers, which were apparently
erected very fast so that the time between their appearance and genocide wouldn't be
embarrassingly long, remain as stark reminders of the obvious intention of the hidden masters to
control the survivors electromagnetically so that only a few soldiers would have been needed to
maintain martial law and enslavement throughout the planet.
The stated goal of the Illuminati was to have a global population reduced to half a billion by the
year 2000. See how far behind their carefully planned agenda is? Aren't you encouraged by that,
especially if you bought into the scam that these macroparasites are actually powerful and
HAARP is worth a mention, of course. When we started out with the cloudbusters there had
been long-term, HAARP-induced droughts throughout the world which institutionalized
academics were required to blame on 'global warming.' With the defeat of the chemtrail program
also came the end of most of the droughts in North America and as more and more gifters pay
attention and take out the HAARP arrays along with the more obvious death towers, we're
seeing more and more normal rainfall throughout the continent now. I can tell you that our drive
across the Desert Southwest in June, 2001 was heartbreaking; entire desert regions were literally
dead from lack of rain. Now, they've all come back at least to normal desert life conditions and,
as Galaero is reporting, it's been raining a LOT in the Southern Arizona region, finally, largely
through his own persistent and intelligent efforts but also in conjunction with a lot of
cloudbusters and a lot of other gifting in Arizona, California's desert region and Western

In January, Georg and Trevor prevented a predicted famine in Southern Africa by busting the
Indian Ocean coastal HAARP arrays along South Africa's East Coast and all the way into
Mozambique and thus generating rainfall, with the help of scores of desert cloudbusters,
throughout the Kalahari and Namib Deserts and also throughout the less arid agricultural areas
of that part of the continent. Georg has www.orgonise-africa.net and just returned from a
coordinated gifting effort in Namibia with some of the orgonauts in that country and a fellow
warrior from Australia.
This all has shown a lot of promise for orgonite's potential to reverse deserts. I assume that no
rational person is still parroting the British East India Company's tired old Malthusian mind
control protocols about 'overpopulation' by now. As LaRouche has more reasonably pointed out,
this planet can comfortably hold many times more people than we presently have and if it ever
gets genuinely crowded here we'll easily be able to colonize uninhabited planets after
terraforming them. He also coined the phrase, 'growth is negentropic,' which is right in line with
Dr Reich's laboratory findings, and I don't think he even knows about orgonite's easy ability to
transmute inhospitable climates ;-)
By the spring of 2002, when 'Phase One' of the chemtrail program was essentially neutralized,
the new death tower network was nearly complete throughout the world and we felt the need to
shift our focus over to disabling those death towers and the newly expanded HAARP network,
instead of just promoting cloudbusters, because many of us already felt confirmed that the
purpose of this new global forest of fortified towers was to enable enslavement and suppress
awareness, even though the genocide agenda had apparently been derailed.
The occult/corporate order never gives up territory or control, of course, because they've been
waging war on humanity and on the environment. We have to take power from them now-there
are no shortcuts and nobody's going to do our fighting for us. The Patriot Act makes it clear that
the government fully intends to essentially imprison all Americans ASAP. The entire country,
thus the planet, would be a prison in that case.
Of course, they're no longer able to do this successfully but that doesn't mean they're not going
to try as soon as they can. The Patriot Act was a wakeup call for many people of conscience and
President Cujo's obvious re-appointment last week was a wakeup call for the slightly less aware.
Parasites are irrational. In the body, they'll simply keep taking and taking until the host has been
killed. See how that's not rational. The occult/corporate world order are exactly the same as a
deadly virus or heartworms this way, please understand. Hugging them and telling them you
love them won't stop them but fighting them and taking the world back from them by intelligent
gifting will weaken them to the point where they can be properly exposed and arrested and I'm
happy to announce that we can probably do all of this without shooting them. How can it get any
better than this? If you feel inclined to 'understand' why macroparasites are so obsessed with
rapine and plunder, please consider that you're as likely to understand Jeffrey Dahmer's culinary
inclinations. To properly understand them, you have to Be Like Them. I've been content to just
do what I can to stop them, instead.
Fortunately, enough people took the new death tower threat seriously enough to get busy with
'gifting,' which is the term Cbswork of ethericfire.com popularized then for distributing orgonite
in the environment. He and a few others have disabled most of the 10,000 or so new death
towers in and around LA this way and he's mostly responsible for the smog-free atmosphere
there, pleasant ambience and gorgeous skies, along with abundant rainfall. More often than not
one can see Santa Catalina Island from Pasadena, 80 miles away, across the middle of LA. Old
folks in Pasadena had told Cbswork that they'd never seen that before.
By the way, he told me today that whenever he gets attacked, he just picks another California
city to gift and hits the road with a bucket of orgonite devices. Nobody's come close to his

prodigious gifting example. He also comes under the most severe assaults on account of where
he is and the threat he personally represents to the occult regime but that's for him to tell more
about, of course. I'm not even allowed to tell his name in my public documents but he's telling a
lot these days in his daily blogs on ethericfire.com. I can assure you that anything he makes is
top notch and will do as advertised. I urge everyone who has the courage to do so to get a
Reptoid Repllent from him and get busy finding out about the reality of the reptilian presence
where you live. Learn it now and avoid the rush ;-) but please be assured that even the most
bloodthirsty reptiles are still only macroparasites. The worst they can do is turn your town into a
penny arcade if/when they're no longer to maintain their human form, unless you live in a
country, unlike Switzerland, the US and Brazil, has made private ownership of firearms
unlawful. In that case, get a club or axe ;-)
The CIA replaced the water meter in Cbsworks' front yard in May of this year (that will be seen
as a seminal month when we feel it's appropriate to publish the full account of the concerted
effort, on and off the internet, to disable this grassroot effort by discrediting and disabling, if not
murdering, Cbswork, Carol and I) with a new meter that had a uranium plug welded into the
pipe. When he immediately 'saw' the radiation coming off that new meter he had the presence of
mind to turn off the house's water supply. We blasters apparently disabled that water meter
because a couple of weeks later that one blew up and got replaced by genuine utility workers
with a real water meter. His household had running water again after that.
Another time he was hit with a microwave blast from an airborne transmitter when he was
standing in his backyard. That probably would have killed an ordinary person and it did severely
sicken him but he was recovering by the time Carol and I got there in August. We saw that the
grass around where he'd been standing was still dead and yellow, in contrast to the lush green
around that big circular patch. He told us that he gave much worse back to his attackers then,
which stopped the attack and probably stopped him from getting fried ;-).
Carol got hit with a similar blast recently and it also immediately killed the grass in that spot
around where she was standing but she feels that her Harmonic Protector deflected that blast
around her own etheric field, so all she felt was a little disoriented for awhile.
If you've had a similar experience, please contact me.
In the summer of 2002 some of us initiated informal 'search and destroy' etheric missions to
prevent the US Government's thuggery/murder agencies from repeating the 9/11 scenarios in
various ways. At first only Cbswork, Carol and I and an intermittent few others participated in
these efforts and we simply kept in touch by email during the exercises. On July 2 that summer,
for instance, I got a note from Richard, near Chicago, that during a meditation, boosted with his
Succor Punch, he clearly saw some men setting up a small nuclear device to explode at the
Chicago waterfront during a fireworks display, attended by many thousand spectators the next
night. Cbswork and Carol confirmed it by going there astrally and we all blasted the snot out of
those guys and that bomb's trigger mechanism.
We did this periodically after that whenever anyone emailed me with viable psychic intel and
that's perhaps one reason that no mass murder has been committed by this government in the US
in over three years. We found out that other groups and individual psychics are also working to
prevent martial law this way because sometimes, like when the US and British Navies were all
set to initiate a fake meteor strike, 'endless night,' scenario by blowing up a chunk of Australia
with nukes in August, somebody else beat us to the scene and stopped the mayhem ;-). I guess
we're the only group who does it in a more public format, though.
Two years ago Cbswork alerted us that the CIA, under George Bush, Sr.'s direct supervision,
were planning to assassinate President Cujo with the same team of wetworkers that had just

been slaughtering people in Baltimore and Washington, DC. We apparently prevented that event
and, lately, we've apparently interfered with a current assassination plot, also overseen by Cujo's
satanic reptilian dad. The psychics are seeing Cujo as completely bewildered and resigned to
being slaughtered, soon, but we feel we can easily prevent this if the Law allows us to. We must
do whatever we reasonably can to prevent martial law from being declared and I hope you share
our passion. We each can play a unique part in this honorable and essential effort, by the way,
even we who aren't psychic ;-)
We've set up the chat function on ethericwarriors.com to do this on a weekly basis and most of
the women who post on the board are doing the larger share of this work now. Some of them are
previously suppressed psychics whose gifts are re-emerging as a side-benefit of their gifting
efforts. Sensei Dennie's usually invited to participate and bring his Power Sword because he's
respectful and won't interfere with the women's consultation process.
By the way, friends send me snippets of the new psychological assault tactics and strategies
against Cbswork, Carol and myself when they appear on the internet. The people who design
these attacks don't seem to sleep and they read every single word we publish on the net and even
some of our private email, apparently. I like to keep track of this stuff, though I'm not inclined to
read diatribes because they're enervating to anyone who will read the stuff. The latest assaults
claim that I'm a cult leader and the authors warn people specifically not to read my material. Of
course this just makes people want to read it who otherwise might not have been interested, so
we make a lot of new friends this way.
Also, since we all stress the importance of doing the work rather than just believing us we're in
the clear in terms of those accusations. Nobody's selling the basic gifting recommendations,
which are still the heart of this grassroot, global effort, and nearly everyone who gifts makes
their own orgonite devices. I won't even mention our business website in my published material,
so nobody's calling me a mercenary any more ;-)
The Theosophy-based nazis on the net are calling me a 'dark entity' and other unpleasant things
because I never let them vamp our accomplishments ;-)
I categorically admit that I'm a spiritual leper, by the way; one of the walking wounded. So why
do you suppose so many people are following our recommendations? It's not because they think
I'm a holy man. I think that's clear enough to even a casual reader of my reports and
observations and lots of people gift who actually don't like me, personally. They follow these
simple gifting and predator-blasting recommendations (all of which are acts of healing, by the
way) simply because they know that these things work. Whenever someone writes to me and
says, 'I gift because your writings have convinced me that it's a viable effort,' I actually feel
some angst and tell the writer to start paying more attention and gather his/her own
confirmations. I don't want them to do anything just because I say it's worth the effort.
The other current strategy of our enemies is to promote the notion that gifters and cloudbuster
aficionados are a 'community' and that we bicker and have personality battles, calling each other
agents and broadcasting that accusation, otherwise, to anyone and practically everyone. In fact, I
rarely use the term, 'agent,' because the issue isn't the agencies which program all the sociopaths
and pay the disinformation agents; the issue is that most readers of internet sites are so damned
stubborn about exercising discernment.
This is NOT a community, any more than 'toothbrush users of the world' are and I'm not
affiliated or even seriously concerned about what happens on the boards that I was previously
involved in, other than to keep informed of at least the outline of any new tactics or strategies
that may be promoted there to discredit us. I don't discourage anyone from participating on those
boards, either.

The most aggressive attacks, right now, are coming from other forums and websites. I don't even
try to keep track of who's doing that any more and it's all free advertising as long as I keep my
own slate relatively clean. Rense doubled our numbers a couple of years ago by attacking us on
his syndicated radio program and he stopped abruptly after that, so we're not even mentioned
any more in the prostituted media. All of the efforts to divide, corrupt and halt this grassroot
effort are confined to calumny on websites and for a and personal email campaigns.
Backbiting is always destructive but apparently it hasn't been effective in this case because this
movement just keeps expanding and consolidating in a steady, organic way. Also, we're seeing
that more and more mature, sober people are taking us seriously and getting busy with gifting. I
can at least confidently claim that our effort is safely outside the purview of Theosophy-fueled,
grinning, braindead, pot/endorphin-inebriated loose cannons at long last!
This article, though, is mainly about our two warrior friends and associates, Sensei and Cesco,
who exemplify for me the two complementary aspects of spiritual warfare, respectively, that
might be called 'curing and healing,' or 'fighting and loving.' A warrior's not just a fighter, after
all-he/she is also a healer and genuine lover of humanity..
Both of these men are also bona fide inventors and artists, as are many of the people who post
on ew.com. In this emerging paradigm, invention and art are inseparable, I believe, just as
spirituality and science are inseparable.
Cesco Soggiu, who lives in Norway and has www.soulbalm.com, has, for many years, exhibited
his sculptures in galleries in Europe and his basic coil creation is proving to be a 'next level'
effort in terms of using simple technology to raise consciousness and transmute discordant
energy. I hope you'll get one of his Little Secret coil/orgonite devices to experiment with.
Something as profound as this needs a lot of time and experimentation to even begin to
understand but the fact that the experiments themselves unlock our own potential makes the goal
slightly less significant than the journey in this case, I believe. When one embarks along the
gifting path one develops an appreciation of the fact that there are many things, even simple
truths, which just won't be understood until we've grown into them, so this effort fosters the fine
attributes of detachment and patience.
Cesco's approach is certainly in line with the trend that Carol and I have favored, which
indicates to us that the synergy of simplicity and potency may be the path to the technology that
The Operators, themselves, exemplify for us. Maybe our ultimate goal is to be like the Sylphsetheric beings who make cloudsculptures for our edification and encouragement. Have you seen
the Sylph clouds gobbling chemtrails yet? Many have, lately, so keep looking up and if you
want to invite them into your part of the sky, go bust those death towers around you and I know
they'll come! ;-)
A bigger treat is when the Sylphs themselves come to ground and envelope us. It's unspeakably
blissful when it happens but two of the signs are that everyone around you is also blessed out
and the light is curiously brighter. If you assume that someone needs to tell you about the
Sylphs, please consider that the Sylphs never needed a mouthpiece or spokesman; they connect
with us directly through our hearts, like the cetaceans do. If you're feeling a boost from my
comments instead of confusion, it's likely that they're connecting with your heart right now. Get
out there and gift if you're just feeling confused by my Sylph comments! Get experience with
things like this and you'll stop worrying about and wasting precious times discussing all those
silly doom predictions on the CIA disinfo sites ;-)
Cesco told me he felt guided to make the basic coil form, which requires considerable skill, by
the way.
Our introduction to Cesco came through our friend, 'Laozu' Kelly, who lives in the next town

and had been corresponding with him. He later visited with Cesco in June of '04. In that case
Cesco took a train from Oslo, where he lives, to see Kelly, who was visiting relatives in Sweden
and Mr Soggiu slept in the woods then. I personally admire frugal travelers and Kelly's
comment about the woods made me feel good about Cesco in a curious way, perhaps because
I've spent so much time in voluntary vagabondage ;-).
When we first met Kelly, a year or so earlier, he handed us a curious, small sculpture of a
petaled lotus, made of one continuous bare copper wire and said, 'Cesco made this.' At that time,
Cesco had a sculpture exhibit in Reykjavik, Iceland. When I asked lately (this is an aside, but
appropriate, I think) about the popularity in Reykjavik of the female singer, Bjork, who is from
Iceland, he told me that Bjork's mother regularly donated her home-made pastries to the
gallery's visitors during his exhibit and is a very sweet person. I hope he's going to post pictures
of his 'other' art on soulbalm.com .
Cesco is wrapping up a year of vowed silence which he started at the New Year. He carries
around a board which he writes his comments on when he talks to people and tells me that the
blind and small children sort of miss out, though kids have other, cooler ways to communicate
besides just talking. His writing is quite calligraphic, so I think it would be nice to have a
conversation with him in 3D before Jan 1.
During this year, by the way, he's disabled the death towers and otherwise gifted extensively
with orgonite in and around Oslo, Norway, and also gifted the five points of a massive
pentagram that covers much of that country. I confess that part of my desire to promote his
inventions is not unselfish; he's going to pay his way to the US, through his web sales, for a
It's his passion for healing and courage in the face of threats that makes him a de facto warrior, I
think. He's a very kindly man whom I can't imagine throwing an etheric punch in anger. His
inventions are mainly healing devices. Healing is an act of aggression, too, though. I bet you
have a hard time wrapping your brain around that notion. Dr Rudi Verspoor is the one who woke
me up to that fact (I guess I was finally ready to grasp that simple truth by last July) and I'd been
in the healing trade for over eight years when he made a few simple, true remarks about this to
me during my visit to his school in Ottawa. He's a pre-eminent teacher of Homeopathy who
calls his approach 'Heilkunst,' which means, 'Heal-art' in German, I think. Dr Rudi's site is
www.homeopathy.com and he's the first, as far as I know, to incorporate the teachings of Reich
and Steiner to Hahnemann's eighteenth century findings.
Curing a disease means destroying the pathogens, simply stated. It's a fight. Healing is a
rebuilding, nurturing process and is entirely separate from curing but is in synergy with it but it's
still a conscious, aggressive approach because a sick body resists healing and has to be
overcome. Since the chemtrail endemics are characterized by biologically engineered pathogens
which destroy living tissue, mainly in the vital organs, it had been problematic for us to witness
the same easy healing results with zappers that we witnessed prior to the full-time onset of the
chemtrails in early 99. This is obviously because the body's own healing response had sort of
been reprogrammed and the body in that case needs to be re-educated with the use of specific,
life-enhanced medicines.
Not long before I met Dr Rudi, another reputable homeopath, Dr Wm von Peters, who has
www.uncurable.com , had developed a specific energy remedy to overcome that bad
programming and help the body heal the effects of chemtrails. 'ChemBuster,' which combines
herbal tinctures and homeopathic elements in a proprietary blend. Is what he calls it. A new
twist is that this remedy is apparently further potentized by placing it next to orgonite for a few
I haven't heard from any of my customers who've been suffering from these new chronic

illnesses who didn't entirely heal from using a combination of zappers and ChemBusters and I've
sent out hundreds of bottles of the remedy since we finished our field tests in June. I gather that
Dr von P is even more astonished than we are, perhaps because, as an old-school natural
physician he dislikes the notion of 'magic bullets,' for healing. To me, though, this success
simply points up the widespread destructive influence of the bioweaponry in the chemtrails,
even years after they've ceased to be a health threat.
I advise potential customers that I believe any zapper on the market will get those results as long
as ChemBuster is taken at the same time. We developed the subtle energy components in our
zapper to boost the body's healing process and that's panned out well but still didn't completely
answer the more extreme tissue damage problem, so I asked Doc von P to develop a more
comprehensive remedy and he did the research on the known pathogens in chemtrails, then
designed the remedy for some field tests last spring.
By the way, we're experimenting with adding Cesco's coils to our Terminator zapper in a couple
of configurations in case we see the viability of offering a 'deluxe' model for the harder cases. If
you're a hard chronic case who hasn't healed from zapping and ChemBuster, please get in touch
with me at termnator3@turbonet.com if you want to participate in this new field study. Don't try
to fake it, though, because my wife's going to check you out ; -)
We've all been compromised by the chemtrails, by the way. Dr Steve Smith, whom we've
worked with a couple of times in connection with the gifting project, told me that after taking
the remedy for a week his liver and gall bladder reflex points were no longer sore to touch and
he wasn't even particularly sick at the time. His wife, Dooney, by the way, is one of the premier
psychics/blasters in the Women Warriors chat sessions. Her site is www.bluemarbleimages.com
and they live in Western Montana, not very far from us. Look for Dooney's posts on
ethericwarriors.com because they've recently overcome an interesting but very persistent
problem with reptiles there lately and you might find it particularly informative if you live in a
reptile-dominated area like theirs was.
I draw a clear distinction between 'field devices' and 'personal devices.' It's a fact that absolutely
anyone can make a tray of 3-ounce towerbusters, then go out and disable a dozen death towers
successfully. It doesn't matter if the maker is a ritual satanic murderer, politician or pedophile;
the busted towers will all be turned into life force generators and everyone in the area will then
be free of their constant etheric assault. The personal devices are another matter. The one who
makes them infuses his/her energy signature into the handiwork and orgonite enhances the finer
aspects of human energy, making these devices even more personal and potent. Cesco calls this
'the etheric thumbprint,' and he feels that this is a very big part of the effectiveness of his coils. A
healer has a more refined energy signature, for instance, than a bureaucrat or dirty cop does. The
etheric thumbprint is a function of integrity, in other words, in conjunction with personal
capacity. Carol and I won't ever turn our commercial inventions over to a factory for this reason.
We're not doing this work mainly for money, after all, no matter how much she wants a purple,
1990 BMW coupe convertible sportscar and I want a suitable ocean boat for hurricane busting.
A flying motor home (a B-26 with 8 cloudbusters in the machine gun turrets would be nice, God,
thanks) ;-) would be nice to have and who doesn't deserve at least that much?
As humanity continues to move along the path of collective accountability, the human gems of
integrity, such as Cesco and Sensei, will come into sharper focus. The days when social
conscience and a kind, courteous nature were seen as signs of weakness by 'the masses' are
apparently gone at last. Knowing that makes me feel a pang of empathy for Dr Reich, who
exemplified these qualities in a time when America was in the throes of materialistic, antisocial
etheric dictatorship. I shudder to think what it would be like for us to be transported back to time
of Roosevelt's Raw Deal, National Socialism. What a bunch of benighted, racist and xenophobic
thugs most white people in Amerika were then! By the way, if you want to get a genuine
glimpse of that, check out the movie, FOCUS, which is about the rampant racism that existed in

America during WWII. Schizoid traditions like institutional racism need to be exposed and
uprooted if we're to survive as a specie, much less as a nation.
The proper combination of gemstones and minerals, if one is inclined to do that, is an artform
that's based on one's talent, sensitivity, rational intelligence and close attention to higher instinct.
Field pieces work just fine without fine crystals or gemstones but you can get a LOT of etheric
mileage by including these in the orgonite mix when you're making personal orgonite devices
because orgonite greatly enhances the interaction of gemstones with our personal etheric fields
and with each other. Improper combinations can generate discordant energy.
There are a few personal orgonite devices on the market which can actually do harm to one's
etheric field, strange to tell. Thankfully, there are very few of those and I'm not going to mention
the names because those vengeful and persistent individuals and agencies would have my head
on a platter if I did but it's worth noting that these sites promote the use of orgonite-based
devices to get personal power, not to help us be better servants ('the meek'). None of the vendors
we promote make and sell questionable products like that, please note, and there are many sites
which we don't specifically promote which have very fine orgonite devices, too, so this isn't a
warning to only do business with our personal associates.
There are scores of sites, here and abroad, which sell orgonite devices now and I'm not even able
to keep track of who's doing what, nor should I. It's up to the visitor to any of the orgonite sites
and forums to discern the scent of harmony from the stench of inistent self, arcanery and excess
propriary interests and that discernment will be achieved in spite of the ever-present
smokescreen of All the Right Words as long as one is in touch with one's own heart. Be like a
little kid or a dog or cat: even the best con artists have a hard time concealing their true natures
from the genuinely innocent. Trust your heart's olfactory skill: if something smells bad, it is bad.
Get direct experience with this new technology. If you don't, you might be swayed by the
increasing volume of disinformation, misdirection and slander that is the inevitable entourage of
any successful, progressive movement. I'll keep doing my part, by decentralizing and expanding
the front line of this grassroots effort, to keep the few noisome and insistent jackals pre-occupied
and out of the limelight but your part, discernment, is far more essential than mine is at this
crucial stage of humanity's maturation process.
I'm more of a fighter than a lover and that's appropriate for me at the moment. I'm featuring
Cesco now because I believe he represents what this movement will look like after we no longer
need to fend off so many relentless assailants. There will still be a need for all-around warriors,
of course, but just not as many as now. Not many are needed now, actually. After all, we don't
need a big force or the support or awareness of 'the masses,' because we're only going against
macroparasites who aren't genuinely powerful-their primary weapon is deception and
distraction; how pitiful is that? This is why I feel so optimistic. If you're a sparkle-box addict I
doubt that it's possible for you to share my optimism and confidence because you're still basing
your worldview on the regurgitations of lying, expensive media whores. I think TV addiction is
more serious and harder to overcome than crank, smack, pot, cocaine, or alcohol addiction is. I'll
stick my neck out a little to let you know that when Cbswork was a frequent guest on a well
known daytime national TV talkshow in the early nineties he was shocked to witness the hostess
going into a catatonic trance during commercial breaks and being induced by her CIA handler,
who came and stood behind her during the breaks, to sort of re-animate on cue and do her act on
camera ;-) otherwise. His initial response was disappointment because he wanted to chat with
her during the breaks.
I didn't mention the hostess' name because Eric Carlson, who posts on ew.com as
'ultimatevision,' just missed being imprisoned, twice lately, on the basis of some long-deleted,
mildly provocative personal posts about a named, CIA 'pediatrician,' on cloud-busters.com. Eric
deleted those posts over a year ago but Stuart Jackson, the owner of c-b.com, who lives in San

Francisco (apparently in close cooperation with the CIA's two reptilian prosecutors in Eric's case
in Boston), re-instated all of those provocative posts the day Eric was framed by the CIA in
September. Those two aggressive prosecutors used the newly resurrected posts as 'evidence,'
before the judge and Stuart feigned ignorance even after Eric persuaded him to delete those
posts again. Eric's lawyer said those lawyers were trying very hard to get him locked up then for
this non-crime.
Some of us saw this CIA trap being laid the year before, which is why Eric deleted his posts
from cloud-busters.com then. Thankfully, the judge considered this 'evidence' laughable at any
rate and Eric's out among the free now, gifting more than ever in New England. The CIA's
prosecutors tried, yet again, to present this non-evidence of Eric's non-crime last week and the
judge, again, told them to take a hike. It's no accident that this is called, the 'criminal,' justice
system, after all.
It used to be so easy for these federal criminals to disappear their political non-criminal threats
and potential threats into the American gulag on the basis of 'crimes against the state,' (read:
political crimes) but now things are no longer going their way. Have you noticed? For example,
take a look at Constantin Ochescu's victory over the uniformed thugs in Las Vegas. More happy
news shortly to come about that situation, by the way!
A few days before that trial, of course, we scheduled a chatblast to help Eric stay out of prison
and we put a whole lot of etheric fire on these CIA reptiles then. So far, we're batting 1000 with
getting 3D confirmation for our 'courtroom victories' when we've gone to bat for victims of this
unlawful justice system. We're considering a way to set up a service for people in that
predicament. The problem is that there are millions of political prisoners in the American Gulag
and there are only a handful of us, but I trust that this will resolve itself in a timely way and,
after all, all people with social consciences can act in concert to just cut the putrid etheric head
from the Federal Reserve Corporation behemoth, then all of those political prisoners will just go
free because the federal government would then be fully exposed to public scrutiny instead of
hiding beneath the Whore of Babylon's (The City of London-controlling interest of the Federal
Reserve Corporation) ample bodice. Under the circumstances, where would you put your first
How many more of the mind control protocols, made up of looped irrational mantras (eight
tracks LIVE!) in 'the masses' heads, and perhaps yours, will need to be discarded before we can
just stop policing ourselves on behalf of the macroparasites, put this dead-paradigm, rotting
mess behind us and explore the infinite possibilities for peace, dynamic unity and prosperity in
our lovely world?
I like that Cesco's as passionate about not promoting dogmae and doctrines as I am. I think that
freedom from inorganic ideologies is another feature of the emerging global paradigm we're all
facilitating. Of course, genuine passion is an even more fundamental feature. The Era of the
Lukewarm is dead, at long last, and the regenerative Age of the Meek is unfolding now ;-)
Cesco sometimes signs his emails, 'Be true.' I'm confident that he'll continue to prevail simply
through the force of his love for humanity and for each individual in the specie. It's a dynamic,
selfless love, not the superficial, self serving 'love' of the braindead, grinning newage Nazis who
wear 'agape' (I mean, the Greek word for 'selfless love,' not the English word for 'mouth open')
on their sleeves but are terrified of genuine passion because they're just not going to climb down
out of their heads and encounter their own hearts. I guess the endorphins triggered by all their
mind control phraseology and 'meditations' is just too addictive for any real integration to
happen in their etheric fields, poor chumps. 'OOOmmmmmmmm' ;-)
Really, anyone who has a passion for healing the earth, which the occult/corporate order has
made simpler for us by marking all of the ley lines and earthgrid vortices with their new death

towers and arrays, is a genuine lover of humanity and of our living planet. That love is
demonstrated by the act of gifting so it's not really necessary for us to talk about it much but the
great thing about having folks like Cesco around who focus more on the loving aspect of this
effort is that the movement itself won't as likely be characterized as a bunch litterers and etheric
busters of Homeland Security Abomination space-wasting skulls.
It looks like a contradiction to some inquisitive people that we can casually mention 'love' in the
context of destroying the occult/corporate hierarchy but I invite these folks to more closely
consider the harmonious processes of curing disease and healing the physical body and just
extrapolate that into the body politic: the willful minions of this ancient occult/corporate order
are pathogens and we're fixing what they've been trying for thousands of years to exploit and
ultimately destroy: our world and ourselves. Of course, the less mind control loops that are
playing on one's head, the less likely one will see our approach as hypocritical or schizoid and
there's no better way to understand our approach than to just try it. Stand up to tyranny, for
instance, and you're going to be assaulted, at least etherically and electronically, so there's your
golden opportunity to try our successful etheric warfare suggestions--learn it on the job instead
of trying to sort it all out in your head! Any of us can tell you that life is best when it's been put
on the line for a noble cause.
The passion of fighting is best exemplified for me by Dennis Griffin, who has created
www.knivesandcrystals.com and is a bona fide martial arts instructor in Charleston, South
Carolina. He's a genuine lover of humanity, too, of course, so is a refined, courteous and kind
man. As you get to know him better this will be obvious. Anyone who runs with this pack has to
be a lover just to keep up.
He's offering a full line of gemstones and minerals at reasonable prices so, if you've got a notion
to boost your personal orgonite devices with these enhancements, he'll also be offering a
gemstone/mineral/orgonite tutorial on that site, authored by Carol Croft. Stay tuned for that,
though-Carol's wrapping up the fall production of her own orgonite products now (we don't have
an indoor shop this year ;-)) and will be writing that soon.
Can you see how we warriors support each other, even in business? Some of us compete in a
healthy way but mostly we just tacitly agree to divide up the existing market according to our
personal interests and locations in the world. It's kind of interesting how it works out and is yet
another evidence of the dynamic unity within the leading edge of this grassroot movement. The
edge is expanding, by the way; this isn't at all about exclusivity. It's rather about demonstrated
commitment and integrity. There will always be room for more people who can demonstrate
that. This is the more visible part of a genuine community, by the way. Anyone's welcome to
move into this community as long as he/she will abide by the 'laws' of courtesy and mutual
Otherwise, what we celebrated for the first three years in our public forum affiliations was sort
of like a betrothal party, where everyone came from out of town as guests and the drunks, party
animals and loudmouths were temporarily tolerated. Now, though, the party's over and we few
in the 'cutting edge community' are cleaning up the mess left by the guests and are otherwise
resuming our individual and collective pioneering work. The ingrates screaming from afar about
our 'selfishness, arrogance, cultish aspirations, dangerous exploits, etc.,' have reverted to a
hungover Greek chorus of discontent. The fact that some of them are still gifting is just icing on
the cake as far as I'm concerned. Gifting the environment with orgonite is always worthwhile
and a positive contribution to the world and to posterity, no matter who does it, as I've
mentioned more times than you might be comfortable hearing. I only know of a couple of
vendors who are selling 'dirty orgonite' and you'd have to hold a gun to my head to even get me
to tell you their names ;-). Let's say, for now, that their names are 'Caveat,' and 'Emptor,' okay?
I've ordered Sensei Dennie's crossbow and a couple dozen orgonite TowerBuster bolts. He told

me yesterday that he's gifted all of the harder targets around Charleston this way. It's a city that's
pretty much owned and run by the military so there were plenty of hard targets. Really, I still
love my TB-delivering spudgun but it's a little more conspicuous than I'm comfortable using in
populated areas for hard targets.
Sensei had spent ten years as the martial arts instructor at The Citadel in Charleston. That's the
premier private military academy in the US. After that he traveled around the country as a pipe
welder and occasional martial arts instructor and now he makes a good living repairing leather
and fabric upholstery.
He's studying oriental swordsmanship from one of Japan's foremost instructors, who by a happy
coincidence lives and works in Charleston and has taken Dennis under his wing (and regularly
'blesses him severely' in their bouts). He says it's better if I don't mention his teacher's name
because it's pretty well known. It was after a month of intense personal instruction with this
sword master, last December, that Dennis came up with the design for his Power Sword, which
is an etheric weapon combining specific gems, coils and orgonite in a 3 foot long pipe. When he
made this in January he asked for a test target and Carol felt that the headwaters of the Nile
River still concealed a threat which we'd been unable to neutralize with just gifting a couple of
months earlier, so I asked him to just go there and do his best.
Carol followed him there astrally and told me that what he reported actually happened: he took
the Powersword with him, astrally, and slaughtered a horde of reptoid and reptile defenders,
culminating in his destruction of a huge, mummified reptile on an altar deep underground, then
flooding that chamber by breaking through the side walls and letting the Nile's water flood
through there. He may be telling us more about 'psychic teleportation' in coming days. As I
mentioned, ethericwarriors.com is the visible profile of a 'cutting edge' community. He thought
he'd invented 'psytel' and was going to invent his own term for this until he recently found a
report of a USAF-sponsored 'study' about it under that name. Whenever you hear about 'studies'
of blackops agendae like this, they're really, usually, superficial 'reports,' about what's already
been accomplished, of course. This is just one of the clever ways that the criminal class leaves
their dirty, documented footprints across the pages of history.
Not long after that etheric African excursion, by the way, I heard from Dr Batiibwe, who had
been gifting the same area around the Nile's exit from Lake Victoria with our mutual witchdoctor friend, Kizira Ibrahim, that Kizira had finally decided to start fighting and killing the
reptilians. I hadn't discussed Sensei's exploits with Dr B yet, so this was kind of poignant for me.
Good psychics like Kizira keep in touch in other interesting ways, of course.
By the way, Doc B, please send me an email! All of my email to you has been intercepted by
that stinking, rotten British MI6 lately (sour grapes for losing Uganda in 86?) but they don't stop
anything from you to me. I know you read my journal reports on e-y.org because you told me
that your lovely wife gets impatient sometimes when you get up in the middle of the night to do
that. I'm sure she knows as well as I do that you're way too busy during the day to read stuff on
the net, what with running a hospital and your own pioneering research pursuits. What a guy! I
want to know how Kizira's doing, by the way. I'm gathering a boxfull of Frisbees for his kids
and wives.
It's interesting to me that Kizira and Dennis have somewhat similar backgrounds. Kizira was a
guerrilla fighter against the murderous London-sponsored proxy government's forces in Uganda
before the present, genuine government was set up there in 1986, then he became a craftsman
for awhile, then returned to his inherited magical traditions and gift and became a professional
healer and psychic.
Dennis discovered while still a military cadet that he had a talent for leaving his body at will. He
worked pretty hard at this for many years and, after a hiatus from astral stuff for several years,

now it's as easy for him to do that as it is for you to get in your car and go buy a loaf of bread.
Carol and Cbswork have this gift, too, and lots of people who have latent psi abilities are finding
that their gifting work is re-awakening these inherent but previoiusly suppressed gifts. After the
grave that's our main mode of transport, of course, and I don't advise anyone who isn't gifted this
way to worry about learning it. It's not essential for everyone to do this, any more than it's
essential for everyone to play the tuba or engrave the Lord's Prayer on a grain of rice. I've opted
to learn Remote Viewing from Fred Gunn in San Diego as my own psi contribution to the intel
gathering effort. I believe any of us can do that much.
Sensei told me that his reflexive reaction time during martial arts exercises shortened
significantly in the presence of orgonite and that he's now able to see his opponents' moves up to
a couple of seconds before the event instead of the half second or so he had developed until
By the way, I've noticed in my correspondence that the genuinely gifted folks who are reawakening their talents from working with orgonite never say, 'I want to learn to be a psychic!'
They just naturally start doing it again, after a long hiatus, by following their intuitive
promptings and they occasionally ask me, of all people, for confirmations. I ask my wife, of
course, and then answer them but this is a good way for them to develop and refine their talent.
The folks like me who lack this capacity but who 'want to learn to be psychic' are generally the
folks who will end up working unwittingly for the dark masters by striving to do something
which they're not particularly suited for, I think. These are the self-proclaimed 'lightworkers'
who flock to those incessant newage-sewage seminars and workshops and glom onto arcane
mass meditation techniques and/or other compromising, directed exercises in group efforts that
just feed the parasitic occult/corporate world order in exchange for a little bit of endorphins. The
fake gurus are ordered to aim for bigger and bigger crowds for this reason, I believe.
By the way, one of the Great White Brotherhood's most ardent promoters, James Twyman, is
telling people that 'The Indigo Children want everyone to send love to George W Bush now!' I
don't think he's referring to the special kind of love we generate and sent to the geopolitical
parasites. By the way, have you met my two friends, Caveat and Emptor?
I beg your indulgence for bringing this stuff up so often but I want to stress that the magic realm
now needs to be redefined in light (not necessarily 'white light') of the inclusive, empowering,
uplifting aspects of these new discoveries we've all been stumbling onto, and all that
pseudoreligious terminology that makes up the present pedantic currency of metaphysics is just
no longer adequate. What might have sustained your spiritual aspirations in the past probably
won't support you any more now that we've entered a genuine 'new age.' It's not up to me to
come up with the new terminology and I don't have the capacity to spearhead that effort but it is
apparently up to me to generate some discussion about it, perhaps. I got this job by default, I
think, so don't blame me!
I think we're already using a lot of viable terms, such as 'earthgrid,' 'etheric,' 'orgone,' etc., and
maybe some of the old words, like 'chakra,' will be found to be adequate. I'm going to keep
waging a personal, prosaic war on the not-so-old Theosophical terms that I feel are overloaded
with ideological, limiting baggage, though, like 'karma,' and 'reincarnation.' If those are
generally found to be inadequate they're going to die a very hard death, I think, and maybe I'm
just a Pollyanna for assuming that more than a handful of people on this planet share my passion
for intellectual integrity. The market will decide.
I'm always on the lookout for talented folks like Cesco and Sensei who were never
compromised by 'irrationalism' and have genuine etheric gift, combined with personal and
intellectual integrity. There just aren't many people like them right now but there will be more
and more in succeeding generations, I'm sure. If the Great White Brotherhood had gotten it's

way, we wouldn't know of anyone who has these gifts who wasn't either murdered or vacuumed
into the braindead lockstep of sponsored, directed, and heavily marketed irrationalist
organizations, mind control tape-loops and arbitrary hierarchies.
The astonishing thing, to me, about Dennis' pioneering effort is that he's apparently able to take
at least an etheric version of his Power Sword with him into battle. I'm looking forward to a time
when we'll see some physical evidence of his ministrations but for now I'm content to just have
the consistent corroborations of other reputable psychics and, of course, the continued absence
of contemporary US Government-sponsored domestic mass murder events and, by extension,
martial law/genocide. I know that others are interested in learning his approach and that's
certainly encouraging. Helpful hint: if you want to get personal instruction from him you're
going to need to get rid of your pot stash, your booze, and your cable TV prescription and
antennae. He, like yours truly, just won't countenance the lukewarm.
I mentioned our routine psychic chatblasts which we had instigated for the purpose of further
disabling the current Homeland Security Abomination's mass murder agendae but it's worth
telling you that we stepped up our intel and blasting activity last spring because the
occult/corporate world order, most notably the overweaning Vril and Illuminati organizations,
congregate then for their annual mayhem and exploitation aspirations. During the more secret
Wesak conclaves they apparently perform human sacrifices to seal their deals. We had gotten
wind of a big, secret Vril meeting in Austria in the spring Wesak 'festival' period, earlier this
year, and Dennis apparently went in there via psychic telemetry with his Powersword and cut
most of them to ribbons. A secret Illuminati satanic Wesak festival/ritual apparently took place
in Nevada not long after that in which a whole crowd of innocent families were to have been
butchered during a midnight ritual in order to get back some of the power the Illuminati had
been losing to people like us and also to get some of the victims' blood on the hands of the more
faint hearted Illuminists who had been more easily able to content themselves with less overt
blood rituals at Bohemian Grove before that. the Illuminati are not just happy pedophile campers
any more, apparently.
Anne gifted an unobtrusive Masonic cemetery in a Toronto suburb a couple of weeks ago and it
curiously cleared a big hole in the HAARP whiteout that day. A few days ago the Girl Guides
(Commonwealth countries' equivalent of the American Girl Scouts) held a parade that ended up
in that obscure cemetery, where they held a well-attended ceremony (ritual?). That sort of
Illuminati desperation reminds me of how Ronald Reagan, in his only public presentation in
support of George Bush, Sr's unsuccessful Presidential campaign in 1992, gave a speech in front
of a huge hangar at the defunct Roswell (New Mexico) Air Force Base. Another example: the
day after I finished thoroughly gifting the satanic pentagram grid in Washington, DC, a couple
of years ago there was a widespread radio appeal for people to dump all of their unuseable
computers at the base of the Washington Monument, which is the focal point of that huge
outlined pentagram. I was told, at the time, that nobody bothered to comply.
She attended the ceremony with the intention of Reptile Baiting. While she was blasting, 20 or
30 people stared balefully at her and she felt that her efforts weren't having much effect until a
friend said to her as they were leaving, 'What do you make of all those people who fainted
during the ceremony?' 8)
Dennis went into the secret Nevada conclave, after a couple of other psychics located it on the
map, and apparently prevented most of those innocent people from getting murdered as he took
a toll on the corporate, clergy, military and government celebrants. I think the Women Warriors
like to enlist Dennis because then they don't need to directly experience the mayhem but I can
tell you that any woman who is sufficiently riled up is far more terrifying than any man in that
situation ;-) That event was done on very short notice, by the way, and the occult/corporate
hierarchy had gone to great pains to conceal it, as you can imagine.

Years ago I met a martial arts instructor (he was teaching karate to the local cops then) who told
me an interesting story, which rang true to me: he said that he worked for Interpol with the
assignment to retrieve kidnapped American children in Russia and that he and his crew routinely
busted into enclaves and killed the Satanists who were keeping those kids hostage in preparation
for ritually killing them. I met this guy during the time that all the kidnapping and white slavery
activities of the various state 'Child Protective Agencies,' in cahoots with the various local,
county and state courts, was coming to light.
I mentioned that just to indicate that what Sensei's doing might not the as unique as you
imagine. I later became acquainted with a reputable old dowser in New Hampshire who told me
that the reason missing children's pictures suddently disappeard from milk cartons is that too
many professional dowsers and psychics were finding those children and collecting a fair reward
for their efforts. He reluctantly explained to me how he did this work, perhaps after he decided
that I wasn't competent to do it. Typical Yankee trader. ;-)
By the way, one of the more recent psychological warfare assaults against us on the internet
claims that the first time a death in the hierarchy is blamed on us we're all going to be in 'deep
trouble.' Think about it: what could induce the hierarchy to give us this much credit? They won't
even arrest me for sedition and I'm openly telling anyone who will listen that it's long past time
to scrap this federal government and just start fresh ;-) and a LOT of people read what I'm
writing these days; the FBI tells locals that I'm 'Idaho's Number One Terrorist,' so they, at least,
apparently take my writing seriously and would like to disappear me. The pedantic assailants
usually say that they feel concerned that I'll attack them this way. Why would I attack these
promoters? To the discerning, which is the tiny little demographic I'm directly appealing to now,
all of the diatribes are simply open invitations to visit educate-yourself.com and
ethericwarriors.com, though our attackers Never Mention the latter.
One of our most vehement and prolific current assailants sells a device for $8,500 to victims of
CIA psychological torture and the thing apparently doesn't work as advertised. No refunds. I
only learned about this inventor and promoter from a victim of mind torture who was enraged
because he bought one of these things, got no results from it or help from the seller, then got a
Succor Punch from Andy at ctbusters.com and got Loads of Happy Results with that. He
emailed me to tell me about it and I said, 'I don't know about the invention. Would you please
give me a website so I can check it out? There's lots of good stuff out there and I like to keep
track of it!' That's when the fellow sent me copies of this promoter's lengthy internet diatribes
against Cbswork and I. Did my karma accidentally run over the guy's dogma or something? I'd
heard his name but didn't know a thing about him, nor had I ever gotten a note from him, as far
as I know.
After the corporate Wesak conclaves this year our routine predator-blasting successes had
apparently alarmed the occult order to the point where they initiated a concerted effort, mostly
by the CIA's army of psi predators, boosted by a considerable array of new, perhaps reptilian,
psionic tech, to misdirect our psychics by feeding them false imagery, some of which was pretty
creepy and personal. Some folks were frightened away, in fact. It took us a couple of months to
bust through that new barrier, during which time the only mass murder plot we apparently
managed to subvert was the chemical weapons attack on Athens during the Olympics. That plot
came to light when we were busting up those secret meetings in the spring, so we specifically
knew what to hunt for in that case. By September our sessions were running smoothly again,
with psychic 'reinforcements' who are demonstrating more commitment and courage than
before, bolstered in no small way by 'the thrill of victory' during the sessions. The relentless
Women Warriors on ew.com get most of the credit for this happy development in my opinion.
The CIA's psychic hordes are no longer as effective as they were before their last human (sic)
wave offensive. Some of our own psychics say that this is because of attrition and because the
only psychics the CIA can manage to put in the field now are youths to whom they have to

administer hallucinogens in order to induce them to effectively do anything predatory. It reminds

me of the way Hitler armed boys and threw them into the front lines toward the end of the war
to slow the allied advance toward Berlin. As confident as this development makes me feel, I'm
still aware that this occult/corporate order will remain dangerous as long as they're not locked
up. Now that they know for sure that they're not going to win, maybe they're even more
dangerous in some ways, at least in the short term-who knows? As long as we're doing our jobs
we'll be happy, I think.. I was taught to 'Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity.'
The upside of the CIA surveillors/predators' attrition for you, the new gifter, though, is that
you're not going to be plagued with seasoned, incessant psi assailants or surveillance the way we
all were before this summer because all of their worst is directed at we few in front; they just no
longer have enough personnel to interfere effectively with thousands and thousands of gifters.
The day of the fedmobile entourage for gifters is Dead!
Good for you if you no longer have to contend with a rural traffic jam of fedmobiles, I say! The
CIA and other filthy agencies had put an awful lot of stock in their new army of psychic
predators and surveillors and they lack the flexibility to meet successive, sometimes spontaneous
strategies effectively. I don't think that in their worst bureaucratic nightmares they ever foresaw
that unorganized groups of 'the meek' would be able to clean their etheric clocks so easily.
'Parasites are as parasites do,' though, so they've never actually been a bona fide threat to this
Lawful grassroot movement in terms of force, thankfully, in spite of all their street bravado.
None of us have been seriously harmed by these federal jerkwads and there are many thousands
of us who are gifting and kicking etheric predator butt and taking names now. You can, too!
By the way, if you're not a gifted psychic but would like relief from NSA hackers and
CIA/MI6/Mossad psi invaders you can just do what I do: every time I sense that I'm under
assault or surveillance or that anyone else is, I just hit the assailants back, hard (blind), and I can
distinctly feel when my blasts have been effective. That's a body sensation, not a psychic one. If
I can do it, so can you. As one of my correspondents who's equally third eye blind says about
this process, 'You just know!' If you're still a brain-dwelling zombie, get in touch with your heart
and start discerning this process! Sure, it's painful and traumatic to finally start to experience
genuine passion but, what the hell? You'll have to pass through this fiery personal initation if
you're going to reclaim your freedom now and get some personal integrity!
By the way, Darlene in North Carolina, one of the ethericwarriors.com Women Warriors, is
setting up a website to offer her outstanding, disciplined and experienced psychic services. I'm
going to announce that site when she's ready but she's willing to remotely locate your implants
for a nominal fee if you contact her at darla@madison.main.nc.us .
If you're reading this, I'm fairly sure that that you've got implants. She won't be giving me any
kickbacks, by the way.
This is a particularly valuable offering since the more skillful reptiles in the CIA,. Mossad,
MI5/6, Interpol and other disgusting agencies are now apparently able to shoot those implants
accurately into the heart's ch'i meridian from a short distance-a quantum leap in parasitic tech
but not a severe threat, don't worry. An implant in a meridian 'lights up' a long section of the
meridian with the zapchecker, making it harder to find the implant with the device. I can still
find implants with a zapchecker but it's starting to look more like a dance than an analysis when
I use one these days. By the way, I simply follow the instructions and if I can get results with
only a zapchecker, so can you, don't worry. I recommend the cheapest model from
Darlene will also offer professional psychic readings. She's the one who discovered the CIA's
current gas pipeline sabotage plot in Houston in time for us to disable it. David in Houston
actually found the telltale gas leaks in that big underground pipe and also saw some highly

suspicious ministrations on an excavated section of the pipeline, not far away, involving a work
crew and a tanker truck and that was a nice confirmation for us and for him, too, since he lives a
hundred yards from that pipeline ;-)
Remember when another underground gas pipeline exploded in Mexico City and completely
destroyed apartment buildings along several city blocks? Homeland Security Abomination,
which is set up to usher us into martial law and genocide through massive, gov't-inflicted
mayhem (blamed on swarthy foreigners), is a real Piece of Work and is it true that Gorbachev
works in that quasi-government agency? These goose-stepping jerks would be even more
frightful than the KGB if they weren't so incompetent, I guess. At least Gorbachev's and Putin's
KGB was cunning. These political blunt instruments seem almost as stupid as President Cujo to
If the Patriot Act is viable, why haven't I been arrested and charged with sedition for demanding
the arrest of the federal gov't on grounds of treason? This isn't a rhetorical question; the
government lacks the power to openly enforce their own draconian new legislation, that's why.
If you want some fun, take a look at Sherry Swiney's comparison of the Patriot Act with Hitler's
Ermachtigungsgesetz (Enabling Act) on http://www.furnitureforthepeople.com/actpat.htm
I felt like celebrating when I saw the flashflood of indignant and informative material about high
level corruption and treason immediately following stupid, bewildered President Cujo's reappointment last week. Contrast all of this genuine, dynamic information and prose with the
insipid doom scenarios and indecipherable 'new scalar weaponry testimonials' by obscure
'government scientists' that the tired but surprisingly popular CIA disinformation engines like
rense.com have been spewing across the net for the past couple of years and you may feel as
encouraged about the future as I am.
If one is unwilling to call this federal government 'treasonous' by now, where is one's intellectual
integrity? Is intellectual integrity no longer relevant in this brave new world of would-be
government terrorism and eight-track programmed self policing?
If you won't just come right out and say to someone, 'The US Government is treasonous,' by
now, will you finally feel comfortable enough to say that from the other side of a barbed wire
fence in a holding pen immediately after martial law has been declared and Russian infantry
soldiers with UN helmets are pointing AK47s at you and the other dangerous folks they've just
rounded up in your neighborhood? The traitors in Congress, including that rat, Kerry, by the
way, spelled these intentions out clearly enough, so what are you waiting for-Dan Rather or
Oprah to tell you that it's okay to call treason, 'treason?'
Well, you can see that I'm more concerned about fighting these corporate berserkers than with
loving them at the moment and I'm that way because I fully acknowledge the impending, very
real threat of attempted genocide. I'm doing whatever I lawfully can to prevent it. If you're
concerned, too, what are you doing? I honestly want to know. If you've read this far, you're not
likely a sparkle-box-hypnotized political rolly-poley and I hope I've inspired you to be more
openly 'consultative' with others, at least on the internet if not in your own sleepy little town,
about this impending genocide threat. This kind of talk is Not Cheap, by the way. It carries some
risk but it makes good things happen--you'll see! I assume you know that you'd be doing this at
your own discretion, not as a Don Croft groupie. I hate organization and I don't want any
I wouldn't do without Mr. Soggiu's intriguing, uplifting and powerful Little Secret these days
and I hope you'll order one from him, experience its benefits, then tell us about it. You can afford
it! ;-) www.soulbalm.com . Get one before he realizes how much it's really worth and raises the

Any warrior or potential warrior will benefit from patronizing Sensei Dennie's
www.knivesandcrystals.com and I think we're just beginning to see what Sensei Dennie is all
about. His email load increased by an order of magnitude recently, so I'm obviously not the only
one talking about the fellow.
Happy hunting!
~Carol Croft's husband
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