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Cmo fabricar un CAJN FLAMENCO

Propuesta de trabajo
Disear y construir un cajn flamenco para el aula de msica.

Actividad realizada por alumnos de 3 de diversificacin del IES SANTO DOMINGO, en

el taller de tecnologa y forma parte del proyecto TRABAJANDO POR PROYECTOS.
Metodologa empleada: los alumnos han trabajado en la fabricacin del cajn, cuando han
terminado las tareas (obligatorias) que estaban programas. Ha supuesto un elemento de
motivacin y ha habido alumnos que se han esforzado en la realizacin de sus actividades
con tal de poder trabajar en la fabricacin del cajn.

Contrachapado de 10 mm.

contrachapado de 5 mm.

Listn de samba 18*9 mm.

Cuerdas de guitarra 5 o 6.


Cola blanca.

Tacos de plstico.

Tinte para la madera ( al agua).

Tapaporos ( al agua).

Cera para muebles.

Lana de acero.




Caja de ingletes y serrucho de costilla.


Sierra de calar.

Lima plana y lima redonda.







Analizados varios cajones flamencos, hemos tomado las medidas de cada una de las partes
que forman el cajn y hemos realizado el siguiente croquis, en l se puede apreciar la
piezas de madera que necesitamos y las medidas que tiene cada una de ellas.

Hemos realizado un croquis con la distribucin de las piezas y con un tablero de 120*60
cm, tenemos para obtener todas las piezas. Se puede ir a Leroy Merlin ( en nuestro caso) o a
cualquier aserradero que este cerca de vuestra casa para que os corten las piezas. El precio
Es importante insistir en la precisin del corte, si no despus las piezas no encajan unas con

El siguiente paso consisten en ir cortando listones de samba y pegndolos con cola en cada
pieza pieza segn los siguientes dibujos.
Piezas 1 y 5

Pieza 2

Pieza 5

Pasos seguidos para preparar las piezas 1, 2, 4 y 5:

1.- Trazar el lugar donde colocaremos los listones de samba.

2.- Cortar el listn de samba, utilizando una sierra de costilla y caja de ingletes.

3.- Aplicar una capa fina de cola blanca sobre el listn cortado.

3.- Colocar el listn y reforzar la unin con dos clavos pequeos.

Pieza ya terminada en la que se han colocados los listones de samba.

Siguiendo el procedimiento explicado se preparan el resto de las piezas.

Una vez preparadas las piezas, lo que se hace es pintar las piezas ( solo la cara exterior), en
nuestro caso utilizaremos tinte para la madera, de dos colores: uno para el cajn en s y
otro para la tapa. Si se quiere que los bordes queden de un color ms claro no se deben de

Una vez secas todas las piezas, se procede a encolar las piezas entre s, se utiliza cola
blanca para madera y sargentos para apretar las uniones. Evitar que las caras exteriores
(vistas) del cajn se manchen de cola blanca, ya que si ocurre esto quedan unas manchas
que es imposible de eliminar.

Cuidado al apretar con los sargentos debido a que al apretar estos suelen dejar marcas en las
piezas de madera, nosotros hemos utilizado cartn.

En la pieza 3, tenemos que realizar un agujero de 12 cm, utilizaremos una sierra de calar,
antes de realizar el corte dibujamos un circulo de 12 cm de radio y realizaremos un agujero
con la broca de 10mm para introducir la hoja de la sierra.

A continuacin repasaremos el agujero realizado,utilizaremos una lima de media caa,

obteniendo un canto redondeado y suave al tacto.
A continuacin colocaremos cuatro patas de plstico en la base del cajn.

Limaremos todos los cantos del cajn, utilizaremos una lima plana.

Cajn con los cantos redondeados.

Una vez redondeados los cantos, procederemos a colocar el sistema para fijar la cuerda de
guitarra, vamos a colocar una cuerda formando una "v". Segn se puede observar en la
siguiente imagen. Ser necesario colocar dos tornillos en el listn superior y uno en el listn
de la base.

Los cascabeles los colocaremos en el cajn con la ayuda de un trozo de alambre fino, segn
se puede observar en la imagen.

La tapa del cajn la fabricaremos con contrachapado de 5 mm, muy resistente a golpes,
dado que es una cajn destinado a su utilizacin en el aula de msica.
Realizaremos los agujeros para colocar los tornillos que fijarn la tapa al cajn con una
broca de 3 mm y a continuacin repasaremos dichos agujeros con un avellanador, para
embutir las cabezas de los tornillos en el contrachapado

Colocaremos la tapa en el cajn y a continuacin le daremos varias manos de tapaporos al


Y una vez lijado con lana de acero, procederemos a decorar el cajn.

WHAT'S A CAJN? |kjn|

The cajon, a box drum originating from African slaves in Peru during the early 19th century
or before, is becoming more widely used within different musical genres. Its locomotion is
a plus, as no set up is required, and its fairly light, making it an excellent instrument to have
around as its simplicity is contradicted by the depth and drive it's able to add to any musical
There are two basic sounds: the bass sound made by hitting the lower area of the front of
the cajon, and the higher snare sound, by hitting the top of the front. More advanced players
will find many other sounds, whether on the front or even the sides; but simple rhythms can
be played by just using these two basic sounds (which could be done by anyone that can
keep a beat). It is basically just a wood box; the front slab of wood is thinner than the
others, and snares are attached inside toward the top, and a whole is carved out in the back
allowing the sound to escape.
If you're looking for a percussion instrument, but don't want to purchase an entire drum set,
or learn how to play one, this acoustic-feeling drum is affordable, easy to learn, provides an
impressive unique sound, and is simply rather practical to own if you're a musical person.
You can buy cajons online or in music stores; however, they're not difficult to make.
Making them yourself will save you money, allow you to personalize it, and, let's just be
honest, simply be really cool since you made it yourself.
Below are instructions I've done for the cajon's I've made, but don't feel obligated to stick to
them exactly. It's your cajon; measurements can be adjusted and such for it to be how you
want it to be, so feel free to make it your own!


Here's a list of what you'll need in order to make your cajon:

Plywood (AC 5 ) 19"x66" w/ 0.5" thickness [$8.00]

Luan 13"x20" w/ 3/16" (or 1/4" thickness) [$0.75]

Drum Snare (Ebay has good deals; just search: "Gibraltar SC-1316
Replacement Snare Drum Wire") [$5.00]

3/4" Soft Touch Furniture Glides (found @ Lowes) [$2.00]

1" Still Oak Panel Nails [$1.89] (hammer)

1" Screws [$1.89] (drill & screwdriver)

Elmers School Glue [$1.00]


I suggested buying one large slab of wood and cutting your pieces from it just because it
will normally be cheaper than buying each piece separately. So from the 19"x66" (0.5"
thick) plywood you'll need to cut 5 pieces from it:

2 pieces need to be 19"x12.5" (these will be the sides)

1 piece needs to be 19"x13" (this will be the back)

2 pieces need to be 13"x13" (these will be the top and bottom)

On the back piece you'll want to use a jigsaw to cut a 5.5" diameter circle (3" from the top,
and 3.75" from the sidesyes, the image measurements are incorrect). An easy way to do
this is to just find an object, such as a saucer or vase, that's close to 5.5" in diameter and
trace it.

The snare is probably the most meticulous part. I've placed the snares two separate way
within the cajon: horizontally, and vertically. Either sounds great, but below I'll show you
how to place the snares vertically.

First, you'll need to make the frame that will hold the actual snares inside the cajn. 2
pieces 1"x3/4"x4", and 1 piece 1"x3/4"x12" which you'll cut with a 40 angle (again, I
apologize for the incorrect measurements in the pictures; the images show that the bottom
measurement is 1", when it's really closer to 3/4" but don't worry; the exact
measurements aren't as essential as the general concept of simply building a frame for the

Buy a replacement snare drum wire; often you can find them for a rather inexpensive price
at www.ebay.com - if you don't know what kind of snare you'd like, just search "Gibraltar
SC-1316 Replacement Snare Drum Wire" it's a basic snare that will work great! Cut it in
half with wire cutters, and you'll then screw them onto the frame you've built. Depending
on the size of snare, you'll want to keep them separated by around 2.5" to 3" (I normally
measure from the left side, 3" on the left1.75" snare2.5" space between1.75" snare
3" left on the right side)


Now you can begin to assemble the cajn. Put the back and sides and top and bottom
together first. Use Elmer's glue, and then nail the pieces together.

Pre-drill holes in the snare frame so that you can screw it into place. You'll want to set the
frame close to a half an inch from the front, since you don't want the frame actually
touching the front panel (or it will deaden your sound). Place the frame close to 6" from the
top making the prime snare hit around 3" to 4" inches from the top. As you begin to
attached the frame, just a simple reminder to ensure that the snares are pointed out of the

Place the thin front panel on, and glue and nail it in place. After this step, your cajn has
been constructed!

All that remains now is staining it, as well as putting an oil finish on it if you'd like. Below
are some stain examples of previous cajns I've made. Once it has dried, go ahead and
hammer in the 4 furniture glides in each bottom corner so that the cajn doesn't sit directly
on the ground. I hope that these instructions have been helpful and grown your confidence
in making your own cajn!

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