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A. Background
Folklore is a story that is based more regionally. However, with the invention of
printing presses, and later on radio, TV, and now the internet, many local folklore are now
shared worldwide and get turned into legends. The purpose of folklore is often just to help us
understand better the nature of mankind.
Folklore is sometimes considered gossip that's gone on and on and on about
someone. In some cases, folktales can turn into sagas literally, as each generation feels a
need to add their version or spin to it. This is why many folktales have wandered further
from the original truth as the years have passed.
In folklore, motives are always assumed but never truly a fact because no one can
really know a person's feelings. And often, the feelings of the teller are inserted into the tale,
making it inaccurate each time it's told.
Folklore, in modern usage, an academic discipline the subject matter of which (also
called folklore) comprises the sum total of traditionally derived and orally or imitatively
transmitted literature, material culture, and custom of subcultures within predominantly
literate and technologically advanced societies; comparable study among wholly or mainly
non literate societies belongs to the disciplines of ethnology and anthropology. In popular
usage, the term folklore is sometimes restricted to the oral literature tradition.
Catholic movies is one of folklore. Why the movies is must catholic?


(those who study Catholicity as believers) also explore the Bible through the movies. Instead
of focusing on the obvious biblical epics, however,they look for hidden Catholic themes
embedded in _lms that are not specifically marked by religious characters or objects.

Theologians assume that the Catholic story of salvation has universal appeal and so can
appear_typically unintentionally_in movies. (WHERE DID YOU GET THIS PART
Catholic movies can make a folklore among to society community and this will be
good entertainment based on bible. (McDannel, 2008:14). Catholic can be central movies
because during golden era 1930 - 1940 Catholic representated the immigrant other a
character distinguish from native born protestant American.
1. Folklore across religion
Folk religion is a term used within religiously studies and folkloristic to describe various
forms and expressions of religion that are deemed distinct from the official doctrines and
practices of organized religion. Folk Religion is a the interaction of belief, ritual, custom,
and mythology in traditional societies.

John Bowker characterized "folk religion" as either "religion which occurs in small, local
communities which does not adhere to the norms of large systems" or "the appropriation
of religious beliefs and practices at a popular level."
Yoder stated that:

Folk religion was "the interaction of belief, ritual, custom, and mythology in
traditional societies.

2. Folk religion represented the "folk interpretation and expression of religion

The term "folk religion" is generally held to encompass two related but separate subjects.
The first is the religious dimension of folk culture, or the folk-cultural dimensions of
religion. The second refers to the study of syncretism between two cultures with different
stages of formal expression. Religion is Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and
practices, world views, ethnics and social organization that relate humanity to an order of

In folklore we know about ghost and spirit. Ghost and spirits are the disembodied souls of
dead persons that sometimes appear among living persons as vague, shadowy or
evanescent forms. However, the existence of ghosts has never been proved using the
scientific method. According to science, ghosts simply do not exist, and people who
claim to have seen a ghost are mistaken, mentally unbalanced, or simply charlatans. What
about those photographs and videos that have been taken of ghosts? Only reproducible
results can be validated by the scientific method. Science does not accept any individual
picture as definitive proof because pictures or videos may be faked or the equipment may
malfunction and produce images that can be misinterpreted. Many photographs of
purported ghosts are taken with infrared cameras that are known to produce halos and
other optical distortions.
Based on above explanation, Meanwhile, Catholics were spending their hardearned pennies on establishing their own institutions. By 1928 immigrants and their
children could give birth in Catholic hospitals, place unwanted children in Catholic
orphanages, and jobs through their parish priests, play on Catholic sports teams, get
married in elaborate neighborhood churches, and eternal rest in Catholic cemeteries.
Through Meanwhile, Catholics were spending their hard-earned pennies on establishing
their own institutions. By 1928 immigrants and their children could give birth in Catholic
hospitals, place unwanted children in Catholic orphanages, and jobs through their parish
priests, play on Catholic sports teams, get married in elaborate neighborhood churches,
and eternal rest in Catholic cemeteries.
Catholic movies has produce in 2006, a new modern film The passion of the
Christ. The Actor in this movie is Mel Gibson, he has do the act with good character of
him. n this film tells the story of the passion of Christ. at the time in playing the character
of God in not only good acting but also his devotion to God be the character. Not only is
Mel Gibson harsh criticism from the Christian, Catholic and Jewish, but he is a good
actor who can portray the character according to the director wanted.
There are many film about catholic such as Kings of Kings, like Spartacus
(1960) or Barrabas (1962) that have good character in the movie. In 1970, successful
musical has adapted for film God spell (1973) and Jesus Christ Superstar 1973,

Temtaption of Christ not only contained a level of biblical violence that Gibson would
perfect, it indulged in speculation about the fantasy life a savior.

C. Conclusion
From definition and explanation about Folk Religion above, Folk Religion is a product from
a small community of people that needed to be exist, health, wealth, and life. And they belief
that their tradition society is not extinct. Folk religion in movies can make someone or social
community be a good people, because the script is from bible. From that we know the bible
and entertain.


Amos, Dan Ben. Foklore in Context Essay: South Asian Publisher.
Gruyter, Mouto. 1990. Religion, Myth and Folklore in the Worlds Epic. New York
Mcdonall, Colleen. 2008. Catholics in Movies. New York: Oxford University press.
Schniedeman, Leo. The Psychology of Myth, Folklore and Religion. Nelson- Hall: Chicago

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