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Gateway B1 Student's Book Wordlist Bosnian

Unit 1
Ages and stages of life
adolescence (n)
adult (n) ***
baby (n) ***
birth (n) ***
child (n) ***
childhood (n) **
death (n) ***
middle-aged (adj)
old age (n) *
senior citizen (n)
teenager (n) **
young adult (n)

The family
aunt (n) ***
born (adj) ***
brother (n) ***
brother-in-law (n)
cousin (n) **
daughter (n) ***
divorced (adj)
father-in-law (n)
grandfather/mother (n) **
grandson/daughter (n) *
husband (n) ***
mother-in-law (n)
nephew (n) *
niece (n) *
one-parent family
only child (n)
partner (n) ***
single (adj) ***
sister (n) ***
sister-in-law (n)
son (n) ***
stepfather/mother (n)

uncle (n) **
wife (n) ***

Noun suffixes -ment, -ion, -ence

adolescence (n)
difference (n) ***
equipment (n) ***
improvement (n) ***
independence (n) ***
information (n) ***
invention (n) **
movement (n) ***
protection (n) ***

Other words and phrases

alone (adj) ***
approximately (adv) **
behaviour (n) ***
boil (v) *
care (n) ***
celebrity (n) *
chance (n) ***
company (n) ***
computer technician (n)
connected (adj) *
constant (n) ***
cost (v) ***
cultural values (n)
dangerous (adj) ***
decision (n) ***
difficult (adj) ***
discipline (n) ***
discuss (v) ***
enter (v)
e-pal (n)
experiment (n) ***
explore (v) ***
extra-curricular (adj)
fair (=just) (adj) ***
fashion (n) ***
fast (adv) ***
female (n) ***
fortunate (adj) **
free (adj) ***

fridge (n) *
government (n) ***
GPS system (n)
grow up (v)
health (n) ***
helmet (n) *
hide (v) ***
inform (v) ***
jacket (n) ***
late (adj & adv) ***
later (adj)
later (adv) ***
leave (v) ***
lie (=not tell the truth) (v) ***
limit (n) ***
look after (v)
lyrics (n)
male (n) ***
marriage (n) ***
meal (n) ***
message (n) ***
mistake (n) ***
month (n) ***
newspaper (n) ***
obey (v) **
on time (phr)
online (adj & adv) **
opportunity (n) ***
opposite (n) *** (=true, the opposite of false)
option (n) ***
particular (adj) ***
permanent (adj) ***
place (n) ***
recent (adj) ***
regularly (adv) ***
responsible (adj) ***
result (n) ***
rule (n) ***
service (n) ***
shout (v) ***
specialist (n) **

spy (v) *
stress (n) ***
strict (adj)
technology (n) ***
yell (v) *
zone (n) **

Unit 2
burglary (n) *
burgle (v)
kill (v) ***
mug (v) *
mugging (n)
murder (n) ***
piracy (n)
pirate (n & v)
rob (v) **
robbery (n) *
shoplifting (n)
steal (v) ***
theft (n) **
vandalise (v)

burglar (n) *
mugger (n)
murderer (n) *
robber (n) *
shoplifter (n)
thief (n) **
vandal (n)

Phrasal verbs connected with investigating and finding

come across (v) *
find out (v) ***
look into (v) ***
look for (v) ***
turn up (v) ***
work out (v) ***

Other words and phrases

afterwards (adv) ***
ahead (adv) ***

army (n) ***

arrest (v) **
basic (adj) ***
behind (adv) ***
block (v) ***
box (n) ***
bunker (n)
by accident
by post
camera (n) ***
case (='criminal case') (n) ***
catch (v) ***
cheque (n) **
commit (v) ***
corner (n) ***
crash (v) **
crossroads (n)
damage (v) ***
destroy (v) ***
disappear (v) ***
driving mirror (n)
escape (v)
everywhere (adv) ***
expect (v)
fight (n & v) ***
franc (n)
gadget (n)
gang (n) **
get ready (v)
guard (n) ***
guard (v) **
gun (n) ***
handbag (n) *
handle (n) ***
happen (v) ***
headlights (n)
headquarters (n) **
jump out (v)
kidnap (v) *
logic (n) **
magician (n)
mission (n) **

navy (adj)
navy (n)
neck (n) ***
note (n) ***
outside (adj, adv & n) ***
pair (n) ***
parcel (n) *
petrol station (n)
pocket (n) ***
police force (n)
popular (adj) ***
prison (n) ***
property (n) ***
quickly (adv) ***
regular (=common) (adj) ***
reply (v) ***
revise (v) *
rope (n) **
sack (n) **
scene of the crime
show (v) ***
software (n) ***
solve (v) ***
speed (v) *
successful (adj) ***
suddenly (adv) ***
sunglasses (n)
surprise (n) ***
suspicious (adj) **
thick (adj) ***
try (v) ***
turn off (=lights) (v) ***
unexpectedly (adv) **
uniform (adj & n) **
urgent (adj) **
violence (n) ***
walking stick (n)
worried (adj) ***

Gateway to exams, Units 12

clear (adj) ***
conference (n) ***

connection (n) ***

cover (v) ***
hood (n)
hoodie (n)
identify (v) ***
incident (n) ***
jay-walking (n)
necessary (adj) ***
professor (n) **
security (n) ***
top (=clothes) (n) ***

Unit 3
Countries, nationalities and languages
Argentina (n)
Argentinian (n)
Austria (n)
Austrian (adj & n)
Brazil (n)
Brazilian (adj & n)
Dutch (adj & n)
Egypt (n)
Egyptian (adj & n)
English (adj & n)
French (adj & n)
German (adj & n)
the Netherlands (n)
Italian (adj & n)
Japan (n)
Japanese (adj & n)
Poland (n)
Polish (adj & n)
Portuguese (adj & n)
Romansh (n)
Russia (n)
Russian (adj & n)
Spanish (adj & n)
Swiss (adj & n)
Switzerland (n)
Wales (n)

Welsh (adj & n)

Learning a language
do an exercise (v)
do homework (v)
do/study English (v)
do/take an exam (v)
make a mistake (v)
memorization (n)
memorize (v) *
practice (n) ***
practise (v) **
revision (n) **
student (n) ***
study (v) ***
translate (v) **
translation (n) **

Negative prefixes
illegal (adj) **
impossible (adj) ***
incorrect (adj) *
informal (adj) **
invisible (adj) **
irregular (adj) *
unhappy (adj) **
unofficial (adj)
unusual (adj) **

Other words and phrases

accommodation (n) **
advice (n) ***
airline (n) **
alien (n) **
annual (adj) ***
apart from (phrase)
background (n) ***
belong to (v) ***
biscuit (n) **
break (n & v) ***
building (n) ***
business (=count.) (n) ***
calculate (v) **
career (n) ***

channel (=TV) (n) ***

chat (v) **
confusion (n) **
consonant (n) *
contain (v) ***
convention (n) ***
count (v) ***
credits (end of a film) (n) ***
dessert (n) *
discourse (n) *
dub (v) *
experience (n & v) ***
expression (n) ***
factor (n) ***
factory (n) ***
familiar (adj) ***
flirt (v)
fuelling stop (n)
hamburger (n)
instead of (adv)
interpretation (n) ***
last (v) ***
level (n) ***
linguist (n) *
mad about (adj)
main (n) ***
monument (n) **
mother-tongue (n)
mountain (n) ***
native speaker (n) *
neighbour (n) ***
occasionally (adv) ***
office (n) ***
original (adj) ***
original (n) *
over (=more than) (adv) ***
permission (n)
picnic (n) *
politician (n) ***
possession (n) **
sauce (n) **
set up (=start, establish) (v) ***

sign (n) ***

simple (adj) ***
simplify (v) *
snow (n) ***
sound (n) ***
surfing (n)
theme park (n)
tomato ketchup (n)
translator (n)
tribe (n) **
Turkish (adj & n)
version (n) ***
vowel (n) *
whole (adj & n) ***
yoghurt (n)

Unit 4
Parts of the body
arm (n) ***
back (n) ***
chest (n) ***
ear (n) ***
elbow (n) ***
finger (n) ***
foot (n) ***
hand (n) ***
head (n) ***
knee (n) ***
leg (n) ***
nose (n) ***
stomach (n) **
throat (n) ***
toe (n) **
tooth (n) ***

Health problems and illnesses

broken (adj) **
cold (adj & n) ***
cough (n) *
earache (n)
flu (n) *
headache (n) *

hurt (v) ***

pain (n) ***
sore (adj) *
stomach ache (n)
temperature (n) ***
toothache (n)
virus (n) ***

Compound nouns connected with health and medicine

first aid (n)
food poisoning (n)
health centre (n)
heart attack (n) *
painkiller (n)
waiting room (n)

Other words and phrases

accident (n) ***
admit (v) ***
bitterness (n)
blame (n) *
blame (v) ***
boat (n) ***
bored (adj) **
borrow (v) **
bright (adj) ***
chemical (n) ***
congratulations (n) *
cruelty (n) *
cure (n) **
desert (n) **
drama (n) ***
drug (n) ***
emergency (n) ***
evil (adj & n) **
fall (v) ***
fault (n) ***
fear (n) ***
filled (adj) ***
forest (n) ***
forgive (v) **
get off (a boat) (v) ***
get rid of (v) **
get well (v) **

ghost (n) **
grant (v) ***
guess (v) ***
guilty (adj) ***
hard (=solid) (adj) ***
human being (n) ***
hygiene (n) *
ice (n) ***
innocence (n) *
laboratory (n) **
laptop (n)
lie, lay (v) ***
lock (v) ***
lower (your voice) (v) **
mad (adj) **
mime (n & v)
misery (n) **
non-stop (adj)
paracetamol (n)
poison (n) *
politely (adv) *
pray (v) **
prize (n) ***
project (n) ***
raise (your voice) (v) ***
reach (v) ***
recover (v) ***
reduce (v) ***
remedy (n) **
ride (v) ***
rubbish (n)
seasick (adj)
seasickness (n)
separate (v) ***
ship (n) ***
sick (adj) ***
sick (n)
slip past (v)
solid (adj) ***
stare (v) ***
strong (adj) ***
succeed (v) ***

suffer (v) ***

summer (n)
take over (v) ***
turn (n) ***
twice (adv) ***
website (n) **
wicked (adj) *
winter (n) ***
wonder (v) ***

Gateway to exams, Units 34

ability (n) ***
acupuncture (n)
board game (n)
brain (n) ***
chess (n) *
crossword (n) *
discovery (n) ***

Unit 5
TV programmes
advert (ad/advertisement) (n) *
cartoon (n) *
chat show (n) *
comedy (n) **
documentary (n) *
film (n) ***
game show (n)
programme (n) ***
reality show (n)
remote control (n) *
series (n) ***
soap (n) **
sports programme (n)
the news (n) ***
turn/switch on/off (v) ***

Adjectives describing TV programmes

awful (adj) **
boring (adj) **
cool (adj) ***
funny (adj) ***

informative (adj) *
scary (adj) *

Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed

confusing/ed (adj) */*
disappointing/ed (adj) */*
embarrassing/ed (adj) */*
frightening/ed (adj) */*
interesting/ed (adj) ***/***
moving/ed (adj) **/**
relaxing/ed (adj) ~/*
surprising/ed (adj) ***/***
tiring/ed (adj) ~/***

Other words and phrases

a bit (adv)
addict (n) *
agree (v) ***
anatomy (n)
archer (n)
attractive (adj) ***
authentic (adj) *
baddy (n)
brave (adj) **
broadcast (v) **
cable (n)
capture (v)
century (n) ***
cheat (v) *
common (adj) ***
critic (n) ***
demonstration (n) **
distant (adj) **
doll (n) *
electronic (adj) ***
episode (n) **
equally (adj) **
exotic (adj) *
fall asleep (v)
far (=far better) (adv) **
fitness (n) **
flat (n) ***
general election (n)
goal (=football) (n) ***

gym (n) *
hunger (n) *
igloo (n)
image (=picture) (n) ***
Inuit (n)
iron (=material) (n) **
laugh (v) ***
lazy (adj) **
mechanical (adj) **
melodramatic (adj)
newsreader (n)
nowadays (adv) **
organiser (n) **
outlaw (n)
palm tree (n)
parachuting (n, v)
save (v) ***
selective (adj) **
sensation (n) **
sensationalism (n) **
serious (adj) ***
silent (adj) ***
slightly (adv) ***
spend (time) (v) ***
sure (adj) ***
team (n) ***
tower (n) **
transmission (n) **
transmit (v) **
TV guide (n)
TV station (n)
without (prep) ***

Unit 6
Geographical features
beach (n) ***
desert (n) **
forest (n) ***
ice cap (n)
jungle (n) *

mountain range (n)

rainforest (n) *

The environment
drought (n)
environment (n) ***
flood (n) **
global warming (n) *
greenhouse effect (n)
nuclear disaster (n)
oil spill (n)
ozone layer (n)
pollution (n)
recycle (v) *
save (v) ***
waste (n & v) ***

Different uses of get

arrive (v) ***
bring (v) ***
become (=a process or change of state) (v) ***
obtain or buy (v) ***
receive (v) ***

Other words and phrases

affect (v) **
anniversary (n) **
arsonist (n)
atmosphere (n) **
attraction (n) **
burn (v) ***
bushfire (n)
canteen (n) *
catastrophic (adj)
celebrate (v) ***
cheap (adj) ***
close to (adj & adv)
community (n) ***
consequence (n) ***
convict (n) **
cut down (v) ***
definitely (adv) **
deliberately (adv) **
disastrous (adj) *

dry (adj) ***

east (adj & adv)
east (n) ***
efficient (adj)
energy (n) ***
fancy (v) **
farmer (n) ***
footprint (n)
frequent (adj) **
fumes (n) *
generate (v) ***
glass (=material) (n) ***
habit (n) ***
heat (n) ***
honest (adj) **
increase (n) ***
increase (v) ***
indigenous (adj)
influence (v) ***
lifestyle (n) **
material (n) ***
melt (v) **
mix (v) ***
packaging (n) *
perhaps (adv) ***
petrol (n) **
population (n) ***
power (n) ***
protect (v) ***
reef (n) *
relatively (adv) ***
restriction (n) *
scientist (n) ***
sea level (n)
shower (n) **
silly (adj) **
slow down (v) ***
space (outer space) (n) ***
suggestion (n) ***
thirsty (adj) *
tonne (n) **
toothbrush (n)

water (v) ***

wild (adj) ***
wild (n)

Gateway to exams, Units 56

attention (n) ***
environmental (adj) ***
exploration (n) **
situation (n) ***

Unit 7
builder (n) **
computer programmer (n)
fashion designer (n)
journalist (n) **
mechanic (n) *
police officer (n) *
receptionist (n) *
shop assistant (n)

Personal qualities
ambitious (adj) **
calm (adj) **
caring (adj)
clever (adj) **
creative (adj) **
fit (adj) ***
hard-working (adj) *
reliable (adj) **
sociable (adj)
well-organised (adj)

Compound adjectives describing people or jobs

badly-paid (adj)
blue/brown/green-eyed (adj)
easy-going (adj)
full-time (adj) **
good-looking (adj) **
part-time (adj) **
right/left-handed (adj)
well-paid (adj)

Other words and phrases

accept (v) ***

application form (n) **
apply (for) (v) ***
architect (n) **
assistant (n) **
au pair (n)
autograph (n & v)
average (n) ***
cheer up (v)
chewing gum (n)
complicated (adj) **
condition (n) ***
cookery (n) *
CV (n) *
delivery boy/girl (n)
depend on (v) ***
design (v) ***
drag (v) **
dress up (v) ***
dynamic (adj) **
effort (n) ***
enclose (v) *
essential (adj) ***
exactly (adv) ***
except (conj) ***
exotic (adj) *
extra (n) ***
factory worker (n)
firefighter (n)
force (n) ***
gardener (n) **
giant (adj) **
hang out (v)
hard hat (n)
hit (v) ***
home-time (n)
in response to
inquiries (n) ***
interpreter (n) *
issue (=question) (n) ***
knowledge (n) ***
look forward to ***

lottery (n) *
lucky (adj) ***
manual (n/adj) **
mate (=friend) (n) **
miner (n) *
offer (v) ***
outdoors (adv & n)
paperwork (n) *
parrot (n) *
peace (n) ***
rely on (v) ***
report (n) ***
ride operator (n)
screen (n) ***
sign (v) ***
smoke (v) **
stuck (adj)
suit (n) ***
suppose (v) ***
take a long time
toothpaste (n)
turn round (v) **
variety (n) ***
vegetarian (n)
wages (n) ***
wing (n) ***

Unit 8

ask (somebody) out (v)

chat (to somebody) (v) **
fall in love (with somebody) (v)
get back together (with somebody) (v)
get married (to somebody) (v)
get on well (with somebody) (v)
go out (with somebody) (v)
have an argument (with somebody) (v)
meet (somebody) (v) ***
split up (with somebody) (v)

anger (n) **

boredom (n) *
excitement (n) **
happiness (n) **
loneliness (n)
sadness (n) *

afraid (adj) ***
angry (adj) ***
excited (adj) **
happy (adj) ***
lonely (adj) **
sad (adj) ***

Noun suffixes
freedom (n) ***
friendship (n) **
illness (n) ***
madness (n) *
relationship (n) ***
weakness (n) **

Other words and phrases

abdicate (v)
abdication (n)
ancient (adj) ***
apologise (v)
argument (n) ***
be like somebody
bowling (n) *
broken-hearted (adj)
camp (n) ***
criticise (v)
dry oneself (v)
flower (n) ***
grave (n) ***
ideal (adj) ***
journey (n) ***
knife (n) ***
mainly (adv) ***
matter (v) ***
moral (adj) ***
pacifist (n)
play (n & v) ***

potion (n)
press (=newspapers) (n) ***
priest (n) **
Prime Minister (n) ***
promise (n & v) ***
questionnaire (n) **
respect (n) ***
scandal (n) **
ski (v) *
something else (pron & adv)
soon (adv) ***
stay in (v) ***
still (=time) (adv) ***
storm (n)
studies (n)
tradition (n) ***
wealthy (adj) **

Gateway to exams, Units 78

au pair (n)
alternative (adj & n) ***
dimension (n) **
grape (n) *
ingredient (n) **
jam (n) *
jar (n) *
kiwi (n)
lime (n) *
mixture (n) ***
obviously (adv) ***
positive (adj) ***
product (n)
recipe (n) **
sell (v) ***
traditional (adj) ***

Unit 9
comic (n)
crime novel (n)
fairy tale (n)

fantasy (n) **
graphic novel (n)
historical fiction (n)
horror (n) **
play (n) ***
romance (n) *
science fiction (n) *
thriller (n) *

atlas (n)
autobiography (n)
biography (n) *
cookbook (n)
dictionary (n) **
encyclopedia (n) *
guidebook (n) **
magazine (n) ***
manual (n) **
newspaper (n) ***
textbook (n)

Phrasal verbs connected with reading and writing

cross out (v) **
fill in (v) ***
flick through (v) *
look up (v) **
read on (v) ***
read out (v) ***
turn over (v) ***

Other words and phrases

adaptation (n) *
almost (adv) ***
assassination (n) *
author (n) ***
best-selling (adj)
blood (n) ***
boarding school (n)
carefully (adv)
certainly (adv) ***
climb (n & v) ***
combine (v) ***
cover (=for a book) (n) ***

cowboy (n)
credit card (n) **
customer (n) ***
dragon (n)
elf (n)
end up (v) ***
floor (=storey) (n) ***
following (adj) ***
have an impact (v)
how long
how often
in stock
inspiration (n) **
intrigue (n)
jump in/into (v)
keep up (v) ***
order (=ask for something in a shop/restaurant) (v) ***
passion (n) **
predator (n) **
previous (adj) ***
publication (n) ***
related (adj) **
ring (=wedding ring) (n) ***
risk (v) ***
scuba-diving (n)
section (n) ***
shock (n) ***
spend (=money) (v) ***
sufficient (adj) ***
survive (v) ***
though (adv & conj) ***
together (adv) ***
troll (n)
unnecessary (adj) **
witch (n) *
wolf (n) *

Unit 10
Computers and computing
hard drive (n)

keyboard (n) *
mouse (n) **
mouse pad (n)
printer (n) **
speaker (n) ***
USB port (n)
webcam (n)

The Internet
blog (n & v)
broadband (n)
chat online (v)
download (v)
search engine (n) *
surf the Net (v)
website (n) **

Collocations with email

bounce back (v) **
check email (v)
delete an email (v)
email account (n)
email address (n)
forward an email (v)
reply to an email (v)
send an email (v)

Other words and phrases

academic (adj) ***
accidentally (adv) *
analyse (v) **
assess (v) **
assessment (n)
block (n) ***
block (v) **
butchers (n) *
button (n) **
chip (=silicon) (n) **
designer clothes (n)
dishonest (adj) *
document (n) ***
eclipse (n & v)
enormous (adj) ***
entertainment (n) **

export (n) ***

export (v) **
frustrating (adj) *
hard copy (n)
import (n) **
import (v) **
ingot (n)
invest (v) ***
military (adj) **
model train (n)
mosque (n) *
objective (n) ***
owner (n) ***
particle (n) **
password (n) *
per (prep) ***
physics (n)
practical (adj) ***
product (n) ***
punish (v) **
record (n) ***
record (v) ***
refine (v)
reputation (n) ***
research (n) ***
resident (n) ***
sand (n) ***
valley (n) ***
various (adj) ***

Gateway to exams, Units 910

interaction (n) **
member (n) ***
print (v) ***
publisher (n) **
spectacular (adj) **
turn into (v) *** (=turn a book into a film)

/md()l edd/
/ld ed/
/sini(r) stz()n/
/j dlt/
/br(r) n l/
/f(r) n l/
/grn(d)f(r)/, /m(r)/
/grn(d)sn/, /dt(r)/
/m(r) n l/
/wn pernt fm()li/
/nli tld/
/sst(r) n l/
/stepf(r)/, /m(r)/

Godine i faze ivota

adolescencija, mladost
odrasla osoba
starija osoba
adolescent, tinejder (osoba u dobi
od 13 do 19 godina starosti)
mlaa odrasla osoba
tetka, strina, daidinca
zet, urjak
svekar, punac
djed/dedo, baka/nana
unuk, unuka
svekrva, punica
neaka/ bratina/sestrina
samohrana porodica (sa samo
jednim roditeljem)
jedinac/jedinica (jedino dijete u
slobodan/na, neoenjen/neudata
snaha, jetrva, zaova




adolescencija, mladost
napredak, poboljanje
nezavisnost, samostalnost
kretanje, pokret

/kmpjut(r) tekn()n/
/klt()rl vljuz/
/ekstr krkjl(r)/

Ostale rijei i fraze

sam, usamljen
otprilike, priblino
kljuati, kuhati
briga, njega
poznata linost
prilika, ansa
drutvo, kompanija
kompjuterski tehniar
kulturne vrijednosti
diskutovati, raspravljati
virtuelni prijatelj
eksperiment, pokus
pravedan, fer
ena, osoba enskog pola, enski

/di pi es sstm/
/gr p/
/lk ft(r)/
/n tam/

friider, hladnjak
vlada, vlast
GPS sistem
kaciga, ljem
skrivati, kriti
kasno, kasan/a
otii, napustiti
lagati, ne govoriti istinu
paziti nekoga, brinuti se o
stihovi, rijei pjesme
mukarac, osoba mukog pola,
mjesec (kalendarski)
pokoravati se, sluati (biti posluan)
na vrijeme
onlajn, na internetu
prilika, ansa
trajan, stalan, postojan
nedavan, skor
strunjak, specijalista


pijunirati, uhoditi
stres / akcenat
vritati, vikati


provala, upad, provalna kraa
provaliti, opljakati
(napasti i) pljakati
piraterija, krivotvorenje
pirat; bespravno kopirati
opljakati, otimati
kraa iz prodavnice/marketa
vandalizovati, unititi


kradljivac u pradavnici/marketu

/km krs/
/fnd at/
/lk nt/
/lk f(r)/
/t(r)n p/
/w(r)k at/

naii na, pronai

pojaviti se


Ostale rijei i fraze

kasnije, poslije
naprijed, ispred

/ba ksd()nt/
/ba pst/
/drav mr(r)/
/get redi/
/dmp at/

vojska, armija
osnovni, glavni
zaustaviti, blokirati
bunker, spremite
sluajno, nenamjerno
sluaj (krivini sluaj)
ek (sredstvo plaanja)
ugao, oak
razbiti, sudariti (autom)
svugdje, svuda
svaati se, tui se/svaa, tua
sprava, ureaj
spremiti se
straar, uvar
uvati, straariti
tana, torbica
drka, ruka
desiti se
sjedite, tab, komandno mjesto
oteti, kidnapovati

/petrl ste()n/
/plis f(r)s/
/sin v kram/
/t(r)n f/
/wk stk/

biljeka, poruka; muzika nota
poiljka, paket
benzinska pumpa
policijske snage
poznat, popularan
vlasnitvo, posjed
stalan, redovan, uobiajen
ponovo pregledati, preraditi
torba, vrea
mjesto zloina
rijeiti, razrijeiti
uriti, brzati
iznenada, odjednom
sunane naoale
gust, debeo
iskljuiti, ugasiti (svjetlo)
neoekivano, iznenada
tap koji se koristi pri hodanju


jasan, oit


veza, konekcija
dukserica (sa kapuljaom)
identifikovati, prepoznati
nedisciplina pjeaka (ilegalan
prelazak preko ulice)
sigurnost, obezbjeenje

/ nelndz/

Zemlje, nacionalnosti i jezici

Austrijanac/ka, austrijski
Brazilac/ka, brazilski
Holananin/ka, holandski
Egipanin/ka, egipatski
Englez/skinja, engleski
Francuz/skinja, francuski
Njemac/ica, njemaki
Italijan/ka, italijanski
Japanac/ka, japanski
Poljak/inja, poljski
Portugalac/ka, portugalski
Retoroman, Roman
Rus/kinja, ruski
panac/kinja, panski
vicarac/ka, vicarski


Velanin/ka, velki

/du n eks(r)saz/
/du hmw(r)k/
/du/stdi gl/
/du/tek n gzm/
/mek mstek/

Uenje jezika
raditi vjebu
raditi zadau
uiti/studirati engleski jezik
raditi/izai na ispit
napraviti greku, progrijeiti
memorisanje, pamenje
vjeba, praksa
ponavljanje, revizija
uenik, student
uiti, studirati



/pa(r)t frm/
/bl t/

Ostale rijei i fraze

aviokompanija, zrana linija
stranac, tuinac; vanzemaljac
osim, pored
pripadati (nekom)
prijelom, slomiti
izraunati, raunati

/fjul stp/
/nsted v/
/md bat/
/m(r) t/
/netv spik(r)/
/set p/

kanal (TV)
razgovarati, askati
zbunjenost, mete
suglasnik, konsonant
konvencija, skup
brojati, raunati
zasluge, zahvala (na kraju filma)
razgovor, rasprava
iskustvo, iskusiti
faktor, inilac
fabrika, tvornica
poznat, upoznat
benzinska pumpa
interpretacija, tumaenje, prevod
lud za
glavni, osnovni
spomenik, graevina
maternji jezik
izvorni govornik
komija, susjed
kancelarija, ured
originalan, izvoran
preko, vie od
dozvola, odobrenje
piknik, izlet
svojina, posjed, posjedovanje
sos, umak
zapoeti, osnovati

/im p(r)k/
/tmt ketp/

zabavni park, tematski park
Turin/kinja, turski
cijeli, cjelina


Dijelovi tijela
noni prst


Zdravstveni problemi i bolesti

slomljen, pokvaren
prehlaen, prehlada
bol u uhu

/stmk ek/

povrijediti (se), boljeti

bol u stomaku

/f(r)st ed/
/fud pz()n/
/hel sent/
/h(r)t tk/
/wet rum/

prva pomo
trovanje hranom
zdravstveni centar
srani udar
analgetik, sredstvo protiv bolova

/get f/
/get rd v/
/get wel/

Ostale rijei i fraze

krivnja, krivica
kriviti, okrivljivati
brod, amac
dosaivati se
pozajmiti, posuditi
svijetao, jarki
estitke, estitati
lijek, droga
zao, zlo
pasti, padati
greka, krivica
ispunjen, pun
iskrcati se (sa broda, voza npr.)
rijeiti se
oporaviti se

/hjumn bi/
/prdekt/, /prdekt/
/slp pst/

podariti, dodijeliti
pogoditi, nagaati
vrst, tvrd
ljudsko bie
higijena, istoa
nevinost, nedunost
laptop, prenosni raunar
leati, poloiti
stiati (svoj glas)
lud, bijesan
mimika, pokazati mimikom
bijeda, patnja
bez prekida, non-stop
ljubazno, kulturno
moliti se
podii (svoj glas)
dostii, dosegnuti
oporaviti se
smanjiti, opadati
jahati (konja); voziti (bicikl, motor)
smee, otpad
osjeati morsku bolest
morska bolest
prokrijumariti, sakriti
vrst, postojan

/tek v(r)/

skretanje, zaokret
dva puta
zao, poroan, proklet
pitati se

/b(r)d gem/

drutvena igra

/tt /
/gem /
/rilti /
/rmt kntrl/
/sp(r)ts prgrm/
/ njuz/
/t(r)n/swt n/f/

TV programi
reklama, oglas
animirani/crtani film
talk show, emisija razgovornog tipa
dokumentarni film
emisija, program
show u realnosti
daljinski upravlja
sapunica, telenovela
sportski program
ukljuiti; iskljuiti


grozan, uasan
super, odlian


straan, zastraujui


zbunjujui; /zbunjen
razoaravajui; /razoaran
posramljujui; /posramljen
zastraujui; /uplaen
interesantan; /zainteresovan
dirljiv; /dirnut, ganut
oputajui; /oputen
iznenaujui; /iznenaen
zamarajui; /umoran

/ bt/
/fl slip/
/den()rl lek()n/

Ostale rijei i fraze

slagati se, odobravati
autentian, izvorni
kabal, kablovska televizija
snimiti, slikati, zatvoriti (uhvatiti)
stoljee, vijek
uobiajen, zajedniki
demonstracija, pokazivanje
daleko (daleko bolji)
opi izbori
pogodak, gol

/pm tri/
/spend tam/
/ti vi gad/
/ti vi ste()n/

teretana, sala za vjebanje

smijati se
spiker, voditelj vijesti
danas, ovih dana
odmetnik, razbojnik
palma, palmino drvo
padobranstvo, skakati sa
uvati, tedjeti
izbirljiv, selektivan
osjeaj; senzacija
tih, miran
neznatno, malo
provoditi vrijeme
ekipa, tim
toranj, kula
prenoenje, transmisija, prenos
pregled programa
TV kanal

/as kp/

Geografske karakteristike
ledena kapa
dungla, prauma

/mantn rend/

planinski lanac

/glb()l w(r)m/
/grinhas fekt/
/njukli(r) dzst(r)/
/l spl/
/zn le(r)/

globalno zagrijavanje
efekat plastenika
nuklearna katastrofa
naftna mrlja
ozonski omota
tedjeti, uvati
otpad; traiti, rasipati


dobiti, zadobiti, kupiti

/kls t/
/kt dan/

Ostale rijei i fraze

utjecati, djelovati (na nekog, neto)
piroman, palikua
umski poar
blizu, pored
zajednica, drutvo
sigurno, definitivno

/si lev()l/
/sl dan/

istono, istoni
efikasan, uspjean
preferirati, voljeti; zamisliti
poljoprivrednik, farmer
otisak stopala
est, frekventan
para, dim
proizvesti, proizvoditi, generisati
domorodaki, uroeniki
utjecati (na)
ivotni stil
topiti se
gorivo (benzin)
elektrina energija; snaga, sila
nivo mora
tu; pljusak
smijean, luckast
svemir; prostor
etkica za zube


divljina, svijet prirode



/kmpjut(r) prgrm(r) /
/f()n dzan/
/plis fs(r)/
/p sst()nt/

graevinar, graditelj/ka
kompjuterski programer/ka
modni dizajner, stilist/ica

/h(r)d w(r)k/
/wel (r)gnazd/

Line osobine
smiren, miran
brian, paljiv
u formi
organizovan, uredan

/bdli ped/
/rat/left hndd/
/wel ped/

loe plaen
oputen, pristupaan, spontan
puno (radno) vrijeme
zgodan, dobrog izgleda
pola (radnog) vremena
dobro plaen
Ostale rijei i fraze

/plke()n f(r)m/
/pla f(r)/
/ pe(r)/
/ti(r) p/
/tu gm/
/si vi/
/dlv()ri b, g(r)l/
/dpend n/
/dres p/
/fktr w(r)k(r)/
/h at/
/h(r)d ht/
/hm tam/
/n rspns t/
/lk f(r)w(r)d t/

prijavni obrazac
prijaviti se
dadilja (po programu au pair)
autogram, dati autogram
vakaa guma
komplikovan, sloen
kuhinja, kuhanje
zavisiti od
dizajnirati, osmisliti
dotjerati se
napor, trud
kljuni, osnovni
tano, upravo
radnik u tvornici
ogroman, gigantski
druiti se
zatitna kaciga
vrijeme kod kue
kao odgovor na
upiti, pitanja
prevodilac, tuma
pitanje, problem
nadati se

/rla n/
/rad pret(r)/
/tek l tam/
/tn rand/

sretan, imati sree
prirunik; runi
drug, prijatelj
papirologija, kancelarijski posao
osloniti se (na), raunati (na)
uposlenik u tematskom parku
dati znak; potpisati
dugo trajati
pasta za zube
okrenuti se

/sk at/
/tt tu/
/fl n lv/
/get bk tge(r)/
/get mrid/
/get n wel/
/g at/
/hv n (r)gjmnt/
/splt p/

pozvati nekoga van
razgovarati/askati sa nekim
zaljubiti se
pomiriti se, biti ponovo u vezi
vjenati se
dobro se slagati sa nekim
izai/izlaziti sa nekim
svaati se sa nekim
upoznati; sresti nekoga
raskinuti vezu, razii se


ljutnja, bijes






veza, odnos

/bi lak smbdi/
/brkn h(r)td/
/dra wnself/

Ostale rijei i fraze

abdikacija, odricanje
drevni, prastari
izviniti se
svaa; argument
biti kao neko, liiti na nekog
slomljenog srca
kamp, logor
posuiti se
biti od znaaja
igrati; svirati; igra; predstava

/pram mnst(r)/
/sm els/
/ste n/

anketa, upitnik
neto drugo
uskoro, ubrzo
ostati kod kue/u kui
jo uvijek

/ pe(r)/

au pair program uvanja djece

alternativa, alternativni
dem; guva

/kram nv()l/
/feri tel/

krimi roman

/grfk nv()l/
/hstrk()l fk()n/
/sans fk()n/

grafiki roman
historijski roman
nauna fantastika


kuhar (knjiga)

/krs at/
/fl n/
/flk ru/
/lk p/
/rid n/
/rid at/
/t(r)n v(r)/

ispuniti, popuniti
nastaviti sa itanjem
itati naglas
prevrnuti stranu

/b(r)d skul/

Ostale rijei i fraze

prilagoavanje, adaptacija
penjati se, penjanje
korice (knjige)

/kredt k(r)d/
/end p/
/hv n mpkt/
/ha l/
/ha f()n/
/n stk/
/dmp n/
/kip p/
/skub dav/

kreditna kartica
klijent, muterija
slijedei, naredni
imati utjecaja
koliko dugo
koliko esto
na lageru
inspiracija, nadahnue
skoiti u, uskoiti
slijediti, pratiti
poruiti, naruiti (u prodavnici,
izdavanje, publikacija
povezan sa
prsten (burma)
ronjenje sa opremom
troiti (novac)
iako, premda
vilenjak, mitsko bie

/h(r)d drav/

Raunari i raunanje
hard disk

/mas pd/
/ju es bi p(r)t/

podloga za mi
USB port/ulaz
web kamera

/tt nlan/
/s(r)t endn/
/s(r)f net/

blog, pisati blog
irokopojasni internet
razgovarati onlajn
uzeti podatke sa interneta
pretraivati internet
web stranica

/bans bk/
/tek imel/
/dlit n imel/
/imel kant/
/imel dres/
/f(r)w(r)d n imel /
/rpla t n imel /
/send n imel/

odskoiti, vratiti se
provjeriti elektronsku potu
obrisati e-mail
e-mail korisniki raun
e-mail adresa
proslijediti e-mail
odgovoriti na e-mail
poslati e-mail

/dzan(r) klz/

Ostale rijei i fraze

blok, kocka
blokirati, zaustaviti
tipka; dugme
dizajnerska (markirana) odjea

/h(r)d kpi/
/md()l tren/

/t(r)n nt/

odtampana verzija
ulagati, investirati
maketa voza
ifra, lozinka
po, prema
gramofonska ploa; evidencija,
zapis, biljeka
snimiti, zabiljeiti
rafinirati, proistiti
stanovnik, stanar
raznolik, raznovrstan

pretvoriti u; adaptacija (knjige u

Adolescence is the period between childhood and being an adult.

This film is for adults, and Corinne is only 15.
A baby is a child who is under the age of three.
My date of birth is 23/02/1982.
I'm an only child. I haven't got any brothers or sisters.
Childhood is the stage of life when you are a child.
Lady Diana's death in a car accident was very sad.
You are middle-aged between when you are in your forties and fifties.
Old age is the time when people stop working.
A senior citizen is someone over the age of 65.
Young people between the ages of 13 and 18 are called teenagers.
Someone between the ages of 18 and 21 is a young adult.

The sister of one of your parents is your aunt.

Approximately 670,000 babies are born every year in Britain.
The brother of one of your parents is your uncle.
The brother of your husband or wife is your brother-in-law.
The daughter or son of your uncle and aunt is your cousin.
The girl's father is angry because people call his daughter at unusual times.
If you are married and then end the marriage, you are divorced.
The father of your wife or husband is your father-in-law.
Your grandfather or grandmother is the mother or father of one of your parents.
A son or daughter of one of your children is your grandson or grandaughter.
The man that a woman is married to is her husband.
The mother of your wife or husband is your mother-in-law.
A son of your brother or sister is your nephew.
A daughter of your brother or sister is your niece.
One-parent families are families where only the father or mother looks after the childre
An only child doesn't have brothers or sisters.

The word partner describes either a husband or wife or the person that someone lives wi
If you are single, you aren't married.
The female child of your mother and father is your sister.
The sister of your husband or wife is your sister-in-law.
If you and your partner have a male child, he is your son.
Your mother's new husband in a second or later marriage is your stepfather.

The brother of your father or mother is your uncle.

The woman that a man is married to is his wife.

Adolescence is the period between childhood and being an adult.

Do you think the food you eat makes a difference to your school marks?
High tech equipment such as a jacket with GPS system can tell your parents where you a
Teenagers who eat with their families are happier than before. That's an improvement.
Adolescents need independence from parents to make their own mistakes.
A message is written or spoken information that you send to somebody.
The television was one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century.
The movement of the stars can be followed with a telescope.
Parents want to give protection to their children from danger.

I always eat alone because mum and dad arrive home late from work.
A baby is a child up to approximately three years of age.
The word for the way we talk and act is behaviour.
Water boils at 100C.
Babies need constant care from their parents.
A celebrity is someone famous like an actor, a singer or a sportsperson.
Parents must give their children a chance to make their own mistakes.
Blade Runner is a company which sells high-tech jackets.
A computer technician can help you with computer problems.
You can talk online if you are connected to the Internet.
Babies and small children need constant care and protection.
The jacket with a GPS system costs $500.
Cultural values are ideas that are important in our lives.
Wild dogs can be very dangerous.
Adolescents need to take their own decisions about their lives.
Some high-tech equipment is complicated and difficult to use.
Discipline is the rules and limits that parents give their children.
Teenagers who discuss opinions and plans with their families get better marks.
It is against the law to enter a house illegally to take things.
An e-pal is a friend you write to by email.
As an experiment, in a British TV programme problematic teenagers went to live with str
A recent BBC TV show explores the problems with British teenagers.
After the school day many teenagers have extra-curricular sports classes.
Some teenagers believe that their parents are not fair.
Some people just wear hoodies because that's the fashion.
In an exam you have to write fast because you have limited time.
Another word for woman is 'female'.
If you have more advantages than other people, you are fortunate.
Some parents want their children to be free and not have to follow rules.

I'm going to put the milk and butter in the fridge to keep it cool.
The British government didn't want Edward and Wallis to get married because she was d
GPS systems help you find where you are and where you are going.
When you move from childhood to being an adult, you grow up.
The doctor said that cigarettes are bad for your health.
When you cycle, wear a helmet to protect your head.
She hid the money behind the drawer and no one could find it.
There's a service which informs your parents if you don't arrive on time.
Put on your jacket it's freezing outside.
I arrived late and missed the bus.
Your mother's new husband in a second or later marriage is your stepfather.
I'm busy now but I can speak to you later in the week.
We leave school at 5 o'clock.
Some teenagers lie to their parents about what they are doing.
Some parents give their children no limits because they want them to be 'free'.
I can't come out at the moment because I am looking after my baby sister.
The words of a song are called 'lyrics'.
Male' is another word for boy or man.

If you are married and then end the marriage you are divorced.
In my house dinner is an important meal.
Phone texts and emails are examples of messages.
I have to correct my mistakes.
I stayed with my grandmother for three months from January to March.
The Times is a famous newspaper.
Some children obey their parents and follow their rules.
Adults don't always arrive home on time because of work.
Do you use the Internet to have online conversations?
It's important for parents to give their children the opportunity to make mistakes.
British parents are the opposite of strict they give their children everything they want.
Plan your future with your parents and talk about the different options you can choose.
For many British teenagers street crime is an area of particular concern.
When you have small children, you need to give them permanent care and attention.
A security guard looks after a place like a shop or an office.
The TV news programme explored recent events like last week's plane crash.
You have to pay your mobile phone bill regularly, usually once a month.
Who is responsible for teenagers' problems at school, on the streets and at home?
The results of the experiment are interesting.
Strict parents are parents who have very clear rules for their children to follow and obey.
Some parents pay for a service which sends them a message when their children go outs
Why don't you shout? My grandfather can't hear you.
New high-tech equipment from specialist companies in the USA help parents watch and

Are you parents protecting you or are they spying on you?

Some parents don't tell their children to work hard because they don't want them to have
Strict parents make their children obey the rules.
Mobile phones and tablet computers are examples of technology.
If you don't yell above the noise, he won't hear you.
A zone is a specific area.

Burglary is the crime of entering a house illegally to take things.

When you burgle a house you steal things from it.
When you kill somebody you take their life.
When you mug someone, you attack them to steal from them.
A mugging is when somebody robs another person and takes their money using violence
A murder is when somebody kills another person.
Piracy is when somebody pirates software such as CDs and DVDs by copying them illegal
A pirate is someone who makes and sells illegal copies of software.
When you rob a person or a place you take things illegally.
A robbery is when somebody robs a bank or a person.
Shoplifting is when somebody steals things from a shop.
When you steal from a person or place, you take money or objects illegally.
A theft is when somebody steals something.
Vandalism is when somebody vandalises public property.

burglar is a person who enters a house illegally to take things.

mugger is a person who uses violence to take things from another person.
murderer is a person who takes another person's life.
robber is a person who steals things from people or places.
shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop.
thief is somebody who steals things in general.
vandal is someone who damages and destroys things for no reason.

Detectives came across the murderer's knife in the garden.

After their investigation, the police found out where the thief was.
Detectives began to look into the burglary and soon arrested the burglar.
I can't find my keys. Can you help me look for them?
Quite by accident, the knife turned up in the garden.
Sherlock Holmes worked out crimes using logic.
The burglar broke a window and afterwards climbed into the house.
The car in front was a kilometre or two ahead.

Green was the colour of the army uniform.

When the police arrest someone, they take him or her to prison.
The thief made a basic mistake when he left his photograph.
James Bond's car was a kilometre behind the car in front.
When a thief takes your phone, ask the phone company to block the number.
The criminal got inside a box and posted it to the house he wanted to burgle.
A bunker is a secret room under the ground.
It was difficult to ring 999 by accident on old telephones.
People used to send a lot of letters by post.
The criminal took a photograph with the camera he stole.
The police worked out an old murder case and arrested the murderer yesterday.
How did the police catch the criminal Lee Hoskins?
I bought the car with a cheque for 20,000.
They committed many crimes but the police soon arrested them.
We write our address and the date in the top right hand corner of a formal letter.
That car is going very fast and I think it's going to crash.
A crossroads is the point where four roads join together.
A vandal damages and destroys things for no reason.
In Casino Royale James Bond's mission is to destroy Le Chiffre, an important Russian age
The objects weren't in the magician's pockets because they had disappeared.
He saw the car behind in his driving mirror.
The prisoner escaped from the prison before he was captured by the police.
I looked for my phone everywhere but I couldn't find it.
Parents want and expect good behaviour from their children.
Many people fought in the First World War.
The book cost 10 francs or 1.5 euros.
A gadget is a small device like a phone or MP3 player.
A gang of robbers robbed the famous magician.
They hid behind the wall and got ready to catch the thief.
A guard is a person who stops someone from leaving.
When you guard a place, you stop people from entering or leaving.
If you pull the trigger, the gun fires a bullet.
A lot of women keep their mobile phones in their handbags.
Turn the handle to open the door.
Look at the pictures and explain what is happening in each one.
You could see the car's headlights in the dark road.
The headquarters is the main office of an organisation
He stopped the car and all three men jumped out.
When you kidnap someone, you take them prisoner illegally.
Sherlock Holmes used logic to solve crimes.
A magician is someone who can make objects disappear.
Bond's mission is to destroy an important Russian agent.

My favourite colour is navy blue.

The navy is a military organisation which fights at sea.
She had a sack over her head. It was tied around her neck with a piece of rope.
James Bond left a note with a short message, 'meet me outside'.
Some prisoners prefer life inside the prison and do not want to go outside.
Bonnie and Clyde were a pair of criminals.
He put the present in a parcel and sent it by post.
At the petrol station, she filled the car with petrol.
He put the mobile phone in his pocket.
A police force is an organisation of police men and women.
The popular name for the British Intelligence Service is MI5.
A prison is a place where criminals are sent.
Public property is an official building or equipment.
The thief quickly ran away from the scene of the crime.
Women became a regular part of the police force in 1915.
She shouted but he did not reply.
I need to revise for my exam tomorrow.
The sack on her head was tied with a piece of rope.
A sack is a type of bag.
The car thieves left their photograph at the scene of the crime.
He took the map out the bag and showed it to his friends.
Copying software such as CDs and DVDs is illegal.
You can solve a difficult problem by considering the facts.
James Bond drove faster and faster as he sped along the road.
If you study hard, you can probably be successful in your exams.
While I was travelling to work, my phone suddenly rang.
You should wear sunglasses on a sunny day.
It was a surprise to see my school friend after many years.
The policeman was suspicious when he saw the gun on the table.
A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.
Detectives are trying to find the murderer.
He turned off the lights and left the room.
The burglar unexpectedly left fingerprints on the door handle.
Police officers must wear a uniform.
It's urgent to find out who committed the murder.
Violence against women is a problem in every country.
The old lady always used a walking stick to help her walk.
They were worried that the police were suspicious.

The answer to the question was not clear.

The professor gave a talk at the conference.

Some people make a connection between types of clothes and crime.

Some shopkeepers ask people not to cover their faces or heads.
When it rains put your coat hood over your head to keep dry.
A hoodie is a jacket or sweatshirt with a hood which can cover your head.
If you cover your head or face, it is difficult to identify you.
If someone robs you, report the incident to the police.
Jay-walking is the crime of crossing the road without using a zebra crossing.
Some people don't think it's necessary to stop teenagers wearing hoodies.
A university professor is an expert in his or her subject.
Security cameras cannot identify teenage criminals who are wearing hoodies.
Some shopping centres stop teenagers wearing hooded tops from entering shops.

Argentina is a country in South America.

The Tango is a famous Argentinian dance.
The capital city of Austria is Vienna.
Sigmund Freud was a famous Austrian psychoanalyst.
Brazil is the world's fifth largest country.
The Brazilian national football team has won the FIFA World Cup five times.
Dutch is the national language of the Netherlands.
Egypt is famous for its ancient pyramids and cities.
Tutankhamen is the most famous of the Egyptian pharaohs.
The English language is spoken all over the world.
French food is famous in many countries.
Boris Becker is a famous German tennis player.
Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands.
I live in Italy now and speak Italian.
Japan is the third largest national economy in the world.
As a child I watched Japanese cartoons.
Poland is a country to the east of Germany.
Polish is the official language of Poland.
Portuguese explorers arrived in Brazil in 1500.
Romansh is one of the national languages of Switzerland.
The capital city of Russia is Moscow.
Tchaikovsky was a famous Russian composer.
Spanish is the language spoken in Spain and most of Latin America.
Swiss chocolate is a famous product of Switzerland.

Switzerland is a country to the north of Italy.

Wales is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire

About a fifth of people in Wales speak the Celtic language of Welsh.

You usually do grammar exercises in class and at home.
I always do my homework before I watch television.
Some students use the Internet to study English.
I feel nervous before I take an exam.
Don't worry about making mistakes when you are learning a language.
Memorization is the process of learning something so that you remember it.
If you write a list, it will help you to memorize vocabulary.
Being good at English takes a lot of practice.
You should practise speaking whenever you have time.
Before the exams, revision will help you to remember.
My school is big and has 1500 students.
It's important to have a quiet place where you can study.
You can use your dictionary to translate words from English to your language.
You can read novels in the original language and in a translation.
It is illegal to sell pirate copies of books or CDs in shops.
It is impossible to translate a long book in two days.
It is incorrect to say 'a books' in English.
Hi' is an informal way to greet someone.
You couldn't see the words because they were invisible.
Many common English verbs, such as go, do and make, have an irregular past form.
Authors are usually unhappy about pirate versions of their books.
In China there were unofficial, pirate translations of Harry Potter books.
Klingon is an unusual language as it was invented for a TV series.

Summer courses at language schools include accommodation in hotels or with families.

Good advice for learning English is to practise every day.
English is the international language for most of the world's airlines.
English is an alien language to both Chinese and German engineers who work together in
An annual event is one which happens every year.
Apart from Russian, I can speak English.
When you listen to someone, you can often hear other voices in the background.
The English language belongs to the whole world as it is spoken in 70 countries.
A biscuit is a baked food product and is originally a French word.

A weekend break is a short holiday over the weekend.

Egyptian pyramids are ancient buildings.
Many companies and businesses around the world use English to communicate with eac
Some people calculate that there are 885 million speakers of Mandarin Chinese.
You can begin your career as an actor at drama school.

The BBC has a special channel for children's television programs.

I met two people who were chatting in Klingon, which is an invented language.
There is confusion about the origin of some words and not everyone agrees.
Polish words sometimes have a lot of consonants such as z and n.
The Harry Potter books contain almost 400 invented words and names.
Star Trek fans have regular conventions to meet and talk about the series and films.
The Pirah language has only three words to count: one, two and many.
The credits are a list of people who worked on a film or TV.
Yoghurt is a type of dessert made from milk.
English is the agreed international language of discourse for many world organizations.
Dubbing is when you add new voices to a film in a different language to the original.
In a language biography, you describe your experiences of learning a different language
When writing a letter, 'Dear Sir or Madam' is a formal expression.
Price and quality of teaching are important factors when choosing a language school.
There are many factories producing cars in China and Japan.
The Klingon grammar has some familiar and some unfamiliar elements.
He was really handsome, so I flirted with him.
If you are driving a long way, you need a lot of fuelling stops for petrol.
A lot of people think the word hamburger comes from German.
Instead of doing translations, we do lots of grammar exercises.
What is your interpretation of that piece of music?
The language course lasts four weeks.
In Scandinavia, the general public's level of English is very high.
An experienced linguist invented the language, Klingon for a TV series.
Star Trek fans are mad about the films and series.
Heathrow is the main airport of Britain.
There are many ancient monuments in Egypt, like the pyramids.
I can speak English and French but my mother-tongue is Russian.
The mountains of Switzerland are good for skiing.
There are 885 million native-speakers of the Mandarin Chinese language.
Britain and France are neighbours because the countries are next to each other
We study vocabulary at school and occasionally we do vocabulary tests.
There are a lot of offices in Tokyo because it is a large city.
I prefer to read books in the original version not in my own language.
Viewers in France like to watch the dubbed version of a film, not the original.
There are versions of Harry Potter in over 60 languages.
You can only translate books when you have official permission.
Japanese people like to eat a 'pikkunikku' which is their word for a 'picnic'.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is an actor who later became a politician.
My computer is my most important possession.
Ketchup was originally the name for a type of fish sauce in China.
The famous car company, Volkswagen, was set up in 1937.

Many road signs around the world, for example 'Stop', are in English.
The Pirah language is very simple because it doesn't have many sounds or concepts.
Sometimes when dubbing films, translators need to simplify and cut dialogue.
There is a lot of snow in Switzerland in winter.
The Brazilian Pirah language has ten or eleven different sounds.
There is good surfing in Hawaii because of the big waves.
There are different kinds of rides at theme parks.
People put tomato ketchup on food like hamburgers.
The translators of the Harry Potter books need to work fast to get the books ready.
The Pirah tribe are a small group of native people from Brazil.
The word 'yoghurt' comes originally from the Turkish language.
I watch DVDs in the original English version, not in my own language.
There are five vowels in English: a, e, i, o, and u.
Nowadays, the English language belongs to the whole world.
Yoghurt is a milky dessert originally from Turkey.

I fell down and broke my arm.

I lifted something heavy and now I have hurt my back.
If you have a heart attack you have a pain in your chest.
If you play music too loud, you can hurt your ears.
Have you ever hurt your elbow playing tennis?
It's rude to point your finger at me.
I was playing football when I hurt my foot.
When you have a virus, it is important to wash your hands regularly.
You can use your head to hit the ball in a football game.
My friend fell and hurt his knee playing basketball.
She fell from her horse and has broken her leg.
His nose is red because he has a cold.
I ate something bad and my stomach hurts.
I can't talk because my throat is sore.
I hurt my toe when I was playing football.
I can't eat anything at the moment because my tooth hurts.
He can't lift anything because his arm is broken.
A cold is a common illness caused by a virus.
When you have a cold, you often have a cough too.
I put something warm on my ear to relieve the pain of the earache.
She caught the flu and has had to stay in bed for two weeks.
I had a headache and had to take some tablets.

He's just fallen off his horse and hurt himself.

I twisted my ankle and suffered a lot of pain.
Sometimes if you have a cold or flu you have a sore throat too.
People who suffer from stress often have a stomach ache.
I caught the flu and had a very high temperature.
Have you ever had a toothache and had to visit the dentist?
The flu virus can be quickly spread by coughing and sneezing.
My sister had an accident but someone who knew first aid helped her.
She ate something bad and now she's got food poisoning.
If you feel ill, telephone the health centre to see a doctor.
A heart attack is when somebody has a lot of pain in their chest and can often be fatal.
Take painkillers to help if you suffer from headaches.
Sit in the waiting room until it's your turn to see the doctor.
I've had an accident and have fallen off my bicycle.
I was admitted to hospital with a broken arm.
Bitterness is a feeling of anger and unhappiness because of a bad experience.
Blame is the responsibility for doing something bad.
Don't blame yourself as the accident wasn't your fault.
I fell off the boat, into the water.
Carrie was bored as she didn't have anything to do.
I didn't have a ruler so I had to borrow one.
The sunshine was bright so I needed to wear sunglasses.
Cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals so need to be used carefully.
I passed my exam and received congratulations from my family and friends.
The cruelty of the criminal's behaviour shocked everyone.
Chicken soup is a great cure for a cold.
The country had a hot, dry climate and the land was mostly desert.
On TV you can watch hospital dramas about the lives of doctors and nurses.
Drugs such as painkillers can help you feel better when you are ill.
Learn first aid so that you know what to do if there's an emergency.
Evil people can do bad things to others.
He has just fallen onto the floor and hurt himself.
The car crash was my fault because I was going too fast.
Many children have a fear of the dark and sleep with a light on.
Deep filled sandwiches are sold in the canteen.
There were too many trees in the forest so I couldn't see far.
The guilty man asked the people to forgive him.
When she got off the boat, she started to feel seasick.
All kinds of hot soup can help get rid of a sore throat.
I'm sorry you're ill and I hope you get well soon.

The book Frankenstein was written after the author listened to other ghost stories.
He was granted the chance to tell the truth to the police.
Can you guess how many presents I got for my birthday?
The man was guilty of committing the crime.
The frozen ground was too hard to dig.
We are basically all the same because we are all human beings.
As part of personal hygiene you should carefully wash your hands.
The lake turns to ice in the winter months.
He told the policeman he didn't steal the car and maintained his innocence.
The scientist experimented with the chemicals in his laboratory.
I'm taking my laptop on holiday because I'll be able to study while I'm there.
My doctor asked me to lie down on the bed.
He locked the door with a key so no-one could get in the room.
Please lower your voice as you are talking too loudly.
Eating soup to help cure a cold is not a mad idea as some people say it works.
In the game, each person performs a mime for the others to guess what the answer is.
His sad life was full of unhappiness and misery.
The terrible noise carried on non-stop throughout the night.
Take a paracetamol tablet or another pain-killer when you have a headache.
That chemical is a poison that could kill if you were to drink it.
It is good manners to smile politely when you ask a favour.
Many people pray for help in their lives.
The prize on the show last night was 10,000.
I'm going to do a project about biology at school next week.
Please raise your voice so we can all hear you.
Finally we reached the very top of the mountain.
It took him two weeks to recover from his illness.
A pain-killer is a medicine that reduces pain.
Remedies for colds will help you get better.
Last week I was riding a horse but I fell off.
My mum asked me to take out the rubbish and put it in the bin.
Because the sea was rough she felt seasick on the boat.
The up and down movement of the boat can cause seasickness.
I needed to separate the clothes into dark colours and light colours.
Have you ever travelled across the sea by ship?
I was sick after the long, hot car journey.
In the hospital, doctors and nurses help the sick.
The footballer tried to slip past the defence to score a goal.
Water becomes solid when it is frozen.
He stared through the window at the night sky.
After he recovered from the illness he felt strong again.
After trying again, I succeeded with my language test.

Some students suffer from stress caused by worrying about exams.

My family are going to the coast for our summer holidays.
The new teacher will take over the class at the start of the new year.
After a short wait it was my turn to see the doctor.
I've seen this film twice, yesterday and today.
Wikipedia is one of the most popular websites in the world.
The children were wicked, and damaged the plants in the park.
Nights get colder and darker in winter.
They wondered which path to take, the right one or the left.

The questions will test my maths ability.

In Chinese acupuncture they use small needles to treat illness.
Playing board games like chess can keep you mentally active.
Some scientists think that speaking different languages is good for your brain.
Chess is usually played on a square board with black and white pieces.
I like solving the crossword puzzle in the Sunday newspaper.
The discovery of penicillin has helped many patients recover from infections.

There are often advert breaks on TV when different products are shown.
Mickey Mouse is a famous cartoon character from film and TV.

Famous people talk about themselves and their careers on TV chat shows.
There are many funny situations in comedy shows like Friends.
Theres a documentary about Shakespeare's life and work on television tonight.
The new Robin Hood film, directed by Ridley Scott, is at the cinema tomorrow.
Last night, the contestant on the game show got the answer wrong and lost 10,000.
Advert breaks can often interrupt a good TV programme.
My favourite reality show has lots of strange people staying in a house full of TV camera
I use the remote control to alter the sound on my TV while I answer the phone.
I try to stay home every Wednesday to watch all the programmes in the series.
The acting in soaps is often unrealistic and the stories are unbelievable.
I like sports programmes, especially shows about football.
Instead of reading, many people get the news from TV, radio or internet.
Most people use the TV remote control to switch off the TV.
An awful TV programme is one that is very bad.
A boring TV programme is one that isn't interesting.
A cool TV programme is one that is very good.
A funny TV programme is one that makes you laugh.

Documentaries and news programmes are informative.

A scary TV programme is one that makes you feel frightened.
We didn't understand the film because the story was confusing.
The directors of the show were very disappointed because not many people watched it.
It was so embarrassing when the presenter forgot what to say.
I enjoyed the film but the sudden, loud noises were quite frightening!
The documentary about zoo animals was interesting.
I was moved by the film and started to cry.
The examiner was so nice. She made me feel relaxed before the exam.
I was surprised to hear that they've cancelled such a good TV show.
I'm very tired after working and want to go to bed.

Watching football on TV is a bit better than being at the game as you can see everything
He's a TV addict and watches it after school every day.
I agree with you that it wasn't a very good film.
The man studied anatomy so he knew all about parts of the body.
The archer was shooting arrows from a bow into a tree.
The actress who played the leading role was very attractive.
The film location varied from the original story, but the costumes were authentic.
The baddy in Robin Hood is the evil Sheriff of Nottingham.
Robin Hood is a brave character who overcomes danger without being scared.
The TV images of the moon landings were broadcast all around the world.
Television images can be transmitted by radio waves or through cables in the ground.
Television cameras can capture images that we may otherwise not see in normal life.
I think the computer is probably the greatest invention of the 20th century.
TV cameras make it hard for sports people to cheat as everyone can see what they do.
Television became common in people's homes in the 1940s.
Critics write reviews of the latest movies in which they publish their opinions.
Inventor Logie Baird gave the first demonstration of TV pictures in 1925.
Television enabled people to see images from distant places without leaving home.
The first TV image showed the head of a child's doll.
A television set contains many small electronic parts.
Some TV shows are shown in episodes over a number of different days.
Soaps and game shows are equally popular on TV.
Have you ever visited an exotic country; one that is very different to yours?
I was so tired, I fell asleep while watching TV.
Watching TV is far more popular than writing letters.
Some people worry that watching too much TV is bad for your physical fitness.
I live in a flat, and have neighbours living above and below me.
I will be voting for a change of government in the next general election.
Most football sports programmes show you all the goals from the day's matches.

I like to go to the gym and do lots of exercising and weight training.

Because of hunger, some wild animals come into towns to find food.
The Inuits built houses from ice blocks called igloos.
Documentary films can show you images of real life in other parts of the world.
An early film showed the life of the Inuit people who live within the Arctic Circle.
The metal gates were made of iron and were starting to show signs of rusting.
I was watching cartoons and started to laugh out loud.

I think the kids of today are lazier than in the past because they watch so much television
He wanted to become a mechanical engineer as he was interested in how machines wor

Soap series are described as melodramatic because the stories have an exaggerated sty
The newsreader had to remain unemotional as she spoke about the disaster.
Nowadays people can watch television on the Internet.
The organisers of the event hoped to attract lots of interest.
Originally, people talked about Robin Hood as a criminal or outlaw, not a hero.
In warm climates, there are often palm trees growing in the streets.

Part of the job involves jumping out of the plane and parachuting to the ground.
Lifeboats were carried on large ships to help save the crew if the ship sank.
I'm very selective about which TV programmes I want to watch.
In Britain in 1953, millions watched the Queen's coronation on TV for the first time and it
Newspapers are often accused of sensationalism, reporting too many silly stories and no
Some people think many TV programmes are too serious and not entertaining enough.
The very first films were silent and had no speech or soundtrack.
I'm slightly older than my twin sister as I was born 30 minutes before her.
For me, reading is the most interesting way to spend free time.
No one can be sure what will happen in the future.
The Spanish team won the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
From the top of the tower I can see across the rooftops of the town.
The first regular colour transmission of TV programmes begin in 1967.
Logie Baird was able to transmit the first black and white picture in 1925.
I always read the TV guide and decide what I'm interested in watching.
The BBC and CNN are two well-known TV stations.
Many people would find it difficult to live without TV as they enjoy it so much.

If it's sunny, people often go to the beach and swim.

If it doesn't rain enough, some land could become dry and dusty desert.
The trees and plants of the forest will be affected by global warming.
If the earth gets hotter, the polar ice caps will melt.
Jungles are lush forests where the temperature is hot and there is a lot of rain.

The Andes and the Alps are examples of mountain ranges.

The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon in Brazil.
If we don't get any rain, there will be no water and we will have a drought.
If we recycle more and reduce pollution we can help protect the environment.
If we get too much rain at one time it will not drain away and there could be a flood.
Global warming will mean the temperature of the planet will increase.
When heat cannot escape from the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect means warmer

The world's worst nuclear disaster happened in Chernobyl in 1986 when a lot of radiatio
If a tanker ship starts to sink it can cause a terrible oil spill.
The ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere protects the earth from the sun.
Fumes from cars and factories can cause pollution in the air.
Many products can be recycled so that they can be used again and not thrown away.
If we reuse and recycle all the paper in the school itll help to save trees.
If you dont turn the tap off when you wash your hands, you waste a lot of water.
Did you get (arrive) home late last night?
Sit down and I'll get (bring) you a glass of water.
The book started off really well but then it got (became) boring in the end.
Im going to get (obtain/buy) some bread from the supermarket.
I got (receive) my exam results yesterday.
Tiredness can affect a person's ability to do their job properly.

Greenpeace began in 1971 and will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2021.
Arsonists deliberately started fires in Australia that caused a massive amount of damage
The ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from the sun.
Theme parks have many different attractions to keep us amused.

If we burn rubbish, we can produce lots of energy.

Bushfires in Australia can get out of control and cause damage to property.
A lot of students in Britain eat school lunches in the canteen.
If we have more floods and droughts, the results will be catastrophic.
In the USA, families get together to celebrate Thanksgiving every year in November.
It's cheaper to make paper and glass from new materials than it is to recycle them.
If you sit too close to the TV, it's bad for your eyes.
There are two schools and a health centre in our community.
If the forests and jungles disappear, the consequence for animals and plants will be extin
In the 18th century, convicts were sent from British prisons to live in Australia.
If we don't recycle paper, we will need to cut down more trees.
My team will definitely win tonight. I'm sure of it.
If you deliberately hurt another person, you might be arrested by the police.
If the ice cap melts faster than predicted, the consequences will be disastrous.

Many parts of Australia are desert and as a result are incredibly dry and hot.
Sydney is on the east coast of Australia.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Burning rubbish is a very efficient way to generate electricity.
Burning rubbish can produce energy that is relatively inexpensive and clean.
Do you fancy coming to the beach with us?
Where there is no water, farmers can't grow food.
If you use less energy, you will make your carbon footprint smaller.
There are frequent droughts in some parts of Australia.
Most of the vehicles on the roads produce fumes which cause pollution.
Windfarms can generate a lot of electricity without creating much pollution.
Glass from bottles or jars can be recycled easily.
A bad habit is to leave electrical devices on standby overnight.
When heat is trapped in the atmosphere, this causes the planet to warm up.
People should be honest and admit that they could do more to help.
The increase in temperature could change the world forever.
To save energy we need to increase the amount we recycle.
Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia.
He helped influence his family and friends to do more to help the environment.
You can change your lifestyle by walking more and using the car less.
Recycling may be expensive but it's better than using new materials.
As the temperature in the world rises, more and more ice melts.
If you mix blue and yellow you get the colour green.
Manufacturers are trying to use more recycled packaging for their products.
Perhaps you think that global warming isn't true.
Car makers are trying to produce cars that use fuels other than petrol.
The population of China is about 1.3 billion people.
We use more power because we have more electronic devices than ever before.
I recycle my rubbish to help protect the environment.
The Great Barrier Reef is a long coral structure in the sea off the coast of Australia.
Rail travel is relatively better for the environment than car travel.
In hot countries, there are often restrictions on how you can use water.

Scientists say that they can show how the global temperature will increase in the future.
The sea level may rise due to the melting ice and the heating of the water.
It's important to save water, for example, by having short showers not baths.
Not washing to save water is a silly idea as we need to keep ourselves clean.

Turning off the light when you leave a room will help to slow down global warming.
The first astronauts took photographs of earth from space so we could see how it looked.
The suggestion that global warming is just a story makes some people angry.

When you get thirsty, you need to drink water.

European cars weigh abut 1.1 tonnes on average, which is a lot less than American cars.
A toothbrush is essential to help clean your teeth effectively.

It is important to water plants to help them grow during dry weather.

Many wild animals are starting to behave differently because their habitats are changing.
There are not many places in the wild where humans haven't explored.

Celebrities like to seek attention and get their photographs in magazines.

Some famous people like to promote environmental groups and causes.
The exploration of alternative energy sources is an important matter.
The political situation in some countries causes concern for others.

The builder will help construct my new house.

I studied to be a computer programmer so I know about information technology.
Fashion designers need to create new and interesting clothes designs.
A journalist writes about events and stories for publishing in a newspaper.
A mechanic does manual work with machinery, for example repairing cars.
A police officer must wear a uniform and works to help the public.
Receptionists have to work in an office and deal with people.
A shop assistant answers customers' questions and helps them buy things in a shop.

Freya is really ambitious and wants to become the company director!

Fire fighters need to stay calm because they need to think clearly in dangerous situations
If you have a warm and caring personality, you could be a nurse.
A teacher has to be clever and able to communicate well.
You have to be very creative to design a game that's original.
Police officers are usually fit and strong because sometimes they need to react quickly an
Hes hard-working and always puts a lot of effort into his work.
Philip is very reliable; you can always depend on him and he always arrives on time.
Susan is very good in a team. Shes very sociable and loves being with other people
Im a very well-organised person. I always plan things very carefully.
When you don't get much money in your job you are badly paid.
Mickey is tall and is blond-haired and blue-eyed.
An easy-going person doesn't get easily upset about things.
My father has a full-time job and has to work from 9 am to 5 pm every day.
You have to be good-looking to be a fashion model.
I have a part-time job and work 20 hours a week at a local restaurant.
A right handed person writes with their right hand.
When you earn a lot of money in your job you are well-paid.

They offered Sarah a well-paid job so she accepted it.

For most new jobs, you must complete an application form with all your personal inform
If you see a job you would like to do, you apply by writing a letter or sending an applicatio
You have to study a lot about buildings and construction to be an architect.
An assistant is someone who normally helps another person to do their job well.
Many students work abroad as au pairs to assist other families with their childcare.
If you were famous, you would be expected to sign autographs for fans.
One report says that teenagers work an average of 16 hours a week.
When I'm sad, my father cheers me up by telling me funny jokes.
Some people spit chewing gum onto the floor where it can be difficult to clean up.
Mathematicians can find the answer to very complicated problems.
He is very happy with the pay and conditions of his new job.
I would like to study cookery as I am interested in good food.
They asked for details of my education and experience so I sent my CV.
When I was 13, I worked as a newspaper delivery boy each morning.
He is very honest and reliable so you can always depend on him.
One day, I want to design a new and amazing computer game.
On boring days, the time seems to drag by.
Tonight she's dressing up in her best clothes to go to the new restaurant.
Our internet company is new and the employees are young and dynamic.
He's hard-working and always puts a lot of effort into his work.
With this letter, I enclose a CV with information about myself.
As a doctor, It is essential for Karen to be calm in her job.
I always plan very carefully and I know exactly what I'm doing.
When you are 16 you can work in any job, except driving, as you must be 17.
I'm going on holiday to an exotic country, very different and far away from here.
Kate's an extra on a new TV drama so you may see her in the background.
Products like mobile phones are assembled by skilled factory workers.
Many people owe their lives to the firefighters who rescue them from burning buildings.
Sometimes police officers need to use force to control people who are being violent.
I'd like to be a gardener so I can work outdoors and look after trees and plants.
I was scared when I found a giant spider in the bath.
Harry likes to hang out with his friends and play basketball.
Builders must wear hard hats to protect their heads on a construction site.
You mustn't hit your brother as you will hurt him.
School has been boring today so I'm looking forward to home-time.
I am writing in response to your advertisement in the newspaper.
Please call if you have any inquiries about the job.
I work as an interpreter because I speak four languages.
Global warming is a big issue for most people nowadays.
She has a lot of experience and a good knowledge of computers.
I'm very tired, so I'm looking forward to my next holiday.

If my parents won the lottery, they would give me a present.

Michael's lucky to have a job that pays so much.
A builder has to be strong as he needs to do a lot of manual work.
I'm eating with my family, then I'm going out with my mates tonight.
You can't be a miner if you are afraid of working underground.
Sarah doesn't know what to do because nobody has offered her a job for the summer.
I'd prefer to work outdoors, rather than in an office.
People who work in banks have to do a lot of paperwork.
My brother works in a safari park looking after parrots and other exotic birds.
I wish they would turn their music off and leave me in peace.
You can always rely on Julie to be there on time.
The information in the report shows that crime is increasing.
You should get a summer job as a ride operator in a theme park.
I think I need a bigger computer screen because my eyes are hurting.
Stars often stop to sign autographs for their fans.
It is a rule that you mustn't smoke at school.
It's a lovely day so you shouldn't be stuck inside playing computer games.
Most men would choose to wear a suit and tie for job interviews.
I suppose I should buy a new suit for my job interview.
It takes a long time to drive from Edinburgh to London.
Have you got any toothpaste, as I need to clean my teeth?
Turn round and show me the back of your dress.
There is a variety of different classes available this term.
He's a vegetarian so he doesn't eat meat.
What are the wages for your summer job?
Birds can fly because they have wings.

At the end of the party Dylan asked Sophie out.

I was chatting to my mum on the bus into town.
Ryan fell in love with Ellie, one of the girls in his class.
I hope I can get back together with my ex-boyfriend again soon.
They're going to get married next July.
Luke gets on well with Ethan and they are good friends.
Dylan started going out with Sophie at the party.
He had an argument with his parents this morning.
Did you meet anybody at the party?
They had a big argument and split up.
Anger can make people do bad things.

If you want to end your boredom, pick up a good book.

My idea of excitement is doing sudokus and crosswords.
A lot of people are looking for happiness in their lives.
Ed's loneliness ended when he went to a new school.
I felt great sadness when my cat died.
I'm not afraid of telling people what I think.
If I don't do my best, I get angry with myself.
Yesterday I was excited because I found some money in the street.
They got married and were very happy together.
I was lonely because everybody had left.
She's sad because her best friend is moving away.
I hate rules because my freedom is the most important thing.
A friendship is a relationship between two people who are friends.
Jo wasn't at work today because of illness.
It's madness to sunbathe in the middle of a hot summer's day.
He has a good relationship with his parents.
I have a weakness for chocolate ice cream.
King Edward abdicated from the throne on 10th December 1936.
The abdication of King Edward VIII of England was in 1936.
Zhu Ying Tai lived over 1600 years ago in ancient China.
Jessica never apologises when she has done something wrong.
Dylan and Sophie had a big argument and split up.
He's like me because he loves playing basketball but he hates football!
We could go bowling or do something else if you like.
Jo was broken-hearted when she split up with her boyfriend.
I went to basketball camp last summer.
I often criticise other people but I hate people criticising me.
He dried himself as soon as he came out of the pool.
He took her flowers because she was in hospital.
Each year I visit my grandfather's grave and take some flowers.
Being a footballer would be my ideal job.
To get to work I have a long car journey.
Could you pass me a knife to cut this apple?
I have a house in the countryside but I live mainly in the city.
Romeo knows which family Juliet's from, but it doesn't matter to him.
He did not leave his wife and family as he felt it would not be moral to do so.
Pacifists don't agree with violence.
Ethan and I played together in the same team.

The chemist made a special potion which he said could make you feel stronger.
The press will often print stories about famous people.
Priests are religious leaders.
The Prime Minister of Britain is the leader of the government.
I went back home because I had promised not to stay out late.
You can complete a personality questionnaire to find out about yourself.
If you are polite, you will get the respect of other people.
The collapse of the famous bank caused a national scandal.
My cousin learnt to ski when he was seven.
We could go bowling or do something else if you like.
She soon realised that she was going to be late for school.
Jake stayed in last night because he was watching TV.
John was still sleeping when the phone rang.
I don't like storms because I am afraid of thunder.
When I have finished my university studies I will find a good job.
In ancient China, tradition said that only boys could go to school.
Rosie would like to marry a wealthy businessman.

Last summer I worked as an au pair looking after my neighbour's children.

Apart from paracetamol, there are many alternative methods for treating a headache.
Having children has given my life a new dimension.
Grapes are a delicious fruit which grows on vines.
What ingredients do you need to make chocolate cake?
I love eating jam on my toast for breakfast.
The factory produces thousands of jars of jam each week.
Kiwis are perfect in a fruit salad.
A slice of lime is refreshing in a cold drink.
My favourite drink is a mixture of different fruit juices.
She's so pale, she's obviously not well.
Happiness is a positive emotion.
Supermarkets sell thousands of different products.
Make sure you follow the recipe when you are cooking.
My shop sells a variety of products from different countries.
Traditional jam is quite unhealthy because it contains a lot of sugar.

When I was younger, I preferred reading comics to books.

James Patterson writes great crime novels.
I always tell my children a fairy tale before bedtime.

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien is a fantasy novel.

Graphic novels are similar to comics as they mainly use pictures.
Historical fiction normally tells a story based in a real place, with some real events.
Bram Stoker's Dracula is a famous horror story.
Romeo and Juliet is a play by William Shakespeare.
A romance novel normally tells a story of love between two main characters.
Science fiction novels give a vision of life in the future.
Anthony Horowitz has written many thrillers, especially adventure stories for teenagers.
Show me where Japan is in your atlas.
As your life is so exciting, you should write an autobiography.
My dad would like to write a biography of a famous person.
Helen likes looking through cookbooks for new recipes.
If you don't know that word, look it up in your dictionary.
Encyclopedias are very useful for finding out about different subjects.
You'll need a guidebook for your holiday to Venice.
I prefer reading magazines to books as I like to browse the different sections.
I've just bought a new phone so I'll need to read the manual to find out how it works.
My dad reads the newspaper every day to find out what's going on in the world.
Gateway is a textbook for students learning English.
If you make a mistake, you can cross out the error and rewrite it correctly.
You have to fill in the answers on your sheet.
I flicked through the magazine looking at the pictures.
Because the text was difficult, I had to look up lots of words.
I love this book and I want to read on tonight until I get to the end of it.
I want to hear your answers so please read them out to me in a loud voice.
When you finish that page, turn over and read the next one.
Do you prefer the book or the film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings?
In the USA, James Patterson's books are almost as popular as Harry Potter.
Do your parents remember the assassination of John Lennon?
My favourite author is J. K. Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter books.
Anthony Horowitz is a best-selling author of books for teenagers.
Your step-brother is not related to you by blood.
I went to a boarding school, and only went home at the end of term.

Read the exam questions very carefully to avoid making mistakes.

I will certainly be there to watch your play and I'm looking forward to it.
One day I would like to climb Mount Everest.
This book combines the best elements of historical fiction with the most exciting features
When I am choosing a new book, I always read the cover to get an idea of the story.

Cowboys look after cattle in the USA and usually ride horses.
Instead of using cash, can I pay by credit card?
That supermarket is very large and there's always a lot of customers.
In both Europe and Asia there are legends about mythical creatures called dragons.
Many old European stories have small, mythical creatures called elves.
If we go down this road, we'll end up in the wrong place.
Charlie's flat is on the third floor.
I couldn't visit him that day so I went the following day.
The president's death had a big impact on the people.
Excuse me, do you know how long the bus will be?
How often do you go to the cinema?
The electronics shop always has lots of different computers in stock.
Some authors use real incidents from their own lives for inspiration for their stories.
If there is intrigue in a novel, you want to know more information.
You can't jump into a thriller right at the end as you need to know the story.
I can't keep up with what's going on in that soap opera.
The bookshop didn't have the book I wanted, but they ordered it for me.
Tennis is my sister's passion, and she practises every day.
Snakes are predators that eat creatures such as fish and birds.
I remember seeing her the previous day.
What types of book or publication do you enjoy reading?
Your cousin is related to you by blood.
We saw lots of lovely rings and necklaces in the jewellery shop.
You shouldn't risk your health by smoking.
My brother loves scuba-diving because he's interested in fish.
Leo only reads the sports section of the newspaper.
I got a shock when I heard the news of her accident.
I spent too much money in the bookshop as there were too many interesting books!
He didn't have sufficient money to catch the bus home from school.
If you don't give your plant water, it won't survive.
It was a good book, though I didn't like the ending.
Maria and James are going to the cinema together tonight.
In Scandinavian stories, trolls often live in caves.
Your suitcase is too full as you have a lot of unnecessary items.
A fairy tale is often about a prince, a princess or a evil witch.
Because of hunting, there are no wolves living in Britain any more.

The hard drive is a magnetic disc in a computer that stores information.

You use the keyboard to write with a computer.

You use the mouse to do things on a computer screen.
The mouse pad is where your computer's mouse sits and moves around smoothly.
You use a printer to make hard copies of documents you have created on a computer.
You use your computer's speakers to listen to music or other sounds.
Your computer's USB port is where you plug in things like your printer and keyboard.
You use a webcam to record images that you can see and send on the Internet.

A blog is a type of diary on a website that is updated regularly.

Broadband is a fast connection to the internet that allows you to retrieve information qui
Louise often chats to her friends online in the evenings.
In Japan, its common to download and read books on your mobile phone.
A search engine is a computer program used for looking for information on the Internet.
I often go online and surf the Net when I want to find things out.
Wikipedia is a very popular and informative website.
When I mis-spell an email address, the message will usually bounce back.
When I go online, I check my email to see if any new messages have arrived.
When you dont want to keep a message, you delete the email.
An email account gives you the details you need to be able to send and receive email.
I have told all of my friends my email address so they can write to me.
If I receive a message that I want to send to other people, I forward the email.
When somebody sends you an email you should reply to it quite quickly.
I mostly send emails to my best friends.
Oxford University in Britain has a good academic reputation.
Can you send me your new email address as I accidentally deleted it?
Analyse the exam questions very carefully before you start writing.
Homework is a way for teachers to assess how well students are doing in class.
Tests are a kind of assessment to show how well you understand a subject.

Computer chips are made from blocks of silicon.

If your mobile phone is stolen, you can ask the mobile phone company to block the numb
A butcher's shop sells meat.
If you press that button on the keyboard, the computer will turn off.
Silicon is used to make chips for computers.
Designer clothes are more fashionable and expensive than normal clothes.
It is dishonest to copy someone's work and pretend it is your own.
You mustn't lose your passport as it is an important document.
Yesterday the eclipse of the sun was seen by many people around the world.
Internet cheating is now an enormous problem for schools and universities.
Watching television is a popular form of entertainment.

An export is a product that is sold to another country.

Olive oil is exported from Italy to other countries around the world.
Because I'm small, it's very frustrating when I can't reach things.
Can you print out that email for me as I'd like a hard copy?
An import is a product that is bought from another country.
Every year Britain imports a lot of products from Germany.
Ingots are small blocks of pure silicon.
In Silicon Valley lots of money is invested in computer and Internet projects.
My granddad collects military objects as they remind him of the army.
I used to like playing with model trains when I was younger.
Please remove your shoes when you enter the mosque.
The objective of this lesson is to practise the new vocabulary in the text.
The owner of the restaurant likes to meet the guests each evening.
A particle is a very small piece of something.
You have to type in a secret password to access your email account.
The bus journey costs 1 per person.
Physics is a subject which teaches you about things like energy.
Art is a practical subject where you use your hands to make things.
China exports a lot of electrical products to other countries.
Students will be punished if they break the school rules.
My mum and dad bought records rather than CDs when they were young.
Webcams record images that you can see and send on the Internet.
Silicon used for computer chips is refined so it is 100% pure.
Silicon Valley in California has a great reputation for new ideas and technology.
Physics is a subject in which you do a lot of research to understand why things happen.
I have been a resident of Oxford for thirty-two years.
Let's go to the beach as the children love playing in the sand.
The road from the mountains runs down into the valley below.
There are various ways that I can get to work if my car isn't working.

I enjoy interaction with my classmates at school.

Many of my friends are members of the online community Facebook.
Can I borrow your printer as I need to print my homework?
Macmillan Education is a publisher of English language textbooks.
The total eclipse of the sun last week was a spectacular event.
Some famous crime novels have been turned into popular TV series.


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