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Stephanie Gutierrez

Chaperoned We the People

Class Field Trip

Who: 20 of Mr. Knierim's 12th grade

We the People Students

Where: CU Boulder Law School

What: Afield trip to CU Boulder to

see Supreme Court justice Snoya
Sotomayor speak to high school
students from across the state.

Why: to experience meeting a

supreme court justice and hearing
her talk about her life experiences
and why she believes education to
be so important. It was an exciting
experience fo rthe kids, they even
got to take their picture with her.

When: September 2, 2016

How: I drove four students to

Boulder for the talk. Once we were
there we were able to participate in
a Q and A with Supreme Court
Justice Sonya Sotomayor where
students could ask questions about
her personal experience of questions
of the Constitution. On of our
students, Mario, was even able to
ask a question.
What I took away: This expereince
allowed me to experience
chaperoning a field trip and
transporting students. I learned how
aware you must be at all times to
keep studens safe. I also got to
know these students a little more
because of the smaller numbers.
This experience of getting to know

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