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Charles Chao

Instructor: M. Rosenfeld
English 113A #14014
Smoke Bans
Have there ever been a time when someone was smoking and it really annoyed
you. Or even when you are trying to study and someone is bothering you when they
smoke. In most colleges are now implementing these so- called smoke bans. These
smoke bans now prohibit smoking on college campuses. According to the article More
campuses have smoking bans -- but do they work? By Olivia Dimmer an author for
the USA Today news describe on how universities today are now trying to ban smoke
from these young adults. I believe we should implement these smoke bans, because it
will clean our campuses from cigarettes buds. Smoke bans will can help prevent second
hand smoke and also prevent air pollution.
Although many will argue that smoking bans prevent them using their rights as
citizen according to Is smoking a college rite of passage? by Lea Moser argues that it
the right of that person to choose whether they should or to not to smoke on college
campuses. Its not okay for others to be victims for the chemicals that will be floating in
the air when the user is smoking. In other words, smoking bans are to keep people safe
from the chemicals and help others know the dangers of smoking. This does not mean
that we are taking away the rights of that individual but we are saving others from that
effect of smoking in which also give the victim the right to also breath clean air thats

not being produced by chemicals. These bans also give the victim the right to not be
threatened by these pollutions that may affect their lungs in the mere future.
Smoking bans will help clean our environment and its surrounding areas. As
many people realize that with smoke bans we can clean our streets and prevent littering.
Before the smoke bans were even implemented the result of smoking has caused
multiple trash of cigarettes buds on the sidewalk and even an plain grass fields.
According to no-smoke.org cigarette butts are the most littered items in the United
States, in which proves that with these ban can clean up the environment we live in.
Not only will it clean up the street but help the community feel as if this is a safe zone
where we as student at a university are a clean and safe community and allow each
other to study and focus without distraction.
With smoke bans we can prevent second hand smoking in universities. Second
hand smoking is very dangerous especially when you are very close to a smoker and it
can affect you or to anyone very close to them great harm not only to your lungs but it
can also cause cancer in your system. According to the New York Times second hand
smoking causes infants deaths, heart diseases, and other cancer to the victims who are
part of the second hands smoke victims (John O'Neil). So there for not only it affects
the person who smokes it but it also causes harm to others who become victims of those
who smoke near them. For this reason, I believe that smoke bans should be
implemented because second hand smoke can cause great harm to the innocents.
Second hand smoke has been proven to cause great harm to others around. As from
young to adults smoking can cause a lot of problems for those that fall victim to these
horrible affects.

Smoking not only cause littering and second hand smoking but it can also cause
air pollution in its area and around the world. Smoking from cigars or any smoking
product can cause air pollution and its been going around in every single country not
only the United States of America. In fact, study show that the air pollution created by
cigarettes are 10 times greater than diesel car exhaust, suggests a controlled experiment,
reported in Tobacco Control. Environmental tobacco smoke produces fine particulate
matter, which is the most dangerous element of air pollution for health.
(medicalnewstoday.com). This in fact proves that cigarettes are too dangerous even for
the world and our environment that we live on to this day.
As of right now the results of these bans have created an enormous effort and it
still successful for the students. The results of the smoke bans is undoubtedly a positive
thing that cigarette smoking has steadily declined over the years. Increased awareness
of the dangers of tobacco use has led many adults to make the wiser choice and either
kick the habit or never take it up. Although the decline in overall cigarette smoking
prevalence during 20052013 from 20.9% to 17.8% is encouraging, approximately 42.1
million adults still smoke cigarettes; this underscores the need for continued
implementation of evidence-based interventions. This is a positive effect of smoke bans.
With these smoke bans on our campuses and in every universities and
community college campus I can expect that someday that we can live a happy life. I
believe that we should implement these bans not only for the user's safety but also the
people around them that have to deal with them and have to be annoyed from them as
personal experience near people who smoke I can clearly state that I am very annoyed

when someone next to me smokes and I can tell you that I don't like it. therefore, we
should continue to ban smoking on campus.

Work cited

Seo, Dong-Chul et al. The Effect of a Smoke-Free Campus Policy on College Students' Smoking
Behaviors and Attitudes. Preventive Medicine, vol.53, no. 4-5, 2011, pp. 347352.

Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights. "Colleges and Universities." Nosmoke.org. Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, n.d. Web. 20 Oct.
2016. <http://no-smoke.org/goingsmokefree.php?id=447>.
"Clearing the air with California college smoking ban." UWIRE Text 4 May 2016: Expanded
Academic ASAP. Web.20 Oct. 2016.(CSUN)
O'Neil, John. "A Warning On Hazards Of Smoke From Others - NYTimes.com." N.p., 28 June
2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.
Dimmer, Olivia. More Campuses Have Smoking Bans -- but Do They Work? USA Today,
Gannett, 6 Oct. 2016 college.usatoday.com/2016/10/06/more-campuses-havesmoking
Moser, Lea. Is Smoking a College Rite of Passage? USA Today, Gannett, 6 Nov. 2011,
Argument as Dialogue
Jackson Derrick Lets Ban All Flavor of Cigarettes pg.93 11/15/2016

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