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Steps of X-ray Productions

1. Generator is powered on and the incoming voltage runs through the
line compensator. It than goes through the autotransformer where the
kVp is selected. Next step is to go through the step up transformer to
create potential difference on the anode side. When it goes through
the step up transformer it creates the deficit side of the interaction,
because the higher the kVp the lower the mAs, which means the lower
the current. The Circuit is than measured by a meter and enters the 4
diode rectifier, which operates 2 sides at a time.
2. To create potential difference on the cathode side, it runs through the
filament circuit. During this stage the mAs is increased. The circuit first
goes through the rheostat than to a meter before entering the step
down transformer. The transformer will than lower the kVp and
increase the mAs, which will increase the current. This creates an
abundance of electrons on the cathode side.
3. The abundance of electrons on the cathode side will create the
thermionic cloud, which is heat production. The electrons all repel each
other which makes them vibrate as if they are trying to get away from
each other which puts them in an excited state. There is now a
potential difference from the cathode side to the anode side. When the
exposure is made the electrons travel at the speed of light to a
rotating anode with a tungsten target.
4. When the heat interaction occurs only 1% of the interaction will be xrays, and 99% will be heat. Which will be 2 different types of x-rays.
5. Two different interactions to produce diagnostic x-ray photons.
Bremsstrahlung is the most common interaction. This will be the
interaction between the incident electron and the nucleus. The electron
reacts with the electrostatic force of the nucleus causing it to curve in
direction. This x-ray interaction occurs with a keV below 69. The next
kind of interaction is known as characteristic. This is an x-ray that is
produced above 69 keV. These are not as common. These interactions
occur in the innermost shell of the atom, known as the K shell. The
incident electron traveling has to have more energy the the innermost
K shell electron in order to knock it from its place and create a photon.
This will start the cascade effect to occur. Which is when lower shell
electrons start to fill in the gaps of the inner shells.
6. When multiple photons are created they flow out of the x-ray tube
towards the patient, which is the effective focal spot. These photons
are filtered out, which will intensify or harden the beam. They are
multiple filtration devices, the window itself is one. The process of
filtration will rid the lower photons and allow the higher energy photons


to continue to the patient. It will also lower the dose being radiated to
the patient.
7. Photons with high enough energy penetrate the patient and reach the
IR. Some photons are only absorbed in the patient and do not make it
to the IR and some are too high of energy and pass right through. This
is the interaction with matter. This will create a diagnostic image with
different contrasts.

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