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Avatar Notes

Grace Augustine
-Head of the Avatar Project, expert Pandoran botanist
-Irritated with the companys decision to replace a skilled scientist with a gunman
- Pissing on us without the courtesy to call it rain
-Wants peaceful relations with the natives to learn about their natural resources
-Takes DNA from trees=life=resourced
-Respects all life and culture on Pandora
-Gets taken by Eywa

-receives sign from divine being not to kill Jake (universal sign that they will be love
-Respects all form of life even in combat
-Did she save Jake because of Atokirina???
- Hard to fill a cup that is already full refers to Jake being so grounded in his former
way of living, difficult to teach him.
-Refers to Jakes way of life as insanity (war, murder, betrayal)
- Atokirina surrounds Neytiri like Atokirina surrounded Jake= connection spiritually
- She already has know destiny from the beginning? Because of Atokirina?

Pandora (Setting, Navi, ect.)

-Tsu Tey: general type, dislikes sky people and avatars, parallels to the guy form
Pocahontas that she was supposed to marry
-Why are their braids so important?
-Beds like cocoons
-Avatars reject medicine and materialistic things
-Etu-Kan: leader of tribe, Natyiris father
-Navi rely on the bond between all living things
-Why does everything glow? Because of the network of energy?
-Tree of souls biologically special?
- Everybody is born twice refers to avatar?
-Ceremony represents community, connection, unity
-Ancestors live in Eywa
-Connected through the earth
-Tree of souls represents a sort of life line
-Mother protects the balance of life but chose Jake to protect the people?
-Eywa is connected to all living things so she called in some reinforcements
-Black monster offering a ride= message from Eywa


-Head of company? concerned with unobstanium and not with the natives. Refers to them
as savages
-Company willing to kill Natives
- They are fly bitten savages that live in trees racism
-Turned from savages into hostiles whenever they wouldnt do what you wanted

Colonel Miles Quartich

-Leading the exploration for natural resources, head of security
-Disapproves of the Avatar project, prefers using bodies for military use than diplomatic.
Prefers quick, brute force. Makes Jake promises of legs for cooperation
-As if Colonel found beauty in the destruction of Home Tree
-Colonel in suit in front of blazing fire= evil

Jack Sully
-Protagonist, twin to Tommy (scientist who was shot while being mugged), ex marine,
low on cash cant afford spinal surgery to help paralysis. Hired gunman by The
-Jake adjust to new body/ legs= resembles rebirth
-Immediately starts running, ignoring all precautions
-On guard in Pandora yet curious
-Relies on survival skills/ Man vs. Nature???
-Curiosity upset the balance of nature
-Compared to a dumb child (refusal to listen, reckless, loud)
-Why does Atokirina surround Jake? Sense something pure in him? Foreshadowing??
-Jake identifies with marines
-Grace and the Colonel rely on him for different reasons
-Deemed ready when he finally sees the forest
-Goes through rite of passage to become a warrior, parallel to boot camp

-Why does he have to defeat the Banshee to create the bond? Why does flying together
seal the bond?
-Parallel w/ prepping for combat banshee= fighter jet/aircraft?
-Toruk and Jake parallel? Savior type figure?
-Manhood ceremony (what is Jakes real intentions? I mean either way he gets legs)
- Everything changed clich character development line
-Jake chose the Taruk to represent how strong of a leader he can be, gained a sudden fear/
respect form the people?
-How can Jake form two bonds with two different banshees? Representation of his two
lives? By bonding with the second banshee does that represent the end of his first
-Finally sees real Jake
-Birthday represents him being born again into his new form? Parallel to the second
coming of Christ?

Norm Spellman
-Avatar driver
-Worked hard to become aware of Avatar program
-Irritated with Jakes rash nature, still willing to help

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