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History of the Jewish People Part 2

1) Years after Solomons (king known for his wisdom) (Davids, Solomons) reign.
The kingdom of Israel (Arabia, Israel) split into two.
2) The Northern tribes took the name Israel and the southern tribes took the
name Judah. The prophets (princes, prophets) predicted this.
3) ** A prophet can be seen as a messenger of God and one who predicts
the future. They warn the people of an impending crisis whether it is
an invasion from another country or a famine due to the peoples
inability in following the covenant (contract, covenant) with God.
4) These prophets can be found in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible
(Christian Bible, Torah).
5) Write five examples of prophets found in the Old Testament
a. Samuel
b. Isiah
c. Elijah
d. Micah
e. Ezekiel
An example that can be written above was known to be
swallowed by a whale and eventually ended up on the shore three
days later.
6) In 721 BCE the kingdom of Israel (northern tribes) were conquered by the
Assyrian empire. Then in 586 BCE the kingdom of Judah (southern tribes)
were conquered by the Babylonian empire.
The temple (temple, palace) was destroyed and the leading citizens
were taken off to Babylon (Egypt, Babylon). This was known as the
Babylonian Exile or Captivity.
7) A famous Jewish person that lived during the Exile was known for interpreting
dreams of kings, but also was put in the lions den, went by the name of
Daniel (Daniel, Isaiah).
8) In 538 BCE the Persians defeated Babylon and the Jews were allowed to
return to the Promised Land.
9) The Jews were once again conquered by foreign invaders. This time by the
famous Greek king Alexander the Great (Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar)
and his armies in 323 BCE.
*******Greek language and culture was embraced by the Jews which
led to a gradual loss of their traditional identity.********
-The Jews were ruled by the Greeks for over 150 years until they
revolted against them led by the Maccabees from 167 BCE-164 BCE.
The Maccabees would rule Israel until the arrival of the Roman
empire (Persian, Roman)
10) Rome had conquered Israel in 63 BCE. During the Roman rule many Jewish
sects appeared:
Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots and the Pharisees. These groups
existed during the time
of Jesus. In the New Testament or the Christian Scriptures (Christian,
Jewish) one of
Pharisees, Caiaphas (Caiaphas, Saul) disliked Jesus and condemned him to
death with the backing of this Roman governor Pontius Pilate. (King
Herod, Pontius

Varied Jewish beliefs (due to the Jewish sects) and harsh Roman rule
led an increasing emphasis
on the coming of the Messiah. Christians believed that the Messiah is
Heavy taxation, control of the temple and high priests caused the
Jews in Jerusalem to revolt
against the Romans. In 70CE the rebellion was crushed by the
Romans (Romans, Narnian)
legions along with the temple being destroyed
Jewish Scriptures
The holy in Judaism is called the Tanakh. For Christians the Tanakh is called the
_______________________ (New Testament, Old Testament) or the _____________
(Christian, Hebrew) Scriptures. The Tanakh consists of three parts: the Torah, the
Prophets, and the Writings
The Torah can also be referred to as the ____________________ (law or teachings) or
the first five books of _________________ (Moses, Abraham). In the Jewish or
Christian Bible the first five books in order are: 1)

The second most important sacred scripture in Judaism is called the Talmud. It is
the standard for the administration of Jewish law. It is composed of two sections: a)
and b) Gemarah
Talmud = Mishnah + Gemarah
-Commentaries on the law written by the rabbis
analysis of what the rabbis had
in the Mishnah.

Questions (Read pages 220-223 and answer the following)

a) How were the Ten Commandments a renewal of the covenant?
b) What is the significance of the Exile and the Diaspora for Judaism?
c) After the first temple was destroyed, where did Jews worship?
d) How did the Maccabean Revolt start? What happened in 164BCE?
e) What happened to the city of Jerusalem in 70 CE (two things happened). What is
the Western Wall and why is it important in Judaism?
f) From page 226 answer the following
g) Identify two ways in which a person becomes a Jew.
h) Rosa, a female Russian Jew married Jack a Christian. Two years later they have
twins; Rod and Todd.
The two boys are Jewish. How is this so?
i) What is gerut? Identify two things that must happen in the gerut.

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