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Max (ngocquangmaivip@gmail.

Tom (an280902@yahoo.com),
John (phat17602@gmail.com),
Creasic (hieucreasic@gmail.com),
Leo (J3rocker77@gmail.com)
Mr. Bill
12 Nov, 2016
Honor Code: On my honor, I have neither received nor given any unauthorized aid on this

How Do Substrate Concentration And pH

Affect Enzyme-Controlled Reaction

Lactose is milk sugar--it's much less sweet than table sugar, and occurs
naturally in milk and other dairy products. While you can certainly burn the
chemical components of lactose for energy, it doesn't serve unique cellular
functions--you can burn other carbohydrates instead with no ill effect whatsoever.
(Livetrong, 2016)



The relationship between the substrate concentration and the initial reaction
of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is very productive, but is dramatically affected by
the pH level of the given solution. The most productive pH level is pH7. The
relationship is somewhat linear both according to the pH level, and substrate
concentration up to the point of saturation, which in this case was reached between
2g, and 4g of substrate.The reaction grows in productivity with an increase in
concentration up to the point of saturation which in this case is between 2g, and 4g
of substrate. Increasing the amount of substrate beyond that level has no added
The maximum initial reaction rate of this enzyme at pH7 is 350 X 10>6 per
minute of product formed with a saturation of between 2g and 4g of substrate.
It is my understanding that at low substrate concentration there are many
enzymes that are not producing anything because they have no substrate molecules
to work with. At low concentration all substrate molecules are absorbed
immediately by waiting enzymes on a first come first serve basis.
According to this experiment the data shows that the optimal pH level for
this enzyme catalyzed reaction is pH7
Enzymes function most efficiently at the temperature of a typical cell, which
is 37 degrees Celsius. Increases or decreases in temperature can significantly lower
the reaction rate. What does this suggest about the importance of temperature The
importance of temperature cannot be overstated. Very small fluctuations in
temperature can have dramatic results on enzyme catalyzed reactions as well as all
other parts of the human organism; however there are times when the human body
will use this temperature result to its advantage when there is a need to kill or slow
certain cells and reactions; therefore producing a fever by raising the body
temperature for the desired effect. ( Blablawriting, 2016)
Acidity. Typically lactase enzyme works in the duodenum of the small
intestine which is actually somewhat basic if im not mistaken.
Makers would have to ensure that the enzyme wouldn't denature and lose function
in the acidity of the stomach. ( Bio-Help, 2016)

Work Cited
What Are the Functions of Lactose?, edited by KIRSTIN HENDRICKSON23 July
2015, www.livestrong.com/article/367146-what-are-the-functions-of-lactose/.
Accessed 12 Nov. 2016.
Enzyme Controlled Reactions Lab blablawriting.com/enzyme-controlled-reactionslab-essay. Accessed 12 Nov. 2016.
BIO help-- Question about enzymes and people with lactose
intolerance.? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=2011020821081
0AAhHRMM. Accessed 13 Nov. 2016.

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