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.. Professor Y. Verhoshansky

.. The publication of controversial articles of Professor
. Verhoshanskogo we open the pages of our magazine a broad
discussion on theory and methodology of sports training.

While not denying the undeniable achievements of Soviet and Russian scientific schools in this area, we can not
ignore significant contradiction in the views of chii modern specialists on these issues and increased demands of
practice in new ideas for the improvement of sports training at various stages of preparation of athletes.
, , ,

. We hope that the free exchange of opinions and
arguments, does not limit my editorial position, will serve as a stimulus for creative thinking and practical
implementation of the new momentum in the development of national and world sports science.
: , ,
"" , ,
, . Keywords: theory of sports training, the scientific
basis of the theory and methodology of training, "periodization" training process, the theory of adaptation, the
biological component of the theory of coaching in the sport, principles of training.
, , .. Now there is no doubt that the so-called
official, ie, [26],
60- .. included in the program for teaching in IFC sports
training theory [26], based on birth in the 60 years the concept of so-called "" [24]
[27, 28],
. "Periodization" training [24] and is still strongly imposed sports practice [27, 28], has
long lost its theoretical and practical significance. , ,
( ),
, ,
, , , ,
[19, 23, 32, 37, 46, 111, 120]. Today, when the
number of members of the facts, lessons related sciences (primarily biological cycle) determines the transition of
representations of the essence of athletic training to a new level, such publications have become a deterrent to the
progress of scientific knowledge in the field of sport, causing irreparable harm to the training of national experts and
athletes of all skill levels, and, finally, a factor that lower its former prestige of our sports science [19, 23, 32, 37, 46,
111, 120].

" " [27-29], ,

. Statements about the "global recognition" of the theory [27-29], to put it mildly, does not
correspond to reality. , - -
(. ) 1
"" ( ). On
the contrary, the opinion of a wide range of foreign - as well as national - authorities in the field of sports training
and trainers of practitioners suggests just the opposite (see below) 1 and is reduced to the ultimate approval to
replace the outdated concept of "periodization" of modern scientific theory and methodology of sports training
(hereinafter referred to TiM CT). ,
, (, [26, 29, 30]), .
Such a theory is an independent, frontier area of knowledge related not to the public (teaching, according to [26, 29,
30]), and the natural sciences.
, [1,
5, 37, 48, 60, 67, 111, 113],

(, , , , )
(!) . And since no doubt that in the center of its scientific platform should be
based on biological knowledge [1, 5, 37, 48, 60, 67, 111, 113], it should razrabaty vatsya vysokoerudirovannymi
professionals in the field of sport and sports science and recognized authorities of the adjacent science (physiology,
biomechanics, biochemistry, medicine, psychology) with the active involvement of professional (nepremenno!)
philosophy and methodology.
() . This article examines the current state of the "official" theory of sports training
(TST) and the causes of its crisis.
, . In this
case focuses only on its fundamental errors, although many of her private parts also need to be qualified the
State of the problem

50- ,
XV (1952) . The
principal methodology of the modern system of sports training have been developed by Russian trainers in the early
50's, in connection with the preparation and participation of Soviet athletes in the XV Olympic Games in Helsinki
(1952) and other international competitions.
"" ( )[24]. Gained
during this experience was then compiled and presented as to theorize the concept of "periodization" training (the
CPT) [24].
, , ,
" ",
. And since at the time the questions of the theory of
coaching has not been the subject of attention of more serious professionals, and Soviet athletes successfully
participated in the international arena, the CPT, which was the first comprehensive works on the theory of sports
training for the "Iron Curtain", naturally attracted the attention of foreign specialists.

"" " ",

, (. [14]), [49, 55, 56, 62, 64, 65,
83, 84, 114, 117], , ,
, ,
. The concept of "periodization" has gradually become a synonym for "scheduling training, and many
specialists and trainers, as the Soviet and Russian (see review [14]) and foreign [49, 55, 56, 62, 64, 65, 83, 84, 114,
117] are still using far-fetched, to theorize the conceptual apparatus of CBT, urging him under their generally more
progressive ideas about the organization of training process.
(. [12, 17, 19, 21, 34, 40 .]), (. [54, 58, 63, 76, 79, 91, 103, 108, 120 .]).
However, CBT is not only not found broad support in the practice, but has been criticized both in this country (eg
[12, 17, 19, 21, 34, 40, etc.]) and abroad (eg [54, 58, 63, 76, 79, 91, 103, 108, 120, etc.]).
[17, 46, 50, 68, 69, 72, 75, 87, 93, 118],
[32, 42, 50, 92, 102, 115] [12, 15, 19, 32,
46, 92, 102], [46, 51, 66, 69,
87, 91, 92, 93, 102, 105, 120]. Experts believe that the legacy of CBT training will not meet the needs of modern
sports [17, 46, 50, 68, 69, 72, 75, 87, 93, 118] does not promote the growth of functional reserves of athletes [32, 42,
50, 92 , 102, 115] and inhibit the progress of achievements in sport [12, 15, 19, 32, 46, 92, 102] that ultimately led to
the recent departure from the concept [46, 51, 66, 69, 87, 91, 92, 93, 102, 105, 120].

[16, 17, 56, 69, 72, 73, 102, 120]. It has been
suggested that CBT is not a model of training for elite athletes and should be rejected or modified to suit the modern
calendar events and trends in the world of sports [16, 17, 56, 69, 72, 73, 102, 120].
[54, 68, 91, 93, 108]. At best,
some provisions of CBT can be used by beginners and young athletes [54, 68, 91, 93, 108].
, ,
"", [17, 33, 38, 41, 69, 73, 89, 108],
" ",
(50- )
(, , ),
, [32, 33, 54, 61, 108]. Emphasizes that the practice of sport is not
characteristic of a formal, mechanical division of the annual training for the periods and mesocycles "recommended
by the CPT [17, 33, 38, 41, 69, 73, 89, 108], and that the principles of" periodization, "formulated at the based
learning with respect to short-term experience in training athletes in the initial stage of formation of the Soviet
system of training (50's) and is mainly based on three sports (swimming, weightlifting, athletics), can be neither
credible nor universal [32, 33, 54, 61, 108]. ,
, [1, 48, 50, 58, 60, 67, 78, 90, 109].
Emphasizes that the training system should be based less on logic and empirical evidence, but rather on knowledge
of physiology [1, 48, 50, 58, 60, 67, 78, 90, 109].
[66, 87, 105, 109, 118].

Many publications call attention to the fact that the principles and guidelines CBT vague and inconsistent with
modern trends of the big sports [66, 87, 105, 109, 118]. , ,
[3, 36, 42, 52, 70, 88, 89, 92, 97, 104, 108, 118], ,
[17, 46, 59, 66, 71, 74, 102, 107], [2, 43], [4,
5, 61, 80, 96] [59, 74, 107, 116]. They do not comply, in particular, the actual conditions of
preparation of athletes in sports [3, 36, 42, 52, 70, 88, 89, 92, 97, 104, 108, 118], in sports requiring endurance
development [17, 46, 59, 66, 71, 74, 102, 107], gymnastics [2, 43] Athletics [4, 5, 61, 80, 96] and other sports [59,
74, 107, 116].

[49, 50, 55, 61, 73, 86, 98, 112, 115]. Moreover, CBT does not provide and does not offer
a methodical solutions to effectively address the problems of a specialized competitive and special physical
preparation of athletes in various sports [49, 50, 55, 61, 73, 86, 98, 112, 115].
, , , [23, 32]. Trainers,
practitioners see the failure of CBT to properly spaced focusing on priority goals, objectives, principles, ideas and
trends in the training process [23, 32].
[16, 17, 32, 33, 38, 46, 66, 69, 72, 78, 118]. The most severe criticism CBT exposed by
specialists in cyclic sports that pay attention to the fact that its old principles do not correspond to the needs of
modern sports [16, 17, 32, 33, 38, 46, 66, 69, 72, 78, 118 ].
, , ,

[102]. Characteristic features of modern planning practice, particularly in sports
requiring endurance development, are more dynamic organization of training loads in the annual cycle and the
gradual disappearance of the elements of traditional periodization [102].
, , ,
. However, Russian experts in cyclic sports, guided CBT,
used an outdated method of training, which for many years, holding back the growth of athletic performance.
" ",
, [17, 32,
38, 46, 66, 69, 72, 98]. This technique not scientifically substantiated and not in a position to provide training for
athletes so that they consistently shown good results than the notorious "peak fitness" and throughout the racing
season, as required by a modern sports calendar [17, 32, 38, 46 , 66, 69, 72, 98].

. . Causes of the crisis in cyclic sports in the Soviet Union the most thoroughly discussed
in the papers of Mellenberga. ,
, . (
, [30]), " ,
" [32]. The author stresses that his extensive experimental data did not confirm the
effectiveness of the construction phase training, the proposed LS Matveeva (in particular, in [30]), and "not yet
known how many of our athletes will rasplachivatsya for methodological flaws such concepts" [32] .

, ( , )
, "
", , ,
"" ,
" [46, 77, 101, 108]. Specialists drawn attention to
the fact that the success of the African (in particular, kenniyskih) competitors are mainly due not to the fact that they
are "trained in the mountains and have a genetic predisposition sequence", as claimed by Soviet specialists, and the
fact that they have not taken adopted the idea of "periodization" in the construction of the training process and in
time realized that the African athletes should not copy Europe "[46, 77, 101, 108].
"" - ?" (Periodization - plausible or piffle?)
, " ,
, " [72].
" ,
" [73]. , " , ()

30 , ,
, . In the article "Periodization" - it is serious or nonsense? "(Periodization
- plausible or piffle?) English specialist examines the reasons" why the concept of periodization, based on the theory
Matveeva, is not applicable in today's training run "[72]. In another publication The same author condemns the
"slavish worship of the theory of periodization, as is the case with runners vostochnoevropeys such countries" [73].
He points out that "no Soviet or Eastern European runners (men) did not improve the world records in middle
distance running and won gold medals at the Olympic Games over the past 30 years, and while British runners who
did not perceive the Russian concept of periodization, had such achievements.
". British runners have started to use the scheme Matveyevskoye periods after
1980 and since then their results showed an alarming tendency to decrease. "
, ,
[54, 60, 61, 73, 80, 82, 91, 100, 108, 120].
It is interesting to note that if CBT was unconditionally accepted in the former socialist countries, in most other
countries in the world she has not found wide application [54, 60, 61, 73, 80, 82, 91, 100, 108, 120].
S. One of the sports
magazine published an interview with renowned specialist S. Zanon, 1960 1980
, , ,
, [75, 120]. Zanon, who from
1960 to 1980, had introduced the sports world with a set of knowledge that the USSR and the countries in its area of
influence, developed in the field of sports training, but now insists on the need to reject this theory and replaced it
doctrine more than adequate from a scientific point of view [75, 120]. , "
, - ,
" ( ). He argues that "if the concept of exercise is not
determined on the basis of biological determinants, and - as suggested by the Soviet theory - based on the theorizing
of concepts which have no relation to real conditions of the sports progress, then the appropriate workout program
get a random value with a high probability of losing sports talents "(ibid.).

. Tschiene,
[108], , (1965 .),
, [109, 110]. The famous
German theorist R. Tschiene, analyzed a number of advanced training concepts [108], pointed out that CPT has not
changed since the first publication (1965), although this time the practice of big-time sports and scientific
achievements have gone far ahead, many coaching doctrine not stand the test and replaced by another, more
progressive [109, 110]. , ,
, ,
. In this regard, it is difficult to understand, the
author notes, is why Professor Matveev not notice or did not want this notice, although long been seen the
difficulties that arise from its use of the block diagram in sports and other sports.

, ,

[110, 111]. Therefore, they proposed the theory of periodization
yearly cycle must be converted or replaced by more modern doctrine, the more specific and substantiated the
principles that provide for increasing the role of competitive exercise and individualization of training in accordance
with changes in the competitive international practice [110, 111].
[26] ,
[54]. In Italy, the main work of the
periodization of training [26] was not only translated but also sereznomou subjected to critical analysis in a special
brochure [54].
, ,
1950 1960 . In her first questioned the validity and practical effectiveness of the concept,
based on training data only swimmers, weightlifters and athletes in the period from about 1950 to 1960.

"" "", ,
, , , ,
. Of the many other comments we should mention contrived
and cumbersome classification of the various "micro" and "mesocycles, and misunderstanding of the fact that as a
result of the impact of previous discharge microcycle" mesocycle "athlete's body found in supercompensation,
which, however, is not used, because What small and medium-wave loads randomly affect the athlete's body.
, " , ,
" [20, 54]. As a result, the authors come to
the conclusion that "the organization of training envisaged Matveev, can only be used by athletes unskilled" [20, 54].
, ,
, , "
". So, today CPT impression stopped clock, even though its creator no longer argue that they
show the correct time, because they are invented by "the laws of the formation of physical shape."
, , "
, - ,
" [25, 26, 28, 29]. He stubbornly refused to accept criticism, saying
that in his conception of the constructive position "very efficient both in theory and in applied and methodological

terms, as evidenced by their increasing international recognition" [25, 26, 28, 29]. ,

[28]. In doing so he hurt complains that ignorance and distorted interpretation of his
teachings have become almost fashionable phenomenon in some publications in recent years [28].
" - "
[28, 29], ,
[25], , . Tschiene [110, 111],
Despite countless invitations to the "creative mu and business-critical discussion" of his ideas [28, 29], it is
nevertheless considering CBT as a one-way street, which is allowed to adjust to him alone [25], which, as noted by
the German Specialist R. Tschiene [110, 111] precludes creative discussions for the further deepening of the theory
of sports training.
, - .
Very easy to understand that such a position - one of the main causes of the crisis in domestic TSC.
"" ? Why watch has
stopped the concept of "periodization" of sports training?
. Today it makes no sense to
analyze the weaknesses and apparent absurdity of CBT.

, . Let's leave it to history, and student term papers and
mainly pay attention to the methodological and scientific inadequacy of this concept in order to avoid this in the
1. 1. , ,
. The most serious defect of CPT, depriving it of its weight as a theoretical and practical significance, is the
neglect of biological knowledge and scientific achievements in the field of sports.
" "
[6, 7], [10, 38, 47, 48, 57, 60,
67, 85, 90, 113]. Today there is no need to convince of the need to develop "biological component" of the theory of
sports training [6, 7], which has been repeatedly pointed out by experts [10, 38, 47, 48, 57, 60, 67, 85, 90, 113].
, "
, " (?) [27]. However, the author CBT does not
hide his negative attitude towards biological knowledge and argues that biological laws do not define the
macrostructure training, "define it in the same general laws, which is managed sports form" (?) [27].
" "
. And it seems that he is sensitive about attempts to examine the process of
improving sports from the perspective of the theory of adaptation and to recognize the priority of "biological Coy
component" in the theory of sports training. ,
"", "
"" "" (?) [28, 29]. In his

view, the theory of adaptation is perceived by all certainly "simplified" leads "to the distorted view of the patterns of
fitness and is a" biologization "and even" dehumanization "(?) Sports theory [28, 29].
, . True, he sometimes makes a nod to the
theory of adaptation. (
. ) , "

" [30]. He even demonstrates his familiarity with the molecular mechanisms of adaptation (as presented by
F. Meyerson), and has no objection to the fact that "further development of the principles of the theory of sports
training should be more firmly and consistently based on the theory of adaptation to physical exertion, formed in
modern physiology and molecular biology "[30]. , "
, ". He
admits that "the laws of adaptation processes play a role in organismic mutations caused by sports activities."
, " ()
". But then he argues that "adaptation is just one of the sides (faces) the process of promoting
an athlete to new achievements."
" (?), " [28]. No less important and
the leading side of this process is to "restructure the adaptive status (?), Emerging at certain stages" [28].
, , ""
; ""
" " [30]. Theory of adaptation should be, according to the author
CBT only "dock" with the theory and practice to justify its principles, and the "interfacing" adaptation theory and
the theory of training will be mutually useful for these "spheres of scientific knowledge" [30].
, , , "

, " (??) [27]. All such arguments are married, however, the categorical
statement that "the priority role in the interpretation of sports perfection and paired with the phenomena it should
not belong to the theory of adaptation and evolution theory" (?) [27].
. To evaluate the methodological and scientific depth of the CPT, you should pay attention to
another circumstance. , ,
, ". The author of the concept makes it rather
strange statement that the question of how "unadapted, netreniro vanny body by repeated physical stress is becoming
a trained, has long remained unanswered. ,
, , ,
, " ,
[30]. Original research in the physiology of sport, in his opinion, provide sufficient depth
description of the physiological pattern of fitness, but it turns out, does not contain a direct answer to the question of
the cellular and molecular mechanisms and processes that underpin the effective functioning of the body, and takes
the trouble to answer this question [30].
, "

" ( ).
He states that he developed and approving The remaining system currently constructing a workout in the form of
micro cycles of increasing intensity is empirically found a way to obtain an optimal ratio of cell structures in
functional systems of the body responsible for the adaptation to physical stress (here and below, note the vocabulary
of the author). ,
, "
(, )". It is further alleged that the cyclically
built training was effective not only for adaptation to high physical stress, it is also in the development of "complex
coordination abilities (eg, in firing on accuracy). , "
, (???),
, ,
" [30]. It follows from this epochal conclusion that "the relationship of the function and
the genetic apparatus through which the load controlled by structures (???), is a universal mechanism that is realized
at the level of the nerve centers, and at the level of executive bodies" [30].

. There is no point in continuing further analytical study of such science-like reasoning.
, , -, , -,
, ,
, , -, , ,

"" . These examples are enough for to make sure, first, in their severity, and secondly, that
they are not in any way contribute to any further onauchivaniyu CBT, much less short-term resuscitation of its
former popularity, and Third, in order to understand why the leading Soviet scientists in the physiology of sports
science passed it by CBT and were not eager to "dock" with it.
. Pay attention to just one point.
[30], , : . , .
, . , . , - 50- . Judging by the bibliography of the above
publication [30], the work of physiologists, which mentions the author: N. Zimkin, A. Krestovnikov, VA Farfel, N.
Yakovlev - belong to the 50 th year. ,
40- . This means that the researcher's baggage is limited, respectively, more than 40year old. ,
(. , . , . , . , . ),
[10, 47, 57, 81, 94]
[4, 5, 9, 10, 58, 110, 111], " " "
" , ,
" [30], 2 . Hence,
we can assume that if he was familiar with the work of at least domestic science schools (VA Farfel, N. Yakovlev, A.
Viru, G. Kassil, S. Letunov), as well as the achievements of the physiology and molecular biology in the field of
sports [10, 47, 57, 81, 94] and their use in the theory of sports training [4, 5, 9, 10, 58, 110, 111] his views on "the
synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins" and "systemic structural trace" would have been more careful, but the
conclusion that only by teaching the principles of training you can assess the reality considered in Meyerson
"cellular and molecular mechanisms of adaptation to physical stress [30], would have been less categorical Ny 2.

, , ,
[30], "" ,
, . And
finally, if a leading specialist in the field of adaptation theory, invited as a sponsor of the landmark paper [30] calling
for the close "anchoring" the mountain and Mohammed, at least casually scanned the material, it is unlikely he
would agree to it he added his authoritative name.
2. 2. ( )
"", "", " ",
" ", " " ., ,
(. [26,
28]). Consequence (and at the same time confirmation) of the methodological and scientific insolvency CBT is an
obvious confusion of the concepts of "laws", "principles", "starting position", "principled position", "legitimate
features," and so, the confusion caused by the strange and unpromising attempt to find patterns in the experience of
building sports training (see [26, 28]).
- [30] - "
" "
" [ ]. Principles of sports training - allegedly [30] - are "a generalization of a large empirical
material of Sports" and "reflect a biological adaptation and patterns of sports training" [ibid.]
, , ,
, ,
- - "" (
) . It's quite a strange statement, since the training process is constructed
as is known, in accordance with the subjective views of its content, structure and sequence of development over
time, and - as is already clear undergraduates IFK - no "laws" (in a strictly scientific sense the word) here can not be.
, , -
. In the best case we can only talk about some methodological rules of the organization of training
process, formulated on the basis of empirical experience, but again having a subjective origin.
- - ,
, ,

[4, 5, 6, 9, 48, 113]. Regularities also be found in the other - ignored CBT - field events
and processes, having at its core objective the necessary factors and links, determining and activating the
mechanisms of their development, for example in the process of adaptation to the intense motor activity, the process
of becoming a sports skill or process morphofunctional specialization organism in the course of many years of
training [4, 5, 6, 9, 48, 113].
- ,
, , , " "
" " [28]. Logicalspeculative idea of sporting activity, devoid of objective principles, has resulted in, for example, CPT for approval as
a "basic laws" of sports training, "the integral relationship of general and specialized training athlete" [28].
, - "", -:
" ", "
", " " . [26, 30],

, ,
, ,
[32]. This also
ranked as such, made no getting up from his desk "laws", such as: "the continuity and cyclical training process,"
"unity of gradualism and the tendency to limit loads", "waviness dynamics load," etc. [26, 30], while well known
that the evolution of developments in professional sport is associated with more profound and sophisticated than it
appears to CBT, the principles of transformation of physical performance in motor skills than teaching Stimulation
of unity of general and special physical training to maximize the special physical loads and functionality of an
organism [32].
, ""
"" . It is quite natural that the unprincipled mess with the "laws"
and led to the obvious confusion with the "principles" of sports training. , 17
, ,
[14]. Thus, analysis of 17 books on sports for students IFC enabled us to
discover that their authors do not see any differences between the existing multicolored principles, namely, between
the principles of the Soviet system of physical education, obschepedagogi cal and special principles of sports
training, often bringing them into one group the principles of sports training [14]. "
": "
", - " ", - "
". And "the unjustified striking terminological variety in their notation: some authors call
them" principles of athletic training, "others -" the principles of teaching and training ", the third -" the laws of
sports training. " 39 (?!!) [14]. In the end, found 39
(?!!) names similar principles [14].
, . Thus, in the absence of a sound scientific basis of the
conceptual apparatus of CBT self-contradictory, much of the far-fetched and onauchen.
, ,
[17, 123,
37, 46, 54, 58, 62, 64, 73, 120]. He not only can not serve as an effective working tool for organizing the training
process, but also acts as a deterrent to the development of ideas about training, which distorts the practical principles
of training and does a disservice to the preparation of coaching staff [17, 123, 37, 46, 54, 58 , 62, 64, 73, 120].
3. 3. -
[24-27]. Speculative logical basis of CBT was based on the so-called phase formation fitness [24-27].
(), [24], . [22]
L. The concept of dynamic fitness (SF), as follows from [24], was borrowed from C. Letunova [22] and L. Prokop
[95], ,
. Prokop [95], one of the first formulated the idea that the basis for improving
fitness athletes are biological laws that determine the development of the adaptation process to the conditions of
sports activities. : ) , )
, ) ( ) ) , )

, ) ( Prokop). They identified three phases of this process: a) the increase in

fitness, b), sports uniforms, and c) reduction in fitness (by Letunova) and a) adaptation, b) high performance sport,
c) readaptation (on Prokop).
, ,
"" [26, 27, 29]. However, it seems that, having failed to understand
and professionally develop a deep biological sense ideas Letunova and Prokop, author of the CPT was not able to
rise above the primitive "pedagogy" interpretation of the essence of training [26, 27, 29].
", [24, 26, 27 .], , "

". He limited himself to have no under itself any serious basis with talk about "patterns of establishment
and management of SF, changing only the name of its phases [24, 26, 27, etc.], and on this basis came to the
statement that" in the phase of SF enclosed The very first premise of the natural periods of the training process. "
, "
, "
[26]. Establishment, maintenance and temporary loss of SF occur as a result of "well-defined training influences the
nature of which naturally varies depending on the phase of development SF [26]. ,
"" ,
( ) . Sports uniforms, purchased at a particular "stage" of sports
perfection, there is an optimum condition for this (and only this) stage of readiness. ,
"" [26]. To move forward, you need to "reset" the old form
and purchase a new [26].
, " " -
. It is easy to see that the representation of the essence of coaching from the
perspective of "the dynamics of SF - just a flat picture of a multidimensional phenomenon.
, 60- ,
[17, 54, 110, 113, 120]. Such arguments, which could pass off as a scientific revelation in the 60 years, now
appear very naive [17, 54, 110, 113, 120]. , " "
[5]. Obviously, the setting for "the acquisition of SF" is
excluded from the field of view the main condition for progress of sportsmanship - the need to continuously improve
the functionality of an athlete [5]. , , ""
, ,
[34, 40]. If, for example, the athlete will be from year to year is in SF and then "dump" it, without
worrying about raising the level of specific performance, so any progress there can be no question [34, 40].
, " ", ,
, , ,
"" , ()
. Nevertheless, the concept of SF was turned into a dogma, a kind of
unknowable "thing in itself, because, despite the endless talk about its dynamics, the phases of formation, the
patterns of development," dropping "and other matters, was nowhere to be intelligible explanation of the physical
(biological) essence of all these mysterious attributes.
50- Prokop
[17, 37, 75, 110, 120]. As a

result of such theorizing is the author of the CPT remained at the 50-ies and has brought a progressive for his time
and Prokop Letunova approach to scholastic and from the outset devoid of any scientific basis and perspectives of
development of SWY [17, 37, 75, 110, 120].
, , , -
" " [26],

[9, 10, 18, 31, 47, 48, 113],

[4, 5],
[8, 13, 35, 39, 44, 45] 3 , .. Created, however, the impression that the author CBT still understands the
failure of consideration "patterns of development of SF as a natural beginning of periodization training" [26], but it
stubbornly continues to ignore the already numerous studies on human adaptation to strenuous muscular activity in
sports [9, 10, 18, 31, 47, 48, 113], the results of studying the regularities of the process of sportsmanship and
morphofunctional specialization of the organism in the course of many years of training [4, 5], the trends in the
condition of the athlete in connection with the given training load [8, 13, 35, 39, 44, 45] 3, ie ,
, ,
. work, which reveals the essence of the
objective, the sources, dynamics and quantitative characteristics of the development process to improve
serviceability sobnosti specific athlete. "" ,
, ,
. He is looking for a "straw" for the salvation of the lost prestige of CBT and, in
particular, says that along with the trend of chronic build and maintain a high level of fitness to practice patterns and
trends in the periodic (phase) change is qualitatively different states of the athlete.
"" " " "" [27]. On this basis, the
author calls "differentiate" the term "sportswear" and "fitness" [27].
[27] , , ,
"". As a result of such an operation, he reserves the right to further
deepen the understanding of the SF [27] and throws, in fact, to fend for themselves all that relates to the notion of
, ,
() [4, 5],
( ) - . Thus, he frees himself from
caring about such an important component of the training process, as increased engine capacity athlete, serving as
the main condition (factor) the progress of athletic performance during long-term exercise [4, 5], and selects the
region close to him (in which he no equal) - the region of abstract reasoning about SF. ,
50-60- , , [25, 27],
. Thus, not only did he himself
prefers to remain in the 50's and 60's, but by chanting the dignity of the concept of SF [25, 27] tries to win over the
distant past and modern experts.
4. 4.
, ,
" " [26, 30]. Scientific and practical failure of CBT and
based on her basic theory of sports training was, as already stated, certainly predugotovlena disregard biological
knowledge and the desire to bring them to the "general pedagogy" [26, 30]. , " "
, ,

, - .
Undoubtedly, the "general pedagogy" has some relevance to the theory of sports training, however, has neither a
major natural nonauchnoy basis, no objective quantitative criteria of its subject matter, no rigorous scientific
method, and therefore the theoretical and methodological basis of the theory of sports training in any way can not
be. " "
, 4 . However, the
"teaching mode" theory of sports training offers great opportunities for theorizing, unsubstantiated rhetoric and
speculative construction 4.
"" "
" "- " [26].
Their "scientific" criteria of Soviet times is completely ensured by arguments about the "education of communist
morality" and the "socio-educational organization of sports activity" [26]. , ,
. However, as we know, the house on the sand will not build.
, " "
, ( !) "" , ""
(?) . . It should be noted that in order to
strengthen the "sensible" the foundations of sports training there rather than the development or improvement of
motor abilities, as it has always been accepted among specialists, it is (seriously!) On "education" of force or
endurance, 'education' movement speed or flexibility (?), etc. However, it is not just an obvious nonsense.
, ,
. This is the profanity, which is an obvious analogy with the period of Lysenko in the Soviet biological
science, first, the leader of which fooled party ideologists of the time by similar concepts of 'education' plants.
. With the notion of professional skills coach and his educational and scientific
criteria for all was also pretty easy. () , ,
( ), " " ,
, " " [26]. It (art) is not reduced to the
recommendations of at least minimum professional scientific rational knowledge, but to a purely conjunctural
statements, such as the need to identify the common interests of the sport (an athlete), the joint experience of
successes and failures and, ultimately, to " education conscious fighter for the ideals of communism "[26].
, , ,
. To achieve such high educational purposes knowledge of
biology, biomechanics, biophysics, physiology and other natural sciences is not required.
" " . Equally primitive and the method
of "Fundamentals of sports training and CBT. ,
. Actually, holistic and systematized vannogo presentation method in
the relevant publications not. ,
() ,
, - , ,
, "
" [25, 26]. However, the individual fragments and declarations can

easily guess that he (the method) includes a so-called educational supervision, registration of athletic performance in
individual sports, long-outdated analytical and synthetic principle, and finally, summarizing the experience of sports
practice, which is "partially supported by research material and is complemented by theoretical considerations [25,
, , "
" "
, " [27]. In order to make pseudo-scientific techniques is alleged, for example, that "to overcome the
subjective reasoning of the SF and making" the correct understanding of the SF according to athletic performance
requires a careful computational analysis, not to mention the content-logic "[27].
" "
3-5% - - 5 . The thoroughness of this
computational analysis is to calculate the "sufficiently rigorous lower bound criterion zone" athletic achievement
within not less than 1,5-2% deviation from the personal record of achievement in the cyclic and 3-5% - in acyclic
speed-strength sports 5. " ", ,
. If an athlete shows results below the "criterion area", he's not in SF.
, " "
, [26, 27]. With regard to the dynamics of
SF, there is "computational analysis" is to conduct a curve through the best results, expressed as a percentage of the
highest achievements [26, 27]. , ""
, " "
[27]. This method is illustrated by curves, "thoroughly" carried out by hand in such a manner as required for the
argument "patterns of waviness dynamics SF [27]. , ""
" ", . And the fact
that at the time "best" SF most of the results is below the "criterion zone", the author prefers not to notice.

"" [8, 17, 54]. It is hardly necessary to say today that focus on athletic
performance, and hidden in its waviness dynamics of SF can now be taken seriously as a research method "laws" of
sports training [8, 17, 54]. ( , , !)
" ,
" [30],
, , .
And although the author (here we must finally give him his due!) Wrote about the importance of research links
"between the magnitude of training loads and the degree of adaptive mutations occurring in the body" [30], it is
none of their publications do not lead a single meaningful example even though they already exist in sufficient
quantities, is only a helping hand to the books and magazines.
, "" ,
, ,
, -
"", . At the same time extremely obvious that the judge on the causes of
"wavy" athletic performance and, consequently, SF, having no information about the content and organization of
appropriate training load and the importance for athletes of various competitions, and even more put out that some

"laws" at least naive. " "

- . . - [27],
, , (, ) ""
" " [46, 77, 101, 108]. The more naive to seek confirmation of the
infamous "peaks SF just two examples of outstanding runners - R. Clark and H. Rono - [27], the organization of
training which is very little known, except that (probably fortunately for them) they knew nothing about
"periodization" training and "the laws of dynamics control SF [46, 77, 101, 108].
"". Certain weakness of CBT techniques is a small
scientific value, low information content and reliability of the factual material from which derives the basis for
generalizations and the formulation of principles and "laws".
, .
It was mostly an unknown way analysis of the data on the volume and dynamics of the training load performed by
athletes. , , ,
. But while it is called a generalized experience, such work
undoubtedly played an important role in further developing the existing empirical principles and techniques of
training, and in the activation of creative thinking coaches.
"" ,
[4]. But as soon as it became removed from the "laws" building exercise,
the scientific significance of the following are guidelines and recommendations greatly diminish [4].
, , , , ,
" [24, 26, 28], ,
- , ",
", . Thus, we must unfortunately conclude that, despite numerous
assurances to the "expanded factual reasoning and technological specificity in the form of methodological
approaches and rules applied nature" [24, 26, 28], allegedly contained in the CBT, the latter nevertheless had no any
serious experimental basis, or "lantern, illuminating the way for the traveler," was talking about Francis Bacon.
[24], [26],
. As a result, the concept of "periodization," intended
as a guide to training in the sport of the highest achievements [24], and eventually became a scholastic academic
disciplines [26], which is always kept it's far from gone ahead of science and practice of sport.
[27-30 .],
, [4-7, 32, 33, 37, 100, 108, 109]. Therefore,
subsequent articles [27-30, etc.], calculated at the suggestion of an inexperienced reader an idea of exclusivity and
universality of the CPT, no longer had power [4-7, 32, 33, 37, 100, 108, 109].
5. 5. - , ,
- ,
( , , .), , ,
"" . Serious criticism from specialists practice ticks, as already
emphasized above, refers to the essence of CBT - formal, mechanical crushing of the training process to subjectively

select a part (any kind of cycles, phases, periods, etc.), what is, in fact, was the main idea and meaning of
"periodization" of training.
, ,
, . The argument here was
very simple: because the sport improvement can not occur outside the changing phases of the acquisition, retention,
and temporary loss of SF, so far the training process should be built so as to ensure optimal management of the
development of SF. : ,
, ""
" " [25, 26]. Hence, in the exercise highlighted the respective
periods: preparatory, competition with positive and transition, and organization of the macrocycles "training
ultimately determines the" regularities of controlling the development of SF [25, 26].
, " , ,
, " [25]. At the same
time categorically stated that "all other forms of construction training, no matter how they looked good, inevitably
die out, if contrary to the objective laws of the process" [25].
, -,
[2, 17, 41, 51, 54, 63, 92, 102]. However, such a split in the first place, has
little to do with the actual organization of the training process in most sports [2, 17, 41, 51, 54, 63, 92, 102]. , ,
, ,
() ""
" " [4, 34, 40]. Secondly, as a result of such fragmentation is not only lost its integrity, objectivity due
to the biological nature of the adaptation process, violated the natural course of the latter, but also eliminates the
possibility of optimal management of its development, since the latter goes into the plane of an arbitrary (subjective)
"bust" of various design options training on the basis of "trial and error [4, 34, 40].
. In such a situation is practically possible solutions for
dozens, but strictly objective grounds for choosing the optimal one CBT does not offer any.
" "
15, 19]. Formal adherence to "the laws of formation of SF led to a distorted view of the objectives and content of
long-established sport in the preparatory and competitive periods [12, 15, 19].
(, ) ,
, . The straight-line logic to explain their
problems (training, then the competition) is not only consistent with little objective reality, but disoriented and
coaches and scientists working in the field of sports.
, " "
" ". Thus, the preparatory period was limited to "of designing of derivations
and tested SF by tense" proper preparatory work. "
"" " " .. Competitive period
was intended for competition and "stabilization" or "retention SF and consisted of a competitive and so-called
: - -

[25]. Intermediate: recovery-supportive and restorative-preparatory mesocycles [25]. ,

, [17]. Thus, in the competitive period fitness athletes just realized, is restored
and maintained, but does not develop [17]. "",
[16, 32, 51, 63, 72], . Such a primitive understanding of
"periodization," according to specialists [16, 32, 51, 63, 72], is far from true.

, [9, 10, 17, 54, 113],

[4, 5, 9, 10, 47, 113].
In fact, in many cyclic and playing sports during the competitive period, achieved an unparalleled level of fitness not
only maintained but also developed [9, 10, 17, 54, 113], and if you listened to the theory of adaptation, the main task
during the competitive season is precisely to complete the current cycle of long-term adaptation to the specific motor
mode and output it to a new steady level of specialized functional capabilities [4, 5, 9, 10, 47, 113].

, ,
[16, 32, 54, 56, 69, 98, 109, 120]. It should also be kept in mind tend to increase the duration
of the competitive period, the number of important events in the calendar year and the intensification of competition
for the modern sports [16, 32, 54, 56, 69, 98, 109, 120]. ,
8-8,5 . In particular, in the world of
competitive cycling the length of the period up to 8-8,5 months of the year. , ,

" ". This, of course, the training period may not be long enough for "Basic Training".

[16, 17, 32, 33, 71, 98]. Therefore, the main development of fitness occurs over a long period of
competitive [16, 17, 32, 33, 71, 98].

"" (?) "" [30,
41]. Mechanical separation of the preparatory and competitive periods, and appropriate interpretation of their tasks
seriously disoriented sports practice and led to Widespread methodologically extremely damaging idea that an
athlete allegedly "accumulate" potential (what?) In the preparatory period, and "realizes" it in the competitive [30,
, -
- ,
[4-7, 9, 110]. Official plans and the complex-targeted training
programs for national teams not only rife with such terminology, but also to follow - in its content and principles of
organization of training - such facilities did not provide optimal conditions and objectively necessary continuity in
the problem solving training within the annual cycle, distort the whole strategy of the organization of training and as
a result of interfering with the natural course of the adaptation process that underlies the progress of sports skill [4-7,

9, 110]. "" - ,
. Follow in
our time the principles of a "periodization" - it's like that in the score pieces for orchestra and take the game to
transpose one of the leading tools in a different key.
, "" , .
If we admit the possibility of listening to such nonsense, it would be obvious, "dubbing" of the effect, which makes
CBT in modern sport.
6. 6. .
The most rudimentary part of CBT is the technology of constructing the training process.
"" , , ""
. The idea of "periodization" is, as we know, "lining up" of certain parts
of the training process in a linear sequence. ("")
. The main structural units ("building blocks") of training is microcycle.
, ,
( : " ,
" - ., . [25, 26]). The training process is represented as the sum of microcycles arrayed in a
chain, the logic of a linear sequence of which is determined purely speculative (mainly on the principle: "one can, as
you can, and so" - see, for example. [25, 26]). "" ""
"", ,
(""), , , (
) "" [25, 26 .] " "
, , "
" [25, 26]. From the "set" some
"typical" micro cycles with different names "line up" as the children's blocks, a variety of names assigned to them a
large part of the training process (mesocycles "), which, in turn, are combined (by the same principle) in the
macrocycles [25, 26 and others] This principle of linear "structure of derivations" of the training process allows,
according to the author CBT, "to overcome the well-known sketchiness to common ideas about the structure of
training and more flexible to reflect its real variability [25, 26] .
[41] . However, subsequent work [41] did
not confirm this conclusion.
, -, ,
[25, 26] ;
, , -,
, , [17, 32,
34, 46]. They clearly reveal a naive primitivism of such technology and at the same time convincing but showed,
firstly, that the practice is used quite different, substantially different from the speculative recommendations CBT
[25, 26] methods for constructing training, and secondly, they have shown all lightness representations of the
training process as a linear combination of a set of standard parts, and finally, thirdly, they reiterated the view of
experts that if you follow the CBT, the prospect of national sport is unpredictable [17, 32, 34, 46].
7. 7. ,
, ,
- . One of the most
significant shortcomings CBT, which is now clearly highlighted the achievements of biological sciences, is that it

predusmat regarded only two ways to control the impact of coaching the athlete - the volume and intensity of
training load. ( , ,
) ,

[12, 21, 32, 54, 61, 108], , ,
[15, 109, 110]. And since the other methods (except, perhaps, a primitive
interpreted waviness of total load), this concept has not seen, the installation at the gross increase in volume load for
all the years of domination CBT remained a key factor for the effectiveness of the training process [12, 21, 32, 54,
61, 108], which, in turn, has caused extensive development of not only the training methods, but the entire system of
training highly skilled lifitsirovannyh athletes [15, 109, 110].
, ,

[4, 5, 9, 10, 47]. Thus, out of sight of CBT was the most important feature of the adaptation process
associated with the transformation of the qualitative characteristics of external influences on the organism in its
internal features [4, 5, 9, 10, 47]. ( )
.. Disregard (or
misunderstanding) the problem of specificity of adaptive mutations resulted in an organism's CBT to verbalize
arguments about so-called "" [28] -
, , (, . [4, 5]).
"Transfer" of skills and motor abilities [28] - the phenomenon is quite real, but mainly to the inherent physical
culture and sport is not big (for a review, see [4, 5]). , ,
, " ,
(, , ..),

" [28], . And if, for example, currently a student at the IFC examination
in physiology, said that "a lot of cyclical locomotory exercise, distinctly different in shape (running, swimming,
walking and skiing and cycling, etc.) may nevertheless be very close to target the competitive nature of the exercise
to display endurance and other motor qualities "[28], the deuce he would be assured.
, ,

[4, 5, 10, 11, 47, 48, 113]. CBT was powerless in the face
of this problem, although they should only open the book and could easily discover that the phenomenon of the
election, the specific nature of adaptive reactions of the body depending on the mode of training has long been
known and is one of the most important criteria for selecting the content and organization of training loads, primary
focus of their coaching and the impact of general composition [4, 5, 10, 11, 47, 48, 113].
, ,
, . Today,
when the possibility of the emergence of new means of SPT is strongly decreased, while the volume of loads have
reached a reasonable level, management treniruyusche specificity of the impact load - the only way to improve the
effectiveness of training high-class athletes. "",

[28], - 50- . Arguments about "transfer", as well as enhancing the role of PFD in
their preparation [28] - Return to the 50-ies.
, (, ., . [4, 5, 10, 47, 53, 99, 106, 113, 119].
- ,

. ,
[32, 46, 54, 67, 73, 108, 109, 120]. Published
data concerning the physiological mechanisms of the specificity of coaching influences are extensive (for reviews,
see, for example. [4, 5, 10, 47, 53, 99, 106, 113, 119]. Ignoring this information - another serious costs CBT which
almost puts it in the huge and largely futile expenditure of time and energy of athletes on the gross training work
with a very low effect. In the end it was the cause of the collapse of plans for training many athletes hope to achieve
peaks of sports skill [32, 46, 54, 67, 73, 108, 109, 120].
, : Thus, the four
major blemish was deprived of CBT theoretical and practical significance:
1. 1. ;
; . Weak understanding of sports activities; technology
training top-class athletes; specific professional skills trainer.
2. 2. ; ,
; ;
. Primitivism methodological concept; theorize not provided objective grounds
conceptual apparatus; speculative methodological principles, the lack of sound practical advice.
3. 3. . Ignoring biological knowledge.
4. 4.
. Neglect of the achievements of related sciences and the results of experimental work in
the field of sports training.
" (, , .) ... (
). .
: ,
, 50- ,
, , . Very often, the
criticisms come to an end some kind of conciliatory conclusions like: "nevertheless, the merit of (the author's theory
of literary works, etc.) is ... (the list is authentic and imaginary virtues). I can not follow this principle. I I would like
the umpteenth time and without any equivocation to stress: if the development of our theory and technique went out
of the way CBT, and the path charted by our coaches and scientists in the 50 years, today we had a truly scientific,
consistent, best theory and methodology of sports training.

, ;

; ,
. If it were not careless management of the former USSR State Committee and the
passivity of the Council GTsOLIFKa, senior majors curriculum for the IFC would not be many years before
scholastic demagoguery, cultivating obscurantist attitude towards scientific knowledge, whole generations of
students and postgraduates IFC did not get to misperceptions about their profession, many professionals are able to
be able to freely publish their ideas, share experiences, successfully defend the thesis content and enrich the
scientific basis of the theory of sports training.

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