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One of the films many arguments depicts rural life as better than urban life. It does this by
developing the notion that nature brings happiness to people. This rhetorical analysis will focus
on the conventional symbol of water which is used in the editing, cinematography, and sound to
display that water, which is a part of nature, brings peace and resolution to people.
The film frequently compares the ideas of rural and urban life and their effect on happiness.
They constantly portray a rural lifestyle that includes nature as the more satisfactory
environment which helps to provide a solution to the exigence of the film.
1. The beginning scene having people throughout the city saying they want to be happy.
The movie shows many people as not happy and they imply that it is destroying
western culture as a result. And it tries to provide a solution to the problem
(exigence) (they provide other solutions like family/community, but they also
acknowledge that it is different for everyone, even though they imply that these are
basically a necessity.)
2. (Bitzer, 7) In any rhetorical situation there will be at least one controlling exigence
which functions as the organizing principle: it specifies the audience to be addressed
and the change to be effected.
3. The juxtaposition of and Louisiana dude and Bhutan to Japan that uses GNH instead
of GNP. Living off the land could be better than trying to conform to society
4. They even go the point to add the Dali Lama in the video where he flat out states that
nature brings happiness. Here, they use the Dali Lama to help give more authority to
their argument.
Specific editing technique organizes scenes that include water repeatedly throughout the film to
reiterate and create the idea that water, a part of nature, should be associated with happiness.
1. Two examples that have nothing to do with water are used at the end of the example
when they people are explaining to the viewers how happy they are. Indian man, Mellissa
2. During the conclusion of the film, there are many scenes some of which are intermixed
with scenes of the ocean, surfer dude, Louisiana dude, beaches and children playing, and
another scene of kids running into the oceans waves
3. (Sturkin and Carwright 21) Ideology is manifested in widely shared social
assumptions about not only the way things are but the way we all know things should be.
Images and media representations are some of the forms through which we persuade
others to share certain views or not, to hold certain values or not.
4. It uses the example of the surfer dude and Louisiana dude as transitions to different
scientific topics. (Surfing and exercise- being in the zone- then the idea of flow; A sunset
is show for what seems to be something that he experiences on a day to day basis, and
then right after it talks about the science of happiness involving dopamine.
The cinematography of the scenes that include water use specific filming techniques to create
the illusion that water as a vital part of nature and is a precursor necessity for happiness.

1. Birds flying in the background and the camera moving like you are still on the lake.
This further connects the idea that water is an important part of nature that brings
2. This is further developed in the next scene with slow panning where the camera starts
zoomed in on the birds and slowly zooms out until you also see the man sitting in his
boat which effectively changes the understanding of the scene for the viewer.
3. (Lancioni 109) slow panning and tilt shots frequently are used to build suspense, but
filmmakers can also use them to create a pattern of audience expectation that
differentiates itself from conventional viewing patterns.
4. The end of the movie with the credits on the film of the camera moving across the
water. This also gives water and the scene a sense of endless continuation and a certain
level of importance
The music and noise adds to the complexity of the relationship between water and happiness
creating another level of illusion where water can resolve conflicts.
1. When they are describing flow, there are examples that would be sand from a nearby
beech. In the background there is the peaceful sound of a piano. This connects the two in
a unique way
2. music as a sign (Sturkin and Carwright 29) In Barthess model, in addition to the two
levels of meaning of denotation and connotation, there is the sign, which is composed of
the signifier, a sound written word, or image, and the signified, which is the concept
evoked by that word/image. (this is used with the peaceful music throughout the
different scenes with water)
3. Okinawa example, you are able to hear waves in the background even though you can
see them.
4. The music for the credits is something to the effect of a fiddle or violin that is playing
very upbeat Irish music. In the very last scene, this tries to drive the point home that
water helps to establish happiness.
It goes two ways
Water or something associated with it and pretty music
Pleasant situation and the sounds of water

Notes from the Movie

Starts with water from a lake- Shady acres
Indian man- camera reflection in water after saying he is
When he explains what he does he is sitting in front of a beautiful lake and the music is peaceful
And he is smiling
Lake, child/family being held, lake scene
Louisiana man (Roy Blanchard, Sr.)
First scene river, crocodile, man smiling in his boat, two birds in the water
First words, this is a paradise to me
Every scene includes water,
Sunsets and water when he describes where he lives
Showing birds in the sky, camera moves with trees passing at the same speed of the bird
like it is in a boat. This could imply the river is like nature. Has that flowing idea.
Starting on birds and then going out to the man sitting in the lake.
Camera is in the boat
House mentioned again and the sunset is shown again
Right after it talks about the science of happiness
Mentions the importance of physical activity and the loss of synapses
Then surfer dude who is old but is active
Brings in the idea of spirituality and surfing---using conventional spiritual music
Surfing with you kids
Working so you can live in tranquility
Surfing and exercise- being in the zone- then the idea of flow
Examples include the beach and sand--- which imply water
Sailing example
Piano is playing in the background
Melissa moody
No water the entire example and then it ends with her standing by the ocean. The last
thing she says before the this is shown is that you can and do make a choice when bad
things happen. And she is smiling, and she says this is fun. As a way to fix the adversity
or a complete resolution.
Shows the pain and then the pleasure
Back to Roy blancher
Back in river- they say to remember this example because he has family and very little
money too. But they also have happiness in this way as well
Living off the land--- and back catching crabs
Japan example, no water or nature, they show the Japan after the bomb and it is very arid and
destroyed. Also the music is eerie and builds suspense.
Promote Gross national happiness instead of GDP
Lots of nature
Family and community are important
Okanawa- long life

Starts with plane over ocean

Then shows ocean
You can hear waves in the background when the old lady is talking about old age and
sleeping (106 years old)
Interdependence on each other
Lots of nature and
Dali lama says nature helps happiness
The background for all of the educated people is nature
Summary at end
Surfer dude
Louisiana dude
Beaches and children playing
Another scene of kids running into the oceans waves
The end has the credits rolling on a video of the camera on a boat moving on still
water towards a beautiful sunset. With the sun reflecting on the water. Music is like a
fiddle. Sounds like Irish music- very catchy then violin
Not the only thing but an important aspect

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