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Write Your Pain a Letter - This art journal directive offers a safe way to honor
your irrational and "immature" emotions. By paying attention to the emotions that we
are ashamed of and afraid of, we "grow ourselves up" into emotional maturity.

2. Define Your Values - This art journaling directive will help you consciously choose
and define your top 10 core values and offers a list of nearly 400 common values to
choose from. This journal exercise will also help you discover your hidden,
subconscious values.

3. Collage Your Appreciation - This art journal directive will support you to lift up"
your life energy into a better feeling appreciative state when you are struggling with
heavier emotions.

4. Collage and Draw Your Inner Critic - This art journal exercise will support you to
examine your fears of outer criticism to correlate how your inner critic keeps you
in unreasonable fear of your unique creativity and self-expression.

5. Growing Through Problems - This journal directive will support you to find your
next positive growth steps by sensing into your body for fresh information.

6. Journal Meditation for Increasing Self-Love - This daily journal exercise

will supportyou to love the pain, loneliness, abandonment that you feel in your heart
by daily nurturing your own feelings of inner fulfillment. This prompt includes 15
"Good Mother Messages."

7. Collage Your Emotional Set-Point - This art journal directive invites you to reflect
upon your current emotional set-point, and using the principles of positive
psychology, expand your feelings of well-being.

8. Understand Your Different Aspects of Self - This journal exercise will support
you to explore your inner cast of characters in a form of visual dialogue. This directive
describes 19 different aspects of self that most of us carry inside.

9. Heal Your Blocks to Success - This journal directive invites you to explore the
hidden parts of your mind to discover your limiting beliefs about achieving success.
This exercise also offers a six step art journal process for releasing negative beliefs.

10. Gestural Pastel - This art journal directive will support you to explore nonobjective spontaneous mark making as a path to insight.

11. Found Poetry Collage - This art journal directive will support you to explore your
creative imagination by seeing and playing with imagery and words in fresh ways.

12. Collage Who You Admire - This journal directive invites you to explore the
qualities that you admire and idealize in other people, to consider how you could
incorporate similar higher possibilities into your daily life.

13. Word Collage - This exercise will help you find visual clues about emotions that
are below your normal awareness. This prompt offers three journal explorations for
understanding your word collage.

14. Expressive Still Life Drawing - This art journal directive will support you to draw
quickly and instinctively, so that your drawings become more alive, dynamic and
expressive. This exercise supports the practice of seeing the essence inside of form.

15. Collage a Mandala - This art journal activity offers a contemplative way to
consider what would support you to feel more whole.

16. Intuitive Drawing - This art journal exercise will support you find your unique
drawing style in order to allow a release of emotional "pressure" from within.

17. Expressive Self-Portrait - This art journal directive will support you to visually
understand how you see yourself on the inside, and offers five steps to creating an
inner self-portrait.

18. Intuitive Watercolor Painting - This intuitive painting exercise will support you to
see your emotional patterns in visual form so that you can more easily identify how
you feel.

19. Collage Your Stillness - This art journal exercise will support you to self-regulate
your emotions by calming your mind and body.

20. Fabric Assemblage - Meditational sewing invites you to attend to small, detailed,
spontaneous tasks to "narrow your focus" for inner calm.

21. Paint a Spontaneous Tree - This art journal directive offers a familiar starting
point to support you to begin the spontaneous painting process.

22. Warm Up - Paint Spontaneous Circles - This art journal exercise will support
you to loosen up before a spontaneous painting session.

23. Resolving Fear Through Collage - This collage reflection exercise supports you
to look at the beliefs that underpin your fears, and to change your withdrawal patterns
into confidence.

24. Spontaneous Painting - This art activity encourages you to find your innate
painting style and includes 19 intuitive painting tips.

25. Paint Abstract Shapes - This journal exercise invites you to explore the
emotionality behind abstract shapes.

26. Collage Together Past Paintings and Drawings - This art journal activity invites
you to collage together fragments of past paintings and drawings to support the
integration of who you are today.

28. Draw Your Soul Essence - This expressive art journal activity invites you to
meditate into and draw how your soul needs to develop.

29. Meditate on Color - This art journal exercise invites you to explore a
spontaneous, emotional response to color, and it offers 11 steps to developing a
personal relationship with color.

30. Collage Cards for Self-Discovery - This expressive art exercise invites you to
create visual representations of different parts of yourself so that you can better
understand your inner landscape.

31. Paint Watercolor Drops - This simple art exercise will support you to let go of
control in your painting process. This painting warm-up exercise is a good way invite
a feeling of flow to open up creative blocks.

32. Free Form Watercolor - This art exercise will support you to play and surrender
to how color wants to flow for you.

33. Mandala Coloring Therapy - This coloring exercise will support you to relax, and
will show you how you can intentionally color in order to quiet your emotions or
expand your horizons.

34. Exploring Difficult Emotions Through Intuitive Painting - This art journal
prompt offers ten tips to support you to symbolically express difficult emotions.

35. Visual Journaling - This art journal exercise will support you to express your
feelings through simple lines, symbols and colors.

36. Active Imagination Journaling - This written journal prompt will support you to
meet your inner imaginal figures and find out what their emotional needs are. This
process "invites the creatures of the unconscious to come up to the surface and
make contact with us."

37. Draw and Journal Your Anger - This art and writing journal prompt will support
you to process anger on a very deep level by owning it, expressing it honestly,
processing it through your body, disassembling your story, and turning your
hardships into a gift.

38. Color Body Mapping - This art journal prompt will support you to offer kind
attention to where you feel sore in your body, and to heal the split between your
thinking and feeling nature.

39. Body Stories with Collage - This art journal prompt will support you to dialogue
with the parts of your body that you like and the parts of your body that you dislike,
with the aim of unconditional self-love.

40. Painting with Music - This journal exercise aims to give a passionate boost to
your creative process and uplift your mood.

41. Reflective Writing - This journal prompt will support you to understand the
deeper patterns and meanings of your thoughts.

42. Scribble Drawing - This art journal prompt will support you to loosen up and
draw spontaneously. It will also help you to see your unconscious thought processes
in your scribbles.

43. Healing Grief Through Art and Journaling - This art and written journal
process will support you to heal your grief through "dual consciousness." This
process will teach you how to "unblend" from your grief and witness it from your
authentic strength.

44. Map of Consciousness Collage - This collage exercise will support you to
discover your inner relationships, and identify the different parts of your psyche that
are in conflict.

45. Healing Traumatic Memories with Embodied Writing - This journal process
offers eight in-depth embodied writing techniques that will support you to gently
process and release emotional pain and unhelpful beliefs. This prompt includes 8
methods for embodied writing.

46. Portals into Possibility with Collage - This art journal directive will support you
to open up the frame of your limited thinking and creatively vision into your higher

47. Transforming Your Inner Brat - This inner child art journal exercise looks more
deeply at the emotionally hurting part of your psyche that seeks to take from life
instead of contributing.

48. Free Association Pastel Drawing - This art journal exercise will support you to
explore your unconscious thoughts and to discover your non-rational creative mind.
This drawing practice will support the development of your authentic creative nature.

49. Meditate on an Intuitive Zendoodle - This doodling directive will support you
to calm your anxiety and increase your mental focus.

50. Unburdening the Past - This expressive exercise will support you to release
emotional pain out of your body.

51. Journal Process for Healing Your Inner Demons - This creative journal
exercise will support you to understand that whatever is most unwelcome in your
consciousness - whether it be shame, anger, fear, prejudice, hidden urges or instincts
- can be accessed and healed in a friendly, creative way.

52. Journaling Through Emotional Overwhelm - This written journal exercise will
teach you how to become intensely present, open, and aware during periods of
extreme emotional overwhelm. This journal prompt supports you to be present for
emotions such as fear, anxiety, grief, and anger.

53. Exploring Mixed Feelings Through Embodied Storytelling - This expressive

journal exercise will support you to find the the still, silent "middle point" of your inner
conflict. Only by being present for our ambiguity do we open up to a "third" possibility
that we likely have not considered before.

54. A Journal Process for Healing Negative Core Beliefs - This journal prompt
illustrates how we create our emotional pain by resisting our core negative beliefs.
This exercise will support you to face and transform the limiting beliefs you inherited
in childhood.

55. Understanding Physical Illness - This art journal exercise will support you to
understand how younger, emotionally upset parts of your psyche create illness in
your body.

56. An Emotional Approach to Healing Illness - This in-depth painting and art
journaling meditation will challenge your conventional beliefs about illness and offer
ways to tap into your deeper emotions and beliefs.

57. Create a Mandala for Healing - This mandala exercise offers 11 steps to
generate symbols of healing for your body, mind, and soul.

58. Setting Higher Intentions - This exercise will support you to set higher
intentions and help you to identify your conflicting intentions. This prompt includes six
steps to creating effective higher intentions.

59. How to Make an Altered Book - This expressive art activity offers an in-depth
art-making process for emotional healing.

60. Processing Trauma Through Altered Book Making - This art journal prompt
offers 10 methods to process trauma through altered book making, including
understanding, disidentifying from, and creatively changing your trauma patterning.

61. The Art of Setting Boundaries - This in-depth painting and journaling exercise
will support you to give to others from inspiration instead of sacrifice, and to set
healthy boundaries even when it upsets other people's ego expectations.

62. Healing Grief with Expressive Drawing - This expressive drawing exercise will
support you to understand where you are not learning the life lessons inherent in
your losses, and will show you how to find the wisdom to heal.

63. Explore Age Regression - This directive offers 16 different art journal and
writing explorations that will support you to "grow up" the aspects of yourself that are
frozen in the past.

64 . Self-Soothing for Emotional Overwhelm - This art journal directive provides

soothing tools to calm, regulate and slow down the overwhelm of painful emotions.

65. Processing Difficult Emotions - This journal exercise includes a daily 5 step
journal process, and an in-depth journal guide to inner body listening to help you
better understand your emotions.

66. Create an Experimental Art Journal - This prompt will support you to loosen up
and find emotional freedom in your art journaling process.

67. Art Journaling for Healing Trauma - Art journaling allows memories that are
intruding into the present moment to be seen, understood and cared for. This art
journal prompt also offers many creative exercises to support you to tend to the "10
Healing Tasks of Trauma."

68. Restoring Passion Through Expressive Movement - This expressive

movement exercise will support you to practice ways of speaking and moving that
you normally do not allow.

69. Art Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress - This art journal directive supports you
to heal past trauma through loving self-connection, creating safety, and making art
that represents a feeling of "all-healed."

70. Exposure Journal Therapy to Reduce Fear and Anxiety - This in-depth
collage journaling directive and written exercise will support you to face your anxiety
avoidance tactics and will support you to gradually move through your fears one-byone.

71. Understanding Transpersonal Therapy - This exploratory journal exercise will

help you understand where you are in your growth journey so that you will know

how to focus your inner work. This prompt includes three journal explorations of
your Mask, Lower and Higher Self.

72. Mindfulness for Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies - This mindfulness

exercise offers a way to decrease anxiety through repetitive focus on the breath,
and/or focused creative activity.

73. Healing Perfectionism - This art journal prompt explains the 3 types of masks
that we can wear in social situations and how the false self creates painful
perfectionism. This activity will guide you to transform your mask through 3 simple
steps and 6 journal questions.

74. Physical Repetition to Calm Anxiety - This art journal and physical expression
exercise will support you to discharge intense levels of anxiety when emotions run

75. Spontaneous Collage Scrap Journal - This collage journal exercise will support
you to play freely, using whatever you have on hand, without worrying about results.
This prompt also provides a written journal review process to support you to see the
unconscious patterns in your creativity.

76. Freedom from Shame - This written journal exercise will support you to
understand the beliefs at the root of your shame, and to dispel feelings of
embarrassment through honest writing.

77. Healing Your Core Wound - This written journal prompt will help you to uncover
your core wound and dismantle its untrue belief system.

78. 100 Faces Journal Project - This art journal project will support you to loosen up
and practice spontaneously expressing your many aspects of self.

79. Intuitive Found Poetry - This poetry journal directive offers an easy
spontaneous way to tap into your unconscious mind to discover what you are feeling.

81. Healing Negative Intentions - This journal contemplation will support you to
uncover your hurt inner child's negative intentions.

82. Healing Sexual Distortions - This journal exercise will support you to
understand how the roots of your sexual fantasies trace back to childhood emotional
pain and how childhood hurt connects to sexual arousal.

83. Cultivate Concentration with Zen Painting - This expressive art prompt
supports the practice of deeply concentrated engagement in the creative process as
way to profound peace and integration.

84. Practicing Forgiveness -This spiritual forgiveness exercise involves the

profound principle of taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens to you.
This prompt explains how everything we see helps to clear out hidden emotional

85. Understanding Your Unconscious Mind - This directive offers an in-depth

eleven step daily review journal process to help you cleanse your darker emotions
through honest writing.

86. Understand Your Defense Mechanisms - This prompt includes a journal

method of "interrupting and re-associating" your defenses into feelings of openness.

87. Writing Healing Stories - This written journal exercise offers an exploration of
memory as a way of digesting and integrating the past.

88. Develop Heart Awareness by Writing Your Life Review - This in-depth journal
directive offers profound methods of self-reflection to inspire you to move past your
limits to loving others.

89. Integrating Your Shadow - This fun journal exercise offers a way
to become friendly with your repressed aspects of self and learn more about your
emotional needs.

90. Resolving Childhood Emotional Needs - This journal directive will be helpful if
you feel angry and frustrated about your outer life circumstances. This journal
exercise will support you to discover if your discontent is from unattended emotional
needs that originated in the past.

91. Write your Own Fairy Tale - This written journal directive will support you to
discover and actualize your authentic self and life purpose.

92. Journaling to Cultivate Joy - This journaling directive will be helpful if you are
struggling with heavy emotions, and you want to interrupt the downward spiral of

93. Keeping an Aspiration Journal - The creation of higher aspirations on a daily

basis is particularly helpful if you are struggling with depression or emotional pain.

94. Witnessing and Healing Emotional Pain - This journal directive will support you
to heal your emotional pain at its root through a six step process that will take you
from anxiety to effortless presence.

95. Exploring Empowered Anger - This journal exercise will be helpful for you if you
have trouble owning that you feel angry, or if you feel inhibited to express anger. This
exercise is especially for those of us who repress anger, feel weakened or unable to
take powerful action in life.

96. Healing Fixations - Unblocking Stuck Energy - This journal directive will help
you to understand and release varying drives, desires, and fixations on the different
levels of your being so that you can flow with reality as it is unfolding, and prepare
yourself to hold higher spiritual energies.

97. Healing from Patterns of Emotional Abuse - This in-depth written journaling
directive will be helpful if you are unsure about what emotional abuse is because it
feels like your "normal." As you question your "normal" you will be able to discern
how you unconsciously emotionally abuse yourself, and why you accept it
unquestioningly from other people.

98. Resolving Inner Conflict - This journal exercise will help you identify the
two parts of your mind that are in conflict, understand how each side is trying to
protect you or get needs met, and facilitate a dynamic resolution that helps to reduce
emotional pain.

99. Understanding Your Protector Selves - This journal directive will help you to
identify the parts of yourself that work hard to protect you from becoming
overwhelmed with intense emotions. This journal activity will support you to relax
your protector so that your emotional healing can progress.

100. Positive Life Creation - The following journal directive illustrates how to
discover the inner causes of your unhappiness, and will support you to manifest your
desires through "The Four Keys of Positive Life Creation."

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