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Name: Christy Clarke


Statement of Purpose
Our classroom will be a safe and positive learning environment in which
everyone will be respectful of each other and we will work together to
build one another up. All students will be challenged to do and be their
best in all things.
1. Be positive
2. Be respectful
3. Be a team player
4. Try your best
5. Be your best self
1. Morning work- On Mondays table group leaders will come into the
classroom and pick up the morning work packet for each group
member which will be the morning work for the week. Once
students have their packet they will get started on what is
assigned. The assigned work will be written on the board under
Must Do: with a list of things they May Do: if they finish their
morning work.
2. Going to the restroom- Students will raise their hand with the
A.S.L. r to symbolize that they need to go to the restroom. A
simple nod to the student will indicate whether or not they may
take care of their business at that moment. Students will not be
allowed to use the restroom for the first 30 minutes after recess
ends. Students may only use the restroom during independent
work. When students are excused to use the restroom they will
sign out on a clipboard by the door and sign in when they come

3. Sharpening pencils- Pencils that need to be sharpened will be

placed in a cup to be sharpened after school or during recess.
When students place their pencil in the cup they can grab a
sharpened pencil from the sharpened pencils cup right next to it.
Pencils will be sharpened by myself or student helpers during
recess or after school.
4. Attention Getters- I will have several attention getters to gain the
attention of my students. One method I will use will be a bell. I will
also use several phrases. One will be class class in which
students reply with yes yes. However you say the class class
students have to mimic it when they reply with yes yes. For
example, if you say classity classity they reply with yesity
5. Transitions- I will utilize music for my transitions. We will have a
specific music clip that will play right before recess, lunch, and the
end of the day. We will have musical transitions play right before
our pull outs such as before library and P.E. If students respond
well to the musical transitions we can include them during
instruction time, such as when we are changing subjects or at the
end of morning business.

Consequences Positive Behavior

Individual- I will have a clip chart for individual student behavior. When
students are caught on task, lining up quietly, and following other class
rules they will get to clip up. Each positive spot on the clip chart will
have a monetary value attached to it. Depending on where they end up
at the end of the day they will receive a certain amount of class money
that they can use to purchase privileges and other little items at the
class store. Students who make it to the top of the clip chart will receive
a shoutout home.

Table Groups- I will have students arranged in table groups, these

groups can earn points by being on task, working quietly, using their
time wisely, or cleaning up/transitioning quickly and efficiently. The
group that wins table points at the end of the week will earn a
predetermined privilege such as free time at the end of the day or
working with a stuffed animal on their desk.
Whole Class- For whole class positive rewards I will select a privilege the
entire class can earn, this could also be free time, technology time,
pajama day, or working with a stuffed animal on desks. Before we begin
we will select the reward and then I will put blanks on the board for
each letter of the reward. Students will be able to earn the letters as a
class by working and coming into the classroom quietly. When all the
letters have been earned the reward has been earned. Students will
receive the reward within the next school week.

Consequences Negative Behavior

1. Group reminder
2. Individual warning
3. Modification- clip down
4. Chat with the teacher about behavior
5. Parent contact
6. Administrator Referral
Action Plan
Create a poster with the rules

Create a poster with the

Create a substitute binder

How it will be completed

-type up the rules
-organize them on a poster
-laminate the poster
-types up procedures
-organize them on a poster
-laminate the poster
-purchase a binder

Completion date
Before the school year begins

Before the school year begins

Before the school year begins

Create parent contact form for

negative consequences
Create student shoutout form

-label the binder

-print out and add a copy of
the rules and procedures
-print out and add a copy of
the seating chart with
students images
-print out and add classroom
-develop a parent contact
-develop a form to send home
with students who make it to
the top of the clip chart

Before the school year begins

Before the school year begins

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