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Name: Kate Maginnis

Grade Level: Third Grade
Content Area: Music
Standards Addressed: M3GM.3 Reading and notating music
a. Read rhythmic patterns including quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes, half notes, and
whole notes using traditional symbols in 2/4 and 4/4 meter
Student Response Technology Used:
Technology that students will use to respond to questions/prompts:
Hand-held student response system (such as iRespond)
Tablet (such as iPad


Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)

Describe the instructional activities that will occur prior to the SRS activity and how you will
introduce the SRS activity: Prior to the activity, students will review basic musical concepts in
preparation for the quiz. The teacher will also discuss what is to happen after the activity, which is that they
will create their own questions for a quiz/test. As a result, they will be instructed to pay attention to the
different types of questions asked, not just for content, but for response method as well (ex: t/f, multiple
choice, fill in the blank).
Describe the purpose of the SRS activity (check all that apply):
Assess Prior Knowledge

To Illuminate Common

Formative Assessment of Content Knowledge (for purposes of differentiation and

mastery for ALL students)


Anticipatory Set (Create Interest in a Topic)

Summative Assessment of Content Knowledge

Discussion Starter

Homework Collection

Test Preparation


Additional explanation of purpose (optional): Introduction to quiz making.

Type of session:



Identification of students:
Students will log-in so their individual scores will be available to you after the session
SRS activity will be anonymous
Briefly describe what will happen during the SRS activity (For example: What will students do? What
will the teacher do? What materials are needed? How long will the SRS activity take?):
Students will go into the room on Socrative and take the quiz at their pace. Materials needed are iPads or
Computers for students to take the quiz. Students will be answering 8 questions in a mix of true/false,
multiple choice, and free response/fill in the blank. The topic will be on reading and notating music,
which means that they will be counting rhythms based on reading the music, selecting what value a note
has (how many beats it gets). These are important musical concepts that students will have already gone
over prior to the quiz. They also relate to math as it deals with counting. During the activity students will
see the types of questions offered and how it can work through a student response system versus on pen and


Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
See http://epltt.coe.uga.edu/index.php?title=Bloom%27s_Taxonomy


Types of questions/prompts (Check all that apply):

Multiple choice
or fill in the blank

Multiple Select



Short open-ended response

Longer open-ended response

Provide samples of questions/prompts to be given to students: A whole note is worth 2 beats in 2/4.
True/False. :
0. For Yankee Doodle, select the proper rhythm.
[1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2], [1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2], [1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2], [1, 1]
[1, 1, 1], [1 & 2, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, rest, rest]
[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, rest
6. A half note is worth _____ quarter notes

Right/Wrong Answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions?

Mixed (Some will have correct answers, others will not.)



Immediate corrective feedback:

Will you pre-select correct answers to some or all of the questions and display correct response to the class
after the SRS activity?
Why or why not? Answers will be selected ahead of time as each question has a right or wrong answer.
Use of data:
Data collected will be related to musical knowledge of third graders. It will help assess where students are
in terms of their knowledge base. It will be used to help monitor individual progress as names will be
attached to the quizzes. This way instruction can be differentiated. If some students are further along in
their knowledge but others are struggling, then I will know who to pair students with in partner or group
activities. Whereas if the majority of the class knows the information, I know to move on. If not, then
perhaps it is something that I need to discuss more. As music is connected to math, it will help me assess
their math skills as well in terms of counting and patterning.
Using the software will also let me know where students are in terms of computer use. It will be more
observation in that area. Are students struggling to take the quiz? Do the pictures help more than the words?
That will factor into assessment as well: Did students get more questions correct that relied more heavily on
the visual? Regarding writing skills: Are students struggling to create a quiz when given the opportunity?
Since students will have the opportunity to create their own quiz that the teacher will input afterwards due
to age restrictions on account creation. When looking at quizzes it will help me see where students are in
terms of their writing. And do students know the material they are writing about or are the answers
incorrect? This will also be used to help differentiate instruction.


Describe what will occur after the SRS activity: Students will have completed the activity and then they
will create their own. After taking a quiz on music, they will note the format options available to them:
multiple choice, type in your answer (must include acceptable correct answers), and true/false. They will be
instructed to create an 8 question quiz for their peers on a certain topic(s), where they can choose from
within the topics listed. They need to have at least one of each type of question, but the rest can be any of
the three formats. Students questions will be used for their next test on the material at hand.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. Students will be creating their own quizzes,
helping inform test and quizzes. I will allow students to submit questions on something we have been
studying, to use on an exam. It is something that I have seen done before and I am curious to see how it
would work. I would select a certain number of questions, as the test need not be that long, and that would
be the test for their unit. I think this would be an excellent review and study method for students. It will
help me learn where they are in this but it will also help me figure out what they see as important. What did
students learn from the unit? I want students to learn from creating these questions and gain a better
understanding of how they are assessed.
Other comments about your SRS activity (optional):

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