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The October Man Sequence

Creating a new sexual identity

Forward: - I am a seduction scientist with intent of giving ecstasy to women.

The basic format: - Get her into a state, turn her state into a symbol,
manipulate her symbol, link her symbol to myself.
Summary: - I am a seduction scientist that gives women ecstasy by getting
her into a feel good state, turning her feel good state into a verbal, visual,
physical symbol, manipulate her verbal, visual, physical symbol, and finally
link her verbal, visual, physical to myself.

Chapter 1: What is can do

1. What it can do: I am learning to change a womans sexual identity to a
personalized slut
a. Be with a woman within 15 minutes
b. Makes a woman sexually aggressive
c. Turns her sexuality identity into me
d. Sexual identity
i. Forms at age 2-3
ii. Forms from (Internal Search) (External Experiences)
iii. Our relationship to people in a sexual way
2. Intent Wrestle the Angel: PAY Attention to the things to do & dont do list
a. Energy flows where attention goes. Attention = Focus Energy spot
b. Willpower = Force Energy Intensity
c. Intent = Focus Energy Spot &/+ Force Energy Intensity (Intent = Will +
d. Intent is a VERB = Intent is fluid & has movement
e. Intent is something that I do and others do
f. EVERYTHING that happens is a result of Intentions. Question What has
g. 100% of all intentions serve personal purposes & NOT MINES BE VERY
h. Learn to & master sensing others intentions by focusing on the FLOW
of the Will & Focus of the Forces around me, or the Powers that be
i. Learn to influence & master others Will OR Focus manipulation
k. Manipulating others WILL or FOCUS= CHANGE IN THERE INTENT
l. Willpower exercise =Make DAILY goals & achieve them NO MATTER
m. Focus exercises = Meditation, Slow moving focus, Earplugs, Deep
Breathing, REIKI Wheel
3. Penetrating the Sexual Core: Learn her child times, her child self, her child
a. The Sexual core of women starts at childhood. This is the Beginning





b. Parts = Wants & Beliefs or different Frames/States & Realities/Life

of her life
c. Layers, People, and Places make up her sexual core
Layers: Change her Onion through her childhood
a. Womens mind are Onions (Parts that are more visible or accessible)
b. Superficial & Deep/Outside & inside parts/Present to Childhood (All
c. Wants on one level may conflict with Wants on another level (Powerful
d. Physical outside but emotional on inside/ Emotional Outside & physical
inside (Onions)
e. Butterfly effect = Change Past self = Change in present self
g. Presuppose when talking to people (This example is to the child, but
can be to the slut/whoever)
h. Projection = Interaction of presupposed on FACT & ASSUMPTION
i. Lead Body, Emotions, then mind/imagination
j. Give into craving = Amplify Craving + Get fully Immersed in the
People: See the child in her I want to see
a. People are all the DIFFERENT ROLES & GOALS one plays.
b. People are role & goal reflections in any given context
c. Know self Internally & see self reflections in others externally = The
Places: Create places where I choose for her to be
a. There is a Time & Place for everything this is the place part
b. Create new places by just naming it!
c. What I name becomes real (Creation)
d. What I describe comes alive (Life)
e. Create New (Layers, People, Places) is HUGE for OMS to Work
Who can do it: Develop Strong Sexual Inner game & Practice do it in person
a. OMS must be done with 1000% most seriousness
b. Strong Frame = Strong Effect THEREFORE PRACTICE, PRACTISE,
c. Only works for STRONG FRAME (Outer Game)
d. Strong frame comes from STRONG INNER GAME
e. Strong Inner game is FOUNDATIONAL
f. Inner game = Identity, beliefs, attitudes
g. Women love sex inner game = Alpha bull identity, Ugly cum dump
grateful for any fuck belief, encouraging her to be sexually aggressive
h. The best sex of her life = Alpha bull, Ugly cum dump, I give sexual
i. Only me best sex = I am sexually alpha, she is sexually desperate , I
am consoling her
j. I can FUCK HER = Alpha bulls identity, She needs semen to feel good, I
am relaxing

k. Her Sexual stalker = Alpha bull identity, shes desperate & pathetic, I
am authoritive
l. I am Sexually amazing = Alpha bull identity, she is stupid, I am exciting
m. Normal fucking = Alpha bull identity, she has no real options, I am
n. All women are desperate = Alpha bull identity, shes stuck with beta, I
am pleasant
o. Practice with partner + (Touch, Verbal, Visual) = Seamless flow of
INTENT & connection
p. Shared trance = Me in trance + Her in trance
8. Where to do it: Create our own little world where WE CAN EXSIST to do the
a. I am putting a woman into a willing trance
b. This is something I do WITH a woman
c. Quieter places & higher privacy
d. Optimize environment by drastically reducing distractions & outside
9. Suspending the critical factor: Learn to speak visually and with imagery &
practice a lot
a. Strong Frame + CORRECT Presentation = Accepting (non-creepy)
b. Authority frame + Teacher presentation = Accepting
c. Trust = Accepting
d. Strong frame + Help relieve stress = accepting
e. Alpha bull + Sex enhancement = accepting
f. Strong frame + What if massage thats better than sex = accepting
g. Strong Frame + Role Play = Accepting
i. Strong frame + Speaking visually = Evoke feelings, turn to color,
manipulate color, link
10. When to do it: Develop sense of Identification with sexual identity for
a. (Clear lead Alpha) + (Ugly whore connection) + (Clear follow of
whore/speak visually)
b. Alpha Bull = Strong Charismatic Leader Sexually (Feminist)
c. Develop a connection & relationship
d. Lead with a strong frame
Chapter 1 Summery
1. I am learning to change a womans sexual identity to a personalized slut
I want desperate, unappreciated, sexually aggressive women
2. PAY CLOSE Attention to the things to do & dont do list
Be the Alpha Bull- See her as the ugly cum dump grateful for any fuck
3. Learn her child times, her child self, her child mentality
What would the kid in you (Say ,Do ,Think , Feel, Eat, Enjoy, Favorite,
happy) now
4. Change her Onion through her childhood
Change her onion into desperate, ugly, unappreciated

5. See the child in her I want to see

See her as being sexually aggressive because of her short comings
6. Create places where I choose for her to be
Place where she is hateful, angry, & aggressive
7. Develop Strong Sexual Inner game & Practice do it in person
Alpha bull identity/Ugly slut identity/encouraging connection
8. Create our own little world where WE CAN EXSIST to do the OMS ASAP
Strong Lead, Strong follow, Connection-Suspension
9. Learn to speak visually and with imagery & practice a lot
Alpha bull + Video game imagery = Evoke feelings, turn to color,
manipulate color, link
10.Develop sense of Identification with sexual identity for connection
Strong charismatic alpha bull

Chapter 2: It starts with me

1. Frames: Be Flexible & change & Also Be VERY aware of the role I take
a. Clearly defined roles & Clearly defined goals
b. Roles for Meta-Frames
c. Roles for Meta-Programs
d. Am I the Giver Or Receiver
e. Am I the Leader or Follower
f. Move toward Reward & Punishment
g. Move away from Reward & Punishment
h. Can I Recognize these roles, frames, & programs
i. How can I change these roles, frames, and programs that serve me
2. The pieces to make it happen:

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