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Exploratory Essay Self-Reflection

While conducting research for my exploratory essay, I was able to gather a lot
of information to help me answer my question: How can we save endangered
languages? I developed the idea of researching this question after reading a paper
in Ms. Haiducks class titled Why Save a Language by John McWhorter. After
reading this article I was curious to find out which method could be the best way of
save endangered languages. After conducting my research I found that there were
numerous stories of people who studied endangered languages and made them
stronger by creating small camps or radio stations in order for others to be able to
practice the language.
After writing my draft for this paper I realized that I was a bit biased and that I
didnt give any reasons why endangered languages shouldnt be saved. For my final
paper I decided to do some research on why languages shouldnt be saved and
found some interesting results. For example, I found out that some cultures would
allow their language to die in order to adapt to the nation that conquered them or in
certain situations the nation that conquered would sometimes learn the language of
the natives and allow their language to die out. For my final paper I was also able to
elaborate on the four reasons of how a language dies given by James Harbeck by
giving examples of each. In my essay I was also able to use the techniques we
learned in class, such as how to paraphrase, and incorporate them into my essay. I
was able to paraphrase what the authors of each article wrote by putting their
thoughts and conclusions into my own words as best as I could. If I found myself
having difficulty paraphrasing I quoted the sentence from the article and cited
Taking into consideration what we learned in class, about paraphrasing, and

what Ms. Scanlon commented on in my draft, I was able to write a well written final
essay. I think that the sources I used were from reliable people who were well
educated in their field of study. While writing my paper I wanted to inform people
who care about language, what is the most effective way we could preserve
endangered languages. After writing my paper Ive come to the conclusion that the
best way for us to preserve a language, whether it be endangered or not, is to study
it and teach it to others. The vocabulary used in my paper wasnt difficult to
comprehend, I tried to make it so that anyone in class who reads my paper may
understand the research I conducted. If I used any new terms, such as
sociolinguistics or the four ways a language could become extinct, I would define it
or give an example or examples. Although I made it clear in my paper that I favor
saving endangered languages, I believe I gave a good counter argument that
explains why some may defend the point of not preserving endangered languages.
While doing this assignment I was able to learn a lot of new information about
language and how it changes. Whether people are studying a language in order to
keep it from becoming extinct or whether people are learning a language in order to
revive it, I was able to learn about numerous different cultures and their languages.

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