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Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by a mite of Sarcoptes scabiei. It is found worldwide particularly
in regions related with of poverty, remote area, poor sanitations and nutritional status in both human and
animals. Scabies is transmitted by direct contact. The clinical signs are intensive pruritis or itchiness,
erythrema, papula and vesicle. Infestation S. scabiei caused damage skin and raised animal death (50 100%) while 300 millions people per year were reported to suffer from scabies .


Scabies is not restricted to tropical climates, and in industrialized countries it can be endemic in
economically disadvantaged populations such as indigenous communities; institutional outbreaks
continue to occur in hospitals and nursing homes
Overall most common in young children, most likely reflecting both increased exposure and, in endemic
situations, a lack of immunity
In some highly endemic communities with overcrowded living conditions, the majority of children have
had at least one episode of scabies in the first 2 years of life
Affects both sexes similarly, although mothers of young children appear more commonly infected than
other adults in some studies.
Sarcoptes scabiei affects a wide range of animal species in addition to humans. However, mite
populations are generally host-species-restricted; S. scabiei var canis (dog scabies) and S.scabiei var suis
(pig scabies) are rarely responsible for human cases, which result from infection with S. scabiei var

In Indonesia:
Menurut Departemen Kesehatan RI prevalensi skabies di Puskesmas seluruh Indonesia pada tahun 1986
adalah 4,6%-12,9%, dan skabies menduduki urutan ketiga dari 12 penyakit kulit tersering. Di Bagian Kulit
dan Kelamin FKUI/RSCM pada tahun 1988, dijumpai 734 kasus skabies yang merupakan 5,77% dari seluruh
kasus baru. Pada tahun 1989 dan 1990 prevalensi skabies adalah 6% dan 3,9%. Data penderita skabies
yang terhimpun dari klinik Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin, Rumah Sakit Palang Merah Indonesia (RS PMI) Bogor
dari tahun 2000 - 2004, masing-masing enam betas pasien (2000); delapan betas pasien (2001); tujuh
pasien (2002); delapan pasien (2003) dan lima
pasien (2004) Prevalensi skabies sangat tinggi pada lingkungan dengan tingkat kepadatan penghuni yang
tinggi dan kebersihan yang kurang memadai (Depkes. RI, 2000 dalam jurnal repository, 2011).


Human scabies is caused by the host-specific mite S scabiei hominis, an obligate human parasite. It is a
member of the family Sarcoptidae, which belongs to the order Astigmata, in the subclass Acari, class
Domestic and wild animals worldwide are susceptible to infestation with S scabiei, and the resultant
disease is referred to as sarcoptic mange. Mange due to S scabiei varieties other than hominis has been
reported in dogs, pigs, horses, camels, black bears, monkeys, dingoes, and wild foxes, among other

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