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Tatiana Reigadas Summative Assessment

Argumentative Paragraph Assignment

We have been working on the style of argumentative writing and this week
will now dive into writing your paragraph about which story from Reading is
most memorable to you and why. Your paragraphs first sentence will be the
claim, or the statement you make saying which story is most memorable.
Then, you will write three sentences, one sentence for each piece of
evidence why this story is so memorable. As we have discussed, each piece
of evidence must have beef or a how. For example, if you say Lob is a
loyal dog, you need to make sure you say how Lob is loyal in your sentence.
Finally, your last sentence will tie up what you said in your claim and
evidence. You will be graded on developing your argument through having
your claim and three pieces of evidence, organizing your evidence in an
order that makes sense, and overall language, or having your paragraph run
through the cleaners (editing grammar and spelling mistakes).
Step 1: Graphic Organizer
Today we have gone over the four stories and their plot, setting, and
characters on our green sheet.
1. Circle which story you are going to choose to write about.
2. Fill in the introduction sentence of the graphic organizer. This is your
claim, or the (Story) is the most memorable story.
3. Write three sentences with one piece of evidence each from the story.
Dont be afraid to go back to the story and the green sheet to see how
the setting, characters, or plot. Make sure each sentence has the
beef, or the how. E.g. Lob is loyal because he travels 1,000 miles
to see Sandy again.
4. Write your conclusion sentence that brings back what you talked about
in your paragraph and ties it all together.
5. Raise your hand and have Mrs. Wiegand or myself look it over.
Step 2: Writing Your Paragraph
1. Once your graphic organizer is complete and checked out by a teacher,
you have your paragraph and all its parts.
2. Create a new Google Doc, and write out this header
a. Name
b. Period #
c. Teacher Name
d. Date Due
3. On the next line, center it and write out your title
4. Type your sentences from your graphic organizer.
Step 3: Through the Cleaners
1. Look over your paragraph and see if you can say yes these questions.
If not, fix it so you can.
a. Do I have a claim?

Tatiana Reigadas Summative Assessment

b. Do I have three pieces of evidence? Do my pieces of evidences
tell me how something or someone is like the way they are?
(Look at Step 1 #3 for an example)
c. Do I have a concluding sentence?
2. Trade with a peer and double check your partner can say yes to all.
3. Put it through the cleaners (the several links at the bottom of the
Language Arts Google Classroom folder) and fix all mistakes on your
Google Doc
4. Share it!
Argumentative Paragraph Rubric

Development Effectively introduces and asserts claim,
supports claim with relevant evidence
Organization Evidence is in logical order
Language Consistently maintains formal style and
command of conventions

Development Somewhat effectively introduces and
asserts claim, supports claim with mostly
relevant evidence
Organization Most of the evidence is in logical order
Language Somewhat maintains formal style and
command of conventions

Development Introduces claim, supports claim with
some relevant evidence
Organization Little of the evidence is in order
Language Rarely maintains formal style and command
of conventions

Tatiana Reigadas Summative Assessment

Development No clear claim, supports claim with little
(or no) relevant evidence
Organization Evidence is not in any particular order
Language No formal style or command of conventions

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