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Julian Stridiron

Ms. Allford
CRLT 101, Section G
11, November 2016
Dear Ms. Allford,
Going to get her education and loving what she learned and stared her work in got her to
where she is now. she started out in gender, sexuality, and war. You could say she thinks that all
of those has something in common, and she specifies that in her writing. She talks about gender
identity and this is whats going to be analyzed.
She says that it is shaped by cultural norms and conventions, and although bodies and
biology matter, gender identity is mutable, available for change. This could be said it is willed
and not, because people may be born thinking differently and some other people may be thinking
that they are in need change, and people can change over time they may not stay the same one
people see them as. When she says that when the people criticized her prose they did so because
its against the norms. Yes, people didnt think like other people. The thought like most people
normal and her norm wasnt the usual norm. Saying we live in a world and we choose how it is
and what we do to make it that way. The other side of the argument is saying that it is
disrespectful of how you represent and posturing. That wouldnt be the case that is told here. The
way you choose to view things then that the one you view them. There really is no right or
wrong. There is just those people who think that its wrong in many ways.

Its easy to feel like the way she writes and says things has changed the way that people
view things. She gives a different look at sexuality. A different look at desire and gender. People
can be who they want to be. She says that there is a risk of anthropocentrism. Assuming that the
distinctively human life is valuable or most valuable. She asks a question of who counts as the
human and whose lives count as live. She also says what makes a grievable life. The right thing
to do is think that every life counts, and to not think that there only set lives that matter and those
who are out cased arent. thinking that just makes us different and thats just the way that you
are. What could be said is she is saying that we should have the freedom to believe how we
believe. People should want to have the freedom to wish what they want and have their own way
of thinking.
She also talks about the ethics, and sexuality. She asks is there a way in which the place
of the body in these struggles opens up a different conception of politics? Its really all the
same. Its more the same and more talking about people in general. People are shunned by what
other people think is a defeat and thats not right, people are the same but just think in different
ways. That brings in where she talks about people shouldnt talk bad about other people just
because they are different. The body implies mortality, vulnerability agency: the skin and the
flesh expose us to the faze of others but also to touch and to violence. What could be said here
is the skin is the reason we look at others. What skin looks like and gives off attracts us. She also
says we struggle for the right over our own bodies but we dont because it has its own public
dimension. What is being said is the way you show off your body is to look at by other people.
Those people look at your body and you really cant do any about it. Your body is in other
peoples eyes and they have an image of you that you cant get back. She also talks about
autonomy. She wants to know should she struggle for autonomy. If she really believes that thats

the best thing to do its right in her mind then it could and shall be done. Many people could say if
you want to be physically dependent on another person then it should be dont in a right way. It
shouldnt be done if you can do it yourself. If a person is physically dependent on you then you
should think about it. Think about whats the right in all of this. The most logical thing she is
saying that I am promoting a relational view of the self over an autonomous one, or trying to
redescribe autonomy in terms of relationality. Is that she would prefer to rely on herself and not
rely on someone else. We can get what shes saying. In the end one can believe that for the most
part it is best to rely you and only yourself. But only if it gets you where you want to be.

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