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CBSE Worksheet-07

Class VI Science (Components of Food)

1. Marasmus is common in infants below
a. 10 years
b. 5 years
c. 3 years
d. 1 years
2. If a person is not getting sufficient amount of food as per his body needs, is suffering
a. Malnutrition
b. Under-nutrition
c. Anemia
d. Osteomalacia
3. Fats provide much more energy as the same amount of
a. Protein
b. Vitamins
c. Carbohydrates
d. Roughage
4. A hard working labourer, who does lot of physical work, needs more of
a. Carbohydrates and fats
b. Protein and vitamins
c. Minerals and vitamins
d. Carbohydrates and minerals
5. Match the following
Column A

Column B

a. Fish

i. Calcium

b. Water melon

ii. Fat

c. Milk

iii. protein

d. Butter

iv. Carbohydrates

e. Potato

v. Water

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6. Select the T for true and F for false statement.

a. We can live without water.
b. Potato, sweet potato is rich in carbohydrates.
c. Goiter is caused due to deficiency of iodine in our diet.
d. A diet that supplies enough calories is balanced diet.
e. Vitamins protect us from disease.

7. Is the excess intake of fats healthy? Why?

8. What is PEM? Writes two reasons for it?

9. What are symptoms of Scurvy? Which vitamins cause this disease?
10. Decide which of these gives more nutrients? Why.
a. Dalia or noodles
b. Fruit juice or cold drink
c. Vegetables and fruits with peels or without peels
d. Chapattis of wheat or maida.

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Answer key

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. (a) (), (b) (), (c) (), (d) (), (e) ().
6. (a) F (b) T (c) T (d) F (e) T

7. No, excess intake of fat is not healthy. It is harmful for the body. It gets deposited
in the body and makes a person obese. Obesity is considered as a disease.
8. Protein energy malnutrition is deficiency of protein and carbohydrates in body
essential for growth and energy. This is due to

Lack of proteins or carbohydrates or both in diet.


More intakes of carbohydrates than proteins.

9. Patients suffering from scurvy shows following symptoms:

a. General weakness and pain in the joint.
b. Reduction in body weight.
c. Gums become spongy, swollen and bleeding.
Deficiency of Vitamin C causes this disease.

11. (a) Dalia - it contain more protein and easy to digest.

(b) Fruit juice it contain vitamins and minerals.
(c) Vegetable and fruits with peels fruits and vegetable peels contain minerals
and vitamins.
d. Chapattis of wheat- it contain proteins, maida is proceeded by heating that
looses some nutrients.

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