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Mercury poisoning from dental fillings is a creeping illness. It may take years or decades before it shows clearly.
Many people never recognize that they are ill. By the time the subjects feel ill, they are unable to attribute their illness
to a particular cause. In addition, mercury poisoning damages the mind. Incidentally, patients are unlikely to
comprehend their illness even if they tried to. But when advanced chronic poisoning takes place, it may produce distinct

Metallic taste in the mouth; it tastes like the aluminum foil on chocolate.
Grinding or clenching one's teeth during sleep and at the moment of awakening. The sleeping brain
experiences the bad metallic taste in the mouth and spontaneously grinds the teeth, which releases even
more amalgam into the saliva. In turn, the released mercury causes convulsion of the jaw muscles and clenching of teeth.
Dark spots in the retina of the eye (Huggins, 1990; the American Dental Association revoked Dr. Huggins's license in
mid 1990's) [1]. The dental patient can see a darker image in the affected eye, but may be unaware of his condition until he
looks at the same image with one eye covered.
Biting in one's tongue, gum, or lip when chewing tough food is usually caused by a very advanced illness and damage to
the brain stem. This problem is often caused when having a mouthful. The brain may fail to distinguish between the tongue
and the food. The problem normally occurs when the subject mechanically chews food, but pays conscious attention to another
activity. The subject's conscious mind may be watching television while he is chewing, and the brain stem controls the
background activity alone. Since the unsupervised brain stem has been damaged by mercury amalgam or other dental
materials, the brain stem may trigger involuntary erratic bites between regular monotonous chewing. The biting almost always
occurs on the side of the tongue as it is caught between the molars. The tip of the tongue or its center is bitten seldom.
Inability to fully open the mouth after prolonged chewing of very tough food, such as candy. This condition may last 2 weeks,
and perhaps even longer. The patient can open his mouth only halfway. Clinical examination and X-ray images reveal no
problem with the jaws. The reason for this condition is sudden release of mercury from the fillings and the consequent
convulsion of the jaw muscles. The patient may wrongly perceive that something is stuck at his temporomandibular joint and
that his jaws are somehow locked. The condition may develop overnight after the critical daytime chewing. The intensity
of the condition diminishes very slowly, almost imperceptibly, and then, suddenly, everything returns back to normal. A similar
problem can develop after major restoration of amalgam fillings or after installation of a metal crown that covers an amalgam
base, or after root canal work that fills in the hollow space with amalgam. Although the acute phase of poisoning is over in days
or weeks, the chronic phase of mercury amalgam poisoning is just getting serious.
The Broken Neck Syndrome
The affected subject feels that he has not slept right. He must have had some wild dream and somehow moved his pillow: that is
the believed reason for his pain in the neck. What is happening to him is convulsion in one of the two abductor muscles that connect
the head with the collar bone. These muscles turn the head left and right, and also affect the up and down movement. The muscles
run vertically in the back of the neck. When only one muscle is affected, the subject's head twists toward one side. When he tries
to move his head the other way, he feels considerable pain in his upper shoulder. When both muscles are affected, the subject
may feel global pain in his posterior lower neck and between and above his shoulder blades as he tries to bend his head down.
The effects usually disappear within three days, but the next time the subject grinds his teeth during the sleep or chews hard
food before going to bed, the same thing happens to him again.
The described symptoms may worsen after eating mercury-containing food (fish, shellfish) or chewing very hard food, or after
a dental "restorative procedure" of the old fillings. The interaction between mercury amalgam and other dental metals (gold, steel,
and titanium) commonly produces voltages of several volts and currents of several tens of microamperes. The voltages easily
exceed the 0.7V firing potential of neurons, and erratic muscle jerking results. The subject's saliva and the metals in his mouth
create a battery, and the electric current speeds up the release of mercury many times. The battery is "improved" by eating
and drinking certain foods. Also temperature variations in the mouth affect the release of dental mercury into the body.
In addition to the chemical impact, the electric currents produce their own harmful effects. These are discussed below.
Electric currents may affect the operation of the entire cerebral hemisphere. If the left hemisphere is predominantly affected,
mathematical abilities, language production and comprehension, muscle control of the right side of the body, and interhemispheric
communication can become severely disrupted. Drawing a clear line between the effects of mercury and electricity is difficult.
Some of the believed effects of electric currents might be caused by mercury poisoning, or some deficits that appear to
be associated with the left hemisphere might be attributable to the right hemisphere.

Poor muscle-eye coordination. This may become apparent only during typing or interactive sports and games.

Inability to type by touch without looking at the keyboard.


Dyslexia (typing >>> tpying >>> tyipng)

Skipping over parts of a read text

When writing, omission of central portions of long words (transatlantic >>> translantic)

A word that is on the tip of the tongue and is believed to start with a specific letter almost always has the believed initial
letter in the middle. For example, when you try to recall the name of a man whose name seems to start with an M, the man's
name may turn out to be Thompson or Domhus, or Pembrook.
Occasional failure to register an entire spoken sentence
Mental perseverance and frequent failure to comprehend that a situation has changed. This problem is accompanied
by the inability to spontaneously register and incorporate new input into one's thought process. This problem permanently
exists in patients with frontal lobe damage and is known as the perseveration phenomenon. In a dental patient, the frontal
lobe is functional, but using it requires a lot of the subject's energy to stay attentive, focused, and fully conscious. During
moments of physical or mental fatigue, the subject may not engage the frontal lobe and may default to habits. Interestingly,
the dental patient's memory works normally, and he may later realize where he made poor judgment.
Frequent interruption of the short-term memory (sclerosis)

General difficulty socializing and interacting with people

Loss of interest in doing interactive activities (video games)

Difficulty tolerating bright light and sharp sounds (bright turn signals, sirens)

Difficulty processing sensory information quickly

Difficulty recalling well-known words/facts quickly

Inability to concentrate, easily distractible

Inability to exactly repeat a long sentence that someone just said. Difficulty with sentence repetition has been associated
with lesions of the supramarginal gyrus [23].
Difficulty with grammar. Poor ability to learn and correctly use verbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. This deficit may be
due to disrupted functional interaction with the Broca's area.

Inability to process music by the left hemisphere

Inability to follow rhythm

Many manifestations of Wernicke's aphasia (reliance on the right hemisphere; preferable use of words that rhyme or
produce internally perceived rhythm; poor semantic thought)

Difficulty spelling from memory, but easy spelling when writing or reading

Blurting out words in an incomprehensible way

General difficulty controlling one's tongue, lips, and vocal cords

Low ability to hear oneself speaking; poor registration or poor comprehension of one's speech

Difficulty with algebraic operations; loss, distortion, or confabulation of intermediate results. The subject is usually unaware
of his problem. The only objective feedback is poor scores on a math test. The subject may be sure that he can solve the
problems. He is aware of his knowledge of the necessary mathematical procedures and can apply them correctly. But the subject

rarely checks his work, and when he does, he is prone to overlook obvious mistakes. This leads to poor test scores despite
good knowledge of the subject.
Difficulty remembering short articles, songs, or poems by heart, especially when they are not personally interesting

Difficulty remembering a series of items

Difficulty remembering personally unimportant information

Gradual loss of intellect and school performance (an early symptom)

Difficulty to grasp scientific concepts that others consider relatively easy

Learning to drive a car and driving in traffic can become very challenging

Reduced ability to solve problems

Suppression of all emotions

General feeling of inadequacy

Difficulty associating names with faces. Electrical stimulation from intracranial electrodes frequently disrupts naming of
familiar faces [2].
Mercury poisoning can cause schizophrenia. The most frequent and probably easiest way to develop schizophrenia is to breath
mercury vapors. This is one of the two main reasons that dentists have some of the highest suicide rates of any occupation.
Also Michael Faraday, a well-known physicist, developed schizophrenia by breathing mercury vapors. Schizophrenia caused by dental fillings seems le
schizophrenia tends to give the patient a puffy face.
An interesting idea has emerged lately about the possible effects of mercury on the epigenetic DNA. The Author has clearly
documented that organic compounds can change the epigenetic information during critical developmental phases. The changes
can affect the body and be manifested within weeks. Schizophrenia, which is an illness of the brain, usually does not occur quickly,
because the brain first needs to develop and acquire its adult cognitive architecture. Only then can the corrupted DNA manifest
brain malfunction. This often happens between the ages of 18 and 21, ages that are associated with the completion of
neurocognitive development.
The effects of mercury during intrauterine development could explain why schizophrenia seems to be hereditary and why twins
and siblings have higher chances of developing schizophrenia if one of them does. The exact mechanism behind such genetic
changes would have to be identified so that the hypothesis of genetic mutations could be confirmed. The fact that only some
siblings develop schizophrenia later in life hints that relatively small variations in the intrauterine environment can have major
impact on the corruption of the epigenetic material. Interestingly, the affected children may have perfect teeth throughout their
lives and never receive dental amalgam fillings. A researcher who only pays attention to teeth may find no connection between
mercury amalgam and schizophrenia. This is so because the damage to the children is done during gestation; the poisoned
persons and sources of poisoning for the next generation are the mothers.

Dental mercury tends to concentrate in the brain and organs. This may cause global malfunction of the human organism.
Hypoactivity of all glands. It is not clear why so many glands are affected concurrently. Mercury is a potent poison and
might be able to harm many glands. Or the mercury might affect the pituitary gland, which controls the functions of most other glands.
Low production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. There is inability to digest food, which causes nutritional and
vitamin deficiency, redness in the face, itchy and moist anal orifice, excessive production of gases.
Symptoms of malnutrition due to malabsorption. This disorder is also known from birds poisoned with microscopic amounts
of lead. The birds may starve to death [25] despite having adequate food intake. Likewise, the digestive system of humans is
unable to process food. What goes in may come out intact. This failure most notably involves carrots, vegetables, nuts, seeds,
but also candy. Feces lose their usual dark-brown color and become light-brown, orange, yellow, or whitish. At other times,
feces have very dark-brown, almost black color. Diarrhea often alternates with constipation. Bowel movements may occur
several times a day or as infrequently as once in four or five days. During constipation, feces may become small and round
and come out heavily coated by mucous that normally covers intestinal walls. Blood may be present. Or the dehydrated feces
become very large in diameter and are very painful and difficult to pass. At times, up to 16-inch-long continuous feces come
out after days of no bowel movement. It seems that the starving human organism is trying to get maximum nutrients out of the food, and that may be on
Foul-smelling stool, urine, and breath

Gas-filled floating feces

Abdominal bloating


Chronic diarrhea; may last 6 or more months in advanced stages of mercury poisoning

Relative shortness of breath; may show only during sports, especially when running in races

Frequent infections

Inflammation of the esophagus

Inflammation of the rectum, rectal itching

Occasional brief but rather intense chest pain

Osteoarthritis throughout the body

Double vision or blurred vision. Poor depth perception. Poor dynamic range of vision. Some optical features may disappear
when looking into a bright light. In high school, the Author failed to see the fine lines of a scale inside the microscope.
All he saw was a fuzzy bright light, but nothing else. Similar difficulties exist in a poorly lit room when looking in people's
faces against the window. The bright light coming from the outside makes the faces appear very dark, almost like silhouettes,
and recognition of facial features is difficult. Many of these problems are associated with swelling of eyeballs and difficulty
to change the shape of the eye lens.
Tingling in the fingertips
Shaky fingers

Loss of precise control in the fingers

General signs of multiple sclerosis

Low energy

Low sex drive

Erratic muscular responses, muscle jerks

Constant muscle tension (because of electric currents in the mouth)

Eyes are "habitually" pulled to the left (or right)

Natural eye-blink reflex to moisten the eyes occurs very infrequently

Very poor balance, occasional vertigo. Pull toward one side when standing or sitting. The Author was told at 18 that he
was leaning to his right side while sitting. Until then, he was unaware of his problem, which has bothered him ever since.
When standing, he can feel a pull to the right and has difficulty telling whether his body is completely upright. When he starts
writing a line of text by hand, the line gradually rises, and the end is typically about 1/4 inch higher than the beginning is. Only
by carefully watching the paper, can he produce a horizontal line. An opposite deficit was seen in one of the "terrorist letters"
shown on television. All the lines were dropping at about the same rate (1/4 inch per 6 inches of text).
Stiffness and/or paralysis in an entire side of the body (due to electric currents). The right hand feels strong, slow, clumsy,
and insensitive. The left hand is used preferably.
Slow responses to stimuli (early symptom)

Overall apathy toward stimuli

Dry eyes (an early symptom)

Liver malfunction and retention of water, especially in the belly and buttocks; later followed by the enlargement of breasts in males.

Strange pressure, as if swelling, in the pancreatic area (relatively advanced poisoning)

Poor tissue connectivity (ingrown toenails, separation of the skin from fingernails)

Lips develop blisters and peel in cold weather

Mouth corners crack because of fever produced by allergy to pollen, virus, or fungus

Very dry skin in the face in response to allergies. Celery and other sources of sodium help.

Receding, inflamed, and bleeding gum

Brown discoloration of the nails

Loose and sore teeth. Chewing hard food is painful. Teeth can be wiggled by applying relatively mild pressure.

Micro-cracks in the frontal surfaces of the incisors and deep longitudinal cracks in the incisors (layering of the incisors).
Loss of bone mass inside incisors. The frontal surfaces may cave in and produce visible dips and deformation of the teeth.
This condition is associated with partial loss of tooth enamel (the surface layer) and extreme sensitivity to cold, heat, and
mechanical touch by fingernail or toothbrush. The tips of the incisors may become brown, fragile, and stop regenerating. Dark
discoloration may occur along the vertical edges of the incisors. Just breathing at temperatures below plus 20 degrees C
(about 70 degrees F) produces mildly painful sensation in the front teeth. The loss of bone mass is a consequence of nutritional
deficiency resulting from damage to internal organs, especially the liver.
Damage to the teeth is only one of several degenerative symptoms. The teeth stop regenerating and gradually die from
the tips. The incisors show this trend most prominently. The tips become thinner and deformed, but the teeth become thicker
at the gumline. The tooth thickness may increase by 30%. The same problem affects the big toenails and is usually noticed
years before the changes in the teeth are. The toenails become dead at the ends, have poor connectivity with the skin, and
become about 2 to 3 times thicker than is normal. The toenails are dead as soon as they emerge from below the skin. An
identical damage happens to the hair. Hair begins turning white from the ends and gradually decays toward the follicles.
Again, the follicles become thicker. Many die and cause inflammation. Some damage resulting from this type of deterioration
is invisible. It can only be felt as stiff joints, loud cracking of joints during movement, and pain in the joints and surrounding
muscles. Skeletal deformities, twisted limbs, and abnormal pull on muscles may develop over several years. Immobility and
untimely death can be expected in some of these patients.

Longitudinal ridges on the nails (arthritis). Nails may become thin and flat between the ridges.

White spots in the nails (very early symptom)

Pale spotty areas on the palms of the hands

Brittle nails. Attempts to offset the damage with calcium supplements (even chelated calcium) may lead to severe
calcification in the spine and pinching of nerves. Use only organic calcium in the form of milk and other plant (spinach) or
animal products.

Loss of toenails after long walks or hikes, blisters under nails. Often complete regeneration of lost toenails. The Author
reports that he completely lost (gradually shed over the period of 4-6 months) and later completely regenerated his toenails on his big toes at least four

Symptoms of diabetes

Extremely low cholesterol level

Constant feeling of being cold, hungry, and sleepy

Low body temperature (35.0 to 36.0 degrees Celsius); freezing in the summer

Temperature dysregulation during later stages of illness. The body can handle neither cold nor heat. Body overheating

while driving in a car on a summer day may result in an inability to walk, even slowly. Simple resting is of little help. Restoration of energy should occ

Waking up exhausted after a 10- to 12-hour sleep

Leg kicking during sleep

Arm jerking during rest or sleep

Excruciating contraction of toes after prolonged exposure to cold (early symptom)

Excruciating contraction in the calf muscle, about 5 to 8 cm (2 to 3 inches) below the knee. This condition typically occurs
during rest that follows strenuous walks or jogging and is exacerbated by cold.

Yeast infection throughout the digestive tract; constant intestinal micro-tremors

Vaginal yeast infection

Feverish, burning, cracking and bleeding lips

Persistent or recurrent redness in the face (advanced illness)

Enlarged capillaries in the white of the eye

Frequent collection of mucus in the throat (catarrh) especially after waking up

Substantial loss of mucus (intestinal lining) in feces

Stuffy nose

Ear infections; fluid buildup and clogging in the ear canal

Partial deafness

Ringing in the ears

Frequent nose bleeding or dryness in the nose in dry climate

Persistent polyps in the nose and mouth

Painful, swelling eyeballs

Discolored spots and "blisters" in the white of the eye (advanced effects)

Clogging and swelling of the outlets of salivary glands inside the mouth

Sticky tongue due to dryness in the mouth

Extreme allergies to pollen and household chemicals; frequent sneezing

Unavoidable sneezing after looking directly at the sun

Allergies to car travel when the fan is running (because of pollen in the air)

20 to 25 attacks of diarrhea per day after taking antibiotics

Low heart rate during the day at complete rest (52-54 beats per minute) and especially before falling asleep (46-48 beats
per minute) at the age of 15 years; an early sign
Alzheimer's-like symptoms; recovery may be possible. Documented by Tom Warren in a book about his personal
experience. Information about this dental patient is on the internet.

Skin bumps, hard nodules, or finger-like formations in the skin (the fingers can be 2-3 mm in diameter and up to 6 mm long)

Overall weight gain and puffy face

Permanent occurrence of many freckles after a few days in bright sunshine. (Weak immune system).

Abnormal findings of proteins in the urine (relatively advanced stage of poisoning)

The patient's body may produce "toxic" sweat; bed sheets may dissolve

Internal bleeding (blood in the stool, urine, ejaculate, and phlegm)

Susceptibility to jock itch and athlete's foot; fungal infections

A pea-sized nodule at the thyroid gland develops overnight and lasts several weeks

Painful swelling of glands (testicles and thyroid)

Blue palms, hands, and feet when temperature drops below 20 degrees C (advanced illness)

Numerous dark-red capillaries just under the skin of the feet; advanced illness

The head is spinning after making a somersault (intense tingling/burning sensation spreads from the navel toward the
pubic region)

Destruction of brain tissue because of electric currents in the mouth. During examination at the dentist's office, a current
of 41 microamperes was measured between a place under the Author's tongue and his golden crown. Later that day, the
Author repeated the measurement himself and obtained a reading of 120 microamperes. To put these numbers in perspective,
here are a few examples of how electric current affects neural tissue in the brain:
Direct current of 1,000 microamperes applied for 20 seconds causes lesions in the dorsal hippocampus of the rat [4].

Shi and Davis produced lesions in the insular cortex of the rat by passing direct current of 1,000 microamperes for 10 seconds [6].

Just 500 microamperes applied for 10 seconds can reliably destroy amygdaloid nuclei in the brain of the rat [3].

Li and Pan produced marking lesions in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of the rat by means of mere 50 microamperes
applied for 30 seconds [7].
Of course, a dental patient cannot limit the current in his or her mouth to a few seconds. The currents vary in magnitude, but
flow at all times. Interestingly, electric currents that are needed for proper operation of the human body tend to be no more than
2 microamperes [5]. Yet some neural structures use much smaller currents. Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of the rat receive
inhibitory synaptic currents ranging between 0.1 nA and 1 nA [33]. Such a sensitive circuitry can be easily damaged by the

potentially high currents emanating from dental fillings. And, as toxicology and lesion studies reveal, damage to the cerebellum
can have devastating effects on motor, sensory, and cognitive functions of the brain.

The electric currents in the mouth are caused by batteries consisting of amalgam and other dental metals. Like in an industrial
battery, there are two electrodes and an electrolyte. Silver, mercury, and copper are metals found in most batteries on the
market. These metals have excellent electrical properties and also are the key ingredients of mercury amalgam. One of the
electrodes in the human mouth is typically an amalgam filling. The other electrode can be dental gold, steel, or other amalgam
filling, or an area of the mouth that has the opposite charge. Like real batteries, also dental fillings have a limited capacity and
can supply electric current for a limited time. If an ammeter probe is attached to a mercury filling and the other probe touches
a place under the tongue, the resulting current will discharge the battery within seconds. It may take over a minute before the
battery restores its charge. The electrolyte, which is essentially saliva and other oral fluids, has major effect on the resulting
voltages and currents in the mouth. Every filling usually has a different voltage, and sometimes even of opposite polarity. If
aluminum foil or metal tea spoon or other metal happens to short together the dental surfaces with different electrical potentials,
the sudden discharge of the dental batteries may cause sharp pain or facial muscle spasms as the affected neurons respond to
the erratic electric stimuli.
Allergies after liver damage. Inability to fall asleep because of splitting headache in the forehead. Substantial reduction in
the intensity of the headache after standing up, but the headache spreads to the parietal and occipital lobes, and sometimes
even to the lower jaw. Within an hour, the subject may hyperventilate, lose his muscle control with the lower jaw and the whole
body shaking. The subject is feeble and may feel that he may collapse to the floor. Within seconds, the subject vomits, which
is how most of these attacks are resolved. After vomiting, the headache is often gone almost immediately, but mild fatigue usually
last even after waking up in the morning.
Food allergies vary over time and daytime; most strike just after going to bed. The worst allergies are produced by a combination
of exposure to pollens and certain foods. Some of the bad foods are: lamb, pears, peaches, salmon, eggs, and peanuts.
The allergies only occur sometimes.
Allergy and splitting headache can also be triggered by household chemicals, sudden change in weather from dry to rainy,
or from hot to cold, or from calm to windy. Viral and bacterial infections may also lead to the same condition. The headache
can last for many hours, sometimes even two or three days. The remedy can be incredibly simple. Dissolve one tea spoonful
of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in a cup of warm water. Drink the solution. You should feel better in seconds. Drink another
cup of the same solution, and the headache should completely disappear within minutes. But beware of carbonation. Too much
pop is not good for your intestines. You may produce gas if you overdo it.
The splitting headache is associated with poor pH balance. Baking soda restores the digestive environment closer to normal.
Baking soda may not work when the headache is relatively mild or is caused by factors other than indigestion, or is taken too
late after ingestion of the offensive food. Vinegar has also been reported as helpful in treating this condition. Vinegar is a weak
acid. This is a paradox because the overall sensation during the headache is one of acidity, and citrus fruits (particularly oranges),
which are supposed to be acidic, frequently cause the headache and digestive disorders. So, there is more to the condition
than appears on the surface.
Cure for cirrhosis is unknown, but detoxification of the liver does benefit the poisoned dental patient. Dramatic loss of extra
weight may occur within 2 to 4 weeks and continue for several months until the patient's weight is restored to near normal.
Detoxification also significantly reduces the symptoms of arthritis. A great improvement may occur in mental clarity (thanks
to the disappearance of encephalopathy caused by poisonous byproducts in the brain) and in the overall level of energy.
Sleep requirement may drop from 12 hours to 9 hours per day.
Many of the above mentioned problems arise from nutritional deficiency. Lack of vitamins and minerals is known to be
the usual cause of death in wild animals held in captivity. Humans are undoubtedly affected in the same way and often die
before reaching old age. Iodine is the usual element that is in short supply. Food sources of iodine are relatively few, and the
impact of low iodine levels is major. There is water retention, tingling extremities, loss of reliable control over limbs, swelling
joints, arthritis, inability to handle heat and cold, constant fatigue, hair loss, no initiative to do anything, loss of interest in the
surroundings, and loss of interest in human interactions. Related problems and many others are caused by the deficit of
manganese.Administration of manganese can restore muscles and tendons, can remove old hard nodules in veins
(atherosclerosis), can enlarge pupils from small to normal size, and can bring slow heart rate to normal speed. Also
potassium is an essential nutrient. It helps remove toxins from the body by flushing the lymph nodes. These three elements
are vital and their combined action is far-reaching. They affect all major systems of the human organism.
Another important element is copper. A lot has been mentioned in the medical literature about copper toxicity. The impression
is that copper is bad. However, copper is an element that supports vital functions. Depletion of copper can occur for several
reasons. Malabsorption is one of them. Similarly, chelation removes heavy metals from the body along with copper. High and
prolonged intake of zinc also depletes copper. The consequences can be cracking joints, weak immune system, neuropathy in
fingers and feet accompanied by major tingling. Writing by hand is very difficult. Walking, occurs in short steps without proper
coordination. The subject can lose balance or may trip easily. Tendons and muscles respond erratically. Knees may buckle
after minimal stimulus. A bad step or step-down can send the subject to the ground. Muscles and joints can become very stiff.
Swelling of extremities may occur. Heart rate is erratic, and heart beat is weak. Breathing is faint and shallow.
It may take months before the true cause of the trouble is identified with certainty. Vitamin B12 is the usual cause of the
described problems, but there may be contributing deficiencies of other vitamins or minerals. Just taking vitamin B12 orally
may not work, because the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (hypochlorhydria) prevents digestion of the vitamin.

The alternative is to take B12 injections, or a pill (or liquid) sublingually. Most health stores carry the B12 vitamin. Leave
the B12 under the tongue until the substance fully dissolves and is absorbed by the tissue. Caution! Most forms of vitamin B12
(known as cobalamin) come as cyanocobalamin, which means they contain the poisonous cyanide. A safe alternative is
sublinguallly taken B12 in the form of methylcobalamin. The daily dosage needs to be between 1 and 5 milligrams. After taking
the pill, tingling in the fingers may start improving within 20 minutes, but complete recovery typically takes months. If B12 was
lacking for many months or for years, there may be permanent damage to the nervous system.
All the above-mentioned elements may be useful in restoration of health, but may produce little improvement if taken individually.
The best approach is to take all essential minerals and vitamins in relative and absolute proportions, usually supplied as a pill
or capsule. It is critically important that the food supplements are of organic origin, that means coming from plants or animals.
Many food supplements in supermarkets are non-organic. They may contain oxides or sulfides of metals. These non-organic
substances are not beneficial, and often are harmful. A better alternative is a chelated product. It contains atoms of the needed
metal in combination with an organic molecule. A mineral in this form is easier to digest. Yet the best option comes in the form
of concentrates of animal and plant products. Plants are able to extract and use nutrients from non-organic soils and minerals,
but animals and humans must get nutrients from living things.
Recovery from nutritional deficiency is difficult because the digestive system is damaged and cannot extract nutrients from food.
Food supplements with big amounts of nutrients are needed for years to make the digestive system work on its own. Production
of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, for example, may never recover, and lifelong maintenance of the human organism may
be needed.


Loss of intellect results in strong adherence to habits

Loss of emotions results in indifference to the suffering of others

Global body shaking when staying in one position for too long (either standing or sitting)

Inability to sleep on one's side (because of electric currents and a loss of balance)

Keeping one's head below the blanket during sleep to preserve body heat

Wearing thick sweaters in the summer and pulling the blanket over the head in sleep

Craving sugar and foods high in energy

Inattention to semantic, personally unimportant topics (very poor observation talent)

Difficulty recalling one's duties, assignments, homework, and priorities at the right time

Watching TV, movies, and school lectures so that eyes preferably look to the left
Some of these indicators reflect damage to the left hemisphere. Damage to the right hemisphere is likely to result in excessive looking to
the right, and does not need to produce significant deficits in the observation talent and school performance. The likely consequences will be
loss of emotion, personal care, and socially appropriate behaviors. The mental impact is manifested in dental health professionals who harm
their patients, but believe that they provide medical care.


Brain Stem Damage

Many of the above problems occur in patients with brain stem damage. Sinha reports that indicators of brain stem infarction are the
following: vertigo, dizziness, sensation of ear canal blockage, slurred speech, clenching and grinding of teeth, double vision, and leaning to
one side when standing or sitting [8]. Damage to the brain stem can also be deduced from the Author's experience. He reports that the day
he began mercury detoxification, he started having between 1 and 3 dreams per night with no night without a dream for full 6 months.
Dreams are usually associated with brain stem activity [9]. However, the core of the damage is vestibular disorder. The vestibular
cortex of the brain stem, which is involved in balance, cognition [31], and autonomic functions [32] is damaged, most likely by electric
current or voltage, and also by mercury. The consequences are sensitivity to ear pressure at high elevation or in deep water, dizziness, balance problems
divided attention and multitasking, difficulty following or playing music, problems with short-term memory, poor self-monitoring,
allergies, digestive disorders, and other health problems mentioned on this page.

Brain damage can also dramatically affect IQ and problem-solving abilities. The person may find solutions to everyday problems
only hours or days later, or after he makes a mistake. The mistake is obvious in retrospect, but often cannot be identified and avoided in
real time. In addition, vestibular symptoms are often associated with subtle visual and ocular motor dysfunctions, such as heterophorias
and accommodative-vergence dysfunctions [37]. In other words, the eyes can be unfocused at close and long ranges, and have difficulty
accommodating quickly to changing optical stimuli. A superb description of the symptoms of vestibular disorders was produced by doctor
Kenneth Erickson [31]. Unfortunately, cure for vestibular disorders probably does not exist. Neither the removal of mercury nor the removal
of the sources of electricity from the mouth can undo the damage done. Some doctors report improvement after extensive cognitive stimulation,
but such results are far from certain.
Seeing Circles
This is a strange symptom that has been experienced by the Author since his early teens, at which time he already had mercury amalgam
fillings. When he closes his eyes and fixates his vision on one spot, as if looking through his eyelids, he can see black-and-white imagery.
On the blank background, he can distinguish tiny circles that look like micro-bubbles floating haphazardly before his eyes. Within a few
seconds, some of the circles rapidly join together and form a single vertical string that starts to oscillate from side to side around one of the
anchored ends of the string. This phenomenon is usually transitory and cannot be sustained for more than a few seconds, but can be evoked
repeatedly and at any time. The string of circles is between about 8 and 12 mm long. The typical string length is about 10 mm. The circles
can vary in size and numbers from barely perceptible to almost 1 mm in diameter. They all seem to move at constant speeds, roughly a few
millimeters per second. The freely floating bubbles can be viewed for tens of seconds. At some point, there is a sudden rush as a few adjacent
bubbles start hopping on top of each other to build the string from the bottom upward. It is not possible to tell where in the swarm of circles
the buildup will start, but when the string is fully formed and appears to be positioned at the center of the visual field. The actual oscillations
of the string only last between 1 and 3 seconds, and then the string disappears. The other bubbles can be seen even thereafter.
Seeing Crossed Needles
This is another odd visual phenomenon experienced by the Author in connection with his mercury fillings. When his eyes become tired and
he wipes them, he can see 2 crossed sets of about 4 or 5 regularly spaced black-and-white needles in each set. The needles are similar in shape
to the needles of a spruce. The imagery lasts a second or two and usually cannot be reproduced soon after the experience. At least several
minutes of rest must be allowed to evoke the phenomenon again. The needles, like the circles, are grayish outlines, rather than bright-white
or dark-black images. There is no color. The needles at the center are about 10 mm long, while the needles at the edges are shorter, about
7 mm long. Each needle is about 1.5 mm wide at its center and becomes narrower toward the ends. The spacing between the needles is about
the same as the width of each needle (1.5 mm). The group of needles is never vertical or horizontal, but always occurs at an angle of about
45 degrees. A second group of 4 or 5 needles comes at 45 degrees from the other side and forms with the first group a complex pattern
similar to the letter "X". Interestingly, the two groups of needles never intersect or blend directly. One set of needles runs its full length,
but the opposite group of needles stops when it approaches the other group, and continues on the other end of the "X" pattern. The Author
only started seeing this imagery shortly after the removal of his mercury amalgam fillings. Similar "X" patterns are well-known to be caused
by damage to the visual system.
Disruption of the Circadian Rhythm
Inability to fall asleep and excessive need for sleep are likely to develop during advanced stages of mercury poisoning from dental fillings.
The subject may be going to bed a little later every day, unable to stay in synchronization with the day-night cycles. The "sliding" can be
half an hour to two hours per day. About an hour per day is average. This means that the subject can go through the whole 24-hour cycle in
about 3 to 4 weeks, staying up a little longer and waking up a little later. This cycling can go on for years and is difficult to overcome.
At times, the subject may become stuck in the reverse circadian rhythm. He works through the night and sleeps during the day. He may be
unable to continue "sliding" and may stay in this reverse pattern for several weeks before he finally begins sliding again.

A pregnant woman with mercury amalgam fillings runs a high risk that her fetus will be malformed. The more fillings she has and the
more chemically active her fillings are, the more mercury her fetus receives. Mercury fillings that are in contact with other metals, or root
canal that is filled with mercury amalgam (common dental practice) is particularly dangerous. The consequences may be:

Malformed skeleton (chest, jaws, and other parts)

Abnormal teeth (missing, misplaced, malformed, too big, or too small)

General brain damage

Sensory defects

A study conducted by the World Health Organization in Calgary, Canada in 1989 found substantial damage to the liver and kidneys in
experimental sheep and monkeys. Mercury was found in the brains of the fetuses of the pregnant sheep (Vimy, 1989).

Note: The ADA has recently issued a statement (2008) that mercury amalgam may be harmful to the fetuses of pregnant mothers.
This may seem like a progress, but it is not. Adults are affected by mercury amalgam, too. This type of mentality (protection of children
and abuse of adults) is almost universal in medicine. Adults can be poisoned and maltreated, but unborn children must be defended at any
cost. This attitude reflects poor emotional intelligence . Most doctors do not acknowledge that biological damage to adults does affect even
children who are not yet conceived at the time of the damage. Chemical and other attack on the human organism may cause permanent
damage to the DNA and affect all future generations, even though the parentsappear healthy.

Mercury poisoning from dental fillings can be a serious and life-threatening illness. The poisoned subject may barely function and may
continuously struggle to handle everyday chores. If the subject happens to discover what the cause of his problem is, this is only the
beginning of a long journey. The difficult part of treatment is finding a specialist who knowns the symptoms of mercury poisoning and
can devise a successful treatment. There are powerful prescription drugs that facilitate detoxification. The patient will also need additional
prescription medication, often administered by the doctor. Treating oneself at home would be very difficult. Finding the help of a doctor
is all-important. Unfortunately, most patients will end up with a local doctor who never heard about mercury poisoning or does not believe
in such an illness. Even worse, the doctor may not be able to recognize the reported symptoms, or dismisses their existence, or rationalizes
the reasons behind them. The following stories are real, but have been heavily edited to make them suitable for easy reading. A visit to an
average family doctor may look like this:
"Doctor, I do not feel well," a male patient in his late twenties says.
"What is your problem?"
"I constantly feel cold, hungry, and sleepy. And I have had diarrhea for six months."
"American food is junk. You need to eat real food. That could be the cause of your diarrhea, wouldn't you agree?"
"My previous doctor sent me to the hospital, and they found micro-tremors in my intestines."
"It's probably because your worry too much. Try to relax and exercise. How many days a week do you exercise?"
"Not much lately. I feel very tired."
"You need to exercise at least three times a week."
"Doctor, I found this website, and everything points to mercury poisoning from my dental fillings."
"You cannot believe everything you read on the internet. There is a lot of junk science out there. Let me see. Open your mouth, please.
Your mouth looks normal. Have you ever taken any prescription medication?"
"I took HZT for 300 days."
"HZT could be the cause of your problems, wouldn't you agree?"
"No, because I had stopped taking HZT, and my health was still getting worse. I constantly have a white tongue. It is often coarse,
burning, cracking, and bleeding."
"I don't see anything. Let me get my light." The doctor retrieves a cheap flashlight from his desk and points the yellow beam in the
patient's mouth. "It looks normal," he concludes.
"Doctor, I really do not feel well. Could you do a blood test to find what the problem is?"
"You don't need a blood test. Your blood pressure is normal; you are young; I see no problem."
"Doctor, please, just to be sure. Can you have my blood tested?" Unwillingly, the doctor instructs the nurse to take a blood sample.
The patient is due to come back in a week.
"Good morning, doctor. Did you get the results of my blood test?"
"Yes. The results are normal."
"There is no problem?" the patient asks in disbelief.
"You are healthy now. You may have had a flu last week, wouldn't you agree?"
"But how is that possible? I have so many problems. I suffer from fluid retention in my belly, and my breasts have been enlarged the
last five years."
"Enlarged breasts are caused by drinking milk. American milk is not good, wouldn't you agree?"
"But doctor, I only started drinking milk last year."
"That is hard do believe. What is your occupation?"
"I am an office clerk. I had to leave my job recently. The fillings and gold in my mouth produced electric currents and affected my short-term
"Really?" the doctor says and drops his lower jaw, allowing the patient to see the metallic surfaces in the doctor's mouth.
"I accept that dissimilar metals can produce some small currents, but they are harmless." The doctor drops his lower jaw again, apparently
getting a kick out of the reality check, and stares at the patient. "I have metal in my mouth," the doctor says, "and I am not sick."
"Doctor, I also have difficulty with divided attention, and other vestibular problems."
"Vestibular problems! Good you are not a doctor."
"And I also suffer from allergies to pollen."
"How serious is it?"
"I am just recovering from one such attack. Sometimes I develop a disabling pain in my hip joint or lower back. The pain is so bad that
I can hardly sit or lay down for days."
"You cannot get lower-back pain from allergy to pollen. How is your intelligence?"
"It's good. I took a test, and it's good. And I also have an ingrown toenail."
At this point, the doctor has had enough of the difficult hypochondriac and seeks ways to get rid of him. The doctor sends the patient to
a podiatrist and to an immunologist.

At the podiatrist: "Yes, your nail is ingrown. It is because you cut your toenails incorrectly. You need to cut them straight. Cut your
toenails properly, stimulate them by scraping off the dead tissue below the toenail, and your toenail will grow back normally. And I
will give you medication. Your nail is infected by fungus."
Two days later, the antibiotics cause the patient severe diarrhea, making him visit the restroom 8 times before midnight. The next day,
the diarrhea results in 25 attacks. The patient recognizes that the cause of the diarrhea is the medication and stops taking the pills.
Nevertheless, the following day produces additional 20 attacks of diarrhea before the patient's digestive system returns to normal.
At the immunologist, dozens of plant extracts are injected in the patient's arm. He reacts to everything. It is plain that his immune
system is severely compromised. The doctor requests the patient, "Open your mouth and say ahh." The immunologist looks the patient in
the face and asks, "Are you gay?"
"No. Why?"
"It's because gay men," the doctor explains smiling, "who engage in oral sex, have a white tongue, just like yours." And the doctor's
facial expression reveals that he is not fooled by the denial.
Back at the family doctor, the patient is having his blood tested every week. After four tests, the doctor is beaming: "I have never seen
such a low cholesterol level. You are very healthy."

Mercury detoxification is a difficult process. Consider reading Hal Huggins's book [1]. Removal of dental fillings, especially large number
of them, should not be done by an average dentist who has no previous experience with the procedure. Cooperation between a qualified
physician and a dentist is usually required. Replacement of mercury fillings is covered by insurance. If you are uninsured, expect to pay
between $100 and $150 per filling. Dentists replace fillings as part of standard dental work. They remove the old corroded fillings and install
new amalgam. The problem is that the removal of amalgam fillings suddenly releases big amounts of mercury vapor, amalgam dust, and pieces
of scrap metal into your body. For this reason, removal of amalgam and replacement of amalgam with a biologically compatible material
is usually done gradually by jaw quadrants. The huge amounts of mercury the patient is suddenly exposed to need to be controlled by means
of appropriate medication, such as Captomer, buffered vitamin C, activated charcoal, milk thistle seed extract, and other suitable diet, vitamins,
food supplements, and medications. At has been reported on the internet that cilantro is able to mobilize mercury and remove it from biological
tissue, including the brain.
After amalgam replacement, the patient may feel worse for several days. Depending on the level of damage caused by mercury, the patient
may gradually improve in almost all aspects. Unfortunately, the removal may cause more and lasting damage in other areas. Also the electric
currents, if not "turned off" properly, may cause additional damage to the brain. It may take up to 5 years before the patient can tell whether
his health is improving or getting worse. The determination of the overall patient's trend is difficult because there are many ups and downs.
The patient may experience mental improvement, and his energy level may increase, but his physical symptoms may get worse at the same
time. Adverse symptoms that did not bother the patient before may occur several years after the removal of amalgam fillings. These side
effects might be caused by excessive doses of vitamins or prescription medications. Telling what causes what is next to impossible because
there are so many variables and so many health problems. The Author experienced some of the worst somatic consequences 3 or 4 years
after the replacement of his dental amalgam fillings. His problems included internal bleeding, swelling of the eyeballs, testicles, and thyroid.
His short-term memory was the poorest at that time. Additional biological deterioration may show 10 or more years later as arthritis or loss
of bone mass. On the other hand, the Author expected to be dead within 2 weeks just prior to the removal of his amalgam fillings. So, any
setback in the patient's health should be viewed from the overall perspective and in relative terms.
MSM natural organic sulfur (methylsulfonylmethane) removes mercury from the body. Unfortunately, MSM is normally produced from
shellfish, which contains mercury. The side effect can be bloating, water retention, dramatic swelling of joints and worsening of arthritis.
In addition, MSM often comes with glucoseammine, which can lead to acute hemorrhoidal attacks. A better choice is to use sulfur from
non-marine sources. Alfalfa, peaches, and eggs can be safe alternative sources of organic sulfur. However, eggs (and especially eggs with
potatoes) can trigger a severe allergic reaction with splitting headache, vomiting, and abdominal swelling.
Extract from milk thistle seed (silybum marianum) repairs and detoxifies the liver. A common produce, red beet, reportedly also cleanses
the liver. By contrast, salt, cheese, fat, and grease damage the liver and can lead to severe vomiting, splitting headache, and other effects
described above. In addition, some individuals may be sensitive to larger doses of milk thistle taken before sleep. More than 1 pill (about
400 mg) may lead to very unpleasant smooth-muscle contractions or chemical imbalance and awakening. Males with enlarged breasts
because of liver damage may experience dramatic breast reduction overnight, but the breasts become big again in the evening. This is
another reason to take only one pill at a time, but several times a day. After a few years, even these remedies may become ineffective,
and the root cause of the problem needs to be found. Iodine supplements can control the breast enlargement well. Care needs to be taken
not to overdose on iodine. Selenium will prevent the negative effects of iodine. Selenium also binds mercury and makes it harmless.
Ultimately, the real issue may be Omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin D deficiency. These two ingredients come combined in a single gel
capsule and should be taken in high strength, possibly several times a day. The remedy is rapid. Within two days, there is unmistakable
reduction in water retention throughout the body, breast size in males, skin hives, and arthritis. Vision may become remarkably better at
both short and long distances after years of persistent problems. The vision improves because swelling of the eyeballs subsides, which
allows the eye lenses to function properly. A few days later, many of the benefits may fade, and the patient may be back to the usual pains
and aches. These examples suggest that there is no unique medicine that cures all. The secret seems to be in the correct proportion of minerals,
vitamins, and other nutrients the body needs. But the proportion varies over time, and finding the correct balance is a constant challenge.
Sadly, the poisoned dental patient has much more to worry about than just a few health problems. It is important to pay equal attention to

many other issues. Mercury poisoning can and usually does affect multiple systems of the body. Nutritional supplements can make life
bearable. The thyroid gland is a vital organ that needs to be helped. Hypoactivity of the thyroid gland can result in sluggish reflexes,
frequent hoarseness, excessive loss of hair, abnormal temperature regulation, and other problems [24]. Iodine can repair the thyroid gland.
The straightforward approach is to buy kelp tablets in a health food store. And that is a poor choice. Kelp is marine grass that contains
mercury. A safe source of organic iodine is onions, but there are even better sources. Most health food stores now carry iodine in capsules
or as a liquid.
Among the most affected organs is usually the colon. This fact explains the loss of mucous intestinal lining in feces, the excessive production
of gases, the bloating of the belly, and the poor regulation of fluids in feces. The condition is often referred to as irritable bowel syndrome.
Damage to the colon seems to be among the most lasting effects of mercury poisoning. Decades may pass with only minor improvement
in the functioning of the colon. Although some doctors prescribe stimulating spices, such as cayenne pepper, these cures may cause more
harm than benefit.
Garlic is essential to sustain good health after dental mercury poisoning. Most people affected by dental mercury have compromised immune
system and suffer from yeast and fungus overgrowth in the vagina, in the intestinal tract, or in the nail bed. Garlic not only kills yeast,
but its sulfuric compounds also trap and remove mercury from the body. Similarly as garlic, also ginger root helps promote proper function
of blood circulation and kills microbes. Garlic is not called "Russian penicillin" for fun. It is essential for your health. The immune system
of a mercury poisoned person is suppressed, and yeast and fungus overgrowth often occurs. But do not overdo it. Try to stay below 3000 mg
of garlic extract per day. You will know when you take too much. You will develop gas, instead of suppressing it, and your skin will peel on
your feet and fingertips. You might also damage your liver when taking too much garlic.
Fish oil in softgels should be taken for proper heart function and to reduce stress. But fish oil can also contain mercury. Get certified
mercury-free fish oil if you can. An even better alternative is reportedly flax seed oil, but it contains cyanide.
Organic sulfur and B-complex taken twice daily can improve the overall level of mental and physical energy. Sulfur dramatically affects breast
reduction in males. The reduction is much more significant and longer lasting than with milk thistle alone. The beneficial effects of sulfur
suggest that mercury stays in the body for many years after the replacement of mercury amalgam fillings. Mercury trapped deep within the
cells seems to gradually transfer to the depleted surface layers, where it can be accessed by sulfur and other substances. This process is slow.
Elevated levels of intracellular mercury can be expected even after 20 years. One way to speed up the process of mercury excretion from cells
and the body is to take L-glutathione. Heavy metals concentrate in the liver, where L-glutathione can access them. This medication is available
in most drugstores, but doctor's prescription is required. L-glutathione makes heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium and chromium,
and many other substances ready for excretion from the human body [29, 30]. A patient who uses the above supplements should experience
substantial reduction in bloating, water retention, body swelling, and arthritis.


The American Dental Association (ADA) is trying to persuade the public that dental mercury amalgam is a harmless substance. According
to ADA's decades-old claims, only 100 people ever developed allergies to silver amalgam fillings. No serious health problems or deaths,
just some vague allergies in exactly 100 unknown patients. Naturally, their identities and the nature of their allergies cannot be disclosed
to protect patient privacy. The ADA cares so much about the dental patient.
In contrast: The federal "universal waste rule" does not authorize disposal of fluorescent lamps or other mercury-containing lamps in
landfills [11]. What cannot by tolerated by the municipal landfill is obviously safe inside your mouth. Furthermore, regulations of the
United States Postal Service ban shipment of mercury and mercury-containing devices. The list of banned articles is posted at every post
office. Again, what cannot be shipped in a package is safe inside your mouth. And, when a mercury thermometer is broken in a classroom,
they evacuate the whole school. But the ADA is trying to make you believe that mercury is safe.

An affidavit signed by a coroner of the State of Washington and presented to the ADA in the city of Sea-Tac in January 1990 during a
public hearing stated that Mercury poisoning is a leading cause of death in people under 40 who die naturally. An expert hired by the ADA
testified at the same hearing that It is absolutely safe to digest half a pound of mercury, which corresponds to 16 milliliters, or a liquid ball with a diam
message was that no one should worry about one more questionable substance because everything is poison. And every doctor on the Dental
Disciplinary Board nodded his or her head. They had to be right. How else would they justify the presence of two armed policemen inside
the room and two other armed policemen outside the door? The security was needed. "The board members recently received anonymous
death threats," the Head of the board shared with the audience. One has to wonder why good doctors who help patients get better are
threatened by the ungrateful subjects.
Although some ADA factions portray mercury as no more dangerous than water, other dental groups, such as the South Florida District
Dental Association, claim: Mercury and mercury vapor are toxic, and may produce acute chronic poisoning, and damage mainly the nervous
system. Once combined with other metals, however, mercury alloy becomes quite safe [10].
Maybe "quite safe" for the dentist, but often deadly for the patient. Dentists know that they have been placing in patients' mouths mercury
for 150 years. Acknowledging that they have been administering poison to their patients is unacceptable to dentists. Such a remote possibility
is out of question. Dentists are health professionals. They could not poison anyone. But they have been using mercury. And mercury is
a poison and a neurotoxin But they are so educated, so scientific, and so honorable Okay, the adjectives make it clear; dentists are
professionals with unquestionable integrity. That is an indisputable scientific fact. They are above reproach. But how do you get from
poison to a harmless substance?

You see the dilemma? That is the problem. You have this poison that is dangerous to the dentist, and then you have this substance you
can freeze, melt, or boil, and it is still poisonous. And then it suddenly becomes safe. How can that be?
It is obvious. Once mercury is used in silver amalgam and is placed in the mouth of a naive patient, mercury must, one would guess,
become quite safe.
That's it! That explains everything. Once amalgam is put inside the patient's mouth, mercury cannot harm the dentist. He is quite safe.
Reasoning along these lines is known to psychologists as rationalization. Clinical experience shows that the usual cause of rationalization
is loss of emotional intelligence. In one form, rationalization produces involuntary false justifications. In another form, rationalization leads
to minimization and self-righteousness in an attempt to preserve one's self-worth when confronted with one's evil acts. This rationalization
is deliberate. The affected subject has reduced mental ability to tell the difference between right and wrong, and holds an unshakable belief
in one's mental and moral superiority. Although it is difficult to find the exact reason behind the rationalization of individual dentists, the
reason for the collective belief in the safety of mercury amalgam can be deduced from official records and acts.
The controversy involving the alleged safety of mercury in dental amalgam has a very long history. Only recently, the ADA stopped
claiming that elemental mercury is no more dangerous than water. Nowadays, the ADA claims that not mercury, but only dental amalgam
is safe. The ADA has also changed its long-held position that no mercury leaves amalgam. Nowadays, the ADA admits that some minute
amount of mercury does leave amalgam, but this amount is allegedly safe. Clearly, you do not need dental bureaucrats with fancy titles to
tell you this fact. If you can taste the amalgam in your mouth, the amalgam must be leaving the fillings and interacting with the tongue. If it
were not so, you could not taste the metal.
So, this is where we are today. But if dental amalgam is safe, why states, such as Idaho [18] and Washington [19], treat dental amalgam
as hazardous waste? Also the District of Columbia is concerned and threatens dentists who improperly dispose of amalgam with administrative
actions [22]. Even the United States military is concerned with environmental safety in connection with the disposal of dental amalgam [20].
This is really something because the military used to call nuclear fallout "nuisance" and Agent Orange "harmless." Our brave soldiers in
Iraq routinely lunch next to ordinance containing depleted uranium, and sailors on submarines live only a few feet from nuclear reactors.
You really wonder why the military worries about something that is quite safe. But if it is safe, why does the New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation label both mercury and mercury amalgam as toxic, hazardous waste? [21]. Do you understand the logic?
It is toxic for the environment, but it is allegedly "quite safe" for the dental patient.

The ADA might rationalize a little more and try to persuade the public that the amount of discarded dental amalgam is many times higher
than the amount of amalgam in the mouth of a dental patient. But such a claim would be nothing more than another lie, deception, and
rationalization. According to an EIP Technical Memorandum of the Palo Alto (California) Regional Water Quality Control Plant, an
average dentist generates only 2 grams of dental amalgam waste per day [17]. By contrast, a dental patient can easily have 6 or 8 large
dental amalgam fillings. The Author had fillings in 10 teeth, plus a golden crown placed on the top of an amalgam extension of his molar. If a patient ha
337 cubic millimeters. And how much does it weigh? Amalgam contains about 50% mercury and about 50% of other metals by volume.
There are two types of mercury amalgam. The volume of mercury in amalgam is 50% or 51%. The first percentage is for regular amalgam,
and the second percentage is for gamma 2-phase amalgam [38]. The secondary metals in amalgam are silver (35% or 32.5%), copper
(1.5% or 2.5%), zinc (1.5% or 0.5%), and tin (12% or 13.5%) by volume. These percentages are approximate because each secondary
metal can vary by a few percent. The specific gravity of the metals is about: Hg = 13.6, Ag = 10.5, Cu = 8.9, and Zn = 7.1, Sn = 7.1.
The regular amalgam has specific gravity of about 11.567, and the gamma 2-phase amalgam has specific gravity of about 11.565. Since
the numbers are so close, any amalgam can be considered to have specific gravity of about 11.566. The number means that amalgam is
11.566 times heavier than water is, and one cubic centimeter of amalgam weighs 11.566 grams. The total weight of the amalgam in the
clinical example is 0.337 x 11.566 = 3.9 grams. This means that a relatively average dental patient can have inside his mouth almost twice
the amount of the dental amalgam waste produced by a dentist per day. If a patient has the kind of fillings the Author had, or has his root
canal filled with dental amalgam, which is standard dental practice, the total amount of dental amalgam can probably exceed 10 grams. T
he question is: Why does the state worry about environmental pollution with 2 grams of dental amalgam when a dental patient has several
times more amalgam inside his mouth?
The answer needs to be obtained scientifically. As was mentioned above, the ADA is a professional organization with unquestionable
integrity. So, obviously, we do not question the unquestionable and conclude that there must be something wrong with the state.
Indeed, there is something odd about the state. State officials are unable to see the world from a wide angle and from a long-term perspective.
Has any state considered what happens when dental patients die? According to ADA dogma, only a minute amount of mercury leaves
dental amalgam. This means that a deceased man has practically all his mercury amalgam in his teeth. Then they burn him. The mercury
is released from the 10 grams of amalgam no one cared about while it was inside the patient's mouth, and the poison suddenly becomes
an environmental hazard. The vapor escapes in the atmosphere and poisons all living things: the short-sighted environmental protection
agency, the dentist who installed the fillings, the Dental Disciplinary Board that defended the poison, the ADA leadership, and all other
public officials who did nothing to stop and prosecute the evildoers. This kind of behavior, when a person knowingly causes harm to self
or others, is known as psychopathology. However, some countries have passed laws that prohibit burning of dead bodies outside special
crematoriums equipped with mercury traps. It is really striking how some nations care about the environment and ignore living people.
The ADA claims that it does not prevent dentists from disclosing that fillings contain mercury [14]. This is a misleading statement. True,
dentists are allowed to tell patients that silver-colored amalgam, as the ADA calls it these days, contains mercury, if the patient asks about
the ingredients. But the ADA neither advertises nor encourages the disclosure of this fact. Similarly, the ADA does not advertise that the
ADA has fought hard to stop a regulation that would require dentists to disclose the ingredients in dental amalgam to patients prior to treatment.
The ADA position has been that silver amalgam is safe, and thus there is no need for your informed consent. The ADA has already decided
for you.

The issue surrounding mercury amalgam is further complicated by the euphemistic expression silver amalgam. Silver is generally associated
with beneficial properties, and the word amalgam is understood by an overwhelming majority of people as a blend or mixture of presumably
silver with something else. Most people do not know that amalgam also has a technical meaning: a compound of mercury with other metals.
Similarly, the ADA is not telling you that it has been stripping insubordinate dentists of their licenses. Any statement contradicting the official
position of the ADA on the alleged safety of mercury amalgam is unconscionable, and a cause for immediate revocation of license. The public
hearing mentioned above was held for such a purpose, and the state provided the police protection. And the ADA certainly does not publish
on its website officially recorded statements of thousands of patients who have been adversely affected by mercury amalgam and testified in
public hearings before ADA committees. Such testimonies are deliberately held out of the spotlight and are replaced by the politically
favored statements of the ADA.
An interesting aspect of ADA research regarding mercury toxicity is the fact that only officially approved sources can be used for research.
Any statement, article in a medical journal, medical study, etc. that has not been approved by the ADA cannot be used as a source for mercury
toxicity research. So, the ADA behaves like the Catholic Church. Only approved materials may be used to study the world. Anything that
discredits the divine origin, such as Darwin's theory of evolution, is unacceptable and unscientific. That is how the ADA operates.
There is a reason why the ADA deliberately hides the truth from you. Poisoning the nation for 150 years is a serious crime. If the ADA and
other branches of the government admitted to such criminal acts, unprecedented lawsuits and Nrnberg-style trials could follow. You know
what happened in Nrnberg. Mass murderers were tried, convicted, and hanged. Such a bleak prospect sends a bone-chilling message down
the spine of every mass murderer who poisons people with the Zyklon gas, herbicides, pesticides, harmful medicine, or dental poisons.
Preserving the myth of dental amalgam safety is a matter of survival. This is one of the reasons why anything that disagrees with the official
ADA position on mercury amalgam becomes unscientific and unconscionable by default.
Naturally, mercury is not the only poison dentists use on their patients. Some dentists use sodium fluoride during dental treatment. The
medical industry puts the very same chemical in your toothpaste at the recommendation of the ADA. Similarly, municipalities nationwide
put sodium fluoride in your drinking water at the recommendation of the ADA. You can see for yourself how beneficial sodium fluoride is by
visiting a website. No unscientific website, but the official website of the American Dental Association. There are two beautiful pictures of
dental fluorosis [13]. Interestingly, fluoride has no known function in the biology of the human body. Millions of years of species evolution
found no use for fluoride, but the ADA has something to sell you, a poison that you allegedly must have.
Sodium fluoride, a byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry [12], is a rodenticide, but is no longer controlled as a hazardous substance
by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [16], or by any other branch of the United States Government. Rodent is a small mammal
with long front teeth, such as mouse or rat. Rats and mice are chiefly used in medical research because their immune system is similar to
that of humans. And you are familiar with the suffix "cide" from words suicide, homicide, andgenocide. Members of the American medical
establishment have apparently never met a poison they did not like.
The interesting thing is how federal agencies responsible for public health approach the issue of poisoning of the nation. The National
Institute of Health (NIH) makes a bold statement that virtually all water contains fluoride [15].
What! Virtually all water already contains fluoride! The fluoride is already in there? There is no need to add additional fluoride to my water
supply? Fluoridation is unnecessary? The NIH wouldn't be ripping off the citizens and indiscriminately medicating them without their
consent, would it? The NIH would not be lying about the need for fluoride to make an extra buck, would it?
It is hard to tell whether the NIH would lie or not, and it is equally difficult to have it both ways. On the one hand, the NIH projects the idea
that sodium fluoride has always been in almost every water source in amounts comparable to man-fluoridated water, and on the other hand,
the NIH sends out the message that the NIH is not giving you anything extra, but you have to get it anyway. Interestingly, fluoride has no
known function in the mammalian organism, and is unnecessary.
Why is the NIH pushing something you do not need? Is the NIH a drug pusher? Is fluoride the drug of choice of the NIH? The naive public
may never learn the truth. Nevertheless, you can trust your NIH and need not worry about your municipal water supply, because all water
contains fluoride. Either barely detectable amounts of naturally occurring fluoride, or many times higher concentrations of fluoride bought
with your tax dollars.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is also responsible for this practice. The Center for Disease Control condones it as well. The
Surgeon General gives his or her final blessing, and the (now former) Congressional Heart Surgeon and the President are only happy to
hear that the medical industry and the government are in total agreement.
If you have followed the news lately (2006), you may have heard an FDA official say that All drugs have side effects. This is the same
message as that of the ADA and NIH. Why worry about one more dangerous substance? Ultimately, you will die of something. The
government and the medical industry are actually doing you a favor. They help you reunite with your creator much sooner than he has
planned for you.
Following the philosophy of administration of poisons to the public, the pharmaceutical/governmental conglomerate has decided to add
mercury to vaccines. A little mercury can only be good for you, the professional psychopathic belief goes. Just how little it is can be
expressed in numbers. The concentrations of mercury can reach between 25,000 and 50,000 ppb (parts per billion) in the form of
thimerosal [26]. Ninety percent of the flu vaccine contain 50,000 ppb mercury [27]. By 1999, the CDC recommended a total of 22
vaccines to be given before children reach the first grade [28].
A lot has been mentioned in the press about the possibility of autism onset in response to exposure to mercury in vaccines. Whether
vaccines are the main cause of autism is hard to tell because many other factors can cause autism. However, dental amalgam interacts

with the saliva and converts mercury to methylmercury, which is incomparably more toxic than mercury itself. Methylmercury is known
to produce complete architectural disruption of neuronal elements within the cerebellum during critical periods of development [34], and
a study found that chronic methylmercurialism in the squirrel monkey causes substantial neuronal degeneration and gliosis in the cerebellum
and vestibular nuclei [36]. Furthermore, numerous studies link autism with neuronal atypicalities within the Purkinje and granule cells of the
cerebellum and other neural structures [35]. Finally, the Author's research, which approached brain malfunction from a totally different
angle, also revealed that disruption of the integrity of the cerebellum and vestibular nuclei can produce many neurodegenerative illnesses,
including autism.
Interestingly, studies conducted by various health organizations around the globe found no correlation between mercury and autism.
By contrast, the case of amalgam-caused schizophrenia clearly shows that studies of mercury effects must include previous generations.
But even if the focus is solely on the vaccinated child, one really has to wonder whether mercury (a known neurotoxin) injected into the
human body will cause any harm to the recipient. Is it possible to tell? Even if an illness develops, it cannot be linked to the vaccination
with absolute certainty. The only way to resolve such an issue is to engage one's emotional intelligence. But what if a person has never
developed it? Then he is likely to conclude that there is no harm. Without emotional intelligence, he may rationalize that 50,000 ppb is
just 50 parts per million, which is mere 50 cubic centimeters or milliliters per one cubic meter. Such a small amount cannot harm anyone,
a person with reduced emotional intelligence concludes. Perhaps the genius would change his mind if the 50 milliliters were cyanide or
arsenic and were added to one cubic meter of his drinking water. But in the case of mercury, the intellectual never asks why the mercury
is added in such a small amount in the first place. Because it is potent and helps preserve the vaccine. But what will preserve the patient?
This web page is ridiculous. The unqualified claims cannot be taken seriously. They fall in the category of "anecdotal evidence" so often
mentioned by the ADA. There is no proof that any of the scare tactics on this website have any foundation. Unless the claims are confirmed
by a governmental body, they cannot be trusted.
Absolutely correct! Only official claims released by the government can be trusted, such as:

Iraq was trying to buy nuclear materials in Africa. (George Bush II)

The United States knows about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. (Colin Powell)

We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad. (Donald Rumsfeld)

Some of these weapons are deployable within 45 minutes. (Tony Blair)

But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. (Condoleezza Rice)
The medical/governmental conglomerate has the same mentality as the military/governmental conglomerate has and commits health
crimes against the People in the name of medical care. In essence, you are dealing with Organized Crime. The President nominates the
Surgeon General and the heads of federal agencies responsible for public health; and governors nominate the heads of Dental Disciplinary
Boards. In parallel, the US Congress passes laws that protect all members of government-organized crime against prosecution and public
hanging, and the US Supreme Court rules that such laws are constitutional. In turn, the medical industry financially supports the re-election
of judges and politicians, and everybody involved is getting rich. The described acts may seem like straightforward money-making operations
with no regard for human life, but the issue is rather complex. To comprehend why the medical industry and the government behave this way,
and why the common people do nothing about it, you need to learn about the mental and social consequences of childhood sexual abuse .

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