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Bloque 1. Presente simple y presente progresivo Bloque 2. Pasado simple y pasado Progresivo: Bloque 3. Auxiliares de modo y voz pasiva Bloque 4. Estrategias de lectura en textos “Nowadays we know that it is very important to speak English, this is not for culture, this is a necessity that everybody has” José M. Servin Glez. Presente simple y presente progresivo Al finalizar este bloque, seras capaz de: Present continuous When we talk about an action that is happening st moment, we use the verb to be and we add ing to a verb. Affirmative form sing “complement 1 am writing letter Notice the uses of the verb to be according to the subjects. Werbiobe [ng ‘am studing he, she, it is working we, you, the are playing Interrogative form We form questions by adding the verb to be at the beginning. \s he working in the office now? Negative form We use anvis/are + not to make a negative sentence “Verbtobe | i ‘am not We also use contracto is rot= lant are not = arent respecto al sujeto y las expresiones temporales propias de éste. [~a36 LL ‘= Reconocer las formas verbales del presente simple y presente progresivo, mediante Ia posicién que guardan con Gulia para el Examen de Certificacién del Nivel Medio Superior Present simple When we state facts and describe habitual actions we just use a simple verb. Look at the structure. Subject ‘Simple verb _ complement. 1 drive my new car. Rules to conjugate verbs with he, she and it ‘When the subject is a third person (he, she or i), we place “s” after the verb. Examples Pablo speaks English Arturo lives in the city. Elena takes a shower, When the verb ends in s, z, ch, sh, we add es. Examples Cross > Crosses Watch > Watches ‘Wash > Washes cS ® h ey ; E ae { a The driver crosses the street. Alicia watches the TV. Veronica washes her face. When the verb ends in ¥ following by a consonant, we drop the y and write jes. Example We can firid special cases like: study > studies Go > coos do > does have > has Margarita studies math. Ana goes to school by bus. Daniela does the horewok Mara has a dog

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