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Analisis Swot Perdagangan Online melalui Instagram

Sebelum memasarkan sebuah produk ke pasaran, ada baiknya jika anda

mengetahui kekuatan, kekurangan, peluang, dan ancaman yang mempengaruhi
pemasaran produk anda. Sebab tanpa informasi tersebut, anda tidak dapat
mengetahui seberapa besar potensi pasar yang ada, minat pasar akan produk anda,
apa saja peluang pasar yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memasarkan produk, serta
tingginya tingkat persaingan pasar saat ini. Maka dari itu, adanya analisa produk
sangat penting untuk dilakukan sebelum anda menawarkan produk tersebut.
Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa produk yaitu metode
analisis SWOT. Metode ini menganalisa dengan menggunakan dua faktor penting,
yaitu faktor internal yang berupa kekuatan dan kelemahan. Serta faktor eksternal
yang terdiri dari kesempatan dan ancaman. Cara ini menjadi salah satu kunci bagi
para pengusaha untuk mengetahui potensi produk mereka, sebelum akhirnya
mereka menentukan strategi pemasaran yang paling efektif untuk produknya.

Kekuatan (Strengths)

Kekuatan yang mendukung pemasaran produk antara lain kemampuan perusahaan

untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas, tampilan kemasan produk yang
menarik, harga yang bersaing, serta pencantuman merek pada produk. Selain itu
support dari team maupun manajemen, serta dukungan teknologi untuk
memproduksi produk, juga menjadi kekuatan Anda untuk menciptakan produk yang
berkualitas dan mampu bersaing.

Kelemahan (Weakness)

Selain kekuatan, faktor internal lainnya yang dilakukan dalam analisis SWOT yaitu
dengan mengetahui kelemahan yang dimiliki produk tersebut. Misalnya saja seperti
ketahanan masa expired produk, kegiatan promosi yang belum optimal, proses
produksi dan distribusi produk yang cukup lama, kemampuan SDM yang masih
kurang, atau kurangnya minat masyarakat akan produk tersebut.


Peluang (Opportunities)

Peluang yang bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemasaran produk yaitu,

berbagai media massa yang dapat digunakan sebagai media iklan, adanya
kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengembangkan UKM dengan mengadakan berbagai
event untuk usaha kecil menengah, serta kondisi masyarakat yang semakin
konsumtif. Sehingga mempermudah pelaku usaha untuk memasarkan produknya.

Ancaman (Threats)

Yang keempat yaitu adanya ancaman dari pihak luar. Seperti jumlah kompetitor
yang terus meningkat, munculnya produk baru yang lebih unggul, kenaikan harga
bahan baku karena jumlahnya semakin terbatas, serta beberapa ancaman lainnya
SWOT analysis for Snapchat

Below is a free and comprehensive SWOT analysis for Snapchat, which details the
current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the business currently


Unique software the offering from Snapchat is a very unique approach to

messaging and mobile communications. The application allows the business to
differentiate itself from the ever-growing social media sphere.
Privacy Snapchat uses functionality that deletes content upon sending. This
messaging tool allows for a more private, and less risky long-term, approach to
interacting with others through social media. This is very different to platforms such
as Facebook and Twitter where messages are stored and available to read until
manually deleted.
Mobile The simplistic mobile-ready design gives the application an easy-to-use and
sleek interface that surpasses many of its competitors.
Stories Snapchat has embraced the growing trend of storytelling through social
media and successfully left a mark on just about every major event by creating the
story feature. Snapchats have been taken and shared all around the world at some
of the most iconic and popular events.

Controversy There have been many controversies that have surround Snapchat is
the last year or two. One specific topic that has been negatively publicized is its
ability to enable things like sexting, offensive or lurid comments, or abuse of others
without any evidence available for further investigation.
Customer Frustration Snapchats inability to retain messages and content can be a
frustrating side effect as much as a useful feature. Customers cannot access historic
data with pictures only live for a 24-hour period. Other social media sites such as

Facebook and Twitter, allow the user to post a picture and then revisit the photo a
later day.
Monetization Snapchat still needs to implement plans around monetizing the
application. It has ever-growing hordes of followers but is yet to generate any
significant revenue through sales.
Historic Data Snapchat is not permanent. Pictures are only up for a 24 hour period.
Other social media sites allow the user to post a picture and re-visit the photo at a
later time.

Expansion Snapchats growth has continued to boom, especially among

teenagers, allowing for the courting of advertisers looking to attract these
consumers with vast disposable income. More and more businesses are turning to
influential users of Snapchat to reach the masses with their products and services.
Functionality Snapchat continue to make their mark as a leading innovator in
social media and maintain regular updates and features. They have recently added
the new lens feature to their application enabling users to cover their faces with
whacky interactive themes and images. Additional features continue to offer
uniqueness for teens and helps to keep users engaged, preventing them from
moving to alternatives like Facebook or Instagram.
Dominance Snapchat has the opportunity to establish itself as the top social
media channel in the coming years. The target audience for Snapchat ranges
anywhere from early teens to adults with just about every single age group using
the application to engage with friends and family. Innovation will be key to their
quest for dominance.

Negative PR Both negative press coverage and public opinion, especially

influenced by cyber bullying and sexual abuse, could easily mark Snapchat as a
strong medium or enabler for such issues. These may have legal implications
further down the line.
Legal Snapchat has been the subject of many negative news stories in the past
year and the legal ramifications of the application are yet to be brought to light. The
business may have avoided major liability issues for now, but they continue to lurk
and pose an uncertain threat.Innovation Snapchat is competing well in a fierce
and saturated market. The company continues to demonst

Analisis SWOT Facebook


Integration with websites and applications. To enrich user experience and engage
more users to use Facebook, the social network has launched many features that
would allow closer integration with other websites and producers of applications
that run via Facebook. Easy integration and use of applications results in
competitive advantage over other social networking websites that struggle to
provide the same level of service.
More than a billion active monthly users. For a social network to grow, it must have
users. The more users the Facebook has, the more socially connecting it is. With one
billion active monthly users, Facebook is able to connect people not only locally but
globally as well.
Excellent user experience. Facebook has an easy to use interface, is integrated with
many website, can connect people through PC or mobile devices, is translated into
more than 70 languages and has many more additional features that lack other
social networks.
Understanding of users needs and behavior. Except Google, no other business has
so many data collected on what users like, dislike, needs and how the users behave
online. With so much data, Facebook knows what exactly to offer to its users (what
additional features, what advertisements) and how to further improve their
experience with Facebook.

Weak CTR of advertisements. Facebook has a lower click-through-rate (CTR) than an

average website, which is only 0.05% and about 4% respectively. In order to earn
more income from the advertisements Facebook has to change the way it displays
the ads (advertisements on wall posts have more than 6% CTR) but without
interfering users experience.
Social network lacks of some features. Although Facebook has a wide range of
features that other social networks dont, the website still lacks: video chats, group
chats, dislike buttons, ability to unsubscribe from alerts and many others.
One source of revenues advertisements on Facebook. More than 80% of
Facebooks revenues come from advertising on its social network. The growth of the
revenues directly depends on the growth of users. This leaves the business very

vulnerable and dependent on continuous growth of users, which will eventually be

only marginal as the social network has already attracted so many users.
Attitude towards users privacy. Facebook collects private users information and
then stores it, uses it for its own purposes or sells it. Such treatment of users
private information draws negative attention that decreases popularity of Facebook.
Lack of website customization. Many Facebooks users spend a lot of time on social
network and want the website to reflect their personalities but are unable to
customize the website to their needs and are forced to use uniform template for all
users. In comparison, Google+ allows for much more personalization of the social
network account than Facebook does.
Weak protection of users information. Facebook, having so many users that upload
personal information to the social network, is a target for attacks that steal
passwords and other personal information from the users. Such attacks occur every
day and thousands of passwords are stolen. Though, Facebook is not doing enough
to protect users from identity attacks.

Increasing number of people using Facebook through mobile devices. Currently

Facebook has more than 600 million users who use Facebook through mobile
devices. Despite that this group makes 60% of all Facebook users, the mobile
advertising only accounts for only 14% income for the company. Facebook has an
opportunity to create a platform that could be used to display ads for mobile users
and increase firms income.
Expansion to China. Easing government regulations and newly elected government
may open a way for Facebook to enter Chinas social networking market. Until then,
Facebook should prepare itself for such an entry.
Diversify sources of revenue. Facebook heavily relies on advertising on i
SWOT Analysis: Social Media Twitter

Large market reach or penetration

Easy to set up
Very useful if you are setting up a digital engagement strategy (to new people,
young people)

active community members who are willing to become institute representatives

build a conversation and converse with others and build close networking bonds
quick information exchange
Direct contact with audience (almost like face-to-face)
Lets you follow and connect with people/groups that interest you but are not
necessarily your friends (as with Facebook). Authors, celebrities, co-workers,
colleges, organizations, whatever
Cost-effective in the sense most of the platforms are free. They just demand time
Human factor: Your brand becomes more HUMAN
Media exposure
Twitter is in a strong market position in micro-messaging. Facebook is the only real
competitor here and they attract users for different reasons.
Build strong, long term relationships through online social networking, at a faster
pace than just relying on traditional face-to-face networking
Gets tons of publicity.
Is a thing on its own (almost no competition in microblogging)
It is simple but powerful
It is 100% social in an all-social web
It is free
Has developers creating hundreds of applications around its API.
Its definitely not evil (yet)
Businesses, Organizations, Companies like it a lot
It is real-time
It is searchable
It is totally RSS-enabled
It is the ultimate link discovering and sharing tool
Tweets show link attachments (may need to be shortened)
Some post-secondary institutes use it openly (not blocked on intranets)


Tough to train or convince management team/group members on social media

A lot of Why Bother from most mainstream (i.e. Facebook users) people
Needs more horsepower. It is down quite often
Unequal distribution of tweets. 90% of tweets are coming from the top 10% of the
Has low retention rate. Only 40%.
Lack of tools or resources to track and monitor social media campaign results
The API calls are limited. Hurts App growth
What about information leakage, liability, security, and management?
Effort vs results: Even if it is more measurable than other channels, it is difficult
(especially for small business operations) to balance the effort put on social media
against the results obtained
Consistency: Engaging with your audience at a direct level means more efforts in
terms of keeping a consistent message/ corporate image
Making up for mistakes: The time-frame to correct errors that affect your audience
is less. Because you are heavily exposed, your company has to take action more
promptly than if you werent (especially if people are having conversations about
your brand, you will have to engage and clarify)
Blocked at many work sites: management sees it drops productivity; hurts bottom

Creating/joining online presence on sites where the company currently doesnt exist
Great opportunity for individuals and organizations to connect and exchange
New target or niche markets that are untapped: students, the public

Promotions, news, events that can be offered through social media platforms
Partnerships with other groups, organizations, schools, government, etc
Penetration into a new geographical market quickly
Recruitment of interested new members, students, public support
Allows you to build short and long term relationships with prospects
Humanizes the brand and makes the recruitment process more personal
Twitter could become our digital public face to the world
Can gain deep insights into real-time trends, news, and all of us; be the pulse of
the internet as said by Founder Biz Stone
Integration into real-time games, media, and apps. Weve barely scratched the
surface so far on whats possible. Twitter as real time infrastructure.
It can become a dominant search engine
It is becoming the biggest social media marketing tool
It may acquire some of the desktop clients or the url shortenin

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