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1 can cause brain abscess except tenia pedia

#2 when mandible moves to left what happens to condyle on right..?

# 3 part of inferior portion of tmj

synovial membrane

beruer reflex

5 # Renal artery atheroma will cause secondary HT

protein causes increase blood glucose level, the released alanine caused
transfer protein to liver that will form glucose( by coris cycle)

found in -stratum basale

resist or prevent excessive protrusive movement ?!

ligament responsible to move condyle anterior when yawning -spheno

1 collagen most dominant type in all except


of toxigenic disease

nucleus is found in
2- hypthalamus
3-medulla and other options
8888 Found in cn 7
Could be post pons or medulla anterior part

of liver all except

****phagocyte function

with chronic granulomatous disease is exposed to second infection by


#16 Patient had surgery for adenoid with tonsillectomy becasue it caused obstruction of upper resp ,
what part is the obstruction

exposed to bacterial endocarditis due to

**1 rheumatic cardia

supply of parathyroid gland ?! Inf thyroid

that need to be activated to become active carcinogenic

1 protooncogenic

19 # something that transfer or carry disease vector and fomiate in the options

20#Pt sensitive to hot main fiber causing this

C fibers

21# case with partially woven healing bone is seen in how many weeks
three ****

22#Increase in vertical overlap will

23# something about G protein all are correct except one of the options was it
****G protein inactivate adenylate cyclase

determined by renal blood flow or GFR?


26#What is not part of the upper respiratory tract

2 pertussis***

analogue used for

treat hepatitis

vaccine changes due to change in

capsid or envelope

29 #What affect liver and pancreas


30 All of the following cause cancer except


31 #Most probably cause of acute gastiritis

Acute gastritis is caused by acute irritants that overwhelm the mucus lining that
usually protects the stomach mucosa. Irritants include aspirin or other NSAIDs
(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), poisons (including strong alcohol)

Chronic gastritis usually results from infection with helicobacter pylori (or H. pylori).
In the United States, H. pylori infection is present in about 20% of Caucasians, but
in over 50% of Hispanics, African Americans, and the elderly. The infection rate of
adults in underdeveloped countries may be as high as 90%.

causes all except pyelonephritis

patient complication are all except

****4 osteopathy

34#Preganglionic when entering dark feild .. I thought mydriasis so chose sympathetic effect

35#HPV so patient with cervical sq cell carcinoma affecting keratinized sq epi

36#Urticaria due to latex gloves so

1 type I and allergen is protein****

37#Acetyl coA doesnt come from


40#Widest FL cross section in

42#Tmj cartilage is 1ry , 2ry , from meckel cartilage


43 #Glucose by GLUT
active transport

44#Diff ( ) smooth and skeletal muscle calcium binding on myosin

45#Nerve injured after stylomastoid so what is affected submandibular or facial muscle

46#Infection toward root of lung affect bronchiole or pulmonary artery ?

47#All effect from tobbaco smoking except .melanoma

49#Pt with HIV and u took biopsy found with lymphoid tissue so most likely is
non hodgkin lymphoma

50#What remove pyrimidine dimer ?


52#something with solubilty rate Ksp and preciptation rate

53#before taking a biopsy from right mandibular swelling with pateint taking pain medication not
effective u should
1- take CBC count complete blood count ****
2- MRI
3- stop the pain medication for 24 hr
4- give antibiotic treatment
54#hemophilic pt with HiV and other diseases complaining of palatal ulcer against tooth 15 so ur first
dental treatment is
1- avoid any periodontal treatment
2-stop the infection****
3-treatment of tooth 15
4-dont remember it
Could be 2 but we need know exact what is asking
55# pt needs extensive periodontal treatment put she only requests for prohylactic treatment as it will
only be covered by her insurance so u do

1- respect her decision and only prophylaxis

2-do appropiate ttt and inform the pt u r doing what the insurance will cover
3-explain to pateint and refer to specialist****
4- dismiss the pateint and dont work

56#methyl of choline comes from

58#many questions about vertical overbite and increase posterior teeth height
posterior teeth height increase when
1- dec incisal guidance
2- inc condylar guidance****
3- dec canaine guidance
4- dec group function guidance

59#case with myasthenia gravis and they asked what the main cause
1- dec release
2- dec synthesis
3- dec something with receptors***maybe degradation-see deck
dont remember the rest

60# case with parkinson disease and many details about it sign and symptoms

61#pt with gag reflex as u work the cause of it what nerve X or IX

62#epithelial reticular cells found in

1- spleen

2- thymus****
3- LN
4- tonsils

63# what adducts the scapula

Rhomboid major minor
64# laceration in cheek and bleeds what nerve is injured .. Chose buccal nerve
could be depende the choice

66# all caused by rickettsia with insect except .. I chose Q fever

67# what is caused by poxvirus and not vaccinated with vaccinia

68#aorta lost elasticity what happens to systolic and diastloic pressure

inc systolic and no change in diastolic***

69# patient with asthma while workin on endodontic Treatment u hear slight whistling breathing.
Cuased due to

1- acute asthma***
2- increase anxiety

70#case with emphysema

71#last tooth to complete root formation depend choices

72# maxiallary first premolar finished root formation by

1- 10/11

73# salive is highest when

1- sleep
2- meals****
3-when not eating
Dont remmber the last option

74#how u differentiate between salmonella and shigella

1- O2 need
2- capsule*** salmonella has capsule
3- gram stain
Some others dont remeber sorry

75# infarct heals by

1- regeneration
2- resolution
3- hepatization
4- oragnization .****not sure
And another option cant remember

76# pt had Myocardial infarction and healed took part of it after 24 hr what will u find
)Person dies in 24 hours after heart attack, what will you see:
hyperplasia of muscles + neutrophils

77#flourouracil action by

78# parkinson with lewy body

79#tap in lumber area what u hit


80#most common cancer affects

bronchial ***
bronchiolar epithelium

81#what is not found in salivary gland

2- parenchyma
3- capsule

82# demilunes or crescents of mucous in sublingual gland consist of what cell

1- mucous****
3- neural

83# phosphofructokunas activated by AMP

84# what happens with thorax volume and pressure change with air moving inside lung?
I chose increase pressure air in thorax and decrease pressure air in intrapleural by doing that
pleura push air inside the lungs.
IN T p(pleura/pulmao negative)

OUTt P (pleura/pulmao less negative)

85# widest primary tooth BL is max 2nd molar bcoz of presence of cusp of carabelli in primary maxillary 2nd
molar , it is wider bucco- lingually

86# how many lobes and canals in mand first molar

5 Lobes

4 canais

87#what fungus affects lung and resmeble TB and affect macrophage ..easy one

88# penicillin and erythromycin cant be taken together because ..

Not point ,as penicillin works only in growing organism

89# why antifungal drugs cant be used with bacteria .. Answer as it affects ergosterol that is missing
in bacteria

90#pt with myasthenia graves dr said it will affect muscle of mastication and arm muscle which
muscle are affected choose three
1- supe head of lateral pt***
2-orbicularis oris
3- tensor palaitini***

91# pt having trouble with gag reflex and swallowing so all muscle involved are supplied by IX via X

1- stylopharengeous cn 9****
2- palatoglossus cn 10
3-superior constrictor cn 10
4-palatopharengeius cn 10

92# which premolar with three pits

1- max 1st
2- max 2nd

3- mand 2nd****

93Most variable stage of cell cycle is

1- M
2- G1***
3- S
4- G2

94#What premolar tooth with square outline ... Mand second pre molar

# N glycosylation occurs in ... Endoplasmic reticulum

--Rq erythema multiform


--Postural position--- msl dependent

--Knee jerk---- monosynapses

--Complement patways

--Best describe treponema pallidum

The first sexually transmitted in usa (that will be chlamydia)
or second lesion causes oral lesion ****treponema

---Which one is contagious?

condylomata lata ****
or histoplasmosis

-Linkage 1,4 in

- Nisseria and H. influenza have what in common? Capsule, pilli, etc? Ans: They both have

--Glucokinase and hexokinase ----> gluco has higher Km

Seal DNA----> ligase

--Abundant cell in inflammation ---> neutrophils

--Cell in allergy----> eosinophils

-All between mylohyoid and something else except---> lingual

--The nerve pass through

pterygomaxillary fissure was passed through which foramen----> rotundum ****
or ovale

-Falx cerebri


--Ist branchial arch innervate which msl

Musc of mastication

--2nd branchial arch innervates----> orbicularis oris and frontalis or orbicularis oculi and frontalis


--What is achalasia

--Describe treponema pallidum----> non motile spirochete and other options

--Which keeps corpus luteum during the during the first weeks of pregnancy

-Hypocalcification in all primary teeth why--->

-Fluoride I have two equations ~Simple conversion of % fluoride in solution to ppm: 0.05% fluoride X10,000=
500ppm. ~Simple conversion of fluoride ppm to % solution 500ppm X 0.0001= 0.05% fluoride in solution.


--50% of the parents---> 25% in their offspring

-Cell responsible for mucous production in COPD

Type I cell
Type II
Should be Globlets

-- Why in the peripheral chemoreceptors that work for low O2 it's contra indicated to give oxygen?
Poising with O2
Reduce loading CO2
Decrease respiratory center working ***

--Causes of shock all except----> liver failure

- -cheek bite by 3 lingual and 30 buccal
Cause of cheek bite
A. 3 buccal 30 buccal
B. 3 lingual 30 buccal****
C. 3 buccal 30 lingual

-- need carrier----> glucose


-The beginning of the cycle NH4 + CO2
-Intermediate for the cycle----> ornithime or citrulline
-direct precursors of nitrogen for urea cycle ? /source
ammonia and aspartic ****aspartate

Thyroid recepter is intracellular ??

-,Arthropod Vector disease,

--The nerve pass through

pterygomaxillary fissure was passed through which foramen----> rotundum




UMNL --> spastic paralysis

LMNL --> Flaccid paralysis


--Hypovolemic shock
If specify metabolic compensation

If not

Which duct in salivary gland, similar proximal

kidney: Intercalated duct. Both have simple
cuboidal epithelium

- Truncated

-stroke sign

-Miocardio Necrosis coagulative

-after extration

--after root canal


Last longer

1.testlets were easy to answer, I got about 8 testlets.

2.respiratory acidosis/alkalosis and metabolic acidosis/alkalosis most imp got 2-3 questions on them

3.2 questions gemination

4.congenital syphilis Hutchinsons incisors and mulberry molars question

5.alveolar crest is at what level ?below the CEJ

7.pharyngitis caused by

8.glomerulonephritis and streptococcus pyogenes

9.actinomycosis -lumpy jaw was not mentioned location of the swelling was mentioned
Problably cervicofacial

10.IgM and IgG many questions,

-salivary secretions which immunoglobulin found? IGa

11.pyknosis question direct one

12.heart necrosis-coagulative


14.soapy foam calcification found in what necrosis?

15.no latent period ? rhino virus

16.chemotaxis question

17.extra nodal found in ? non hodgkins

18.acute inflammation first found ? neutrophils

19.which teeth stained due to tetracycline when the mother is 6 months pregnant and took the
treatment--all primary

20.when is it safe to start or do comprehensive treatment for the mother in how many weeks?12

21.chlamydospores found in? histoplasmosis

23.natural passive immunity?mothers antibodies

24.all nucleated cells-MHC1

25.capsulated bacteria question

26.congestion question direct one

Passive congestion occurs when increase amounts of blood in the tissues collect secondary to: venous

Chronic passive congestion of lung, left ventricular cardiac failure

28.Trichophyton direct question

29.what are found in medullary cord?

30.autosomal disorder?-gardners syndrome

31.Stomach cancer common cause?-peptic ulcer was there I marked that????? One of them is

infection with a common bacteria, H. pylori, which causes ulcers. Inflammation in your
gut called gastritis, long-lasting anemia, and growths in your stomachcalled polyps also
can make you more likely to get cancer.
32.what is found in child and not in mother?Ductus arteriosus

35.tetany due to low serum ionized calcium

36.herpangia hand foot disease question

37.rough pneumococci-smooth pneumococci process involved -transformation

38.more mineralized dentin intratubular dentin or peritubular dentin

39.typhus fever caused byricketisia

42.speech is by the action of which laryngeal muscles

44.protrusion of hyoid by?geny

45.corneal reflex question ?57

46.ECA terminal branches? Terminal branches of the external carotid artery? Maxillary and
superficial temporal a.

47.which is not a part of circle of willis -basilar

49.tomes process enamel

Tomes fibers dentin

50.why enamel is hard than others

hydroxyapatite mineral inorganic

51.types of epithelium in resp system

Epithelium of respiratory tract - pseudostratified ciliated columnar Ep with goblet
. what is the first place where you see alveolar exchange (ans: respiratory bronchiole)

52 IAN block parotid

53.pericardium supplied by which nerve phrenic

54.lungs supplied by which nerve Parasympathetic vagus nerve

Sympathetic T2 T4 thoracic plexsus

55.smoking causes transitional epithelium cancer in urinary bladder

56.spheno and stylo mandibular ligament attachements/spheno lingulastylo mandibular angle

58.hyoid bone is formed from both 2nd and 3rd arches

59.atretic follicles found in ovary

60.foramen magnum- which passes through this Meninges Make A Special Vertical Sheath':
Spinal - Spinal Cord
Meninges - Spinal Meninges
Make - Meningeal lymphatics
A - Accessory nerves (spinal roots)
Special - Sympathetic plexus on vertebral arteries
Vertical - Vertebral arteries
Sheath - Spinal branches of vertebral arteries

61.which closes nasopharynx during swallowing

62.pain temperature-spinothalamic

63.thymine dimers formed in -UV rays

64.vital capacity =Mximum air that is present in lungs after deep breathing or after
forceful inspiration

65.few questions on cholecystoki e secretin

cck stimulates bile secretion
Secretin stimulates bicarbonate secretion from pancreas
GIP inhibits gastric emptying once acidic chyme reaches in duodenum

67.tricky question about flurouracil

Fluorouracil produces an active site-directed inhibitor for the enzyme: thymidylate synthase.

68.which cannot pass easily-sodium

69.dextrans formed by the actions ofglucose and levan

Allows bacteria to stick to teeth: glucosyl transferase (dextran &levan)
What is the substrate of glucosyl transferase: Dextran

70.competetive allosteric few questions-positive allosteric -amp for phosphofructokinase

72.hypoxia question which is first to sense

74.which is not present in the post of armpit/axilla serratous anterior

75.blood testis barrier

77.copper is used in lysl oxidase

79.most abundant T3 or T4
Yes T4 is more abundant and later is converted to T3.

81.hydrogen bonds between ?

--Type of bonds that hold together alpha-helical structure of protein: hydrogen

--- Secondary structure of a protein is held together by? Hydrogen Bonds

82.intestine segmentation

84.intermediate in cholesterol-squalene
Squalene intermediate of cholesterol synthesis

86.phagocytes found in which part of TMJ

Synovial membrane

87.cervical cancer causehpv

89.streptomycin and rifampicin MOA..both treat tuberculosis

-- Streptomycin is a protein synthesis inhibitor. It binds to the small 16S rRNA of the 30S subunit of
the bacterial ribosome, interfering with the binding of formyl-methionyl-tRNA to the 30S subunit.[7
-- rifampicin inhibits bacterial DNA-dependent RNA synthesis by inhibiting bacterial DNAdependent RNA polymerase

90.cell bodies of lower motor neurons in ?

91.purulent fluid filled sac lined by non keratinized stratified epithelium-abbess or cyst?
cyst is a sac with nonK ep

92.erythroblastosis fetalisis- autoimmune or not? No auto immune

93.adenosine deaminase deficiency- ; SCID: genetic disease

characterized by the absence of T-cells which result in defective antibody response from B and T

94.are sphingolipids used in blood typing?yes

95.adenine nucleotides cross the membrane by



96.gamma carboxyglutamate form clot reacting with

Vit k

97.factor 13 deficiency

98.vit k also called

Phylloquinone, also known as vitamin K1, is found in plants and performs the
traditional functions of vitamin K.
99.what is not the normal inhabitant of upper rest tract, dont knowpertussis??
I know that Actinomyces neslundi is a normal inhabitant of oral cavity.

100.mandible condyle formed from


101.myocardial infarction

102.subacute endocarditis by

103.most common cause of cerebral infarction -aspergillus

105.lateral spine bending---scoliosis

106.lumbar stab--kidney

107.thyrohyoid membrane pierced by-

Internal laryngeal nerve innervates pierces

108.thyroid surgery what nerve damage-recurrent laryngeal nerve

109.TB medication how many months

6 to 9 months RIPE

110.lateral canthus fracture-which bone

Lateral Zygoma

111.pain sensation of Tmj

Articular capsule

113.what Nerve between Sup and Inf constrictor

Stylohyoid ligament
Stylopharyngeus m.
Glosspharyngeal n.

114.cardiac muscle contraction inhibited by troponin I

Stimulated by troponin c

115.largest cusp of primary mandibular molar


--Place of highest osmolarity ? Medulla or Loop of Henle?

Filtrate/melita/medulla lol!

Could be also Hydroxyprolyin and hydroxylysine


-thymus /3rd pouch

factor XIII is fibrin


--shortest and longest phase in cell cycle?

Long g1
Short m
--- How does the body regulate fluoride? RQ 25-30% absorbed in stomach, remaining in small intestine.

--Cardiac muscle fibers are linked by



-- tuberculosis A classic example of delayed type IV hypersensitivity is the Mantoux

tuberculin test in which skin induration indicates exposure to tuberculosis.
- Stomach

hemochromatosis ) Condition that affects the liver and the pancreas:

hemochromatosis (aka iron overload)
Overload of copper: Wilsons Disease; affects liver and the brain!

- transformation: acquisition of an inheritable trait by bacteria mediated by DNA



--myasthemia Gravis






---case study


-Lyme disease



Rq acid fast

**Lets review this once:

1) which nerve becomes damaged during thyroidectomy? Rec. laryngeal nerve()

2) cricothyroid is innervated by?? External brach of superior laringeal nerve

3) sensory nerve above vocal cords??? Internal brach of superior laryngeal nerve.
4) sensory below vocal cords?? .Recurrent Laryngeal

5) nerve that pierces thyrohyoid membrane?? Int laryngeal



Telomeres function? Protects the end of chromosome

-Tetrahydrofolic acid


--135. Colloid cells are in thyroid

- drug, fluorouracil: aka suicide inhibitor which inhibits
thymidylate synth

-Remodel bone/reversal line/5 year


--saliva,tear ..IgA

-- Which Ig is found in local infection..IgG, IgA, IgM??

IgM is a temporary antibody that disappears within two or three weeks. It is then replaced by IgG which lasts for life
and provides lasting immunity to the person.
1. IgM is the immediate antibody that is produced once a human body is exposed to a bacteria, virus or a toxin
2. IgG is found throughout the body, mainly in most of the bodily fluids, while IgM is found mainly in the blood and
lymphatic fluids.
3. IgM is larger in size compared to IgG
4. IgM is temporary and disappears after a few weeks. It is then replaced by IgG.

-n acetyl muramic N-Muramic acid is part of Bacterial Cell Wall

It occurs naturally as N-acetylmuramic acid in peptidoglycan

Function is a structural component of bacterial cell walls. Chlamydia has



- which coenzyme is important in the synthesis of Ach and GABA? B1,thyamine

-somatostatin -- ( delta cells of pancreas /hypothalamus too)
- secretin sintheses ...s cells dudenum

- synthesis Somatotropin/GH is ? ant pituatry

--clot retraction ,factor 13its fibrin/fibrinogen
- end step urea cycle arginase
-pre ganglionic sensory neurotransmitter - acetylcoline/colinergics

-stretch reflex ---monossynaptic

---erector spinae Erector spinae is innerved by dorsal rami of spinal cord. Dorsal Branches of
the Spinal
Para follicular of thyroid cells produce what?

--Parafollicular cells of thyroid produce_-Calcitonin

-- Histoplasmosissoil
-- Q fever question not transmitted through insects

- Cystic Fibrosis
increase NaCL


--spasticity paralysis

--- A child with white specs on mucosa near upper molar (buccal mucosa) runny red nose, red
patches behind the ear, fever bla bla (scarlet fever or measles?) Measles
--- Which virus could cause fetal abnormalities if mother is infected with it during pregnancy?
Rubella or rubeolla? RUBELLA
- Which organic acid is NOT associated with dental plaque? (Acetic, prioponic, acetic, lactic and
oleic) I chose oleic
-Which neve runs with EJV? Auricular nerve
99% of cultivated bacteria in colon and feces are? bacteroids

pain lobeparietal

--- PPd test ___? PPD is positive in Bovis! It's not in positive lepromatous type of mycobacterium laprae

--- Patient alcoholic so which area of brain is affected (coordination is affected) because of the
alcohol? Temporal or limbic system? Or parietal or occipital?
The cerebellum is at the back of the brain, below the cerebrum. It's a lot smaller than the
cerebrum at only 1/8 of its size. But it's a very importantpart of the brain. It controls balance,
movement, and coordination(how your muscles work together).
--heart rate /pulse rate heart rate and pulse rate has 60-100 as normal range .the number is the same but
Heart rate is counted by number beats for contractions of the ventricles
Pulse rate is counted by number of beats as the arteries expand and contract after pumping out from ventricles

Venous pulse is a direct reflex of: Ventricular pulse pressure

Transformation gene transformation of bacteria from external environment

Natural uptake of DNA by bacteria

- Sperm is stored in the Epididymis

Sertolic cells are involved with the development of sperm and granulosa cells are involved with
the development of ovaries

- 5year bone is remoddled only

- Cryptococcus neoformans (a fungi) and Strept Pneumonae have what in common? Ans:
polysaccharide capsules
----- first area to calcify in ant teeth ----incisal edge calcify
-- Funny bone- ulnar nerve

Funny currents - these are found in cardiac region where the activity starts SAN, AV node and purkinjee fibers
Nodal cells ---express funny current--- inward depolarization current--- thats why called pacemakers


-azygo vein at 5t
- pierce thyrohyoid membrane? Int laryngeal nerve

1)during swallowing teeth position? intercuspation.

2)A patient with a peg tooth in maxillary arch which tooth is most likely ? lateral incisor
3)A patient missing a tooth in mandibular posteriors,which tooth is most likely? second premolar
5)volunntary movement in muscles which tract? corticospinal
6)In acute inflammation which cell is more seen? Neutrophils
7)TMJ disc which embryonic cartilage? second

8)mandible formation ? Intramembranous

9)which structure is present in fetus that the mother does not have? ductus arteriosum
10)post ganglionic sympathetic neurotransmitter for sweat glands? ACH/muscarinic
11)which organ is a sympathetic receptor? medulla of adrenal

12)boney sutures in newborn? hyaline cartilage

13)embryonic origin of inferior parathyroid? third arch

14)location of the thoracic duct relative to trachea,esophagus,kidney, posterior

15)cutting the hypophygeal stalk ,which hormone will still be secreted? ADH/oxytocin
BUT Remember

16)where is crista terminalis? right atrium

17)what type of cartilage is seen in TMJ? fibrocartilage

19)which immunoglobulin is found in body fluid? secretory igA

20)which virus doesnt have latent phase?rhino
21)which is not reabsorbed in jejunum? Bile
22)which ligament is attached to lingula? Sphenomandibular
23)where can we perform spinal tap? L3,L4,L5 (DECK)

24)innervation of the lung?

25)patient after thyroid surgery hypocalcemia why? damage to parathyroid

26)two terminal branch of external carotid? maxillary and superficial temporal
27)which cerebral lobe is located in middle cranial fossa? Temporal
28)drop in O2 pressure detected by? carotid body
BP is carotid sinus
29)stimulation od carotid sinus leads to ? drop of blood pressure

30)submandibular glad innervation ? facial

31)Umami taste which amino acid? Glutamine
32)blood in the nasal cavity of a dead body due to ? epistaxis
33)innervation of upper lip? buccal branch of facial
34)which muscle is attached to crooned process? Temporal
35)pernicious anemia? b12 defieciency

36)which type of anemia is most common ? iron deficiency

37)substrate for thrombin? Fibrinogen
38)the largest paranasal sinus? Maxillary
39)which one is autosomal dominant ? gardner
40)which one is not an organelle? lipid droplet
41)which interaction keeps the cell membrane intact? hydrophobic bonds

42)parasympathetic to which part of colon?

43)demilunes are seen in ? sub lingual /submandibular

44)a question about crypt of liberkhun found lamina propria small intest

45)which muscle depress hyoid? Infra hyoids

46)a diabetetic type1 patients decides to work out more and he was able to reduce the amount of
injected insulin,why? GLUT 4

47)which one is not in posterior wall of axilla ?

serratus anterior
48)which hormone is not glycoprotein?

49)what is the mandibular sling made of ? masseter and medial pterygoid

50)Troponin change the position of ? tropomyosin
51)which one erupts first?
a)6 b)4 c)15 d)27/ D is right 27
52)connective tissue that covers only one muscle fiber? endomysium

53)most abundant papilla of the tongue? filiform

54)which one is not derived from ectoderm?
a)dentin b) enamel c)alveolar bone d) cementum Enamel is the only ectoderm in the list .
55)Body of the hyoid bone is derived from which embryonic cartilage? Second
56)what is the nerve in pericardium? phrenic
57)what are fordyce granules? ectopic sebaceous glands in (oral area)
58)patient with myastemia Gravis disease most likely to have what kind of tumor? Thymoma
59)cause of diabetes mellitus?
degeneration of pancreas cell
60)cerebellum and pons are called? Rhombencephalon
61)dull pain in pulp? C fibers
62)deficient anterior pituitary causes : I chose hypogonadism

63)deeply stained granules in oral mucosa are : keratohyaline

64)in florists where else the excessive fluoride will be seen?bone
65)junctional epithelium is made of ? reduced enamel epithelium
66)1/3 apical in root that are few ,more than one and help communication between pdl and root pulp
accessory canals
67)ligament trees is remnant of ?umbelical vein.
68)hematoma after injection in first max molar area is due to insertion of needle in ? pterygoid
69)which one is not one of the oral normal flora?
70)access with filament and sulful granule : actinomyces A
71)the greatest amount of genetic info transferred by ? conjugation
72)nucleus shrinks and becomes basophilic? Pyknosis
73)immunity from mother to fetus ? passive natural
74)process of scar formation? third intention

75)dimorphism? ability of being yeast and mold

76)sweat test in CF ? NA and CL are increased

77)disorganized atypical cells not invasive? Displasia

78)erthroblastosis fettles is what type of hyper sensitivity? type 2
79)patient with elevated level of PSA and serum acid phosphate are in risk of ? prostatic
80)something about rosacea ? big red nose

81)guiding cusps? know that guiding cusp is a non functional cusp (balance cusp)and choose them
in your options. Remember BULL (buccal upper /lower lingual)
82)Liquefication necrosis ? in brain and spinal cord

83)something about pitting edema ?acute disease

84)initiation codon is translated to which amino acid ? Methionine
85)vital capacity? TV+IRV+ERV
86)non microbial part of dental plaque is mostly made of ?

87)difference between facilitated transport and active transport? Active uses of ATP

88)RBC put in a hypotonic solution leads to ? hemolysis

They could be talking about S Pyogenes

89)which one is not the function of liver?

secreting digestive enzyme
90)what is the ration of the blood circulating in capillaries and Aorta? The SAME

91)what is the second messenger for glycogen? cAMP

92)proximal view of mandibular first molar? Rhomboid
93)which enzyme converts glucose to glucose 6 phosphate? hexokinase
94)what is the pace setting enzym for glycolysis? phosphofrucokinase
95)Asthma medication? b2 blocker

96)major regulatory enzyme in cholesterol synthesis ? HMG coA reductase

97)urinary tract cancer? smoking cigarette

98)a patient with hypertension not willing to take his premedication ,insisting on having a dental
procedure ,what should u do? C
a)listen to the patient and start the procedure cos the autonomy right
b)call the physician and ask if taking the premedication serious !!!!!!
c)canceling the appointee ,prioritizing the overall health of the patient to his dental health ,I chose
this one
99)a pregnant patient you recommend having a cleaning because of what complication of
pregnancy?bleeding gums
100)6 weeks pregnant how long will u wait to do a procedure? 12 week
101)junction of proximal ridge and cusp ridge makes ? occlusal table of triangular fossa.(question
incomplete/not sure)
102)q about cervical cross section of mandibular lateral incisor
.(question incomplete/not sure

103)q about cervical cross section of maxillary central incisor

.(question incomplete/not sure)

104)first evidence of calcification of premolars? I choose 3 years.

105)height of contour of maxillary central incisor? cervical third

106)a patient 16 years old ,with second primary molar in place what is the reason? Ankyloses
107)mamelons in 17 year old result of? mal occlusion
108)tooth that most likely has two canals in medial root? first mandibular molar
109)innervation of up lip?

110)increased overbite can cause ?

a)posterior teeth with more cusp inclination
The Crowe sign or Crowe's sign is the presence of axillary (armpit) freckling in people with
neurofibromatosis type I (von Recklinghausen's diseas

111)Y occlusal surface is seen in ? mand . second premolar

112)location of CEJ ?
a)1-2 mm over the alveolar bone / above alveolar bone
113)TMJ clicking is a result of damage to which ligament? Collateral
114)which root in primary mandibular first molar has the root longer wider and flattened apex?
-Ligamentum venosum came from ductus venosus and ligamentum teres came from umbilical
- Positive th BCG in all except. M bovis
--What kind of disease is polymyalgia rheumatica

inflammatory disorder)
-Inactivate polio virus believed to be better than attenuated because: no chance of re-virulent
-. Which one is unique to bone?

Eluin +

-7 What are the joint cavities made of? Superior: glenoid fossa and disc, inferior: disc and condyle

--Distincisal angle of lower central occludes with. Lingual fossa
-Which of the following doesnt show latency: rhinovirus,
-Overcontouring canine incisolingual?
Overjet and overbite

regularly and brush border if arranged irregularly .

Striated if microvilli are arranged

--- There are two places in the hypothalamus, part of the brain, thatcontrols hunger and
eating. The Ventromedial Nuclei gives a signal when to stop eating, and the Lateral
hypothalamus gives a signal to start eating (e.g.,Coon 1995).

-- Def of intrinsic factor will lead --pernicious anemia

------.> As someone age angle classification goes from class 1 to 3

- fumarase links urea cycle to krebs TCA

--1 characteristics of hyaluronate except- compact folded structure
-- sucrose made of aldose eg glucose and ketose eg fructose
----.> most common disaccharide deficiency due to absence of brush border enzymes in the small
intestine? Lactase

---.> Lactase produce on small intestine

--BCC most common-- upper face

-- Legionella pneumophilia -- choices were cooling towers conditioning something..it's that am
--. Histoplasmosissoil
--Common between Cryptococcus neoformus and Hemophillus Influenza

-which are capsulated ?

1.strep pneumonia

-Superficial lateral cervical with EJV and deep lateral cervical withIJV

- Where is Auerbach's plexus found ?small intestine

- An excess of adrenal cortex hormones leads to what? Cushings (it means excess
excess cortisol)

Excess ACTH leads to weight gain and hyperglycemic!

-.What transfers bacteria in a single step? Transduction.
-What is the final electron acceptor? Oxygen (ETC).
Which amino acids are branched? Leucine, Isoleucine,Valine (LIV).
-To make purines and pyrimidines de novo what is needed? Inosine phosphate.

---What bacteria does not have capsules? Mycoplasm Tuberculosis

--Deficiency of ACTH causes what?
Addisons disease

---.Parts of the adrenal gland

:Zona Glomerulosamineralcorticoids like aldosterone,
ZonaFasciculataglucocorticoids like cortisol
, Zona Reticularisandrogens,
Adrenal Medullacatecholamines.

-What nerve block if you're only working on the mandibular incisors? Mental nerve.

-2.Right first, second, and third thoracic ribs drain into? Azygous v.

-10 year old TMJ has? Densefibrous CT.

-.What organ is closest to the right kidney?Colon***,

-What parasympathetic N. runs through the foramen lacerum? Greater Petrosal.

-- heart conduction pathway for the cardiac impulse has different transmission velocities. The
slowest rate of conduction is in

B AV node******
C Purkinje fibers( fastest)

-What causes rice water stools ?cholera

-Aquaporin : integral membrane proteins. The plumbing system for cells.
- What causes nongonnococcal urethritis? Chlamydia

Ethics Questions *****

The primary concern in planning a patient's treatment is
-The general comfort and overall health of the patient
-Establishment of good home care and dental home
-Arresting of all carious activity
-All answers are correct
-No answers are correct
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The ability of the patient to independently choose a treatment option (Including no treatment)
represents the ethical concept
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which of the following ethical principles requires clinicians to inform their patients about treatment
risks and benefits and to protect their confidentiality?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When a dentist thinks they know what is best for the patient and tries to control a patients behavior, it
is referred to as

A, 2 C, 3 A, 4 E

- What decrease plasma osmolarity .. adh

- How many gene combination to make variable heavy chain ?


- Cholesterol is mainly transformed to....a cholic acid,makes bile

- diference between osteon and hyaline?

the source which secrets it
Osteon by osteoblast
Hyline by chdro
---ppd test
A delayed reaction to a deactivated TB toxin is due to what kind of reaction? (basically
asking what kind of reaction the PPD test is) its a Type IV HS reaction and youll see t-cells
and stuff. Cant remember the answer but it was straight forward as long you dont let the
question throw you off---DELAYED HYPERSENSITIVITY=TYPE IV!!!

-penicillin allergy acute type 1

Chronic type 4
Patient with penicillin allergy ,show skin rashes after a few days ,whattype of hypersensivity ?

Type 1 IgG
Type 2 IgG ,IgM
Type 4 T cell mediated******

-patient with spinal resection or damage at t4 on a 2 hour dental appointment dentist fears of ,
muscle spasticity.
-due to stroke paralyzed muscles under the eye , all other muscle are functioning, the damage in
contralateral cortex.
--face is formed by
-1st branch and fronto nasal process
--Vestibulochoclear and facial nerve pass through Internal acoustic Meatus

--skeletal muscle
Cylindrical multinucleated

--. Which could cause sudden heart stroke and death? cardiac tamponade

-Superior orbital fissure is formed by which bones? Greater and lesser wings of sphenoid
-V3 passes through which foramen!? Ovaleeeeeeeeee
_->Sequence of respiratory ducts/sacs after respiratory bronchioles? Alv sacs then alveoli.. Trachea bronchi - bronchioles- alveolar ducts- alvealar sac --- alveoli

--Most common lung cancer occurs where? Bronchiolar epi or bronchial epi.?????
Bronchiallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll epi.
-- Size of mouth is determined by fusion of which processes? Max and mand
--N-glycosly.. In Rer
O glyco- gOlgi

Muscle of facial expression originated from .2nd brachial arch

--Chief cells of stomach produce-- pepsinogen (chief pepsinogen of the stomach!)
-- Which of the following is never found at outer surface of the enamel?
enamel tufts
-- Which is regulated by vagus nerve? Esophygeal sphincter,
--3ry structure of proteins cysteine
- Acute hemorrhage up HR. / down BP
-Epidural hematoma Middle Meningeal Artery
- Subdural hematoma -- bridging veins

- Vertebral artery passes through which foramen? Magnum

-mouth open 50mm /lateral 10mm

---.> ATP mostly used in proximal tubule
-. Foramen spinosum-- middle meningeal artery and vein..
- The questions about atmospheric pressure 250 mmhg and po2 is what? 50
-.Where is carbamoyl phosphate formed? Mitochondria (Ornithine converted by carbamoyl
phosphatase inside the mitochondria of the liver into... Citruline).
.What is an intermediate in the urea cycle and a precursor for ornithine? Arginine.
-Urea cycle gets its nitrogen directly from? Aspartic acid. One nitrogen comes from aspartate
trough transamination , other nitrogen come from group amina trough deamination

--The glenoid fossa is bounded anteriorly by.... and posteriorly by....

- articular eminence, tympanic part of the temporal bone

-albumin level in edema .albumin decreases

- The distribution of carbonate within dental enamel follows the same surface to dentino enamel
junction patterns as which of the following?
1. Lead
2. Calcium
3. Fluoride
4. Strontium
5. None of the above*******

-The articular eminence is extended ...... in front of the glenoid fossa:

A- mediolaterally

-Ascorbic acid is used for what? Hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen synthesis (Ascorbic
acid=Vit C).
-Most common amino acid in collagen? Glycine is 1/3 (then proline/hydroxyproline).
--.Ketogenic N-polar aliphatic(hydrophobic) AA's? Lysine/Leucine.
-.Collagen and elastin are cross-linked by? Lysine (by the action of lysyl oxidase) Copper is a
-What is the melting temperature for DNA? 94-98 C-G is a function of the base composition.
It's a function of the base composition depends on Cytosine and Guanine bonds.
It's increases when C n' G are more than or 98

--.Hexokinase and glucokinase,what are their functions? Know differences between the two:
Hexokinase: G-6-P is the most important product.
Glucokinase: has a much lower affinity for glucose than hexokinase, YET is the only one of the two
to work in the liver, esp aftermeals.Other tissues use hexokinase to do the same thing as
--Which part of the stomach release the substance that promotes absorption of B12? Fundic
portion (Parietalcells - intrinsic factor).
--.Superior cervical ganglion--->Thoraco-lumbar
, Parasympathetic --->Cranio-sacral.
--Which tonsil has respiratory epithelium? Pharyngeal tonsil.
***---Where the buccinators,platysma, stapedius and stylohyoid originate from? Branchial arch 2
(all muscles of facial expression).
-Which are the most similar inorganic material? Cementum and bone
-Ventral surface of tongue has what kind of epithelium? Non-keratinized, thin stratified squamous.
--.What is the tongue innervated by? Motor=CNXII, Sensation= CNV3, IX, X, Taste=CN VII, IX, X.

-- .Innervation of Triceps=Radial n.(extensor).

-The optimal muscle to close the mouth is? Masseter.
-.Posterior hard palate is innervated by? Greater palatine n.
-What part lateral pterygoid m. protrudes the mandible? Inferior.
-.The superior head of the lateral pterygoid... stabilizes the articular disk during clenching

---.F. with preganglionic parasympathetic fibers? F. ovale.

-.The motor innervation to the muscles of mastication exit which foramen? Foramen Ovale
(muscles of mastication=V3).

-.Which of the following leaves the thoracic cavity at T12? Descending abdominal aorta

-.What ligaments prevent excessive opening during yawning? Accessory ligaments

(stylomandibular &sphenomandibular).

--Where does the sphenomandibular ligament insert? Lingula.

-.Innervation to the esophagus?CN X.
-Inferior lateral pterygoid function? Protruding & Opening.
-Which muscles make the mandibular sling? Masseter and medial pterygoid (M&M)
--.Where is the radial nerve least protected? Mid-humeral shaft (most injuried spot).

-Shape of the max canine from contact to cervical line? Convex.

-Mamelons STILL PRESENT...cause? Anterior open bite.

-Case study. What would be the radiolucency above max 1M? Maxillary sinus.

-Occlusion of mandibular canine in maxillary intercuspation contacts what teeth? Max lateral and
--->What is the most anterior point in Posset's envelope of motion? Protrusion.
--The most inferior point in Posset's envelope of motion? Maximum opening.
--Primary teeth compared to permanent teeth are? Bulbous and constricted at cervix.
--Primary mand 1M has? 4 cusps,2 roots MB= largest; ML= sharpest; DB; DL= smallest.
-.In class II occlusion during a protrusive movement which tooth or teeth does the mand canine
occlude with? Max lateral and canine.
-Restore L cusp of mand 2M , which movement is most likely to cause interference? Mediotrusive
(Mesiotrusive-Non working, Laterotrusive- working).

--.Hypercalcification=peritubular dentin(hardest).

-Looking at a radiograph, whatis the radiolucency between the maxillary centrals? Intermaxillary
--Which teeth have root concavities at the CEJ, making root planning difficult? Max 1M(Max 1PM
wasn't a choice).
--Primary maxillary 2M resembles which permanent tooth? Permanent maxillary 1M.
--An increase in CO2 can cause what? Decrease in PO2.
--.Metabolic acidosis is seen with a rise in what other ion? K+/hyperkalemia
-.How to measure basal metabolic requirements? Respiratory quotient.
----.>Metabolic acidosis is seen with a rise in what other ion? K+/hyperkalemia

----.>Uncompensated metabolic acidosis? Increased H+, decreased HCO3---What can affect renal GFR? Histamine (increases GFR) or Adenosine (decreases GFR).

-477.Myasthenia gravis? Thymona (cancer of thymus), MG blocks = post membrane receptors,

Inhibits ACh receptors at the post synaptic membrane hence the "muscle weakness".

--.What type of cancer can metastasize to bone? prostate (prostate= most often).
--Which cancer is the least likely to metastasize? Papillary thyroid carcinoma.

-Envelope of motion? Limits the movement of the mandible by anatomic position.

---How many roots and canals in maxillary 1PM? 2 roots, 2 canals.

-.How many roots and cusps in a PRIMARY mand 1M? 2 roots,4 cusps .
-Tooth with the mesial crown cavity? Mand 1PM.

-Which of the following muscles is NOT an infrahyoid muscle? Geniohyoid is suprahyoid

--Midbrain= mesencephalon(mm)
-Pain is perceived by?Hydrodynamic effects.

-Where does a red infarct occur? Lungs ,liver (or other "loose organs").
-.Mass movement in the colon is caused by food entering? A.Stomach
-Esophageal varices most likely to cause? Hematemesis (blood in vomit), associated with cirroses.

-.Patient has fever, weakness ,weight loss, something with gums, and high levels of WBCs
especial lymphocytes? CLL Chronic lymphoid leukemia.
--.Which is most likely to lead to GI cancer? Villous adenoma.
--.Drinking a lot of water will? Decrease levels of ADH.

-.If there is pus which cell do you see? Neutrophils. If there is an abscess you will see=
-What's common between parkinson's and alzheimers? Loss of cognitive function(dementia too).
----.> In a salivary gland, what ejects IgA? Serous demilunes

-.What happens if the right vagus is damaged? Increased HR. Vagus

---.>.Squamous metaplasia commonly found? Esophagus

-----.>Hepatocites and central acinar cells originates from? Endoderm.

----.>Embrionary origin of dental sac
-.Purpose of a low carbohydrate diet? To keep insulin low.

--hCG is increased in pregnancy to? Maintain the corpus luteum.

-Decreased estrogen may lead to? Osteoporosis.
-A women had a hysterectomy is more likely to have? Vertebral fracture.
-Macrostomia= failed fusion of max/mand prominence.
-.Sternohyoid and sterno thyroid innervated by what? Ansa Cervicalis(=SOS, omohyoid too).
-What gland does not contain intercalated ducts? Sublingual (Striated ducts= salivary glands,
Intercalated ducts have simple cuboidal epithelium,
Submandibular and parotid have both striated and intercalated,
The pancreas only has intercalated ducts).

-.Large intestine: lacks vili.

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