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Concepto Cultura Fsica

Se denomina cultura fsica a

las maneras y hbitos de
cuidado corporal, mediante la
realizacin de actividades
como deportes o ejercicios
recreativos, que no slo
buscan la salud del cuerpo,
otorgndole actividad que lo
aleja del sedentarismo y sus
consecuencias, si no tambin
persigue la bsqueda de
plenitud y bienestar integral
del ser humano, del binomio
individuo puede dedicar a la cultura fsica una porcin determinada de tiempo, en
relacin a sus posibilidades, aunque muchos hacen de esto una forma de vida, como los
Juegos: Estos juegos pueden ser desarrollados en cada
uno de los deportes individuales y colectivos. Entre
estos juegos tenemos los tradicionales, los pre
deportivos, los intelectuales y los sociales.
Cultural y Social: Se
encargan de la elaboracin de objetivos creativos,
representaciones y organizacin de equipos a travs de
los clubes deportivos y recreativos. Estos tienen el fin
de organizar, planificar y dirigir la ejecucin de una
actividad deportiva o recreativa determinada de
acuerdo a sus fines y objetivos. Ejemplo de estos
clubes son: Los de excursionismo y montaismo.
Vida al aire libre: Son aquellas actividades que se desarrollan en un medio natural,
permitiendo la integracin del individuo con la naturaleza, preservando los recursos
naturales y haciendo buen uso del tiempo libre.
Actividades aerbicas:


Caminar a buen ritmo.





Esqu de fondo.

Correr a ritmo moderado.


Actividades anaerbicas:

Levantamiento de pesas.


Gimnasia artstica.

Carreras cortas a gran


Ftbol (se considera un

deporte aerbicoanaerbico).


The earthquake, which has so far registered more than 300 replicates, according to the
Ecuadorian Geophysical Institute, was noticeable in practically the whole country. In
Quito, almost 200 kilometers from the epicenter, a strong shock was felt that led the
population to take to the streets for fear of possible landslides. However, no major
damage was reported in the capital. In Guayaquil, the most populous city in the country,
a bridge collapsed killing one person. The second death toll in this city, located on the
south coast, died after the roof of a commercial center collapsed.
"80% of the houses are destroyed The dead are in the park We have pictures of children
with epilepsy who need urgent medication"
But the greatest damage occurred in the coastal province of Manab. In the tourist resort
of Canoa, frequently visited by surf aficionados and young backpackers, the devastation
was total. "We have pictures of children with epilepsy who need urgent medication,"
Karla Morales, director of the NGO Kahre, told the phone. "80% of the houses are
destroyed. "Many people are sleeping in the streets and other people, for fear of tsunami
alerts or aftershocks, have taken refuge in the mountains, on ranches or improvised in
the countryside," he says.
A few hours after the earthquake, authorities
announced that there was no risk of a tsunami. The
president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, decreed a
state of emergency in the country, before returning
from Rome, where he was visiting the Pope. "It
will take months, years and probably billions of
dollars" to recover from the earthquake, Correa
said from Pedernales, where up to now 76 bodies
have been recovered. "We have had a very strong
impact, it is the greatest tragedy of the last 67
years," he added.

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