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Maori Haka Dance

Educator: Midori Darr
Target Age group/level: Middle School
Length of lesson: 45 minutes
Focus of lesson: The focus of the lesson is to work on:

Learning a traditional Maori Haka Dance.

Enhance the students memorization and rhythmic skills.
National/State Curriculum Standards:
Standard 4: The student will demonstrate and apply critical, creative, and analytic thinking in
response to dance.
Standard 5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of dance in various cultures and
historical periods.
Standard 7: The student will make connections between dance and other arts disciplines, other
content areas, and the world.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:

Perform movement from memory with 85% accuracy.

Work on memorization skills.
Incorporate traditional movements into the Haka Dance.

Assessment of Each Objective

Teacher Observation
Instructional Strategies
Essential Vocabulary:
Traditional movements- Slapping the hands against the thighs and chest; stamping the feet;
enlarging the eyes; aggressive moves against opponents.
Instructional Procedures
1. Teach the words first. The words go with the movements.
First give them these directions. Hopae- put hands on hips; Kia mau- (make a face)
stick out and wiggle tongue, show whites of eyes and make a scary face.
Words to Ka Mate:

Kaea (leader):
Hopae! Kia mau!
Ropu (Group):
Ka mate, Ka mate, Ka ora, Ka ora (It is death, it is death, it is life, it is life )
Ka mate, Ka mate, Ka ora, Ka ora (It is death, it is death, it is life, it is life )
Tenei te tangata puhuru, (This is the fierce, powerful man)
Nana i tiki mai whakawhiti te ra. (Who caused the sun to shine again for me)
A Upane, kaupane, (Up the ladder, up the ladder)
Upane, kaupane whiti te ra! (Up to the top the sun shines)
2. Show movements.
Starting position hands on hips- males hands in fist on hips; females-palms on hips. In a
pli position. Must keep this low position entire time.
Slap inner thighs 2x with both hands. pat chest with both hands, and bring them above
head as you shake your hands.
Say with words: Ka mate, Ka mate, Ka ora, Ka ora
Lift up left hand into a fist, then same with the right hand. Say with words: Tenei te
tangata. Shake left hand under right fist 7x. Say with words: puhuru, Nana i tiki mai
whakawhiti te ra.
Slap left elbow with right hand 2x (Say: Upane), repeat with left hand (Say: kaupane)
*say the first two movement words slow*. Then each side once. Say with words: Upane,
kaupane. Make a X crossing both forearms in front of chest and bring both arms above
head as the hands shake. Say with words:
whiti te ra.
*Repeat entire dance.
Last time performing it, end with warrior face- tongue out, big eyes, and strong arms.
If a student a student is unable to stand, they can do the arm movements sitting, the facial
expressions, and say the words.
Connection To Previous Learning
Extension/Enrichment Strategies

Use the traditional movements and come up with a short Maori Haka dance in groups.
Tutorial video- https://youtu.be/mTFRN-Bf8o0
Information/hisotry on Maori Haka dance -http://www.newzealand.com/us/feature/haka/
Exploring Dance Forms and Styles- A Guide to Concert, World, Social, and Historical Dance
P.189 Maori Haka Dance

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