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Name: Lily Appleton


Grade Level: 11-12

Content Area: Mathematics, History of Mathematics

Technology Used (check all that apply):





Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

MHN1. Students will explore and use historical computational methods. A) Use Babylonian, Roman, Egyptian (Hieratic
and Hieroglyphic), Chinese, and Greek Number Systems to represent quantities.

Brief Description of Learning Experience:

Students will be given three weeks to work on a movie project of one of the number systems listed in the standards. They
will incorporate the years the people lived, famous people from that era, where they lived, key for symbols, sample math
problems, etc. Each video will be between two and three minutes long and be shown to the following years class as part
of a flipped classroom lesson. Students will be given feedback from both the teacher and their peers about the product.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking:
This activity will reach LoTi level 4 (Integration) because students are given the choice of which number system they
would like to create their video for. They will explore and learn about the technology they use to create their video, but
the result will still be predictable as there will be guidelines for the material they need to include.
Importance of technology: Multimedia authoring tools are critical to the project because students are to teach the class
about the number system they have chosen and may include pictures or them teaching how to complete math problems
using that number system. Without using it, the ability to reteach and slow down the process for learners would be lost.
Students can use audio in this project such as music behind pictures or their voice to narrate how to do a math problem.
Inspiration (optional): Not Applicable

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Briefly discuss some possible issues surrounding internet safety and student
privacy that could arise while implementing this learning experience and explain how youd minimize risks to
students/yourself, alleviate any fears by parents/administrators, and follow school districts Internet Safety/Use Policy.
While implementing this activity, parents may have concerns about internet safety and the students privacy. Therefore, I
will make sure that all students have signed off on the districts Internet Safety/ Use Policy. If a student has not, I will
provide library time where students can read books to obtain the same information. I also would eliminate risks by giving
students safe sites to look up images or videos. Lastly, I would give students a lesson on what materials they can and
cannot use based on Creative Commons.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

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