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Camryn Odom

English 101 - Section 09

Professor Kays
8 December 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Book Citation:
Lutz, Peter L., John A. Musick, and Jeanette Wyneken. The Biology of Sea Turtles. Vol. 2. Boca
Raton, Fla: CRC, 1996. Print.
Book Annotation:
In the text authors Peter Lutz, John Musick, and Jeanette Wyneken puts an emphasis on
the major biological advances of the seven sea turtle species that are still around today. The
three authors shed light on certain topics including human interaction with sea turtles, sea
turtles complex anatomy, sensory and reproductive system, sea turtle habitat use and ecology,
and the maintenance of captured animals. Lastly, the authors explores common sea turtle
conservation efforts, as well as new techniques that they believe will aid in saving the dwindling
species. This source was particular useful in my research of my topic on conservation of sea
turtles because several of the chapters covered techniques that are being implemented today to
save the species as well as new techniques they are introducing to try and help conservation
efforts. The only critique I had regarding the source was that the scientific language used
throughout the text was sometimes hard to follow, but other than that the text was very useful.
Scholarly Journal Citation:
DONLAN, C. J., WINGFIELD, D. K., CROWDER, L. B. and WILCOX, C. (2010), Using Expert
Opinion Surveys to Rank Threats to Endangered Species: A Case Study with Sea
Turtles. Conservation Biology, 24. Vol. 24. WOL, 2010. Web.
Scholars Journal Annotation:
In this article C.j Donlan, Dana Wingfield, Larry Crowder, and Chirs Wilcox investigate
what the major threats against sea turtles are. The authors also rank how affective each threat
is based on how many sea turtle casualties they claim each year. From their research they

conclude that one of the largest threats is fisheries by catch and coastal development. This
source was very helpful in my research that focused on the many threats sea turtles face
throughout their life. One critique I had about the article was how many different approaches the
authors included in ranking the different threats because it came back with different results
making it a little confusing to follow.
Popular Media Article Citation:
Rockefeller, Susan Cohn. "Thousands of Gulf Sea Turtles Killed by Shrimp Trawls." The
Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 22 Aug. 2011. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.
Popular Media Article Annotation:
In this Huffington Post article, author Susan Rockefeller discusses how thousands of sea
turtles are killed by shrimp nets. She specifically looks at how sea turtles in the Gulf Coast are
affected by this fishing technique. Rockefeller emphasizes that the number of sea turtles found
dead or injured due to shrimp trawls have been dramatically increasing over the years even
though special nets have been invented to ensure sea turtles can disentangle themselves from
the nets before drowning. She says that the problem is so prominent that these nets are more
threatening to sea turtles way of life than the recent oil spill was. This article was specifically
helpful to me in my research that was focusing on the human-caused threats to sea turtles. The
only critique that I have about this article was that the author only focused on one area of the
world that turtles are affected by shrimp nets, as do majority of the articles on this subject.

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