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Saif Khan


Barrick, Murray R., and Michael K. Mount. "Yes, Personality Matters: Moving on to More
Important Matters." Human Performance 18.4 (2005): 359-72. Web. 7 Oct. 2016

This source is written by Murray R. Barrick, a professor from the Tippie College of
Business, and Michael K. Mount, a professor from the University of Iowa, both who use
a construct oriented approach and analyze meta-analyses in order to conclude that
personality predicts job performance.

My mentor sent this source to me.

The intended audience of this source are people who conduct and interviews and the
managers who hire people to conduct interviews.

The main conclusion that is drawn from this article is that personality is a good indicator
of work performance. The primary argument this article discusses is a fairly simple one
which explains that managers care about personality. If a person is lazy, they will not hire
them. On the flip side, if a prospective employee is dedicated and goal oriented, he or
she is more likely to be hired. Additionally, there are three main predictors of positive
performance within the work place including, extraversion, agreeableness, and
openness. Extraversion is a good indicator of individual who would work best in a social
occupation where communication plays a significant role. Openness relates to creativity
and agreeableness is a good indicator of an individuals ability to work with others.\


When the purpose is to enhance understanding of which personality constructs

predict which components of performance, it is appropriate to examine the

validity of each personality trait individually. However, when the purpose is to

maximize prediction, the appropriate approach is to consider the validity of all

relevant personality traits when used together

Clearly, the use of cognitive ability tests will result in significant ma- jority
minority differences, which, as Murphy and Dzieweczynski (this issue) note, has
resulted in a number of employment discrimination lawsuits. Consequently, for
social and legal reasons, personality variables should be included in personnel

selection batteries.
Final reason we should care about personality is that researchers have found
personality to be meaningfully related to many work-related behaviors and
outcomes that managers care about, and that matter to organizations. These
include less counterproductive behavior, turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, and
more citizenship behaviors, success in groups, job satisfaction, safety, leadership effectiveness, and task performance. They also influence the fit with other

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