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This will be the format you will use when creating your Game.

Please number each component of the

lesson plan and identify the state and grade level content standards in section # 2. You can remove this
paragraph as you draft your lesson plan. Likewise, you can remove the prompts from each of the
numbered sections as you fill in the information pertaining to your lesson.
Name and course number: Carol Ann Horton, EDU 215
Licensure area and date: Early Childhood Education 9-26-16
1. Objective: The students will be able to recognize that some words have multiple meanings.
Second, the students will be able to identify whether the word is in past, present or future tense.
Last they will practice how to socialize with other peers and use respect for others and the rules.
2. Content Standard (s) Common Core if applicable: Ohio, 1st grade, Language Arts. I expect
students to have a basic understanding of multiple word meanings, tenses, while being creative
and playful.
3. Motivation: Children will need to know how to follow and obey rules in a game. They will have to
sit quietly until it is their turn. In first grade Ohio standards, the students will be learning about past,
present and future tenses, which is required knowledge to play the game. The second is recognizing
multiple meanings to a word and what they are. In literature, it is required for the students to start
recognizing words that have multiple meanings. The last proponent of the game is being creative. The
cards require them to act out certain scenes or get up and do certain activities, movement and sounds.
The scenario card might help ease any concerns of trying to get the answers right on the other cards.
The words with multiple meanings should be a subject they are already familiar with, which will help
boost some confidence. The main type of play is under Piagets cognitive play, which is games with
rules. It is a board game with predetermined rules with a large group of people. It requires the
students to take turns and use advance social and language skills with other students. They have to
answer a question in front of the class but they have the ability to use a help line once with another
student. The students will also use social play. They are moving out of solitary play and into
cooperative play. I am specifically using a board game because children in first grade tend to enjoy

board games, group games, mutual enjoyment and respect, and practice social and intellectual skills.
The last characteristic that is important is physical activity. It is important for physical fitness and it
can improve cognitive performance.
4. Instructional materials: The board game (poster board), three sets of cards, dice, and the player
pieces. I will prepare the cards according to what they have been recently learning in the
classrooms and information they are already familiar with.
5. Procedures: I will review the materials and give examples of how to answer the cards. After the
review I will give a step by step sequence on the rules of the game and how to act and respect
others during the game.
The rules:
Students choose a sea animal as their player piece
The first player rolls the die and moves his/her piece forward according to the number rolled
There are three shapes you can land, a hexagon, a triangle and a intricate green shape
Whatever shape you land on you pick up the corresponding card
The card will ask you one different questions according to its color, the pink card will ask you
whether the word is past, present or future tense, the orange card will ask what is another
meaning of the word on the card and the green card is a wild card, it will ask you to act out
certain scenes or make specific movements and sounds.
As the players go around the board one player will be the shark
If the shark lands on another player they also become a shark
Whoever gets to the end of the game without becoming a shark wins
Classroom Discussion: The class will be playing as a group and I will be involved in the game as
6. Academic vocabulary: I will emphasis the vocabulary to be used while explaining the game and
be an example of how to talk.
7. Assessment and Evaluation: I will assess the students knowledge during the game and go over
the material and any lingering questions the students have. I want the students to become familiar
with past, present and future tense and expand there knowledge on multiple meaning words.

Value Added:
1. http://www.yourneighborhoodtoystore.org/play-together.asp?i=89
2. The first way to include a diverse learner is through scripted play. There are set rules and you
have to act things out according the the cards directions. This can help guid children who tend
to be more solitary in their play. The second way is for ELL learners. You follow the board
game by color and numbers. Some of the game you jump, run and twirl instead of using
language which might encxxourage them to be more engaged. This game can also help
improve their vocabulary. They can listen to the other children answers and perspectives
instead of it just being a lecture. The third way to include diverse learners is for children with
hearing loss. The game can be played by observing the board game and dice. The game is
color coded and the cards have writing on them. The teacher can have a small white board
and write the answer of the card after each turn.

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