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Abagail Wagner

EDU 460-01
Resource Guide
December 6, 2016
Grade Level resource guide
Childrens literature at various reading levels that fit the GLCEs for the grade level
or course.
1. One Plastic Bag
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/One-Plastic-Bag-RecyclingMillbrook/dp/1467716081/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481058598&sr=81&keywords=one+plastic+bag
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 480, Grade 2
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
2 G5.0.1 Suggest ways people can responsibly interact with the
environment in the local community.
2 G5.0.2 Describe positive and negative consequences of changing the
physical environment of the local community.
2. Map Keys
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Map-Keys-Rookie-Read-AboutGeography/dp/0531292894/ref=pd_sim_14_4?
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 350, Kindergarten-Grade 3
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
K G1.0.1 Recognize that maps and globes represent places
1 G1.0.1 Construct simple maps of the classroom to demonstrate aerial
1 G1.0.3 Distinguish between landmasses (continents) and bodies of
water (oceans) using maps and globes
2 G1.0.1 Construct maps of the local community that contain symbols,
labels, and legends denoting human and natural characteristics of place.
2 G1.0.2 Use maps to describe the spatial organization of the local
community by applying the concepts including relative location, and using
distance, direction, symbols, and the key or legend.
3 G1.0.1 Use cardinal directions (north, south east west) scale, and key or
legend to describe the relative location and characteristics of major places
in the immediate environment.
3 G1.0.2 Use thematic maps to identify and describe the physical and
human characteristics of Michigan.
3 G1.0.3 Use maps and cardinal directions to describe Michigans
location in the United States and in North America.

3. Me on the Map
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Map-Dragonfly-Books-JoanSweeney/dp/0517885573/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_img_2?
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 0280, Preschool-Grade 2
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
K G1.0.1 Recognize that maps and globes represent places
1 G1.0.1 Construct simple maps of the classroom to demonstrate aerial
1 G1.0.3 Distinguish between landmasses (continents) and bodies of
water (oceans) using maps and globes
2 G1.0.1 Construct maps of the local community that contain symbols,
labels, and legends denoting human and natural characteristics of place.
2 G1.0.2 Use maps to describe the spatial organization of the local
community by applying the concepts including relative location, and using
distance, direction, symbols, and the key or legend.
4. Four Feet, Two Sandals
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Feet-Sandals-KarenWilliams/dp/0802852963/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481059770&sr=81&keywords=four+feet+two+sandals
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 620L, Grade1-Grade 5
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
C5.0.2 Describe situations in which people act as good citizens and
explain how those actions demonstrate core democratic values.
5. The Name Jar
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Name-Jar-YangsookChoi/dp/0440417996/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_cp_2?
Lexile Measure or Age Range: Preschool-Grade 2
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
G4.0.1 Use components of culture (e.g., foods, language, religion,
traditions) to describe diversity in family life.
6. My Name is Yoon
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/My-Name-Yoon-HelenRecorvits/dp/1250057116/ref=pd_sim_14_3?
Lexile Measure or Age Range: Preschool-Grade 3
GLCE(s) that link to the book:

G4.0.1 Use components of culture (e.g., foods, language, religion,

traditions) to describe diversity in family life.
7. House Mouse, Senate Mouse
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/House-Mouse-Senate-PeterBarnes/dp/1596987901/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481062783&sr=81&keywords=house+mouse+senate+mouse
Lexile Measure or Age Range: Kindergarten and up
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
2 C1.0.2 Distinguish between government action and private action.
4 C1.0.1 Identify questions that political scientists ask (e.g., What does
government do? What are the basic values and principles of American
democracy? What are the roles of the citizen in American democracy?)

Non Fiction books at various reading levels that fit the GLCEs for the grade level
or course.
1. You Wouldnt Want to Sail with Christopher Columbus!: Uncharted Waters Youd
Rather not Cross
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Wouldnt-Want-Sail-ChristopherColumbus/dp/B01K3KZ17S/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1481061629&sr=85&keywords=you+wouldnt+want+to+sail+with+christopher+columbus
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 850L, Grade 3-Grade 5
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
1 H2.0.6 Identify the events or people celebrated during United States
national holidays and why we celebrate them (e.g., Independence Day,
Constitution Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Presidents Day).
2. The Kid Who Invented the Popsicle
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Kid-Who-Invented-PopsicleSurprising/dp/0141302046/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1481062062&sr=84&keywords=nonfiction+books+for+ages+9+12
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 1080L, Grade 3-Grade 7
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
4 E1.0.1 Identify questions economists ask in examining the United
States (e.g., What is produced? How is it produced? Who gets what is
3. Martins Big Words: The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Martins-Big-Words-MartinLuther/dp/1423106350/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481061789&sr=81&keywords=martin+luther+king+kids+books
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 410, 5-8 years old
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
1 H2.0.6 Identify the events or people celebrated during United States
national holidays and why we celebrate them (e.g., Independence Day,
Constitution Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Presidents Day).

4. Vote
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Vote-EileenChristelow/dp/0547059736/ref=sr_1_1?
Lexile Measure or Age Range: Kindergarten-Grade 4
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
5.3.2 Identify and explain political rights (e.g., freedom of speech, press,
assembly, and petition; and the right to vote and run for public office).
5. We Elect A President
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/We-Elect-President-ElectoralCollege/dp/0977072231/ref=sr_1_3?
Lexile Measure or Age Range: Grade 3-Grade 7
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
5.3.2 Identify and explain political rights (e.g., freedom of speech, press,
assembly, and petition; and the right to vote and run for public office).
6. A More Perfect Union
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/More-Perfect-Union-StoryConstitution/dp/0688101925/ref=sr_1_2?
Lexile Measure or Age Range: 850L, Grade 2-Grade 7
GLCE(s) that link to the book:
1 H2.0.6 Identify the events or people celebrated during United States
national holidays and why we celebrate them (e.g., Independence Day,
Constitution Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Presidents Day).
Links to websites that have more resources that fit the GLCEs for the grade level or
1. http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/home?subacct=O6106
Overall Description & Summary: This site gives many different
activities for students dealing with history and geography of all
different countries.
Pros and Cons: Pros would be that it would keep students occupied and give
them many options to choose from in that it has picture galleries with different historical
topics, which are actually very engaging, and it has games, etc. I like the categories too
for students to be able to sort by their interests as well as by countries, etc. There are
sports and animals, etc. Cons would be that it is less focused potentially if the teacher
wants to concentrate on specific content.
3-5 Useful Ideas for Classroom Use:
I would reference this site with the whole class in looking at pictures it
contains or playing a game with the whole class.
I would have students do certain tasks on this site at stations.

I would have students maybe research something on this site for

homework or come back with three facts on a certain topic or that are
random, just as a way to keep them thinking about and interested without
feeling like their work is drudgery.

2. http://archive.school.eb.com/learningzone/welcome
Overall Description & Summary: This site shows a map and lets you click on a
place on the map to watch a short clip about the wildlife and other unique features of that
Pros and Cons: Pros would be that it is fun to click on different places and see
the different animals. Cons would be that it is not all that interactive and could get boring
to just keep watching videos. It depends on the students as to whether or not it would be
considered totally engaging.
3-5 Useful Ideas for Classroom Use:
I could use this in teaching students that different places have different
weather and wildlife and other aspects. I could show a couple to the whole
group, letting them choose where to look at.
I could use this in a station, letting students explore the aspects of different
countries and record or draw some of them and writing where they are
I could have students guess what they will see in different places and then
show then let them watch the video from a certain place, etc. We could do
one or two a day.
3. https://www.cia.gov/kids-page/games/world-exploration
Overall Description & Summary: This site follows a detective looking for
someone and chasing him around the world. She keeps going by having students answer
geography questions.
Pros and Cons: Pros for me would be that if students get the questions wrong
they get to try againthey are true or false answersso they get it right and still get
complimented, which will give them positive associations with the content more likely
than just getting it wrong would. It helps them see the right answer last. I like that they go
by one country at a time sometimes or regions other times, etc. It is broad knowledge, but
important. Also, the questions are read aloud for those who need this help. Cons would be
that students might get tired of playing if they only get to answer questions. Also, they
might be discouraged by the breadth of the knowledge covered if not prepared for it
ahead of time.
3-5 Useful Ideas for Classroom Use:
We could play this as a whole class, voting for true or false answers in
order to formatively test our geography skills or practice them.
This could also be part of a station in which students get a set amount of
time to play, which would also keep the pacing more appropriate. They
could see how many questions they could answer right in the time and
track their progress as they keep playing later on.
It could be an option for early finishers on geography quizzes or other
such work, which gives purposeful incentive.

Links to lessons, activities, blogs or units that fit the GLCEs for the grade level or
course. (If its a lesson be sure that it scores well on our lesson rubric).
1. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/carmen-sandiego-returns/id1038376578
(This is a game for kids to play to sharpen their geography skills as they fly around
the world trying to catch criminals. I have not seen this version. The older versions
used to be best when played with an atlas. I would check this out.)
Pros and Cons: Pros would be that the students have to figure out based on clues
where they think the criminals have gone too, which requires them to look at maps and
learn about different places. The cons would be that it takes a great deal of time, and the
old versions that I know for sure are good are hard to access because they are so old.
They are from my middle school days.)
2. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/oregon-trail-american-settler/id460062770?mt=8
(This is a game with again an old version that allowed students to hunt buffalo, fill
their wagons with all the supplies they needed, etc., and try to survive the Oregon
Trail. This new version may be different, but I would like to check it out.)
Pros and Cons: Pros would be that it is very interactive and engaging and
promotes deeper thinking about how navigating that lifestyle would have been. It could
foster cooperation for sure. Cons would be that again the new version may be different
and the old version hard to access with newer technology. Also, it again takes time.)
3. http://www.stepinto2ndgrade.com/search/label/christmas?updated-max=2011-1217T09:44:00-08:00&max-results=20&start=17&by-date=false
(This teacher blog had a worksheet that I liked and would use for an activity to get
students thinking about needs and wants, because it involves them thinking through
the things they have, need, and want and making a list.)

Pros and Cons: Pros would include the fact that students are thinking about
themselves personally and how the concepts of needs and wants applies to them. Cons
would be the writing involved in this; I might let them draw the items instead though.

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